Hi, so, it's been longer than two weeks. I know🧍‍♀️ I've been so busy lately—and not just with school. Life in general was terrible these past few weeks. My mental health sunk a while after my post.
And right now I'm still in a bit of a mess that I can't write anything. A typhoon happened yesterday, then it flooded. Water was above head level and someone in our area died because of it. My sister also came down with high fever and I need to take care of her.
So sorry again for delaying, but I'm not sure when exactly I'll be back.
Take care everyone, stay safe🙏
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Sorry everyone, I might get the next chapter out in two more weeks. My sister and I ran out of money for this week's food, so I'll be away working.
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If I don't come back around said time I'm probably resting, or busy at school.
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Character/s: Valeria Garza, (Fem!Reader)
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You and Valeria were childhood friends, always close despite her rare visits home from the army. Over time, she grew distant and eventually vanished without a trace.
Years later, during a bar shooting on your date, you unexpectedly find her again, rekindling old memories—old emotions. But does your heart burn as much as hers does when her eyes find yours in the chaos?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (COMING SOON)
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Years after Valeria—a childhood friend of yours—disappeared, a shooting on your date reveals a familiar face in the chaos. Old wounds reopen as she reappears, sparking a new chance to reconnect.
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── ౨ৎ ‧˚ ft. valeria garza/fem!reader
You move to Las Almas, and Valeria makes a friend.
Alternative summary: Valeria watches her future wife move into the yellow house next door.
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series, wlw/glg, googled mexican spanish, filipino!reader, poc!reader, no use of y/n, 2nd pov, childhood friends, next-door neighbours, fluff, eventual angst, VERY SLOW UPDATES, happy ending
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You were sitting atop one of your parents' suitcases, watching them unload the trunk of the old taxi. The summer sun of 1992 beat down on the yellow house you and your family had just moved into in Las Almas. Everything felt unfamiliar, and you were both excited and anxious about what was to come from this.
As you looked around, a clacking sound caught your attention. You saw a small, colorful toy roll and bump against your suitcase. Curious, you lifted your leg to inspect it. It looked somewhat like a toy you had brought from home, though it was less vibrant than this one as yours was painted plain red.
Just then, a girl from the house next door appeared. She had dark hair tied back in a simple braid and a curious look on her face. She crouched down and picked up the toy, then looked at you with wide eyes.
She looks pretty.
“That's my toy!” You yelped, feeling your cheeks tingle at the sudden outburst.
The girl looked at you confused. She muttered something in Spanish that you didn’t quite understand and held the toy up, examining it closely. Noticing your puzzled expression, she said slowly, “Me llamo Valeria.”
You blinked. Realizing a few seconds later that she'd told you her name, you introduced yourself in return, giving her a friendly smile as you did.
Valeria’s face softened, and she looked around, clearly sensing that you were new in Las Almas and struggling with the language barrier—anotber sign that you weren't from anywhere around Mexico either. “¿Quieres jugar con esto?” she asked as she held up the toy.
You looked back at her, still unsure about what she was saying. “Sorry, I don’t understand,” you said, feeling a bit awkward.
Valeria’s expression softened, and she gave you a sympathetic smile. “Ay, disculpa, do you want to play with this?” she said, this time in english, holding the toy up again and offering it to you.
You pointed at your parents, who were still busy unloading their luggage, and looked back at Valeria. "I want to, but I need to help my parents," you reply dejectedly.
She glanced over to where you were pointing and nodded in understanding. Valeria gave you a smile, then ran back toward her house. You watched as she disappeared behind the door, her small figure fading into the distance.
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Later that afternoon, as you and your parents finished unpacking and started to settle into your new home, you noticed a group of strangers—Valeria's visiting relatives—talking to your parents. Valeria's grandmother, who had been living with her since her parents passed away, was offering help and support—assuring them she’d be happy to assist with anything they needed and warmly welcoming them to the neighborhood.
You spotted Valeria across the street, playing with the toy from earlier. Unable to resist, you called out to her. As she looked up and saw you, your grin widened at the sight of her beaming face.
“¡Hola!” Valeria called out with excitement. “Do you remember me?”
