These days everyones mad at everyone anyway, So…
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I like the idea of sharing my thoughts and stories and maybe growing an inclusive community. DISCLAIMER: Triggers are tagged, But I don't consider possibly offending bigots a trigger.
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
Lol omg seriously? Most of this is exaggeration and twisting words in some delusional goal to white knight for Amber. I'm not gonna correct every little thing but if you watch the trial at all, Barkin was questioned if the bottle was aimed at her, or anyone else, and she said no to both. Just at the wall.
Amber Heard vs. Johnny Depp Fact Check: MASTERLIST (28/04/2022)
Heard has proven 12 out of 14 incidents of abuse by Depp “to the civil standard.
Texts from Depp’s assistant shows his assistant saying Depp kicked Heard; “He was appalled. When I told him he kicked you, he cried…It was disgusting. And he knows it.”
Depp is on audio telling Amber Heard to cut him. He continues to tell her to cut him while wielding a knife, and she is heard begging him to put the knife down.
Texts from Depp to Paul Bettany joke about murdering Amber and raping her dead body.  (Video of it being read in court here)
Texts about him talking about smacking Amber Heard around.
Audio reveals Depp shouting and calling Heard a “fat ass” a “cunt” and Heard telling him to put his cigarettes out on someone else.
“‘Her lip was swollen and busted up a bit, and she also had these horrible cuts on her arms – like gashes … The she told me that the cuts on her arms were from the broken glass that was from him throwing bottles and smashing glasses all over the place.’” (Heard’s sister, Whitney). 
“Ms Pennington said that she could see gashes on Ms Heard’s arms from her wrists to her elbows. In cross-examination Ms Pennington said that one arm was cut worse than the other. Ms Heard told Ms Pennington that the soles of her feet were also cut. Ms Heard said that Mr Depp had thrown a bottle at her; there had been broken glass all over the ground which was how she had cut her feet.“
Johnny destroying Heard’s closet: “Good morning sir … So …. um Johnny destroyed Amber’s closet”.  (page 82)
“As Ms Lloyd said, ‘We had to restrain both of them.’” Depp supposedly instigated the violence, Heard retaliated. (page 81/82)
Diary entry by Heard talks about Depp strangling her and hitting her in the head: “Our fight was terrible. J [Mr Depp] finally at one point found himself with his shirt wrapped around my neck… He hit me several times. I don’t even know how I wound up with this huge rather annoying knot on the back of my head?” (page 84)
Depp refers to the fight on the train as getting “physical”: ‘..other than the fact that we had a fight on the train, which was physical…’ (page 83)
Text message from Heard to her publicist; “ I’m really bruised and might have a black eye or two tmrw – same with my nose. Nurse on the way to make sure I don’t have concussion.” There are also texts to her psychotherapist saying it’s an ‘emergency’ and a text to a friend in which she says “J beat me up pretty good”. (page 87)
Photos of Heard bruised “which the metadata shows were taken on the morning and afternoon of 16th December 2015”. (page 88)
Makeup artist recalls having to cover up bruising on Heard’s nose, eyes, and her lip injury with red lipstick. (page 89)
Although Depp claims Heard hit him at a party in 2016, the photos of injury Depp claims happened in 2016, where found to be from 2015: “This version of the picture has a date stamp of 23rd March 2015. It could not have been taken after the birthday party on 21st April 2016.” The photo instead was from a previous occasion in which Ms Heard already admitted that she punched Mr Depp. (page 99)
Despite police claims, photos of Heard injuries with meta data show she did sustain injuries by Depp: “There are the photographs. The metadata is not disputed and shows that one of the photographs of Ms Heard’s face was taken before the first pair of police officers arrived.” They also show damage to the apartment. (page 107)
Depp texted Bettany that he “pounded and displayed ugly colors to Amber on a recent journey”.
