That Forensic Life
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thatforensiclife · 5 years ago
Man uses Womens Brain as Rice Topping.
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Lloyd Bagtong (21) Is currently in police custody for beheading a women and using her brain as a rice topping.
The victim was seen walking on the road with Lloyd before the incident and was spotted again fleeing from his residence.
Police say he likely killed her early that day and used a garden tool to behead her.
Lloyd admitted to the murder and took police to her head which was thrown in a hole near his home. Her body was found not far from his home as well.
He told authorities that he was hungry and used her brain as a topping for his rice.
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thatforensiclife · 5 years ago
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This is an adult human brain that is entirely smooth, free of the ridges and folds usually seen in our brains. The owner of this brain was a resident of North Texas State Hospital, and died there in 1970. The patient’s records are lost, however the label on the jar that contained this brain states that the patient had agyria – a lack of gyri and sulci, which are the ridges and folds formed by the normally wrinkled cerebral cortex. (Source)
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thatforensiclife · 6 years ago
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Nutty Putty Cave (John Jones)
The Nutty Putty Cave is  southwest of Utah Lake and about 55 miles from Salt Lake City. 
Spelunker John Jones visited the cave with friends and family in November of 2009 at around 8 p.m.  just a few days before Thanksgiving. John was 26 at the time, married, had a 1 yr old daughter and was attending Medical School.
About an hour into the caving expedition, John decided to find the Nutty Putty Cave formation known as the Birth Canal, a tight passage that spelunkers must crawl through carefully if they dare .He found what he thought was the Birth Canal and inched his way into the narrow passage head first, moving forward using his hips, stomach, and fingers. 
John had miscalculated his location and ended up stuck and had no room to turn around. He didn’t even have room to wriggle back out the way he’d come. His only option was to press forward.He tried to exhale the air in his chest so that he could fit through a space that was barely 10 inches across and 18 inches high, about the size of the opening of a clothes dryer. But when John inhaled again and his chest puffed back out, he got stuck for good 400 ft into the cave and 100ft below the Earth’s surface.
John’s brother eventually found him and went for help. It took more than an hour to get supplies and men down to help John. At this point John had already been trapped for ~4hrs. Over the next 24 hrs, 100s of rescuers worked to free John using ropes and a pulley system which ultimately failed. After 27 hrs of being stuck upside down, John died of a cardiac arrest. No one was able to retrieve John’s body and the cave has since been sealed off.
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thatforensiclife · 6 years ago
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The Unexplained Disappearance of Constantinos “Danny” Filippidis
Danny (a Toronto Fire Fighter) went missing from Lake Placid NY (Whiteface Mountain) when on a skiing trip in Feb of 2018. While on the ski trip, Danny briefly separated himself from his friends when he went back to his car to retrieve his cell phone. When Danny didn’t return his friends began to search for him.
They came across his car in the parking lot which had his ID card among his other belongings. The disappearance sparked a mass search (almost 130 people were a part of this). There was no avalanche, no bad weather, or any kind of conditions in the area that could attribute to Danny’s disappearance. 
About 6 days later, Danny’s wife received a call from an unknown number, and on the other end, was Danny. He said he was calling from Sacramento but had no idea how he got there. His wife convinced him to call 911 and when authorities approached him they found that he was still wearing his ski clothes.
Authorities have no idea how Danny made it 3000 miles from where he went missing without having his ID. They suspected that Danny had some brain injuries during his ski trip that caused him to have a severe case of amnesia. There was no footage of Danny leaving the ski park with someone or any type of evidence indicating that he left the area (his ID and most of his belongings were still in his car).
After a few months, Danny said he vaguely remembered hitching a ride with a truck driver but cannot remember anything more. Authorities have been unable to identify the driver so there are no answers to how Danny ended up going from NY to CA in the confused state he was in.
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thatforensiclife · 6 years ago
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Grave of Dr. Timothy Clark Smith
In New Haven, Vermont lies a unique grave. Because of the prevalence of accidental burials in the 1700s & 1800s, many people used preventative measures such as bells should someone find themselves buried alive. Dr. Smith decided that wasn’t enough, and deemed that a window be installed on his grave in the event of his death. When he did eventually die, a secret vault for his wife was also built under his grave. Today the window is blurry with condensation and mold, but if a person shines a flashlight down into the grave at night, the body is still visible. Tales of hauntings also follow this grave, and the surrounding cemetery. People have made reports of an eerie green light within the grave at night and peering into the window and seeing a living face staring back at them. An old urban legend also says if you knock upon the window three times, you will hear screams and the doctor himself will appear.