You giggled and nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. “Of course! I remember you.”
Just then, Valeria’s grandmother approached with a warm smile, your parents following closely behind her.
You cringe for letting the word slip so your mother intervenes, "it's just something we say back home. We put it at the end of some sentences or in the middle of them to show respect to people in authority."
“This is mi abuelita—my grandmother,” Valeria said proudly, introducing the older woman. "Hello po," you wave shyly as you greet her.
"Po? What's that?" Valeria asked, looking at you with a puzzled expression as she repeated the word.
A laugh echoed above you both, causing you to look up. "It's something we say back home to show respect," your mother explained. "We also do 'pagmamano,' or 'bless' in English, but it's not a common custom here."
Valeria looked at you, still puzzled. "Then where are you from?"
Her grandmother answered, "They come from the U.S., but the Philippines is their homeland."
"Well, you're here in Las Almas. Welcome!" Taking your hands in hers, Valeria placed the same colorful toy she'd been playing with into your palms and repeated the question from this morning, "do you want to play with this?"
You glanced at your parents, your eyes doing the talking for you. Valeria's grandmother and your parents, who wanted to continue chatting, encouraged you with a nod to join Valeria.
Looking back at the girl, you finally agreed. Valeria's face lit up with excitement, and the two of you spent the rest of the day playing together.
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You were adjusting. Again.
If you were older, you'd probably be more affected than you are now. The first time was when your father got a job that made him a permanent U.S. resident. Soon after, he wasted no time whisking you and your mother off on a plane to California. You were four then.
Adjusting to the new time zone, weather, people, and food took time. You expected foreign food to be as delicious as what you had back home. Not that it was bad! It's just... It wasn’t quite the same. You missed the taste of Jollibee chicken and having rice at every meal. The adobo your lola would make, or your lolo's specialty tinola—the smell, the cooking, everything.
But school? That was a bright spot. You had just started preschool a year before the big move, so you’d be attending another year of it in California. And honestly? You loved it! Kindergarten was a blast too. You actually liked going to school. Your mother thanks God for the lack of bullies and your added enthusiasm. It makes her worry less. You may be young, but you’re not so blind as to miss how she fussed over you every time you came back.
Winter, on the other hand… While seeing and feeling snow had been a dream come true ever since you discovered American Christmas movies and storybooks—everything you imagined—it also turned out not to be. As beautiful as winter was, it ultimately sucked for you. You’d get sick every year. How you’d pray for the season to pass quickly, just so you could get out of bed instead of feeling icky and ill. In short, you didn’t like winter as much as you thought you might.
The second time of adjustment would be now—your move to Las Almas. It’s somewhere in Mexico, you think. You aren’t entirely sure yet, but you think it is. Places still confuse you.
Which leads to now: your enrollment into first grade at a school just a short walk from your house. You’re sitting at a small desk while your mother was talking to someone at the front of the room when suddenly, the door swings open, and two familiar faces walk in.
"Valeria!" you shout, jumping up from your seat. You run over to her, your excitement bubbling over.
Valeria looks just as surprised but smiles as you grab her hands. “Are you coming to this school too?” you ask, barely able to stay still.
When she nods, you can’t help but squeal with joy. “Yay!” you say, hugging her tightly. Your first friend here would be attending the same school as you!
Which leads to now: your enrollment into first grade at a school just a short walk from your house. You’re sitting at a small desk while your mother talks to someone at the front of the room when suddenly, the door swings open, and two familiar faces walk in.
“Valeria!” you shout, jumping up from your seat. You run over to her, your excitement bubbling over.
Valeria looks just as surprised but smiles as you grab her hands. “Are you coming to this school too?” you ask, barely able to stay still.
When she nods, you can’t help but squeal with joy. “Yay!” you say, hugging her tightly. Your first friend here would be attending the same school as you!
Pulling away from the hug, you move to greet her grandmother. "Good afternoon po!"
Her grandmother smiles warmly and pats your head. "You and Valeria are going to have so much fun together, mija," she says, her voice gentle and affectionate.
"And that you take care of each other," your mother chimes in. "You'll be classmates since there's only one section per grade. I expect you to be on your best behavior," she chides jokingly.
