thatpsychologymajor · 7 years
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thatpsychologymajor · 7 years
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thatpsychologymajor · 7 years
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its way 2 easy, just so u kno, to go on the internet and upload any photo to one of any number of websites to be printed onto a shower curtain, and i feel like this is knowledge i wasnt meant to have
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thatpsychologymajor · 7 years
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* Weak masculine nouns decline -[e]n in every case except the nominative; only a few decline -[e]ns differently in the genitive. der Junge, den Jungen, dem Jungen, des Jungen der Friede, den Frieden, dem Frieden, des Friedens
^ Masculine and neuter nouns decline -[e]s in the genitive, with the exception of some weak masculine nouns (see above). der Hund, des Hundes der Vater, des Vaters das Haus, des Hauses das Auto, des Autos
̃ Dative plurals decline -[e]n unless the plural already ends with -n or -s. die Äpfel, den Äpfeln die Bücher, den Büchern die Bananen, den Bananen die Fotos, den Fotos
̄ There is no plural form of the indefinite article. The negative plural form is shown for explanatory purposes. † Possessive pronouns decline in the same pattern as the indefinite article.
German case declensions - download as PDF
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thatpsychologymajor · 7 years
German Modal Adverbs
I know that some of the following words aren’t modal adverbs, but I thought that they’re good to know and that’s why they’re on this list. As some of these words are difficult to translate, this list includes examples. Take a look @dave-pen 😊
1. wahrscheinlich - probably, likely Sie hat wahrscheinlich Recht. - She is probably right.
2. vielleicht - maybe Er sollte vielleicht zum Arzt gehen. - Maybe he should see a doctor.
3. immer [+ comparative] - “more and more” Es wird immer wärmer. - It’s getting warmer and warmer
4. immer weniger - less and less Sie aß immer weniger. - She kept eating less and less
5. lustigerweise - funny enough, amusingly Aber das sagen sie hier lustigerweise nie offen. - Though funnily enough they will never say that openly here.
6. eigentlich - actually, in fact Er ist eigentlich sehr hilfsbereit. - He’s actually very helpful.
7. tatsächlich - actually Vielleicht wird es tatsächlich hergestellt werden. - Maybe it actually will be manufactured.
8. anscheinend - apparently Anscheinend war es das einzige, das ihm Angst machte. - Apparently it was the only thing that frightened him.
9. angeblich - allegedly Angeblich hat/habe sie das Geld gestohlen. - She allegedly stole the money.
10. deutlich - clearly Bitte sprich deutlich. - Please speak clearly.
11. offensichtlich - evidently, clearly, obviously. Das ist offensichtlich nicht der Fall. - This is clearly not the case.
12. irgendwie - somehow, kind of, sort of Ich musste dich da irgendwie rausbekommen. - I had to get you out of there somehow. Es ist irgendwie komisch - It’s kind of weird.
13. hauptsächlich - mainly Das Publikum bestand hauptsächlich aus Schülern. - The audience consisted mainly of students.
14. vergebens - in vain (without success) Vergebens versuchte sie die Tür zu öffen. - She tried in vain to open the door.
15. ausgerechnet - “of all …” Warum muss das ausgerechnet mir passieren? - Why does it have to happen to me (of all people)? (Why me?!)
16. bekanntlich - “as you know”  Dies ist bekanntlich kein neues Phänomen. - As you know, this is not a new phenomenon.
17. sicherlich - certainly Dafür gibt es sicherlich mehrere Möglichkeiten. - There are certainly various ways of doing this.
18. strengstens - strictly Das Rauchen ist strengstens verboten. - Smoking is strictly prohibited.
19. mag sein - may be Das mag sein - That may be the case.
20. möglicherweise - possibly, may be Es liegt möglicherweise ein Missverständnis vor - There is possibly a misunderstanding.
21. größtenteils - largely Das Problem wird größtenteils ignoriert. - The problem is largely ignored.