Photos by J.W. Ocker
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thatforensiclife · 6 years ago
My fav podcast
How many of you listen to the CrimeJunkie podcast? I am OBSESSED! What’s your favourite episode? Are there any cases that make you want to rip your hairs out like me? Lol
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thatforensiclife · 6 years ago
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Wolf Creek is a 2005 horror film that was inspired by a number of true and terrifying events. One such event took place on 14 July, 2001. British couple, Peter Falconio and Joanne Lees were travelling along a remote road near Barrow Creek when they noticed that the van behind them appeared to be flashing his lights. The van then pulled up beside them and the driver, Bradley Murdoch, exclaimed that sparks were coming from their exhaust. Peter stopped the car and got out to speak to Bradley.
The two men went to investigate towards the back of the car as Joanne sat in the passenger seat, awaiting his return. Peter would never return. Moments later, shots rang out and before Joanne even had a chance to react, she was dragged from the passenger seat and bound with cable ties. Miraculously, Joanne managed to escape when Bradley went to move the body of Peter.
Over the next five hours, Joanne hid out in the bush, before eventually flagging down a truck. Bradley successfully evaded capture for a year. Despite a tremendous effort, the body of Peter was never discovered. Nevertheless, when Bradley was finally captured, there was so much DNA evidence tying him to the murder that he was found guilty and sentenced to 28 years in prison.
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thatforensiclife · 6 years ago
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On 28th January 2011, 50 year old Julie Schenecker fatally shot her two teenage children: son Beau (13) and daughter Calyx (16). When questioned by the police, Schenecker told detectives that she had killed them for “being mouthy,” claiming they had angered her by talking back. Beau was shot twice in the head with a .38 revolver while his mother was driving him to football practice. She then returned home and shot his older sister while she sat at her computer doing homework. Calyx also suffered two gunshot wounds to the head. 
After Schenecker’s mother contacted the authorities due to being unable to contact her daughter, officers visited the house and discovered the bodies of Beau and Calyx under blankets and Julie lying unconscious near to the porch area. In an attempt at committing suicide, she had overdosed on lithium and various blood thinners but survived. It was later discovered that Julie had kept a diary, in which she had acknowledged the crimes by writing “I offed Beau on the way to practice. I accidentally shot the window then shot him. One in the side of the head and one in his mouth because he became so mouthy just like Calyx.” It was also releaved in the excerpts that, had her husband been home from his overseas military deployment, she would have killed him too. Now her ex-husband, distraught Colonel Parker Schenecker testified against Julie in court. Although she pleaded not guilty on grounds of insanity, the jury rejected this and Julie Schenecker was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
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thatforensiclife · 6 years ago
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thatforensiclife · 6 years ago
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Alma is a creepy short film that is about 5 minutes long. It’s about a adorable little girl, who finds a doll that looks just like her in an abandoned store. I’m not going to spoil it for you, but this short film was disturbingly amazing. (Watch it here) (Masterpost of creepy short films)
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thatforensiclife · 6 years ago
Hello everyone! Sorry for being so inactive!
I went back to school, to college, for a Biotechnology Technician diploma as my Forensic degree didn’t get me any job offers in terms of lab work. One week after finishing school, I got a job! I’m currently a Microbiologist at a dental production company and I’ve been there for almost a month and it’s great experience!! Then on Saturday, I’m attending a Recruitment Day for my province’s police force, in which they’ll have a booth for forensics so hopefully I can get more info about the hiring process!
Here’s hoping these are baby steps towards my forensic end goal!
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thatforensiclife · 6 years ago
Sir Alec Jeffreys
1. Born in Oxford in 1950
2. Realised that every individual having a unique DNA profile can be useful in criminal cases
3. Discovered DNA fingerprinting on 10th September 1984
4. Knighted in 1994
He said that "[DNA fingerprinting] is the most powerful criminal investigation tool there is".
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thatforensiclife · 7 years ago
Hey, I'm in high school and im stressed about what i want to do with my life. I would really love to go into forensics (particularly things like BPA, forensic nursing, and looking at evidence) but I'm very into art, and don't want to throw away all thetime I've invested in art. I also don't think I'm smart enough to take extensive math courses (or non applicable science courses). Any recommendations as to what I should do?