Valeria’s grandmother chuckles at your mother’s comment and gives a nod of agreement.
“We’ll be good, promise!” Valeria says, looking at you with a grin. You both exchange excited glances, eager about starting at the same school.
The two older women exchange a few more words about school supplies and the upcoming first day as the enrollment process continues. Meanwhile, Valeria and you explore the classroom, checking out all the colorful decorations and new supplies.
You both excitedly point out the things you like and imagine the fun you’ll have as soon as the school year begins.
Afterward, with the enrollment over, you leave the school, walking home together with Valeria while the adults follow behind, chatting and watching as you do the same.
The unfamiliar streets become more familiar the longer you walk, and a comforting feeling blooms in your chest with Valeria by your side.
When you reach the front of your houses, you both pause and hug tightly. “See you soon!” you say, smiling.
“See you soon!” Valeria replies, returning your hug with a grin.
With a final wave, you both head inside, feeling a little more at ease knowing you’ll be starting the school year together. From then on, a new life starts, and it’s one you'll share together. For many years to come.
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A/N: I haven't written anything in so long and my English needs some improvement. Hope you guys liked it🧎‍♀️
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words to use when writing
craving, demand, gluttony, greed, hunger, inclination, insatiable, longing, lust, passion, ravenousness, relish, taste, thirst, urge, voracity, weakness, willingness, yearning, ardor, dedication, desire, devotion, enthusiasm, excitement, fervor, horny, intensity, keenness, wholeheartedness, zeal
agitate, awaken, electrify, enliven, excite, entice, foment, goad, incite, inflame, instigate, kindle, provoke, rally, rouse, spark, stimulate, stir, thrill, waken, warm, whet, attract, charm, coax, fire up, fuel, heat up, lure, produce, stir up, tantalize, tease, tempt, thrum, torment, wind up, work up
attack, advancing, aggressive, assailing, charging, incursion, inundated, invasion, offensive, onset, onslaught, overwhelmed, ruinous, tempestuous, strike, violation, ambush, assail, barrage, bombard, bombardment, crackdown, wound
admirable, alluring, angelic, appealing, bewitching, charming, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enticing, exquisite, fascinating, gorgeous, graceful, grand, magnificent, marvelous, pleasing, radiant, ravishing, resplendent, splendid, stunning, sublime, attractive, beguiling, captivating, enchanting, engaging, enthralling, eye-catching, fetching, fine, fine-looking, good-looking, handsome, inviting, lovely, mesmeric, mesmerizing, pretty, rakish, refined, striking, tantalizing, tempting
atrocious, barbarous, bloodthirsty, callous, cruel, feral, ferocious, hard, harsh, heartless, inhuman, merciless, murderous, pitiless, remorseless, rough, rude, ruthless, savage, severe, terrible, unmerciful, vicious, bestial, brute, brutish, cold-blooded, fierce, gory, nasty, rancorous, sadistic, uncompromising, unfeeling, unforgiving, unpitying, violent, wild
able-bodied, athletic, beefy, big, brawny, broad-shouldered, bulky, dense, enormous, great, hard, hardy, hearty, heavily built, heavy, hefty, huge, husky, immense, large, massive, muscular, mighty, outsized, oversized, powerful, powerfully built, prodigious, robust, solid, stalwart, stocky, stout, strapping, strong, strongly built, sturdy, thick, thickset, tough, well-built, well-developed
animalistic, bodily, impure, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, lustful, physical, prurient, salacious, sensuous, voluptuous, vulgar, wanton, , coarse, crude, dirty, raunchy, rough, unclean