22. bedingt - only to some degree, conditionally Diese Bemühungen waren nur bedingt erfolgreich. - These efforts have not been particularly successful.                                
23. möglicherweise - possibly, may be Möglicherweise haben sie den Inhalt nicht verstanden. - It may be that they haven’t understood the content.
24. äußerst - extremely Es ist äußerst effektiv. - It’s extremely effective.
25. definitiv (eindeutig) - definitely Definitiv nicht / Auf keinen Fall - Definitely not.
26. bestimmt - definitely, no doubt Ich habe bestimmt vieles falsch gemacht! - I must have made a lot of mistakes. Er schafft es bestimmt nicht - He definitely won’t manage it.
27. wesentlich - significantly Hierdurch wird die Herstellung dieser Teile wesentlich vereinfacht. - In consequence, the production of these parts is significantly simplified.
28. glücklicherweise (zum Glück) - fortunately Glücklicherweise musste ich nicht lange suchen. - Fortunately, I didn’t have to look very far.
29. leider - unfortunately Ich habe leider gerade kein Geld dabei. - Unfortunately, I don’t have any money with me now.
30. in der Tat - indeed Hier gibt es in der Tat zwei Sachbereiche. - Here are in fact two areas of expertise.
31. zwangsläufig - necessarily Es stimmt nicht zwangsläufig, dass Kinder so sind wie ihre Eltern. - It is not necessarily true that children are like their parents.‎
32. wortwörtlich - word-for-word Übersetz nicht wortwörtlich! - Do not translate word-for-word!
33. auf jeden Fall - in any case, certainly Ich werde auf jeden Fall versuchen, zu helfen. - I will certainly try to help.
34. spürbar - noticeably Die Zahl steigt spürbar. - The number is noticeably increasing
35. auffallend - remarkably, strikingly Die Wunde heilt auffallend schnell. - The wound is healing remarkably fast.
36. offenbar - apparently, evidently, obviously Er hat offenbar den Zug verpasst - He must have missed the train.
37. eindeutig - clearly, obviously, unambiguously Wir haben ganz eindeutig Stellung bezogen. - We have taken up a very clear position.     
38. vermutlich - probably, presumably Sie sollten vermutlich nicht einmal dort sein. - They probably weren’t even supposed to be there.                
39. voraussichtlich - expectedly, presumably, probably Ich werde mich voraussichtlich um mindestens eine Stunde verspäten - I am probably going to be at least one hour late.
40. Berichten zufolge - reportedly Berichten zufolge sollen sie eine Million Dollar gestohlen haben. - They reportedly stole one million dollars.
41. Gerüchten zufolge - rumor has it Gerüchten zufolge wohnt er jetzt in … - Now rumor has it, he has moved to …   
42. teilweise - partly, partially, some of … Diese teilweise kostenlosen Leistungen müssen separat gebucht werden. - These partly free of charge services have to be ordered separately.
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thatpsychologymajor · 8 years
things i learnt regarding learning languages
recently i finished second stage of linguistic olympiad, which focuses on translating rare languages based on logical analysis, basically you don’t know the language but there is a logic rule you have to guess to translate things, yeah, its fun, now im waiting for the results of the second stage.
the thing is, after practicing, doing many problems from previous years, i found myself understanding languages’ rules easier. i’ve always been convinced that to learn language is not to learn the rules by heart, but to understand them, so here are my tips based on that:
1. native speakers are your best resource. some may disagree due to them often not being aware of certain grammar rules, but thats the point. learn the usage, not the rules. rules will come naturally to you when you analyse them for yourself based on using the language. 
2. ive been learning russian for almost 2 years now and my teacher has been focusing on remembering the rules, as if thats the best way to learn the language. so we didnt have much access to any context, not to mention poorly made textbooks. but now that ive become familiar with lots of usage, i dont need to stress about the rules, but base the grammar on previous, similiar contexts.