Heard has previously admitted to hitting Johnny and throwing things at him to defend herself in her original 7hr deposition. (2016)
“She admitted that in the course of this argument, she struck Mr Depp in order, she said, to protect Whitney.” (page 80)
In regards to the donations: “Amber has already been responsible for seven figures in donations to charitable causes and intends to continue to contribute and eventually fulfill her pledge. However, Amber has been delayed in that goal because Mr. Depp filed a lawsuit against her, and consequently, she has been forced to spend millions of dollars defending Mr. Depp’s false accusations against her.”   
“Please tell people it was a fair fight and see what the jury and judge think. Tell the world, Johnny. Tell them, Johnny Depp. I, Johnny Depp, …. man*, I’m-I’m a victim too of domestic violence and I, y’know, it’s a fair fight and see how many people believe or side with you”.
[*NOTE: Heard is using “man” as in “oh, man”, not in reference to Depp’s gender.]
“Full audio shows Heard talking about how their relationship is not “fair fight”, he scoffs and replies “it doesn’t matter” and “fair fight, my ass”, Heard responds “exactly” and that Depp is “bigger and stronger”. Heard goes on to talk about why she felt the need to call 911 after he threw the phone at her face and laid his hands on her.
Deuters (Depp’s friend) admitting that the story of Depp’s injury was a public relations disaster and saying: ‘Just make sure you say you aren’t sure how he hurt his hand. (page 75)
Depp’s texts to his doctor states he cut his own finger off. Another text is found of Depp again saying he cut his own finger off. Doctor’s notes show the injury is more suggestive of a crushing mechanism. In fact, Depp told three separate people that he cut his own finger off.
Depp heard on tape stating, “I’m talking about Australia. The day I chopped my finger off”.
“Nor did Mr Depp say that Ms Heard had been responsible for the injury to his finger in either of his two texts to sister Christi on 8th March 2015.” (page 78)
Heard did not defecate in Depp’s bed and the previous judge ruled it unlikely. The judge in the previous case ruled it likely it were the dogs, as there was evidence it “had an incomplete mastery of her bowels.”
“Ms. Heard gave evidence that Boo had in the past defecated on the bed and that she herself had cleaned it up rather than leave that task to Ms Vargas.” (page 100)
Furthermore, Depp is on text’s with his assistant’s suggesting to him to defecate and tell Amber it was the dogs as a prank
Texts from Depp’s daughter (Lily-Rose Depp) and Depp himself show that Amber helped him stay sober. Depp talking to his mother-in-law, Paige Heard about Amber helping him.
Texts from Heard and Lily-Rose Depp show the two had an amicable relationship. 
Texts show Depp’s constant use of alcohol and drugs, mentioning his “blackouts”. More texts here, and here. Texts show Depp referring to his addiction as the “Monster”, even to Elton John who was helping him with his sobriety. 
An audio shows Depp telling Heard he will never get clean or sober.  Amber can be heard crying. Another audio shows Heard crying and saying, “All the coke you’ve done today, and all the booze you’ve drunk today, has it helped us?”
As stated, the previous judge ruled Heard has proven 12 out of 14 incidents of abuse.
“For all of these reasons I accept that the Defendants have shown that the words they published were substantially true in the meanings I have held them to bear. The Claimant has not succeeded in his action for libel.” (2020)
Depp’s previous lawyer, Adam Waldman was accused of dishonesty, and was thrown off the case for leaking confidential information to the press and social media which was protected via court order. 
Depp’s team was accused of using bots to influence opinion of social media.  Bot Sentinel, a group that uses artificial intelligence to detect and track troll bots & suspect Twitter accounts, found the actress “had been a victim of an ongoing targeted harassment and smear campaign”. 
(Waldman is a long-time US lobbyist for Russian oligarchs.) 
Depp in texts talking about wanting to cause “global humiliation” for Heard.
Depp defending Roman Polanski: “Roman is not a predator. He’s 75 or 76 years old. He has got two beautiful kids, he has got a wife that he has been with for a long, long time. He is not out on the street.”
Depp is close friends with Marilyn Manson, who has his own abuse allegations against him, and who is also suing his victims for defamation. 
Depp was arrested in 1989 for assaulting a security guard after the police were called to end a loud party at his hotel room.
He was also arrested in New York City in 1994 after damaging a hotel room he was staying in with Kate Moss.
