that-fucking-error ¡ 3 days
country living
request: there needs to be more love for jemily x reader tho!! so im thinking like jj taking her partners back to pennsylvania to show them what it’s all about
jemily x reader
summary: jj’s high school reunion is happening and she convinces both her girlfriends to come to her small rural town in pennsylvania.
a/n: hey hottie!! thanks for the request— country girls shake it for me jj edit stans rise!! idk how rural east allegheny is but im making it very small town rural 🤠 hope you enjoy <3 if anyone wants the actual reunion part of this just let me know 🫡
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“good evening lovers!” y/n smiled over her shoulder at the sound of her front door opening.
“lovers? that’s new.” emily mumbled as she rounded the kitchen island to the younger woman.
“you got a problem being one of my lovers?” y/n asked teasingly as she turned the heat down on the stove.
“not at all, just curious.” emily replied holding her hands up in surrender before placing a kiss on y/n’s cheek.
“i kinda like it.” jj mused slipping out of her shoes.
“you like anything that alludes to bedroom activities.” y/n rolled her eyes at the blonde.
“guilty!” jj sing-songed, coming to pinch y/n’s side affectionately. the younger woman turned the stove off completely and turned to face her girlfriends.
“dinner will be done in a little bit if you want any. oh and before i forget, i picked up your mail, it’s in the mail holder in the entryway.”
“thanks baby.” jj smiled, stepping back in the entryway to retrieve their mail. she shuffled the envelopes, scanning the senders as she walked back into the kitchen. she plopped down on a stool and passed emily a few bills before pausing at an invitation addressed to her. she slid her finger through the sealed envelope and pulled the invite out curiously.
“god, has it really been 25 years since i graduated high school?” jj mumbled as she flipped the card over.
“25 years?” y/n echoed. “i’m not even going to say what i was going to say.”
“oh god, don’t do that thing you do when you say how old you were during that year. it always makes me feel old.” emily grumbled.
“hey! i stopped myself. i can’t help it, it’s the only way i can track time.” y/n whined as she started plating dinner. “anyways, is there a reunion or something?”
“yeah, it’s in pennsylvania next month.”
“oo, are you gonna go?”
“maybe. i haven’t been home in a pretty long time. i’m sure my mother would enjoy that.” jj mused.
“if we don’t have a case, i think you should go.” emily added.
“i second that. you gotta show everybody how hot you still are.” y/n nodded, as they all settled around her small dinner table.
“well if i go, you two have to go too. what better way to show everyone how hot i am, than to bring my super sexy lovers.” jj pointed with a cheeky wink.
“to pennsylvania?” emily grimaced.
“yes? don’t look so happy about it.” jj rolled her eyes.
“i don’t know, didn’t you grow up on a farm or something?” emily continued.
“not on the farm, near yes. you’re acting like im gonna make you milk a cow and churn your own butter.”
“didn’t reid say you were corn fed once? is that not what that means?” emily questioned.
“can i wear cowgirl boots? i don’t have any but i wanna buy some.” y/n asked turning to jj.
“obviously neither of you have ever been to pennsylvania.” jj shook her head.
“right, but cowgirl boots. yay or nay?”
“i vote yes. i think you’d look hot.” emily voted.
jj sighed with a smile and shook her head, “god, i hope we get to go to this reunion.”
luck was surprisingly on jj’s side and she and her girlfriends were pulling up to her childhood home in East Allegheny early thursday morning.
jj put the car in park and slid out first and sighed as she gazed over her childhood home. y/n hopped out of the backseat, feet covered by the red leather cowgirl boots she just bought. emily slid out last, sunglasses blocking the sun and a soft flush from the morning heat.
“welcome to east allegheny.” jj smiled turning to face both women.
“how exciting! pennsylvania.” emily teasingly cheered, causing jj to roll her eyes.
“it is giving corn fed.” y/n spoke quietly as emily leaned into her side.
“oh shut up! you two are the worst.” jj pouted.
“we’re kidding we’re kidding!” y/n protested moving to wrap her arms around jj’s neck and pull her close. “we’re so excited to learn more about country living babe.” y/n grinned before puckering her lips in a silent request.
“mmhmm, you’re definitely dressed for country living.” jj teased, meeting y/n’s lips sweetly.
“just be glad, em wouldn’t let me wear my hat. i think it looked adorable.”
“adorable yes. i agree. but i think it was a little too on the nose.maybe save that for texas or something.”
“hater.” y/n rolled her eyes before hissing as emily pinched her bum in retaliation.
“alright you two, behave. my mom’s waiting inside and i’ve got a whole day of east allegheny things i wanna show you.” jj scolded.
“yes ma’am.” emily and y/n said in unison with giggles on their tongue. emily grabbed their weekend bags and followed behind jj and y/n as they headed for the house. as soon as the first stair creaked— the door flew open and revealed sandy jareau.
“hey mom.” jj smiled softly at her mother through the screen door. their relationship had definitely been strained in the past but sandy seemed to finally be accepting her daughter for who she was and who she loved.
“morning jenny. come on in girls. i just finished breakfast.” sandy corralled leaning to kiss jj’s cheek as she pasted through the door. both y/n and emily followed suit and smiled politely at their host. jj leads the way through the hall of her childhood, breezing past the soccer pictures and family portraits on the wall. but unfortunately for her— her girlfriends were not breezing past anything.
“oh my god, is that jj?” y/n asked on an excited gasp. jj groaned and turned to see where the younger woman had stopped in the hall. she shook her head solemnly when she realized she had stopped at the top of the hallway.
“oh yeah, little jenny.” sandy smiled over the younger woman’s shoulder. “i’ve got the pictures situated chronologically as you go further up the hallway. she’d just lost her first tooth.”