3. you dont need the rules unless youre majoring philology. for real, i understand that its not your native language, but whats so bad about treating it as one? learn it just like kids would. use it.
4. about using it, put yourself in native speaker’s position, change the language of your fav sites, talk to people even if you dont know much yet, stop stressing about grammar. imagine people talking to you without using cases, conjugations - youre still gonna understand them, so why not start with that yourself?
- analyse the grammar yourself instead of learning written rules (thats also gonna make you remember it better)
- vocabulary > grammar
- make friends with native speakers
- embarass yourself, make mistakes, talk bullshit - its all a way to success
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thatpsychologymajor · 8 years
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4/10/16: i’ve started studying the brain today, it’s so interesting and yet so exhausting! there are so many names and really complex spatial concepts. anyway i can’t wait to see an actual brain in the dissection lab 💫
on another note, i’ve been @arystudies weekly planner and i love it!!
taken from my studygram: @s.tudiyng
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thatpsychologymajor · 8 years
Italian conjugation patterns #2
The Imperfect Tense of regular verbs
The imperfect tense (imperfetto) is one several past tenses in Italian. We use it mainly to talk about habitual, repetitive, or continuous/durative actions in the past, and to describe what a person or thing used to do. Here are some examples sentences to help you understand how it’s used:
quando ero bambino andavo a scuola tutti i giorni (when I was a child I went/used to go to school every day)
I’m using ero and andavo because I used to be a child and I used to go to school everyday. The actions in question are habitual, repetitive and durative.
mia nonna andava sempre in chiesa (my grandmother used to always go to church)
I’m using andava here because the action of going to church was repetitive and habitual (“sempre”); it wasn’t just one time.
ieri pioveva (it was raining yesterday)
Here, pioveva implies that it was raining for a long time.
Now that we’ve seen when the imperfect tense is used, let’s see how to conjugate regular verbs. Again, all you have to do is remove the infinitive ending (-are, -ere, -ire) from a verb and append one of the following endings to what is known as the stem of the verb.
Regular -are verbs take the following endings:
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Similarly, regular -ere verbs take the following endings:
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Finally, regular -ire verbs take the following endings:
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Note: 1st and 2nd person plural, unlike all other grammatical persons, always carry the stress on the -a- following the thematic vowel; eg. cantavamo, sentivate, andavate.
Check my other post Italian conjugation pattern #1. Whereas if you want to learn how to conjugate essere and avere in both the present and imperfect tense, check my other post here.
If you have any questions, please send me message!
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thatpsychologymajor · 8 years
1. Neosporin is really good for stretch marks.  (for people who dislike them but always know that there’s nothing wrong with having stretchmarks!) 2.  Clean rooms bring good energy. Open your blinds and turn some music on a get to work. You will feel great! 3. The first thing you should drink in the morning is water, nothing else. Try to drink three cups throughout the day. It not only helps you lose weight but clears your skin. 4.  Sometimes you just have to read certain shit and not respond, not everybody deserves to hear your answers. 5.  Face masks are great. Find whichever kind you think you’ll like best and put it on after you take a shower and just chill in bed. 6. Too much coconut oil clogs your pores. Use it wisely. 7.  Going to bed at a decent time is cool. Don’t let your phone distract you, the earlier the sleep the more energy you’ll have the next.  More sleep = more motivation to get your work done. just do it. 8.  Naps are good and sometimes it’s okay to not do that one page of homework and call it quits to get rest. 9.  If you hate just plain water and you can’t stand drinking it put lemons and other fruits in it. 10.  Water with lemon cleans your system out nicely and makes you urine more. 11.  Eight tracks is a good app for new music and playlist. If you haven’t used it try it. Music always makes things better. 12.  Keep your private life to yourself or else you will have to face other people’s ugly comments. 