Depp brawling with the paparazzi. 
In 2018, Depp assaulting crew member on the set of City of Lies.
In 2018, two of Depp’s former bodyguards sued him for unpaid fees and unsafe working conditions. The suit was settled in 2019.
Depp was constantly late and drunk on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean. 
Depp will also supposedly receive his full salary for the third Fantastic Beasts movie, despite filming only one scene for it and being asked to leave the project.
Texts show that Depp told Heard she was not to take roles, stating “No goddamn meetings. No movies”. (x)
Depp admits to getting, “irrational”, “crazy”, and “jealous” when Heard is filming.
Charges against Heard for bringing her dogs to Australia were dropped; it was a supposed mix-up with her staff being dismissed who were to do the paperwork. Heard apologised, and admitted to her wrongdoing, pleading guilty.  
Heard sought a restraining order from Depp in 2016. She also sought an order requiring Depp to attend 52 weeks of anger management courses. (page 19)
Depp started dating Winona Ryder when she was a minor, and 17 years old to his 25 [edit:] 26 years.  (Depp is 23 years older than Heard.)
Depp called his ex-wife a “French extortionist ex-cunt” and a “withering whore”. 
Heard was granted a restraining order against Depp. 
Depp was the one to originally ask Amber to settle outside of court, and the couple issued a statement that, “Neither party has made false accusations for financial gain.”
Heard’s previous girlfriend has come to Heard’s defence, saying that Heard never abused her and that the police officers who claimed it had misogynistic and homophobic attitudes once they realised Heard and her were partners.
Ellen Barkin, Depp’s ex, testified Depp threw a wine bottle at her during an argument between Depp and his assistant. (page 43)
Depp has used abusive language towards Heard for her sexuality and her past relationship with women, calling her a “lesbian camp counsellor”. He was also jealous of Amber’s female ex, Tasya van Ree, calling her “Van Pee”, he also “tried to set fire to another of Ms van Ree’s paintings”.
In fact, Depp’s homophobia and jealousy didn’t stop there, he then attacked Heard’s friend, iO Tillet Wright, by misgendering him and mocking his transition, calling him a “dike bitch” and “wanting to be a man now”.
Depp also makes unfavourable comments about Heard’s relationship with Elon Musk: “But she sucked Mollusk’s [I assume a reference to Elon Musk] crooked dick”. (page 126)
He also accused her of having an affair with Billy Bob Thornton, writing about it in graffiti. (page 76)
The trial is a not a criminal trial, but a defamation trial. Depp is suggesting Heard ruined his reputation in her article about domestic violence, despite not naming him in it. In fact, Depp was requested to leave the project after he lost his libel case.
Depp is suing Heard for $50 million, over 7x the amount they originally settled together. Heard originally attempted to get the suit moved to California and dismissed, and only filed a counterclaim when it was refused.
Virginia has less strict anti-SLAPP laws and as a result has drawn questionable legal cases in recent years. SLAPP lawsuits are also known as intimidation lawsuits and often used to censor, intimidate and silence critics by burdening victims with the cost of legal defence until they abandon their criticism.
Depp fans are heavily affecting the way social media is reacting to the trial, by indulging in edits on social media, fabrications of events, pseudoscience.
Heard has had to hire more security. Some Depp fans have attempted to chase vehicles with Heard and her team inside as they return home from the courthouse. 
One of Depp’s witnesses (Gina Deuters) was dismissed from the stand after admitting to watching the trial online.
Depp fans were barred from the court for violent threats against Heard. Most attendees are Depp-fans and have had to have been told, “Order in the court or I will have you removed”.
The suit is not to determine whether Heard was violent, or whether their relationship was mutually toxic, but as to whether Heard lied in her op-ed, and there is plenty of evidence of Depp physically harming Heard multiple times; regardless of Heard’s retaliation, he has been proven to be a domestic abuser.
[DISCLAIMER: This post is purely in relevance to the Heard vs. Depp case, to fact-check claims made by Depp, his team, as well as opinions on social media. They are not meant to be a remission on Heard’s part of any potential wrongdoing.]
