North Bound
11 posts
Hello my name is Evan, this is my new blog about exploring the world and taking on a new period in my life. I'm in search of new goals that appeal to me and want to fit those desires more into my life.
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thatbrightsapphirestar · 11 years ago
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thatbrightsapphirestar · 11 years ago
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Sasha Keable - Lemongrass And Limeleaves
Just press play…
- NickTheFiasco
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thatbrightsapphirestar · 11 years ago
Docu of the day. A film about the future of fashion. 
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thatbrightsapphirestar · 11 years ago
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thatbrightsapphirestar · 11 years ago
Remember to run safely everybody!
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thatbrightsapphirestar · 11 years ago
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This book will change your life! Can’t stop reading it, guide for loving better & longer. #EatMoveSleep 💁📖
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thatbrightsapphirestar · 11 years ago
I'm sure you've listened to music where there's that one song that makes you feel good, gets you motivated and makes you feel happy, am I right?
I heard "Am I Wrong" on VH1 last week and it was love at first heard. Which is not easy especially for me, it sometimes takes me a couple times to hear a song to really like it. But this song by Vinz & Nico is perfection and fun for the summer.
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thatbrightsapphirestar · 11 years ago
Get Moving
Getting around 7-8 hours of sleep and got a half mile walk around my neighborhood with my dogs is not to shabby for the start of my day.
It's so easy to start the day by just sitting on the couch and watching television. I think it's ok to watch the news or whatever is T.V. but instead of just sitting on the couch keep yourself moving by doing laundry or stretching. 
I'm trying my best to fit yoga into my life and whenever I wake up I love doing 2-3 minute planks listening to good upbeat music, it warms me up and gives me good energy to start the day.
What do you do to start off your day?
Whoever you are. :)
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thatbrightsapphirestar · 11 years ago
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The base of success are these three things. Eat, move & sleep. 
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thatbrightsapphirestar · 11 years ago
This Writing Exercise might help you to wake up!
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thatbrightsapphirestar · 11 years ago
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First post! 
On NYE of 2013 I began to think about what was to come for 2014, there was this feeling inside of me that told me this was going to be a big year for me. I felt that this year I was going to experience change, I must admit a lot of things have changed in the past month. New job, different people coming into my life also a new major which means new school. 
The reason why I made this blog is because I'm 23 going on 24 and I'm not as far as I'd like to be in my life as I always thought. You know when you're in high school and you have these visions and goals for your future and hopefully if you play your cards right good things will happen. Such as graduating or having a job or even being in a good relationship. I honestly feel that I have failed in all of those things and when I woke up this morning I thought no one is going to make me successful only I can do that. 
I went out on a walk with my dog this afternoon I had a feeling of depression earlier this day and thought I need to get off the couch and get some fresh air. As I was walking my dog and started going through all the negatives in my life and began thinking I need to learn from my mistakes and move on. I would like to start making better changes in my life so instead of looking at all the wrong I've done how about I look at the good things in my life and take it from there because I'm the pilot in my life and it's up to me to find that happiness that I'm searching for. I will go into more detail about what goals I want to start taking and the little changes I'm going to make. 
The reason why I posted the photo of the bright stars is that I believe that the brightest stars need darkness to shine. I feel that I'm lost in that dark sky and that I have potential and success and want to express myself more and live that life I want to live. I want my life to go up, north bound.
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