13. Try to read at least 5 books this year or more, especially if you don’t like reading. Reading benefits you in many ways, you will be proud. 14. If you have the time to get chores or homework done then do it, don’t tell yourself you’ll do it later.  15. Invest in good bath products, soaps and bath bombs and bath oils. they will do your skin wonders. 16. Invest in good hair products too, make sure you buy things for your hair type.  17. If you want to have sex then have sex and do you, forget the comments. Bring your own condoms if you must. 18. Be friends with who you want to be friends with. You don’t have to be friend everybody. 19. Always stick up for yourself, but if you are wrong and you are being told so, take time to think and accept it. 20. Keep an extra pair of panties, pads/tampons, chapstick and headphones on you just in case. 21. Cranberry juice, yogurt, pineapples, apple juice and just natural sweet things in general.. eat it. I hope you catch my drift. 22. Mens shaving cream works better than woman’s, it makes you skin softer and hair stays gone longer. 23. Men’s razors provide a closer shave. Invest in them. 24. Buying lingerie or pretty undergarments in general will make you feel so much more confident. 25. Sometimes it’s good to just listen to people talk and let them talk for the sake of you not arguing and loosing brain cells. 26. Everybody should take a bath a few times out of the week or months. Baths open your pores and yes showers are cool but baths are A1. 27.  Always put on lotion after you finish bathing too. You want your skin nice and smooth at all times. 28. Save your money. as soon as you get it the first thing you shouldn’t buy is food. buy things that will last and benefit you. 29. Mind your own business. Who cares about what the next person is doing? Just do you.  30. Organize your closet. 31. Always be nice to people who are always nice to you. 32. Compliment other people. It’s good to uplift anybody. If you think somebody’s shoes are cute just tell them. 33. Treat yourself to pasta and something nice to drink on Friday nights after a long week. Pasta makes everything better. 34. Just learn to love yourself and who you are as a person. 35. You have a right to feel whatever emotion you feel, don’t judge your emotions. 36. If you are sensitive and people bash you for it, don’t listen to their ignorant words. Sensitive people are usually emphatic. 37. Make a grocery list before you go shopping regardless of how lazy you are. 38. Take walks. If you feel bad and need to breathe, plug in your headphones and walk. They clear your mind. 39. Keep a journal and write in it whenever you feel as if you have nobody to speak to. It’s a good way to get rid of things inside. 40. If you’re confident and you think you are the shit then you keep doing that. Or fake it till you make it. 41. Embrace insults. If somebody calls you a name turn around and flip it. People hate to see you unbothered. 42. Try to use natural/organic and cruelty free skincare/haircare products. Limit nasty chemicals, it’s good for both you and the environment.
Tips on how to feel better and look better by @contourkits (via clahrify)
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thatpsychologymajor · 8 years
french resources masterpost
i don’t even know where to begin with french…i love learning languages so much, i really wish my parents had started me when i was younger. i started taking french in seventh grade but i really hope to spend a semester abroad in france & visit senegal when im older. however, french can get super crazy with accents and hard pronunciation and fancy vocab, which can get really confusing, so here’s a masterpost w all of the french resources i’ve gathered :) 
where to start
duolingo aka the most amazing free language learning program ever
rosetta stone- i’ve heard really great things about this program, but it is not free 
bonjour- this website is rlly helpful & even if you’re already in a french class like me, you can find lots of resources for when you’re confused :) plus it’s free!!
babbel- they have programs for beginners + advanced 
grammar + spell check
bonpatron-  grammer + spell check
languagetool- grammar + spell check
reverso- grammer + spellcheck
how to change the spellcheck language on word
word reference (this is my personal favorite, i highly recommend it + it is so much better than google translate & much more reliable!!) 
linguee (this one is probably my second favorite)
you can get word reference (free!!) on the app store, as well as linguee (which i think is free as well??)                               
french vs english phonology
french pronunciation for beginners
pronunciation chart
guide to french pronunciation
exercises you could try
+ more practice
the ultimate guide to french pronunciation w videos!!