“oh i just wanna pinch those cheeks!” y/n grinned pulling her phone out to snap a picture to keep.
“i’ll have to get the album out before y’all head back.” sandy smiled heading toward the kitchen.
“oh god, don’t enable her. there’s no telling what she’ll do with those pictures.” jj whined.
“no no, don’t listen to her. mrs. jareau, i need to see every baby picture of jj you have in this house.” y/n called as she stuck her tongue out at jj teasingly.
emily hid her laughter behind her hand and placed her hands on y/n’s waist to guide her toward the kitchen of the small home. jj followed behind rolling her eyes at the giddy look on all the women’s faces.
“are we taking the truck? please say we’re taking the truck.” y/n bounced at the bottom of the steps looking up at jj. they’d all cleaned their plates and thanked sandy and now jj had a day of ‘country living’ planned for her two girlfriends.
“i kinda wanna see you drive a truck as well. is there a hat you’ll wear as well?” emily joined y/n at the bottom of the stares.
“oh it’d be so hot.” y/n mused bringing her hands up to pull on jj’s arm impatiently.
jj’s eyes moved from emily’s teasing smirk and y/n’s pleading pout and couldn’t help but grin under their attention. allowing the younger woman to pull her into her side, she placed a chaste kiss on her pouting lips. “fine fine, we’ll take the truck. since it’s in such popular demand.”
y/n cheered happily and made a beeline for the old red truck parked under the tree leaving emily and jj to watch her go. emily slung her arm over jj’s shoulder with a laugh, “she’s loving this way more than i thought she would.”
“wouldn’t be surprised if she’s got a thing for cowgirls.” jj said bumping her hip against emily’s.
“oh for sure.” emily agreed with a laugh. they watched as y/n climbed into the bed of the truck and turned to face them.
“can i ride in the back? i wanna feel the country wind in my hair.”
“no.” both emily and jj vetoed in unison.
“aww you guys are no fun.” y/n pouted but knew they weren’t changing their minds.
“emily!” jj called with her hands held out in warning.
“what?!” emily paused in her step.
“your foot is hovering over a huge pile of shit. and i know how many you’re going to be if you step in that.” jj pointed.
“oh yeah that’d be so gross. we’d make you ride in the bed of the truck.” y/n nodded turning to look at the poop in question. “oh my god— what kinda animal did that?”
jj laughed with a shake of a head and turned y/n back toward the way they were walking. “the horses.”
“have i been that obvious about my cowgirl thing?” y/n asked eyeing both emily and jj.
“we assumed but the look in your eyes confirmed everything we were thinking.” emily shrugged with a knowing smirk.
y/n nodded in acceptance before turning to face jj, “in that case, i need to see you up on that steed, now.”
“i can’t believe you just said steed.” emily deadpanned.
after spending the day on her grandfathers farm, jj pulled the truck into the only small parking lot lit up. it was about 9pm and east allegheny had fully transitioned into night life mode. which in a small town means going to ‘the hidey hole’ for darts, beers, line dancing, and fried onion blossoms.
jj slid out of the truck first and emily followed from the passenger door. after refusing to let y/n ride in the bed of the truck, she insisted on being squished between them in the front. with both women out of the truck, she scooted her way to the edge of the driver’s side and hopped into jj’s waiting arms.
“i think we should get a truck.” she smiled dreamily as jj placed her on the ground.
“you’re only saying that because you’ve been wedged between us all day.” jj shook her head in amusement.
“well yes, but think of the easy access a truck allows.” y/n grinned mischievously.
emily blew a huff through her nose as she rounded the truck and stepped behind jj, caging the blonde between them. “now she makes a very good point. i think we should hear her out.”
jj’s cheeks reddened and her eyes rolled, “you two are trouble. i’m starting to regret bringing you both here.” y/n and emily laughed joyously before both kissing one of jj’s cheeks affectionately and releasing her.
they all filed into the bar and nabbed a tall table in the corner. with both y/n and emily seated, jj nodded her head toward the bar. “i’m gonna go get us some drinks and an onion blossom.”
“an onion what?” emily asked as jj walked away.
“i have no idea. i can’t lie though, i’m kinda excited.” y/n clapped happily. jj returned shortly with three beers wedged between her fingers and a plate of fried deliciousness.
“oh it’s definitely giving corn fed.” y/n grinned, pulling the onion blossom toward her side of the table eagerly.
“baby, why’s your face on the wall?” y/n asked as she and jj set up for a darts game.
“oh no reason—“ jj started to deflect but was quickly interrupted by a bumbling gruff guy leaning against the wall near them. “she’s the only person who’s ever gotten a single treble 20 in this town.”
y/n looked between the man and jj incredulously, “so you’re basically famous?”
jj shook her head with a smitten grin and the guy nodded his head in agreement. “she’s hidey hole royalty.”
“oh my god, em! jj’s royalty! come take my picture with her picture.” y/n called across the bar— much to jj’s dismay. she was positive those beers were finally hitting her girlfriend and she couldn’t help but to laugh as she watched her pose with the framed photo on the wall.
full of cheap beer and love, jj stopped the rusty truck in the backyard of her house. with the car in park she turned to her girlfriends with a smile. “wait here, i’ll be right back.” she darted up the back porch and quietly opened the screen door to enter. y/n and emily watched her go, but stayed put as they’d been told. when jj reemerged she was carrying piles of pillows and dragging blankets behind her. she threw them into the bed of the truck and pulled herself over the edge to situate everything comfortably. once the blankets were placed to her liking, she knocked on the back window and motioned for both women to join her.
“i can’t believe i ate something called an onion blossom.” emily groaned as she shuffled closer to y/n’s side.