Hey! Sorry if this is a super late responseWhen I was in high school, my guidance counsellor helped me SO much! That’s what they’re there for, to help students like you; they’re trained to help in these situations. If you have tried that & found it didn’t help or you don’t feel comfortable, you can always just check out a local university that has those programs & see what they have to offer course wise. You should feel excited looking at these classes. You can always private message me & we can bounce some ideas off of each other too & I’ll try my best to help! 😊
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thatforensiclife · 7 years ago
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The Murder Of Emanuel Jaques: A Dark Moment In Toronto’s History
Wrapped in a green garbage bag, the body of 12-year-old Emanuel Jaques was found on the roof behind a Yonge Street body-rub parlour in Toronto, Canada 1977.
Emanuel worked shining shoes around the city to make extra money for himself and his family. He was a familiar face downtown and was known as “the shoeshine boy”
On July 28 a man approached Emanuel, his brother Luciano and their friend Shane. The stranger bought them food and asked if they wanted to earn $35 an hour by moving photography equipment. All boys were intrigued but the man singled out Emanuel. He was excited for the opportunity and convinced his brother to let him go. After leaving with the mysterious man, Emanuel was never seen alive again.
Police finally found his body four days after his disappearance. They would later find out that he was brought to a body-rub parlour, tied up, injected with needles, sexually assaulted and drowned in a sink.
In the late 70’s, Toronto’s Yonge Street, known as the Sin Strip, was a hotspot for sex shops, strip clubs, body-rub parlours and drugs. When referring to the street, a Metro Toronto chairman said “It’s the giant scar on Metro’s pretty face.” The murder of Emanuel Jaques caused outrage in the city. Citizens blamed the boy’s death on a lack of law enforcement and demanded that the city make efforts to clean up Yonge Street.
After a panicked man-hunt, George Hislop, a gay rights activist, walked into a police station with information about Emanuel’s case. Shortly after, 26-year-old Saul David Betesh was arrested and charged with first degree murder. One day after the murder, Betesh had contacted Hislop and confessed his crime. Three other men were also arrested in connection to the murder: Albert Wayne Kribs, 41, Joseph Wood, 26 and Werner Greuner, 28.
When the public found out that the young boy had been sexually assaulted and murdered by men, the media shifted it’s focus on to the gay community. Innocent gay men became the targets of violence and the community as a whole took the blame for the incident. Emanuel’s murder is also considered to be a reason why the 1981 bathhouse raids took place.
During the trial Robert Wayne Kribs pleaded guilty. The other 3 waited for the justice system to decide their fate. Saul David Betesh and Joseph Woods were found guilty in trial and Werner Greuner was acquitted.
Even though Emanuel’s death took place over 40 years ago, it still affects Toronto to this day. It was a dark moment in the city’s history and it will never be forgotten.
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thatforensiclife · 7 years ago
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When 22-year-old Akia Eggleston didn’t turn up to her own baby shower on May 7 2017, her family knew immediately that something was amiss. With calls to Akia unanswered, they decided to visit her apartment, only to be met with a troubling scene. The apartment had been stripped of almost everything, bare except for a bed and a couple of dressers. It was as if Akia had decided to just pack up and leave, yet 8 months into a high-risk pregnancy, she could barely walk, let alone move house.
This would be the second child for Akia, who had a 2-year-old daughter from a previous relationship. The father of her unborn child was a childhood friend of Akia’s step-dad, a fact which, for unknown reasons, the young woman had opted to keep to herself. Standing less than 5 feet tall and with the baby breech, a caesarean had been planned for when her due date arrived.
Surveillance footage was pulled from Akia’s apartment complex, where it transpired that the necessary camera hadn’t been working. A canvas of the area provided no further clues. The last known images of Akia is from a number of banks in the Baltimore area, where a friend had driven her on the day she went missing. Akia went from bank to bank withdrawing money, which she had said was so that she and the baby’s father could get a house together.
The due date has now come and gone, and there is still no sign of Akia Eggleston. It is becoming and more and more likely that there is foul play involved, with the FBI offering $25,000 for information regarding her whereabouts. But as seasons change and milestones pass, Akia’s little girl is still waiting for her mother to come home.
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thatforensiclife · 7 years ago
good luck going to school I hope you get a great career afterwards!
Thank you! 💕
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thatforensiclife · 7 years ago
Life update
Hey everyone, I haven’t posted a lot of original content in a while but I’ve just been trying to figure life out. So I have been trying to apply to lab jobs just for experience & I don’t seem to be the right fit. So I’ll be going back to college for 1-2 years for a biotechnology technician! Hopefully this will look good enough on my resume to help me start my career 😅
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