10 pronunciations you won’t learn in school
ok so i just found out the other day that if you’re on flashcards on quizlet & you press the little speaker icon it will say the word for you!! this has been super helpful on my auditory quizzes + generally getting a feel for the pronunciation of words. but i wouldn’t say it’s too reliable so definitely check out these other resources (link to quizlet) 
passe compose help (past tense)
passe compose w/ avoir
passe compose w/ etre
passe compose practice (+ more)
imparfait vs passe compose 
a helpful post explaining imparfait vs passe compose
intro to accents
type french accents w/o a french keyboard (just copy/paste into your document)
how to put accents on letters
noun gender
7 tips on learning french grammar
grammar practice
conjugation practice
how to conjugate 
french grammar masterpost
these are a few of my favorites:
stromae- hip hop//electronic but i still like his music
maitre gims- rapper but he sings quite a bit in his songs 
joyce jonathan- omg her songs are so cute please go listen
christophe mae-can we just talk about his song “tombe sous le charme” i love it + he sort of reminds me of jack johnson 
vianney!!- guys “je te deteste” is my favorite song on my french playlist right now. the sophomore that sits next to me in our french class recommended him to me & i can’t stop listening 
christine & the queens
also check out these links for more music:
universal music france
this post with french music recommendations
my post on music//podcasts for learning languages (lots of people have been recommending artists which has made this post so much better so please message me if you have any other recommendations or questions!!)
8tracks- french music
other stuff to listen to//watch
french youtubers
10 podcasts for french learners
the ten best tv shows to watch for french learners
ok don’t throw anything at me but watching peppa pig in french is actually a good method (i don’t remember who suggested this to me but thank you so much @ whoever it was) 
easy to understand french movies
news + culture
multilingual books
some blogs (not on tumblr) in french + about french culture (frenchcrazy, i learn french, oui, c’est ca, french together, fluentfrenchnow)
my tips
definitely keep a vocab notebook where you can either paste vocab lists or write them in on your own
listen to french music. find your own favorite artists. and tell me, so i can put them in here. but seriously, go do it & get those phrases + pronunciations stuck in your head!!
making quizlets for vocab will benefit you more than just using someone else’s
find friends in your class to help (if you’re in highschool, upperclassmen are a blessing pls go ask them questions if you’re lost in class), the senior that sits next to me is really good at conjugating, and i’m pretty good at remembering vocab so we make a great team
find/join a study group!! the freshman girls in my french class made a group chat & we all send links to quizlets/other resources & help each other with homework 24/7
ask questions/do speaking exercises during class. trust me, you will benefit from it. plus, having your teacher correct you on your pronunciation during class is much less embarrassing than getting an F on that speaking test 
french help on tumblr
this french idiom masterpost
more french resources
french grammer masterpost
if you’re still looking for help, definitely check out the tag #langblr
or ask me a question here
or send me a message
or ask any studyblr studying french :))
my posts
essay masterpost
studying when ill masterpost
music resources for language learners
i hope this helped!! :) 
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thatpsychologymajor · 8 years
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thatpsychologymajor · 8 years
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thatpsychologymajor · 8 years
Random Words from “HP e il Calice di Fuoco” Part 1
Italian - German - English
inchiodato - genagelt  - nailed shut la tegola - der Dachstein - roofing tile l'edera - der Efeu - ivy incolto - ungepflegt - unkempt la facciata - die Fassade - façade la dimora - das Heim - home il raggio - der Radius - radius convenire - vereinbaren - to reach an agreement anziano - alt - ancient il pettegolezzo - der Klatsch - gossip imponente - eindrücklich - impressive spalancato - weit offen - wide-open crogiolarsi in qc. - sich etw. hingeben - to indulge in sth. sforzarsi - sich bemühen - to bother malridotto - heruntergekommen - decrepit scontroso - grillenhaft - freakish abbaiare - bellen - to shout rotto - kaputt - broken strisciare - krabbeln - to creep lo sguardo - der Blick - glance cupo - dumpf - dark