“i can’t believe you wouldn’t line dance with us. that was a once in a lifetime experience.” y/n grumbled.
“you get so much more dramatic when you drink.” emily spoke into the younger woman’s hairline.
“you got a problem with that?” y/n asked feigning aggression.
“quiet you two, or i’ll ground you both.” jj reprimanded teasingly, eyes trained on the star filled sky. they all dissolved into giggles, feeling so light and so full of love that they couldn’t contain it. when they quieted down jj spoke softly. “when i was younger my grandfather would set up the truck like this for ros and i every weekend. it was my favorite part of the week.” y/n pulled jj closer as they quietly listened to her story. “it’s probably one of the things i miss the most about her. it was like our special time together. we didn’t argue, she wasn’t completely annoyed by my presence and it was our sister time.”
emily reached across y/n to twine her and jj’s fingers in support. “you know that reminds me of my summers in paris with my grandfather in his isolated cabin. we’d spend the day hiking and fishing. and end the night in a hammock identifying constellations.” emily recalled.
“i know you’ve both been together for so long, but i don’t think i’ll ever get tired of getting to know you both.” y/n smiled up at the stars squeezing both emily and jj affectionately. they hummed happily and enjoyed the clear night sky. a true perk of country living.
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that-fucking-error ¡ 4 days
Mom!Emily with a baby girl who’s a little older… maybe 2 or 3, and is entering that stage where she hates when mom leaves for work.
Maybe all 3 of you are at the front door seeing Emily off. Baby girl is just pouting and whining and gripping onto Emily’s pant legs ❤️‍🩹
This broke my heart...but I also loved it <3
tearful goodbyes | e.p
Tags: established relationship, hurt/comfort, fluff at the end, mom!emily, no use of yn, use of petnames
Word count: 1.8k
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This used to be easier. 
When Emily wasn’t part of a whole, when she didn’t have a ring around her finger and a piece of her heart walking around on little legs and clutching her calves at the door. Leaving used to be a matter of throwing a bag over her shoulder and piling food for Sergio in his bowl. Now it’s tears at the front door, her heart splitting in two as she fights an internal battle she already knows she’s going to lose.
Having a family changed everything. Having you changed everything; Emily’s life shifted, turned on its head when you came into it, and Eloise only added to the light in both of your lives. Two became three, a lonely apartment became a lively one. She wouldn’t change it for the world, but sometimes she wishes it didn’t have to be this hard.
“Eloise,” she says softly over the sound of sobs, “Mommy has to go.”
Emily has to speak past the lump in her throat. It was quick to appear when her daughter wrapped her small hands around her knee, pressing her face into it and soaking Emily’s slacks with her tears. Now Eloise whines, looking up at her mother with tearful eyes that make Emily’s heart twist.
“Mommy stay.” Her lip wobbles.
She’s growing tired of saying I can’t, so Emily bends down and picks her up. Eloise scrambles into her arms, hugging her neck and dampening her skin with her tears. The three-year-old clings to her tightly, arms around her neck and legs around her waist, as if her mother is going off into the trenches rather than the BAU.
Help me, Emily begs you with her eyes, the taste of tears thick in the back of her throat. She rubs absent circles on Eloise’s back as you step closer to them, your hand joining hers.
“Ellie,” you say, catching your daughter’s attention. She turns to you with bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks. “Mommy has to leave for work now, you gotta let her go.” You gently wipe her damp cheek.
“No.” Eloise whines. “Want Mommy to stay.”
“I’ll stay for five minutes,” Emily says, her voice scratchy as she combs through Eloise’s messy hair with her fingers, “and then I have to go, okay? And you have to go to preschool.”
Eloise dissolves into sobs again. “No,” she hiccups, burying her face in Emily’s neck and scorching her skin with her hot tears. You chew on your lip and Emily blows out a breath, shaky as she rocks her flailing daughter.
“Honey, you’ll have fun at preschool. You always do. You’ll get to play with Lily and see Miss Emma.” She desperately tries to soothe. Her voice is on the edge of cracking, frayed and thready from being the reason for Eloise’s meltdown.
This used to be easier.
“Don’t wanna go! Wanna go with you.” Her daughter whimpers. Emily’s heart cracks. 
It would be so easy. To call Hotch, tell him she’s down with the flu. There’s no case, only a mind numbing day of paperwork ahead, and she can just have JJ swing her case files by after work—
“Okay,” you announce, suddenly waving around a sheet of red heart stickers. “I’ve got an idea.”
Emily frowns. When did you get those? Probably when she’d involuntarily closed her eyes against the sound of her daughter’s tears.
“Hey, Eloise,” you gently smooth some of her hair behind her ear. “Listen to me, baby. Can you give me your hand?” You ask softly, reaching for the hand she has fisted in Emily’s collar. 
Eloise blinks at you with damp eyes. “Mommy will be right here, just give me your hand, honey,” you reassure. Emily nudges her lips against Eloise’s forehead in a kiss, and when you hold your hand out this time, she places hers in your palm.
“Thank you,” you quickly kiss the back of her tiny hand before showing her the pack of stickers you’d gotten. “See these?”
Eloise nods. You peel one of the hearts from the sheet and gently place it on the back of her hand. Both Emily and Eloise peer down at it, their foreheads pressed together as you smooth your thumb over the sticker to make sure it sticks.
You look to Emily when you’re done. “Mommy, can I have your hand, please?” A small smile pulls at your lips.
Emily matches it with a soft one of her own as she shifts Eloise to her other hip and frees her right hand. You take it and place a matching red heart on the back of her hand, right in the middle; it stands out against her pale skin. Again you rub your thumb over it to make it stick, both the action and Eloise’s quieting sniffles making her relax. 