alarming, critical, fatal, formidable, impending, malignant, menacing, mortal, nasty, perilous, precarious, pressing, serious, terrible, threatening, treacherous, urgent, vulnerable, wicked, acute, damaging, deadly, death-defying, deathly, destructive, detrimental, explosive, grave, harmful, hazardous, injurious, lethal, life-threatening, noxious, poisonous, risky, severe, terrifying, toxic, unsafe, unstable, venomous
atrocious, corrupt, forbidding, foul, infernal, midnight, morbid, ominous, sinful, sinister, somber, threatening, twilight, vile, wicked, abject, alarming, appalling, baleful, bizarre, bleak, bloodcurdling, boding evil, chilling, cold, condemned, creepy, damned, daunting, demented, desolate, dire, dismal, disturbing, doomed, dour, dread, dreary, dusk, eerie, fear, fearsome, frightening, ghastly, ghostly, ghoulish, gloom, gloomy, grave, grim, grisly, gruesome, hair-raising, haunted, hideous, hopeless, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrifying, horror, ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-starred, inauspicious, inhospitable, looming, lost, macabre, malice, malignant, menacing, murky, mysterious, night, panic, pessimistic, petrifying, scary, shadows, shadowy, shade, shady, shocking, soul-destroying, sour, spine-chilling, spine-tingling, strange, terrifying, uncanny, unearthly, unlucky, unnatural, unnerving, weird, wretched
enticing, exquisite, luscious, lush, rich, savory, sweet, tasty, tempting, appetizing, delectable, flavorsome, full of flavor, juicy, lip-smacking, mouth-watering, piquant, relish, ripe, salty, spicy, scrummy, scrumptious, succulent, tangy, tart, tasty, yummy, zesty
delectation, delirium, elation, euphoria, fervor, frenzy, joy, rapture, transport, bliss, excitement, happiness, heaven, high, paradise, rhapsody, thrill, blissful, delighted, elated, extremely happy, in raptures (of delight), in seventh heaven, jubilant, on cloud nine, overexcited, overjoyed, rapturous, thrilled
delirious, enraptured, euphoric, fervent, frenzied, joyous, transported, wild
amatory, amorous, aphrodisiac, carnal, earthy, erogenous, fervid, filthy, hot, impassioned, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, raw, romantic, rousing, salacious, seductive, sensual, sexual, spicy, steamy, stimulating, suggestive, titillating, voluptuous, tantalizing
catch of breath, choke, gulp, heave, inhale, pant, puff, snort, wheeze, huff, rasp, sharp intake of air, short of breath, struggle for breath, swallow, winded 
ardent, avid, excited, fervent, fervid, fierce, fiery, frenzied, furious, impassioned, intense, passionate, raging, scalding, scorched, stormy, tempestuous, vehement, violent, ablaze, aflame, all-consuming, blazing, blistering, burning, crazed, explosive, febrile, feverish, fired up, flaming, flushed, frantic, hot, hot-blooded, impatient, incensed, maddening, obsessed, possessed, randy, searing, sizzling, smoldering, sweltering, torrid, turbulent, volatile, worked up, zealous
appetite, ache, craving, gluttony, greed, longing, lust, mania, mouth-watering, ravenous, voracious, want, yearning, thirst
avid, carnivorous, covetous, craving, eager, greedy, hungered, rapacious, ravenous, starved, unsatisfied, voracious, avaricious, desirous, famished, grasping, insatiable, keen, longing, predatory, ravening, starving, thirsty, wanting
forceful, severe, passionate, acute, agonizing, ardent, anxious, biting, bitter, burning, close, consuming, cutting, deep, eager, earnest, excessive, exquisite, extreme, fervent, fervid, fierce, forcible, great, harsh, impassioned, keen, marked, piercing, powerful, profound, severe, sharp, strong, vehement, violent, vivid, vigorous
damp, cream, creamy, dripping, ichorous, juicy, moist, luscious, melted, moist, pulpy, sappy, soaking, solvent, sopping, succulent, viscous, wet / aqueous, broth, elixir, extract, flux, juice, liquor, nectar, sap, sauce, secretion, solution, vitae, awash, moisture, boggy, dewy, drenched, drip, drop, droplet, drowning, flood, flooded, flowing, fountain, jewel, leaky, milky, overflowing, saturated, slick, slippery, soaked, sodden, soggy, stream, swamp, tear, teardrop, torrent, waterlogged, watery, weeping