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
2:39 monday morning
What a year this week has been.
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
I don't see enough talk about this, so I'll put my two cents in. Sometimes trauma looks like profound reactions to huge events. But it can also be reverting back to the mindset of a scared kid at 23 just because *that person* texted you at an odd time and now your stomach is filled with ice and your heart is in your throat and you hardly want to open the message. And they just want to know if your grandmother is awake.
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
Being an adult and having adult siblings that grew up with you on the battlefield that was your childhood home is interesting because sometimes it looks like baring your souls to each other but it can also look like your little sister telling her partner calmly and matter of factly that a lot of our sibling-closeness is trauma bonding.
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
Sometimes I truly believe that I am healing my mental health. And then I remind myself there was a night in the not so distant past I sat in a coffin in my best friends basement drinking Jack Daniels trying to write fanfiction (of my own OC) based on Brantley Gilbert songs.
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
i think absolutely the funniest thing about like, the adfree tumblr subscription coming with the option to turn ads back on anyway so you can see the weird ad everyone is talking about, or the new promoted post feature and everyone immediately thinking about what kind of stupid shit to put on other people’s dashboards. is that for years execs have been struggling for a way to make tumblr profitable when its userbase is so actively hostile to being advertised to and thus extremely unattractive to the big advertisers that keep the majority of other sites afloat, and have been passing tumblr around from company to company like a hot potato as a result. and now the solution is to like. only allow the stupidest most insane ineffective advertisements and then give users the tools to make even more insane and ineffective advertisements. i just really like that this site is so impossible to advertise to that they just kinda gave up on doing it the conventional way and are now letting us prop up the empty defaced husk of advertisement and parade it around for our amusement. i also really like that this is a perfectly double edged sword because the more people see your post the more attention you get and everyone knows attention is a punishment on tumblr dot com. i love it here i’m never gonna leave
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
Protect supportive hummus dad at all costs
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
Called right the hell out.
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
I'm 23 and like ONE teenager and thats only cuz she's my sister, Didn't really like teens as a teen.....If I was a 150 year old vampire I would never willingly hang out with teenagers.
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
In WHAT world
Is it considered freedom to be able to freely take the rights of people you don't agree with who are doing nothing to harm you or anybody?
This is literally about Abortion rights and Same-sex and Trans rights.
Not masks and the covid vaccine. That needs policied because you can hurt people walking around spreading a virus.
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
I will forever stand by the stance that it takes a special person to meet a 13 year old dumpster fire with family issues and mental illness in a unhealthy relationship with a narcissistic serial cheater she thinks is the love of her life in a Supernatural Roleplay Chatroom and decide to step in as a friend/older-sister/(Parental figure, If we're being honest) because JFC SOMEONE needed to.
And that's without mentioning the next decade of still trying to be the voice of reason for someone who is very much.......not a creature of reason.
Family is a good place to start, But if your family isn't the best at the time or in general, I promise there are people out there who will answer the phone no matter what time because you're crying, kneel in your puke to try to wake you when you overdrink, not be afraid to tell you when you're wrong, and try to support you to the best of their ability.
I'm 23 now. I'm pretty sure she didn't know exactly what she signed up for. But it's too late now.
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
No, There is not.
Is there any purer love than that between the childless veteran in her thirties just trying to live her life and the teen-turned-young-adult chaos gremlin she adopted as a little sister off the internet?
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
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Actual picture of the inside of my brain the night my best friend threw my (Now ex) boyfriends buddys bike in to an inaccessible part of the Willimantic River.
What I can't just leave it at that? You'd like to know what the hell happened? Alright.
First, What did he do to deserve this? Well at the time I was addicted to Fentanyl and this buddy, Chris, was someone I considered a (the loosest definition of the term) friend. We were out looking to score, and I decided to ask if the plug we were trying to score from sold pills also. He said he did but had to crush them up because his girlfriend was home. (If that explanation makes no sense to you it's okay, I don't think would make sense to any sober person, or anyone who had not just smoked a fair bit of crack, which I had) but I told Dean this and she was interested, So I ran down to her house to get cash, and we went to make the buy. I did not even open the foil he had given me to give her because it was windy, ran it back down to her house and started to leave. She would then text me that it was a very small amount of powder, But she had already taken it by time I went back.
