thatangryradfem · 5 days
I could not agree more with ya. It Erked me to see it used like that.
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Content warning: This response includes discussion of sensitive topics related to gender identity and sexual assault.
People who have experienced sexual assault are not inherently more susceptible to becoming transphobic.
However, some current transgender-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) may attempt to exploit the vulnerability of assault survivors by propagating transmisogynistic stereotypes and biological essentialist views. The goal is to manipulate these individuals into conflating cisgender men and transgender women, in order to radicalize them against the transgender community.
The underlying point is that a history of sexual assault does not predispose someone to transphobic beliefs. Rather, some TERFs may cynically target and try to co-opt the trauma of survivors for their own discriminatory agenda. The key is recognizing this tactic and not allowing it to divide marginalized groups against each other.
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thatangryradfem · 5 days
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It's a dangerous game to play, this policing of who gets to speak about lesbianism.
Anyone daring to express an opinion that doesn't fit the narrow, pre-approved script is immediately shut down. Lesbians get told they're just confused about male attraction, while everyone else is labelled a "polilez" – accused of stealing lesbian identity or repressing some hidden desire.
It's a system designed to silence dissent, to control the narrative, and to make sure only one voice is heard.
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thatangryradfem · 5 days
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Content warning: This response includes discussion of sensitive topics related to gender identity and sexual assault.
People who have experienced sexual assault are not inherently more susceptible to becoming transphobic.
However, some current transgender-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) may attempt to exploit the vulnerability of assault survivors by propagating transmisogynistic stereotypes and biological essentialist views. The goal is to manipulate these individuals into conflating cisgender men and transgender women, in order to radicalize them against the transgender community.
The underlying point is that a history of sexual assault does not predispose someone to transphobic beliefs. Rather, some TERFs may cynically target and try to co-opt the trauma of survivors for their own discriminatory agenda. The key is recognizing this tactic and not allowing it to divide marginalized groups against each other.
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