agile, lean, pliant, slight, spare, sinewy, slender, supple, deft, fit, flexible, lanky, leggy, limber, lissom, lissome, nimble, sinuous, skinny, sleek, slender, slim, svelte, trim, thin, willowy, wiry
beef, cry, gripe, grouse, grumble, lament, lamentation, plaint, sob, wail, whine, bemoan, bewail, carp, deplore, grieve, gripe, grouse, grumble, keen, lament, sigh, sob, wail, whine, mewl
(exciting,) affecting, effective  arousing, awakening, breathless, dynamic, eloquent, emotional, emotive, expressive, fecund, far-out, felt in gut, grabbed by, gripping, heartbreaking, heartrending, impelling, impressive, inspirational, meaningful, mind-bending, mind-blowing, motivating, persuasive, poignant, propelling, provoking, quickening, rallying, rousing, significant, stimulating, simulative, stirring, stunning, touching, awe-inspiring, energizing, exhilarating, fascinating, heart pounding, heart stopping, inspiring, riveting, thrilling
compulsion, demand, desperate, devoir, extremity, impatient longing, must, urge, urgency / desire, appetite, avid, burn, craving, eagerness, fascination, greed, hunger, insatiable, longing, lust, taste, thirst, voracious, want, yearning, ache, addiction, aspiration, desire, fever, fixation, hankering, hope, impulse, inclination, infatuation, itch, obsession, passion, pining, wish, yen
ache, afflict, affliction, agony, agonize, anguish, bite, burn, chafe, distress, fever, grief, hurt, inflame, laceration, misery, pang, punish, sting, suffering, tenderness, throb, throe, torment, torture, smart
aching, agonizing, arduous, awful, biting, burning, caustic, dire, distressing, dreadful, excruciating, extreme, grievous, inflamed, piercing, raw, sensitive, severe, sharp, tender, terrible, throbbing, tormenting, angry, bleeding, bloody, bruised, cutting, hurting, injured, irritated, prickly, skinned, smarting, sore, stinging, unbearable, uncomfortable, upsetting, wounded
aberrant, abnormal, corrupt, debased, debauched, defiling, depraved, deviant, monstrous, tainted, twisted, vicious, warped, wicked, abhorrent, base, decadent, degenerate, degrading, dirty, disgusting, dissipated, dissolute, distasteful, hedonistic, immodest, immoral, indecent, indulgent, licentious, nasty, profligate, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, shameful, shameless, sickening, sinful, smutty, sordid, unscrupulous, vile 
charming, gratifying, luscious, satisfying, savory, agreeable, delicious, delightful, enjoyable, nice, pleasant, pleasing, soothing, succulent
bliss, delight, gluttony, gratification, relish, satisfaction, thrill, adventure, amusement, buzz, contentment, delight, desire, ecstasy, enjoyment, excitement, fun, happiness, harmony, heaven, joy, kick, liking, paradise, seventh heaven 
avaricious, ferocious, furious, greedy, predatory, ravening, ravenous, savage, voracious, aggressive, gluttonous, grasping, insatiable, marauding, plundering
bliss, ecstasy, elation, exaltation, glory, gratification, passion, pleasure, floating, unbridled joy
adamant, austere, definite, determined, exact, firm, hard, rigorous, solid, stern, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, concrete, fixed, harsh, immovable, inflexible, obstinate, resolute, resolved, severe, steadfast, steady, stiff, strong, strict, stubborn, taut, tense, tight, tough, unbending, unchangeable, unwavering
abrupt, accelerated, acute, fast, flashing, fleeting, hasty, headlong, hurried, immediate, impetuous, impulsive, quick, quickening, rapid, rash, rushing, swift, brash, brisk, brusque, instant, instantaneous, out of the blue, reckless, rushed, sharp, spontaneous, urgent, without warning
(forward) advance, drive, forge, impetus, impulsion, lunge, momentum, onslaught, poke, pressure, prod, propulsion, punch, push, shove, power, proceed, progress, propel
(push hard) assail, assault, attack, bear down, buck, drive, force, heave, impale, impel, jab, lunge, plunge, press, pound, prod, ram, shove, stab, transfix, urge, bang, burrow, cram, gouge, jam, pierce, punch, slam, spear, spike, stick