With her hand still in yours, you take Eloise’s too. “See these hearts you and Mommy have?” You ask, holding their hands side by side. Eloise nods into Emily’s neck; your wife smiles, starting to see where this is going. “Whenever you miss her, you can just touch the heart. And when Mommy misses you, she touches her heart. Like this,” you touch your thumb to the heart on Eloise’s hand, smiling at her gently. 
Eloise sniffles. “Mommy’s in the heart?” She looks up at Emily.
“I’m in the heart,” Emily agrees softly, wiping a wayward tear from the corner of her eye. “And you’re in my heart, too, see?” She turns her hand.
Eloise presses her thumb to the sticker. Her pout gives and she smiles, one of Emily’s dimples digging into her cheek. “You’re in the heart!” She giggles, throwing her arms around Emily’s neck again.
“That’s right.” Emily kisses her forehead, the tightness in her chest loosening. Her eyes meet yours and you wink. She blows out a sigh, squeezing her daughter before preparing herself to let go. “I’ll pick you up from preschool today, okay Eloise?”
“Okay Mommy.”
“I’ll see you soon. Be a good girl, sweetheart.” She says as she leans over to you and eases her into your arms. Eloise doesn’t protest this time, settling into your chest quietly as she looks down at the heart.
Emily knows she’s late, but since she already is, she takes a moment to bend down a little, curling her finger gently under her daughter’s chin to tip it up. “I love you, baby,” she murmurs and kisses her cheek as Eloise mumbles a response.
Straightening, Emily reaches for you. “Love you, sweetheart,” she gives you a quick kiss, her hand gratefully squeezing your waist. “You’re a lifesaver.” She breathes; quietly, just for you.
“I know I am,” you wink. Taking her hand off your waist, you gently kiss her ring—your own version of a sticker heart. “Now go, you’re late.”
This time, when Emily reaches for the door, there’s no one there to hold her back. 
“Bye Mommy!” Eloise waves from your arms. You stifle a smile into her hair, your hand lifting in a small wave of your own.
“Bye Eloise.” Emily waves back, her chest squeezing again as she forces herself to step out of the comfort of her home.
She walks into work eight minutes late with a scowl on her face, a damp patch on her clothes, and a red heart on the back of her hand.
“Sorry I’m late,” she mumbles to Hotch when she walks into the round table room. His eyes fall to the heart on her hand and he nods, not giving her any usual reprimand as she takes her seat. Emily’s grateful for that, but while he gets the hint, Morgan doesn’t.
He nudges her when they’re back at their desks. “Hotch didn’t even tell you off today. I think he’s going sweet on you, princess—”
“Not today, Morgan.” She snaps, his teasing tone grating against her nerves. Her mouth sets into a firm line when she catches the picture of you and Eloise on her desk.
He leaves her alone after that.
It’s a paperwork day, and for the first time in ever, she’s glad for it as she sinks into her thoughts. Her pen taps against her file as she replays the morning, rethinks her job, reiterates to herself—or tries to—that it’s just a phase, more to do with her daughter’s clinginess than her work hours. Still, the thoughts don’t leave her. It’s a miracle she manages to get anything done by the time Eloise’s preschool lets out and she’s getting up from her desk, tossing her purse over her shoulder and catching sight of the heart in her hand.
All the tension in her loosens when Eloise skips into her arms, beaming as her pigtails bounce. 
Emily scoops her up into her chest. “Hi, baby.” She kisses her forehead, hot from the sun, and shifts her more securely on her hip. “Did you have a good day?”
“Uh-huh,” Eloise says. Her fingers hook in the chain of Emily’s necklace. “Lily got me cookies!”
“Oh, she did? That’s nice, did they taste good?” She asks. Eloise nods happily and Emily tugs gently on a pigtail, “We’ll have to make some and share with her tomorrow, what do you think?”
“With chocolate chips?” Eloise turns her wide eyes to her mother.
“Of course with chocolate chips,” Emily agrees, every muscle unwinding at the sound of her daughter’s sweet voice. “We can’t have cookies without chocolate chips.” They reach the car and she opens the door, settling Eloise into her car seat.
As she buckles her in, Emily catches sight of the heart sticker on the back of her small hand. “So, did you miss me today?” She asks playfully.
“No,” Eloise says.
“Oh.” Emily’s brows furrow. As sweet as her daughter is, she is a toddler, something Emily is reminded of every time she forgets. A chuckle slips past her lips as she shakes her head, “Well, I did—”
“You were here,” Eloise interrupts, pointing to the heart on the back of her hand. 
Emily smiles softly. “That’s right,” she laughs. “I was with you the whole time. But you know what, Ellie Bellie?” Her fingers skate over Eloise’s stomach, gently tickling her until her girl starts laughing, “I still missed you anyway. Even though you were with me.”
Eloise looks up at her as she kisses her forehead. “Missed ’gio,” she says.
“Oh you missed him did you? I can never win when it comes to him.” Emily mock tsks, but she’s smiling as she shuts the back door closed. She slides into the driver’s seat and flicks her eyes up to the rearview mirror, instinctively checking on Eloise as she buckles her seatbelt. She turns on the car and drives off, any remaining tension melting off her body when she catches sight of the ring on her finger, the reminder of you and home just a few minutes away. 
taglist: @suckerforcate @sickoherd @lextism @catssluvr @i-lovefandom @haiklya @justhereforthosefics
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that-fucking-error ¡ 7 days
Hi🩷🩷 can I request mom!emily ? Maybe her and reader have a young boy/girl, plot up to you!!! Mom!Emily is the sweetest of the sweet.
