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any pronouns // 15 // lover of everything SJA and Doctor Who // autistic more info in my carrd :
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
Jealous Mike Wheeler (shitty headcanons for a twitter mutual)
Mild ST4 Volume 1 spoilers and I'm a Byler endgame truther so... it's almost entirely Byler I'm afraid
Rather than telling someone he's jealous, he hides which is why he only gave Will a couple of calls, he heard from El she thought he had a crush and got super jealous
Will mentioned potentionally joining another party and Mike had to be comforted by Lucas and Dustin (pre-S1)
He says he has multiple best friends because he knows he'd get jealous if one of his friends preferred someone else to him
He got super jealous of Max because he didn't want Lucas, Will or Dustin to prefer her to him
He reschedules plans if one person going gets sick because he doesn't want anyone else missing out (if he did he'd get so upset)
A guy helped Will up at the roller rink and Mike got super possessive and kept asking Will if he knew the guy
Will has a crush on Marty Mc. Fly (Post S3) and Mike always rolls his eyes whenever Back To The Future gets brought up, and tries to one up Marty
During their argument in S4, Mike realised he's been a hypocrite (got jealous about Will having a crush but also hardly spoke to Will)
If he found out Will has been giving art to someone new Mike would burst into tears
one time Will was stroking a cat on their way home from school and giving it more attention than Mike so he started awkwardly meowing
I'll add more when it isn't 4 a.m but mayfieldfav this is for you
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
I love them so much <333
“my names maria jackson. this is my girlfriend rani chandra. this is ranis boyfriend clyde langer. this is clydes boyfriend luke smith. this is lukes boyfriend sanjay.”
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
sensory-friendly lgbt flags
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i made these because the normal ones kinda hurt my eyes. feel free to request a flag or adjustments to these ones!
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
Update: oxfordshipping is the way to go
What is the shipname for Luke x Sanjay??
Suke? Lanjay? Jayke? Lankay??? They're all a bit shit tbh
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
More Oxford shipping art <33
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
What is the shipname for Luke x Sanjay??
Suke? Lanjay? Jayke? Lankay??? They're all a bit shit tbh
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
Me rewatching SJA after the end of an almost month long psychosis episode
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
Luke wears dinosaur earrings.
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
i respect how they wrote 13 and tecteun So Hard because it’s so Painfully evocative of never Ever getting that shining moment of power over an abuser. Tecteun is the type of person who will never, Ever. Ever concede to wrongdoing on their own part. Everything that didn’t work between them will forever be the doctor’s fault. She didn’t Abuse that kid till well into adulthood (and frankly, who knows how many hundreds/maybe thousands of years it could have happened) it was just that they weren’t Grateful and their personal failings were too great. 
And The doctor didn’t and never will get a moment to say ‘I win’ because the doctor never won against her. They just lost over and over again and their only hope was escape to live how they wanted, not vindication. And i watch it, and i want to badly for 13 to have that moment, for her to punch her or shove her like she did the master, for 13 to escape her lab just before it explodes and for her to consciously leave her to die with no guilt or regret, for her to somehow make Tecteun aware of what Horrific things she has done. But it doesn’t happen, swarm waltzes in and murders her with no warning and then just goes straight on with torturing 13 with what Tecteun did to her, because even He recognises it was torture to start with. 
And the Empathy that makes me feel for 13 that she never got that moment, that they made me as a viewer need her to have that and then not give it to her, that it out me Smack in the main character’s shoes and feeling her pain as an abuse victim is brilliant writing. 
13′s never going to get that moment, and it leaves me frustrated and angry and it is such a brilliant portrayal of that kind of abuser and such a great way to draw the viewer into feeling what it does to the doctor as her victim. 
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
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Doctor Who (2005-)
1.09 | The Empty Child
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
being ace means having an unearthly obsession with sarah jane smith and the doctors friendship
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
Fanfic prompt:
If you use this, please credit me for inspiration and please send it to me! I would love to see you bring my ideas to life <3
After the events of The Wedding Of Sarah Jane Smith, Luke was kind of bummed out he never got to show anyone his speech. He had always struggled with words and expressing his feelings (especially in writing) and he was quite proud of himself. He never got rid of the speech and brought it with him to Oxford. One night, Sanjay accidentally found it. He read it, even though he knew he probably shouldn't have, but he couldn't help it. Honestly, he thought it would've been funny because Luke was so bad at expressing his emotions. Luke came back into his room to find Sanjay crying his eyes out about the speech, not just because it was so beautifully written but because Luke had another note folded up with it about how heartbroken he was to lose Peter, how he felt useless for not being able to comfort Sarah Jane, how guilty he felt for what he had said to Clyde and how he realised he'd never be able to have any sort of relationship because who would want to date FrankenBane's Monster™? That was how Sanjay found out about Luke fighting aliens and was the night Sanjay realised how much he loved Luke.
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
aroace characters are valuable. they aren’t boring. they are important queer rep. their stories are important. they are groundbreaking. they aren’t any less than other queer characters. they don’t deserve to be erased.
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
me: *happens to stand between multiple light sources and casts two shadows because that’s how shadows work*
my brain, still to this day, every single time:
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
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Reblog if you would let him represent you in court
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the-attic-in-ealing · 3 years ago
Santiago Jones is a boy kisser, especially boys named Luke Smith
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