A couple of months later I had started dating Jerry and I was telling him about how odd that had been, and he put two and two together and told me about Chris informing him of the con he had pulled, Putting a little bit of Fet in to a piece of foil and passing it off as 20$ worth of pills. I was pissed, I told Dean and she was pissed, But there wasn't much immediately to be done in recourse. We accepted he probably got away with it.
Fast forward a few more months, And Chris is at the tent site visiting with Jerry, And I'm in the nearby parking lot next to the river hanging out with Dean in her car.
Dean: "Is that Chris' bike?"
Me: "Yeah."
Dean: "I'm going to throw it in the river"
Me: *Laughs* "That would be funny." (I have a bad habit of thinking she's joking when...She is not.)
Dean: *Getting out of the car* "No I'm actually going to throw it in the river"
Me: *Mind as pictured above, follows*
And yes, Friends, She did actually throw it in to the river where it sits to this very day. Visible. It gave me a little serotonin boost everytime I passed by.
Epilogue: After I had moved out of town she saw Chris with a new bike and taunted him, Saying "I like your bike" but that boys brain is hard fried and he probably didn't even remember who she was.
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
finding out that for the first time in history someone leaked a SCOTUS ruling and they’re overturning roe v wade with alito leading the opinion in between met gala updates i feel like i’m having a stroke
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
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Buckle up, Babes, we're taking a little trip almost three years back and about 1700 miles north east. This is a story of mental health being handled poorly by police. and an emergency room. I am not the 'main character' but I have permission (to say the least) to tell this little tale. This story takes place in a fairly little Connecticut town, Willimantic, Summer of 2019. If things feel a little choppy or undetailed, this was 3 years ago, a very very bad day, and I'm trying to tell two sides of a story when I was only privy to mine in some cases.
What you, dear reader, needs to know from the outset of this story is my best friend, henceforth: Dean, is a US Army Vet with non-combat related PTSD.
 She was, at this time, haphazardly medicated and still struggling more than not, and then there was an issue where she ended up without meds. I believe there were a few days that were shaky, and then the day our story really kicks off. Now at this time I was living with her and her husband, her husband was at work. I don't remember how the day started, but it was pretty quickly obvious she was not doing well at all. She was intent on trying to harm herself and intent on breaking everything. (We were finding glass under stuff a year later) And while this wasn't really confirmed it is a shared belief between her and I that she was in a state of psychosis, She just didn't look like anyone was...home, most the time and when she did come back to herself temporarily she was scared. If I'm nothing else I am loyal to a fault and time and time again I was getting in her space, trying to physically stop her from hurting herself and ending up not really being hit so much as shoved/thrown away. I don't really know how long this went on because 5 minutes felt like 2 hours, but over the course of the day she cut herself, possibly multiple times, burned herself with a torch, and attempted to get hit by a car. ((A HUGE FUCK YOU to the douchebag who could clearly see this was a not great situation and was driving along slowly antagonizing her while I was yelling at them to just fucking drive. Mostly for their own fucking safety, too. )) Not only did I want to avoid calling 911 if possible, It wasn't like I'd had much opportunity, but at one point I somehow came under the impression she'd taken a lot of some pill or other and when I'd ask she wasn't giving me a yes or a no, So using what at that time I thought was my best judgement I called 911, told them the situation, probably did mention her being aggressive but I can't remember. EMS showed, Police showed. 