Momily is my weakness :’) <3
slow mornings | e.p
Tags: established relationship, fluff, mom emily, no use of yn, honestly just cavity inducing fluff
Word count: 1.5k
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When Emily wakes up, it’s to the blurry sight of her daughter rolling around in her crib, monochrome through the screen of the baby monitor. Quiet gurgles reach her and the corner of her mouth lifts up as she takes the monitor off her nightstand and lowers the volume, not wanting to wake you. You’re buried in her collarbone, lightly snoring into her neck with your leg between both of hers.
It’s rare that she wakes up first. Emily wants to soak it in, spend a few more minutes with you evenly breathing into her neck, but a stronger pull calls her to her daughter. She counts ten seconds before carefully tossing the blanket back.
Somehow, she’s able to untangle herself from you without waking you up. Emily arranges your limbs back on the mattress and lifts the blanket up to your chin, gently kissing your forehead before silently leaving your room. She rubs the sleep from her eyes, feeling her oversized sweatpants slip down her hips and pool at her ankles, trailing on the floor as she walks down the hallway.
When she opens the nursery door, Emily is greeted with soft mumbling. She pads along the soft carpet and peers down into the crib, a grin spreading along her face when she sees Eloise. The six-month-old is rolled around on her stomach, her eyes bright and alert. She smiles when she sees her mother, the pacifier falling from her mouth and onto the mattress.
“Morning, Eloise,” Emily coos, her voice hushed as she reaches for her daughter. Golden warmth rushes through her when tiny hands reach for hers, equally tiny arms outstretched for her to take. Her daughter is a clingy one—much like Emily herself—and she can hardly find it in herself to hate the way her baby seeks her attention.
Emily swiftly picks her up. “Hi, sweetheart. Did you have a good sleep?” She cuddles Eloise to her chest and kisses her sleep-warm cheek, running her fingers through her messy hair to smooth it down. 
Eloise rubs her face into Emily’s chest. 
“Oh, gotcha,” she laughs, “no small talk before food. You’re just like your Mommy, aren’t you?” Her voice is fond as she carries Eloise out to the kitchen to prepare her bottle. 
Eloise babbles sweetly in response, her small hands fisting in the chain of her necklace. Her soft hair is ticklish under Emily’s jaw; she finds herself smiling as she walks to the sun-soaked kitchen, taking in the unbroken stillness of the house and the quiet babbles of her baby. 
She hums out a mindless tune while preparing the bottle, her chin resting lightly on Eloise’s shoulder as she pours in the water and measures out formula powder. Her bare feet whisper over the hardwood, a thudding of paws on the floor alerting her to Sergio’s presence before he even starts rubbing against her legs.
“Mornin’, Serg,” Emily mumbles, hitching Eloise higher on her waist as she screws the bottle cap closed with one hand. Her daughter’s onesie-covered feet tap against her torso, occasionally hitting the exposed skin beneath her tank top and tickling her with the wriggly cotton. Emily stifles a laugh into Eloise’s forehead as she picks up the bottle and pads out of the kitchen, Sergio not far behind.
She sinks down on the couch and he curls up on her spare thigh, a similar weight to the infant she props up in the crook of her elbow. Eloise’s little legs spread over her lap and Sergio places his paw protectively on her foot. Emily smiles as she gives her daughter the bottle, holding it with one hand and absently scratching between Sergio’s ears with the other. 
When Eloise grips the bottle with both her hands, Emily lets go of it, instead gently running her fingers through her daughter’s hair. She’s got quite the bed head; Emily smooths it down carefully, untangling the soft baby curls as she begins humming again. Other than the vibrations of her voice and Eloise’s gurgles as she drinks, the house is quiet.
By the time her daughter is done with the bottle, Emily’s stomach also begins to rumble, effectively hitting the nail on the head. 
“You’ll help me make breakfast, Ellie?” She murmurs, running the pad of her thumb down a silk-soft cheek. Eloise blinks at her with long lashes, her eyes just the same bitter coffee shade as Emily’s. “I’m thinking maybe scrambled eggs today. Does that sound good?” 
Eloise gurgles back.
“Sounds good.” Emily confirms. She hears a door gently thud closed and smiles, imagining you sleepily moving about. “Someone’s waking up, we gotta hurry.” Lifting herself off the couch, she carries her daughter back to the kitchen and starts taking out her ingredients. Doing things one handed isn’t the most practical, but Eloise snuggles closer into her collarbone and latches onto her necklace again, unwilling to be put down.
Emily doesn’t really mind.
A golden disk sits on her throat, the letter E gently engraved on it. A thin chain holds it in place around her neck, the beating pulse under it keeping the metal constantly warm. Most people think the necklace is for her; few know the more precious reason behind it, a light in Emily’s life and in yours. 
The chain tugs against Emily’s neck as Eloise brings it to her mouth.
She hums, gently pulling the disk from her daughter’s lips. “You can’t eat Mommy’s necklace, sweet girl.” She murmurs, tucking it under her tank top. Her little girl whines as Emily wipes her fingers on her sweatpants before taking out a pan and setting it on the stovetop. 
“Shh, I know I’m mean, sorry,” she whispers, quickly rubbing over her daughter’s back before grabbing a bowl.
“Mmm,” Eloise tries.
“Mmm-mama.” Emily intones gently. Her lips brush the tip of her daughter’s nose, sending her into giggles. Emily’s smile stretches wide. “I know it’s delicious, but you can’t have it. We’ll have eggs soon, don’t eggs sound better?”
The look in Eloise’s eyes says no, but Emily gently swings her around as she cracks the eggs messily into the bowl. The pouring of yolks from the shells fascinates her daughter, and soon Eloise is leaning over her arm, her head tilted down as she peers at the eggs.