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thatpsychologymajor · 8 years
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just a lil list of motivational phrases that’ll hopefully inspire you in some way ✨ (source)
“ipsa scientia potestas est” - knowledge itself is power
“dimidium facti qui coepit habet” - he who has begun has the work half done (Horace)
“ad altiora tendo” - i strive towards higher things
“vita mutatur, non tollitur” - life is changed, not taken away
“vincit qui se vincit” - he/she conquers who conquers himself/herself
“sic parvis magna” - greatness from small beginnings
“vincit qui patitur” - he conquers who endures
“tuum est” - it’s up to you
“tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis” - the times are changing, and we change in them
“astra inclinant, sed non obligant” - the stars incline us, they do not bind us
“dum spiro, spero” - while i breathe, i hope
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thatpsychologymajor · 8 years
french slang words 🐝✨
Accro = Slang for an addict
Ado= short for “adolescent”= teen Apéro = Short for “aperitif”. À poil = naked Appart = short for ‘appartement’= flat Aprem = Short for après-midi = afternoon Babiole = something worthless Bagnole = car Barjot = nutcase, insane person Ben =interj. for “well”. Often used at the beginning of a phrase, and followed by “oui” or “non” Bide = Stomach Bidon = Bad, false, ex: c'est une promesse bidon = this is a false promise Bite = Dick Blé (du blé, des sous, des ronds, du pognon, du fric) = money Bled = boondocks Bof =interj for ‘not really’, ‘i don’t like this’, 'let me think a while…’ Boule = slang for head, testicule, or ars / ass (vulgar), Bouffe= food Bouffer = to eat Bourrin = horse Bosser = to work Boulot = job Se casser = to leave ; “Casse-toi !”= “Go away !” Chier = to shit Les Chiottes = WC, toilets Chouraver = to steal Cinoche = Cinema to see a film Con (mas)= stupid Conne (fem) = stupid Connerie = crap Crever = to die, or to be exhausted adj., crevé(e),. As in “Je suis crevé(e)” = “I’m exhausted” La crève = a bad cold, Crever la dalle = be famish, be starving Cul = ass Débile = stupid Déconner= doing silly thing Dirlo = headmaster Enculer = To fuck La fac = short for “faculté”= University Faire chier = to annoy, to bother, ex: tu me fais chier = you are bothering me Faire la tête, faire la gueule = to pout, to sulk De la flotte = water Flics, keufs = police Foutre = to do or to make, or to put Ex: “Va te faire foutre” = “Go get fucked/Go fuck yourself” “Qu'est-ce que tu fous ?” = “What the hell are you doing?” “J'ai rien à foutre ici, avec toi” = “I have nothing to do here, with you” “J'en ai rien à foutre ” = “Je m'en fous” = “I don’t care” “Où est-ce que je l'ai foutu ?” = “Where did i put that?” Hyper = very, really, “Il peut être hyper attentionné ” = “ He can be very considerate ” Kiffer = to like, ex: Je kiffe la science = I like science Génial = awesome, great ex: tu es genial = you are awesome Gosse = Child Grave = stupid, ex: son père est grave = his father is stupid. Gueule = mouth Gueuler = to shout, to scream, ex: arrête de gueuler! = Stop shouting louper = to miss Machin = Stuff Mome, mioche, gosse, gamin, moutard = child Ouais = yes Piaule = room Piquer = to steal, to pick Pote = friend Se tirer, se casser = to go away Taff = job, task Taule= jail Truc = Stuff Tronche = face Type, mec = guy Vache = nasty ( but “Oh la vache” is an exclamation which means “damn”) Vachement = very ex: elle est vachement difficile= she is very difficult Zinzin = mad
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thatpsychologymajor · 8 years
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there are so many posts on how to not procrastinate, but not many about why you shouldn’t. although it seems sooo obvious, we still do it anyways, right? ;D so if you feel yourself getting off track, here’s a hUGE list of reasons why you should get your head back in the game !!
