What crime is thus so calle criminal guilty of and has he been found guilty by a jury of his peers
sometimes when my cat is breaking rules I tell them “stop that’s ILLEGAL”
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Try again later ya bastard
Time! To bitch slap! Some inner demons!
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orphicangel submitted: Since there’s yoshi night.,,,… I think it’s only fair that there is a Kirby night as well
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Silly puppy for Monday Mar 15, 2021
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Silly puppy for Thursday Mar 18, 2021
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Everyone is related by blood but that blood doesn't make them your family. What makes them your family is love from both sides.
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The story of my life
It's a long and kinda fucked up story. Luckily for me I was born to a caring family. I was super close to my grandfather and he was similar to a father figure to me when I was younger. When my grandfather developed cancer at first it was just still normal but as it continued he slowly became less of himself and more of a husk. That broke me the man that I looked up too, loved, admired dieing in such a way when I was so young.
Then after that I wasn't really alive I was a husk going by the days. Everyday was the same. I did everything to escape my life. Then I found someone. I found my amazing boyfriend, he brought me back from what was essentially my death. He made me want to live and get better. Then during the time I was beginning to try and get better, I finally met my bioligical father. He was never in my life till then. I tried to let him in, trust him and let him be apart of my life. That was my biggest mistake so far. I didn't realize it but he was grooming one of my female friends. I felt so bad that I didn't see the signs, that I didn't know or do anything. I blame myself for not realizing and seeing how much pain he must have put her through. I honestly hate him and want to murder him, well not just murder him I want to torture him to death so he feels the pain he must have inflected in her. Then while I was still processing what that bastard did my step father the man who raised me. The man who is my father, he has developed cancer and I am kinda terrified of seeing what happened to my grandfather happen to him.
Oh and to make what that bastard did my friend wasn't even 18 years old and he had another son who was in his 30s.
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