“Silly girl,” Emily laughs softly as she tosses the shells in the trash. Eloise whimpers at the lack of eggs as Emily washes her slippery fingertips and shakes her head, wiping her hand on her sweatpants before hitching the baby more securely on her waist. “Okay, okay, we’ll see the eggs again,” she promises, switching Eloise to her other arm as she goes back to the counter. “Happy?” Emily murmurs when her daughter bends over the bowl again, quieting down as she beats the yolks with a fork.
She’s pouring the eggs into the pan when your footsteps pad against the kitchen floor. Emily turns and flashes you a smile, her heart warming at the sight of your messy hair and rumpled pajamas.
“Hey Ellie, look who decided to join us. It’s sleepyhead,” she chuckles, stifling the sound into Eloise’s hair as you roll your eyes. “Now we know where your bed head comes from.”
You ignore the tender jabbing and silently hold your hands out for your baby.
“She wants me,” Emily pouts, huddling her closer to her chest.
But Eloise is content to be in either of your arms. She’s not a picky girl, just eager for comfort from either of her parents, so she reaches her hands out for yours; you laugh at Emily’s exaggerated pout as you take her. Once your baby is secure in your arms you kiss the pout off Emily’s lips, your hand falling to her waist and gently squeezing. Your thumb skims over the soft, exposed skin of her hipbone, and Emily rests her temple against yours with a sigh.
“Ten minutes and I’ll give her back,” you murmur, giving her one last peck before you let go.
“Mm, liar.” Emily says, scrunching her nose playfully. Eloise giggles, sweet as a bell, and the two of you perk up at the sound.
“Don’t say such bad words in front of her,” you chide quietly. Kissing Eloise’s forehead, you narrow your eyes at her.
“Sorry, your majesty,” she throws you a wink, biting her lip when you roll your eyes. Emily leans into your chest to reach her daughter. “Sorry, princess,” she murmurs, the words lost in a kiss to her temple.
Eloise fists her tank top; Emily’s heart swells. “Ah, see, so you do want me,” she beams, dimples digging into her cheeks and her daughter’s. “You’re a Mommy’s girl, aren’t you?” Emily coos, trailing kisses down soft cheeks.
“Em, the eggs are burning.” 
“Let ’em burn.”
The sound of your laugh elicits one from Eloise as well. Gentle fingers rake through Emily’s hair as she continues kissing her daughter’s smiley cheeks, one hand behind Eloise’s neck and one arm around your waist.
She’s got the whole world in her hands.
taglist: @suckerforcate @sickoherd @lextism @catssluvr @justhereforthosefics @i-lovefandom @haiklya
292 notes ¡ View notes
that-fucking-error ¡ 10 days
So I loved to see you are taking requests for tooth rotting fluff and I’ve been thinking, what an established relationship in which Emily gets super jealous when someone’s flirting w r and instead of being mad or sad, she just responds by getting extra touchy and really wants to make you believe that she loves you better and louder and softer than anyone else could? (You obv already know) this is super random so sorry if it’s not your vibe lol
This is absolutely perfect, tysm for requesting <3
nuisance | emily prentiss x reader
Tags: established relationship, fluff, jealous / possessive emily, a gross man, no use of yn, use of petnames
Word count: 0.9k
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A soft laugh tumbles from your lips as Emily whispers in your ear, idly profiling the dining guests from your place at the bar. She’s standing next to you while you sit on the plush stool, two drinks in front of you as you wait to be seated.
She’s chosen the perfect place. The restaurant is lit up with the warm glow of candlelights, soft music playing over the clinks of cutlery and the hushed conversations of couples. Emily is wrapped up in a burgundy dress, the satin kissing her pale skin in a way you’re almost jealous of. Her voice is soft, her fingertips softer still as they skim your arm and leave idle goosebumps in their wake. 
You feel almost sickeningly in love; your heart is just on the cusp of racing, your cheeks heated with a warm glow at the tenderness of her attention. It’s a rare opportunity, to see her like this—dressed up and relaxed and oh so gentle, her eyes shimmering with the love you know is reflected clearly in your own face.
“And that guy,” she murmurs, subtly tilting her head to the suited man sitting in the corner, “oh, he’s a piece of work,”—you giggle and her eyes soften, her lips tilting upward in a smile—“his suit looks like Armani and that’s definitely a Rolex, so you know he’s a lawyer. Pity, their egos are sky—”
“Excuse me?” Someone interrupts. You and Emily both turn in the direction of the voice, expecting to see the hostess.
It’s not her. A man stands in front of you, the determined look on his face informing you of his intentions before he even speaks.
Emily’s arm curls around your waist. “Can we help you?” Her tone is pointed and sharp, edged with irritation you know only you can hear—apparently she sniffed him out, too.
The man ignores her. His eyes slide to you; the unabashed hunger in them makes you stifle a disgusted shiver. “Can I buy you a drink?” He leans against the bar, dragging his gaze over your body.
“I already have one.” You say flatly, “In case you didn’t see.”
“He’s too busy looking at you to notice it,” Emily’s voice turns warm as she hooks her finger under your chin and gently brings your eyes back to hers. Her fingers tighten on your waist, the darkness of her eyes as intense as a black hole as her thumb ghosts over your bottom lip. “I don’t blame him, chérie,” she breathes, her words now for you only, “have you seen yourself tonight? You’re breathtaking.” Her fingers gently rake through your hair, careful not to mess it up.
A shiver dances down your spine. Cheeks hot, you tilt your chin upward. 
Getting the hint, Emily leans in for a kiss, not before you see the smug smile on her lips. Surprisingly she’s soft, caressing your lips gently, reverently, instead of kissing you with possessive intent. Somehow it makes you love her impossibly more, and you sink further into her kiss before an annoyed ahem breaks you out of your daze.