amazed, astonished, aghast, astounded, awestruck, confounded, dazed, dazed, dismayed, overwhelmed, shocked, staggered, startled, stunned, gob-smacked, bewildered, dumbfounded, flabbergasted, horrified, incredulous, surprised, taken aback 
agony, anguish, hurt, misery, pain, punishment, suffering, afflict, angst, conflict, distress, grief, heartache, misfortune, nightmare, persecute, plague, sorrow, strife, tease, test, trial, tribulation, torture, turmoil, vex, woe
(physical) - blow, brush, caress, collide, come together, contact, converge, crash, cuddle, embrace, feel, feel up, finger, fondle, frisk, glance, glide, graze, grope, handle, hit, hug, impact, join, junction, kiss, lick, line, manipulate, march, massage, meet, nudge, palm, partake, pat, paw, peck, pet, pinch, probe, push, reach, rub, scratch, skim, slide, smooth, strike, stroke, suck, sweep, tag, tap, taste, thumb, tickle, tip, touching, toy, bite, bump, burrow, buss, bury, circle, claw, clean, clutch, cover, creep, crush, cup, curl, delve, dig, drag, draw, ease, edge, fiddle with, flick, flit, fumble, grind, grip, grub, hold, huddle, knead, lap, lave, lay a hand on, maneuver, manhandle, mash, mold, muzzle, neck, nestle, nibble, nip, nuzzle, outline, play, polish, press, pull, rasp, ravish, ream, rim, run, scoop, scrabble, scrape, scrub, shave, shift, shunt, skate, slip, slither, smack, snake, snuggle, soothe, spank, splay, spread, squeeze, stretch, swipe, tangle, tease, thump, tongue, trace, trail, tunnel twiddle, twirl, twist, tug, work, wrap 
(mental) - communicate, examine, inspect, perception, scrutinize
bathe, bleed, burst, cascade, course, cover, cream, damp, dampen, deluge, dip, douse, drench, dribble, drip, drizzle, drool, drop, drown, dunk, erupt, flood, flow, gush, immerse, issue, jet, leach, leak, moisten, ooze, overflow, permeate, plunge, pour, rain, rinse, run, salivate, saturate, secrete, seep, shower, shoot, slaver, slobber, slop, slosh, sluice, spill, soak, souse, spew, spit, splash, splatter, spout, spray, sprinkle, spurt, squirt, steep, stream, submerge, surge, swab, swamp, swill, swim, trickle, wash, water
abominable, amoral, atrocious, awful, base, barbarous, dangerous, debased, depraved, distressing, dreadful, evil, fearful, fiendish, fierce, foul, heartless, hazardous, heinous, immoral, indecent, intense, mean, nasty, naughty, nefarious, offensive, profane, scandalous, severe, shameful, shameless, sinful, terrible, unholy, vicious, vile, villainous, wayward, bad, criminal, cruel, deplorable, despicable, devious, ill-intentioned, impious, impish, iniquitous, irreverent, loathsome, Machiavellian, mad, malevolent, malicious, merciless, mischievous, monstrous, perverse, ruthless, spiteful, uncaring, unkind, unscrupulous, vindictive, virulent, wretched
agonize, bend, jerk, recoil, lurch, plunge, slither, squirm, struggle, suffer, thrash, thresh, twist, wiggle, wriggle, angle, arc, bow, buck, coil, contort, convulse, curl, curve, fidget, fight, flex, go into spasm, grind, heave, jiggle, jolt, kick, rear, reel, ripple, resist, roll, lash, lash out, screw up, shake, shift, slide, spasm, stir, strain, stretch, surge, swell, swivel, thrust, turn violently, tussle, twitch, undulate, warp, worm, wrench, wrestle, yank 
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 . . .
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Been playing CoD (mobile) for 4 years and didn't know the game had lore behind it. So here I am, writing fanfiction about said game. Call me Fish (unless you know me on main).
I do not consent to my work being translated and/or being posted on this or any other platform/AI.
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Jonathan "Bravo Six" Price
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Simon "Ghost" Riley
John "Soap" Mactavish
Alejandro Vargas
Rodolfo Parra
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Valeria "El Sin Nombre" Garza
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
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