before we begin: these are just reasons why you shouldn’t procrastinate. they are meant to be motivators, not tips on how to beat procrastination – though there are some handy anti-procrastination masterposts linked at the bottom that may be more helpful for that!
you will regret it later. trust me.
if you’re losing sleep because you procrastinate: - it’s not good for your physical or mental health. you’ll be groggy and tired all day, and losing sleep makes you less happy. - it will take a toll on your performance in school. you won’t be able to concentrate or listen as well as you would with enough rest. - losing sleep also affects your appearance (and who doesn’t want to look nice?) – it contributes to obesity, pimples, and can totally give you that gorgeous “bloodshot eyes” look. - from personal experience: it will alter your sleeping schedule and that messes a looott of stuff up. if you sleep late once, your body will want to sleep at that same time AGAIN the next night. and the next. and suddenly, you’ve slept at 2am every day the whole week. yikes. - lesson of the day: sleep! is! important! ++ because i’m feeling generous, here are some great posts about getting better rest: overstudies’ tips for getting better rest by @overstudies  time to sleep. by @ofminervas sleep? sleep. by @studygene getting a good night’s sleep by @highschoolering   tips for balancing sleep and education by @brbimstudying  tips & tricks on getting enough sleep by @studyvet
if you think you’re not suffering because of your procrastination: - a lot of people procrastinate by doing other things they have to do. this is what i call “productive procrastination”. but it also means your prioritizing skills are getting worse, and you’re going to be constantly stressed out by last minute work. - some people (like me, whoops) often get away with procrastination and start to just “wing it” every time. procrastination is a habit. if you do it once, and you get away with it, you start to think you can do it more and more. just avoid it!!! - just think of all the things you could be doing if you just got everything done ahead of time. instead of spending every day scrambling to finish up work, you could relax and focus on your hobbies! - apparently, procrastinating will make your performance on assignments (and presumably, tests) worse as well. you could get better grades just by not procrastinating! (source) - procrastination = stress stress = unhappy, hair-pulling, tears, lower grades than you hoped for, getting easily irritated at other people, very very icky
my reasons to not procrastinate: - because W H Y !?!? - procrastinating a lot means you can’t work ahead. although you don’t have to work ahead to get good grades or be a good student, it will definitely help in the long run. - if you procrastinate on your homework, you tend to rush things and probably won’t remember a lot of it later. not so handy for test prep. - i tend to play the blame game when i procrastinate ( “if that hadn’t happened, i wouldn’t have procrastinated!” “but you kept on saying i should do this, so i did that and forgot to do this!” etc. ) and later i always feel icky about it. procrastinating generally leaves me in a bad mood. - if you get too used to procrastinating, you’ll procrastinate on the important stuff that actually matters. it may be okay to procrastinate on a teeny homework assignment, but if you last-minute your college applications… - because you! are! better! than! that!
other procrastination posts: >> check my procrastination tag << conquering procrastination by @studybudyblr beating procrastination by @to-work-or-not-to-work anti procrastination masterpost by @elkstudies how to defeat procrastination by @hexaneandheels unconventional methods to beat procrastination by @hcmoeconomicus
thanks for reading and happy not-procrastinating!! ♥ hannah (ps: i wrote this while procrastinating, hypocrite much?)
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thatpsychologymajor · 8 years
The Top 8 TED Talks About Psychology
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Psychology is one of the most intriguing fields of study. Since collectively as human beings, we tend to be a little narcissistic, we love others to tell us about ourselves, as well as to discover our identity.
If you love TED Talks like us and also find them inspiring, we urge you to take at this list which covers the topics of the secret of happiness to the nature of evil.
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