You turn to the man with a scrunch between your brows. “You’re still here?” You ask, fighting to keep a straight face when Emily snorts. She hides the sound in your forehead, her lips gently pressing against your temple. The hand on your bare arm distracts you, and as she draws circles on your skin you barely notice the napkin that the man slides across the bar, his number written messily on it.
“If you ever change your mind from that,” he sneers at Emily, her responding scoff dripping with derision, “call me.” 
He has the audacity to smile.
Anger flares in your stomach. “Watch your fucking—”
“That’s sweet.” Emily interrupts before you throw a punch. “I don’t think you want it though, do you, amor?” She trails her knuckles down your cheek, her eyes still hot with jealousy. The low murmur of her voice almost soothes the fire in your veins.
“No.” You say, twirling your chair to properly face her. Her nimble fingers cup your jaw and you lean into her hand, raising your voice so the man can hear you. “You’ve got a lighter on you, haven’t you?”
Emily grins. The dimples in her cheeks make you smile back, even as the man sputters behind you.
“Emily Prentiss?” The hostess comes by then, giving you an apologetic smile. “Your table is ready.”
“Just in time.” Emily doesn’t spare the man another glance as she holds out her hand for you. You take it, smiling as she carefully helps you down from the stool. Her fingers thread through yours and you turn to grab your phone.
Ever in tune with you, Emily squeezes your fingers. “I’ll get it, my love.” She murmurs, grabbing your phone and hers, as well as her purse. With the barest tips of her fingers, she grabs the napkin and tosses it into your half-full wine glass as the man gawks.
You laugh softly as Emily turns and gently pulls you to your table, both of you steadfastly ignoring the hot set of eyes behind you. She drops your hand when you reach the table, only to pull out the chair for you, a sparkle in her dark eyes.
You grin at her brightly. 
Emily feigns confusion. “What?” She asks, her brow arching.
“I love you.” 
A slow smile spreads across her lips. Emily grabs your hand, gently kisses your knuckles and leaves behind traces of her lipstick. 
“I love you, too.”
taglist: @suckerforcate @sickoherd @lextism
327 notes ¡ View notes
that-fucking-error ¡ 12 days
Can you please write rough smut for grey hair Emily Prentiss that’s just… total shameless filth😭 like choking, breeding kinks, semi public sex (in her office)
I could eat that girl for lunch
Emily prentiss x Fem!reader
Warning: smut 18+, breeding kink, semi public sex, breast kink, spitting kink, choking kink, praise kink, mommy kink, one slap, slight cunniligus, fingering, slight strap fucking, etc.
A/N: oh I lost it with this one🤭enjoy sorry it took so long 😭
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You knew it was wrong to think of your boss Emily in such a way.... but God damn it. You just couldn't control yourself anymore. I mean come on she's the Emily prentiss, Unit Chief of the BAU, who wouldn't be obsessed with her, sorry in love with her. She was insufferable, almost irresistible like a drug. The way she would bite her lips when ever she laughed or was focused on something very important.
Or The way she held her hands in her pockets and stood against door frames or leaned against desks. The way her hips would sway whenever she struts down the hallway towards her office and finally, the way she looks at you. The way this woman would look at you was everything. Her eyes, they were always glued to you when you were busy doing your work. She thought you didn’t notice her but gaze detection is a real thing that works.
Emily would stare at you as if she wanted to devour you. And it always made you weak. It made your skin get heated and your mind go dizzy. You couldn’t focus when her eyes were on you, it was as if every cell in you wanted to explde. The time you wore a strapless shirt to work because it was too hot out, and for the entire day she couldn't find the decency to stop her eyes from roaming over your collarbone and shoulders, and the other time you wore a mini skirt and a top that had a zip in the middle that was pulled down just enough to see your cleavage. She went nuts.
Emily knew of your angel face, but she didn’t let that fool her. She knew you had dirty thoughts of her, you even went as far as making a dirty jokes about her. One time she overheard Jennifer asking you if you were to fuck anyone in the office who would you fuck and you had chosen 'Emily'.
You always had a thing for older women, and everyone in the office knew, so maybe it’s obvious that you had quite a massive crush on your boss as well. You heard rumors of Emily being “ talented” with her tongue and “skilled” with her fingers. You did have the privilege to meet one of Emily’s ex-girlfriends at a seasonal greeting event, and by her words “ Emily almost took her out of the world”.
You did try to do your work as best as possible and tried your very hardest to keep out of her way. And for some time it had seemed to work. Emily caught onto the drift and sensed that you were giving her the cold shoulder and the both of you stuck to strictly business and work professional procedures and encounters. But none of this stopped Emily from winking at you from time to time and even going as far as moving you aside by your waist using her hands when you were both in the kitchen getting lunch at the office.
Her hands in your waist sent electric shocks throughout your body, and each time she gave you a sly smirk. You did try to ignore her most of the time. And for a while it lasted.
So tonight you don’t know what possessed you to sneak into Emily’s office. There was a big case that was on the table and it required all hands on deck. You had decided to stay back and help Emily crack some codes but after half an hour in she left. It was pretty late, around 10:38 PM and you were exhausted. Your eyes flicked up to inspect your surroundings because sometimes people break into police departments to steal evidence.
That’s when you saw her that her office light was on and had decided to go turn it off and then after you would finish pack up and then leave . It wasn’t the first time being in her office, but it was the first time alone, by yourself….. with just her stuff. Her jacket was thrown on the back of her chair and a couple of her personal belongings sprawled out on her desk. You had already checked for cameras and any audio devices, there were none. So you took off your pants and panties, shirt and bra leaving yourself completely naked in your boss office.