Originally one police officer took me somewhat around the house, she was in back, to talk to me. I don't remember the conversation but it didn't get all that far before THREE more cops joined us there. Now seven cops had showed up, I now had four on me, and three on her, which, logic...but anyway, one of them asks me: "Did she hit you?" and I kinda had the presence of mind right then to realize despite this being a welfare call atleast one person was leaving in handcuffs and also if I said yes she hit me, They were likely to try and stick her with an Ass/Batt charge, and also cursing her in my mind for not shutting the fuck up to the police (She was in no headspace to be held accountable for anything she said honestly) and at this same time all four of these cops had moved way too far in to my bubble for comfort. I answered them with "We were fighting", while Stepping. Backwards.(Because I got my own issues with men and they were crowding me) 
I only emphasize that because the cop told me I tried to run. Never even acted like I was turning my back, and the cop grabbed me to cuff me. Now, In my head, I was silent trying to process how things had fucked this far off the path they should have been on. Apparently that was not the case. Dean would end up telling me later on I had gotten loud and she tried to take off from the cops to see what was going on and asking them if they were arresting me. Because even then with everything that happened, was happening, and would happen, I was still her little sister. Anyway, They ended up throwing her to the ground to cuff her. I remember none of the short cop car ride but I remember where my head was. I was distraught, saying to myself, or maybe out loud...fuck I really could have been screaming at this point, that she was going to hate me and never forgive me. Once at the PD I was taken to a holding cell. At the time I had in earrings, but they were the piercing studs that in least some of the holes went in when they were pierced and had not come out.
My hands were shaking, I'm sobbing, and this one cop was yelling at me to get them taken out , and eventually threatened to hold me on bail if I did not cooperate. I was trying to make it clear that not only were the backs tight, It was painful, and I was trying. He had the audacity to tell me "It's not that hard" and eventually I did get them out, cried in a cell for like thirty minutes, then they took me to book me. I almost got myself in to more trouble because at first nobody would tell me shit about my best friends well-being, you know, the whole fuckin reason all this was going on. Finally I think one of the cops realized it might be easier to just tell me "Yeah, we got her to the hospital, where she needs to be." YEAH. NO FUCKING SHIT. ITS ALMOST LIKE THAT"S WHY WE'RE IN THIS ROOM TOGETHER NOW, ASSHOLES. I was charged with disturbing the peace or whatever the fighting charge is, released on a promise to appear for court the next day, and a no-contact order. Which I did bring a good point up, small detail, to the cops uh...I FUCKING LIVED IN HER HOUSE. And the only other person in the state. Or New England. Or 1700 miles, That I really knew was her husband.They basically told me ...tough.((This is also as good a time as any to mention they also did not read me rights when arresting me)) So I left the police station and I do not know that I ever made a conscious decision to go, but autopiloted one block over to my therapists office.
 I can only imagine by about this point I had to look a whole fuckin mess, Bruises from getting tossed around starting to show, bruises on my wrists from the handcuffs, sobbing, Ink on my transferring from my fingers after they took my prints and trying to wipe my face. I do not know what I told the ladies at the front desk other than I had just been let go from the police station, and by some miracle my therapist was there and had available time to talk to me, which probably kept me from doing anything stupid. ((I have BPD, She was and is my favorite person, and I was dead convinced at this point she would never want to see me again)) and my therapist helped set me up with a ride to court and we came to the conclusion that there was no way the hospital let her go, so I should go home. I don't know if I got a ride or walked by myself, but unsurprisingly the hospital in this town was also inept at best, and sent her home. (I'd later learn they had seen her clawing into the cuts on her inner arm, and still did so) And well in an effort to not make an even long story longer, I spent the night in their garage in her 67 Impala, we went to court...I went back to her house because I had literally nowhere else I could go. She had moments of calm and clarity, a lot more moments of not.
It would be on night 4 since all this had started her husband ended up taking her 1.5 hours away to the VA hospital, She was hospitalized for two weeks, and I am so proud of her because with help from the VA and especially her assigned peer support she has been more or less on a good med regiment and more or less stable. We both ended up paying fines. And on my suggestion we did the only logical reasonable thing to follow all of that shit. Matching handcuff tattoos on our middle fingers, Pictured above.
(To be clear, Those in the wrong in this story were the Willimantic Police Department who lacked mental health training and arrested a veteran suffering psychosis and the person trying to help her, and Windham Hospital whose psych ER is a damn joke. Not my friend)
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thatsarcasticlillithgirl · 3 years ago
Why does the entire rest of the internet think tumblr is “dying” or “dead” when I have seen absolutely no drop in activity level on here ever
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