Absolutely downright crazy, bat shit crazy. You sit in her chair and gently began fingering yourself at a slow pace, but quickly increased it as you became more desperate and needy. Your eyes were tightly shut closed, as your hand worked it’s magic down between your legs. All that can be heard was the wet sounds your cunt was making when you thrusted your fingers in your pussy, your weak hoasty moans and your loud and elaborate breathing as you neared your peak.
Your orgasm washed over you almost knocking you out of the chair and onto the floor causing you to topple over yourself . Your eyes hastily as you swallowed thickly and bit your lips.
“ well” a voice says, half disappointed half surprised. Your eyes snap up towards the entrance of the office to see Emily standing there. Her expression was unreadable. You felt all the blood drain from your face as your entire body freezes with both fear and shame. Emily smirked at you before she took a step into the room, closing and locking the door behind her ( you forgot to close the door?!) . She took slow strides towards the table as she pushed her hands into her pocket.
“ you know I really thought you were just a shy little good girl who knew her worth and knew how to ask for things…. But I guess I was totally wrong wasn’t I?” She asked, carefully walking around the desk, she stopped and stood in a position where she was pressing all her weight on one foot as she titled her head, inspecting you. She chuckled silently and further approached you.
“ could have fooled me babe” she says plainly, she then grabs you by your jaw and forces your face upwards to look at her. Still you remain frozen. A part of you couldn’t believe you had gotten into this situation and another part wanted to curl up into a ball and completely disappear for all eternity, never to be seen again.
“ look at you, I stood there for over 20 minutes, all in which you did nothing but fuck yourself senseless to the thought of me, don’t you see it now y/n your my slut” she says, purring the last two words, that may have reheated something in you because you need her all over again.
“ uh oh, what’s wrong? Cat got your tongue? Or did you lose your voice after screaming my name so loud? Oh Emily , fuck yes Emily, fuck me Emily” she mocked you and that’s when a realization of being naked hits you. You were completely bare before this woman. In her own office. Such a shame.
Emily’s eyebrow quirked in amusement as she looked at you shy away from her and look everywhere but into her dark eyes. She took the opportunity to look at your body intensely. With a silent hum her eyes wondered down your chest, stoping to look at your breast and how perked your nipples were. She then moved further down your body and her eyes landed on your vagina, from the way you were sitting she couldn’t see much but just the thought of fucking it got her going.
In one swift moment Emily grabbed you by your waist and tossed you onto the desk. You whined at the sudden action and prompted yourself up onto your elbows to remove some objects from behind of your back before you proceeded to lay down. Your legs opened up involuntarily which caused Emily to smirk as she stood between them causing them to spread even wider. Regardless of your previous orgasm you were already so desperate for this woman’s touch.
Emily took off her jacket and soon everything else went with it. She was bare in just her pants alone. You wanted her to remove it but you were too mesmerized by her stern breast to give a shit. Her pants were high waisted but allowed you to see her toned abs a little. God you wanted her so badly. Your shaking hands made their way up to her skin and you gently placed your hand on her abs admiring them, god she must work out real good. For a moment you thought that you were lost in heaven until you felt her remove your hand.
“Getting touchy now are we? That’s slutty behavior” she laughed, she loved teasing you and seeing you squirm beneath her. This wasn’t the first time Emily had you under this choke hold. There were many other times where she was able to get under you skin….. but those are stories for another time. She leaned down and hovered her lips over your mouth, contemplating if she should give into you or let you go crazy over her some more. Even though Emily could see the pleading look in your eyes she knew better than to give the devil what she wanted.
Emily chuckled as she removed a strand of hair from your already sweaty forehead to behind your ear. Her hand stayed there, behind your neck, for a while her grasp tightening every few seconds which caused you to release a quiet moan from your throat. Emily looked down at you in deep thought before her eyes flicked down to your lips. Her thump caressed your jaw for a little while before she spoke.
“ open your mouth” her request definitely caught you off guard but the way she said it made your thighs clench but you remember that she was laying between them, making it hard to do so. You looked up at her confused as your breathing got shallow. You gulped and did as she asked. For a while she did nothing but then she opened her mouth and slowly poured her saliva into your mouth.
You were a little disgusted because back in high school you were always the one to say that you’d never allow anyone to do this to you but things have changed, it’s Emily fucking prentiss. Sorry. It’s mommy. And something about this just turned you on more because you could feel the slick that was pooling between your thighs from your pussy. Emily stopped and watched you close your mouth. She gave you a look and you knew what she was asking without words. You swallowed. She then started kissing you. It was rough but slow at the same time, she made you feel as though you had all the time in the world.
She broke the kiss before you even had a chance to deepen it as she moved down to your breast. She left pecks all across your chest, small sucks and bites that will most definitely leave marks later on, not that you care. She continued her assault until she moved down to your nipple. She swirled her tongue around the small bud first before she looked up at you with mischievous eyes before then enveloped the entire bud into her mouth. Your head fell back and you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to just feel. She abused the small bud by gently biting it and sucking on it like a baby enjoying your moans.
Her hand fondled with the other neglected breast as the other made it’s s way down to your pussy, Emily knew you weren’t paying attention to her works so without notice she carefully pulled your lace pink panties to the side and inserted two fingers at the same time without warning. Your back arched as your eyes rolled back. Your hands immediately flew to the edge of the table for support. Emily smirked and released your nipple with a ‘ pop ’ sound as saliva made a bridge from her mouth to the bud to which she broke by licking her lips.
“ that’s it baby, just like that? You like when mommy gives you what you want without you having to ask her?” You couldn’t even respond to her, your mind was clouded with her insufferable praises, perfume and god did her fingers do a number on you. Everytime her digits slid out of you and back in her lips twitched. The sound of your cunt squelching against her fingers and your petty moans and grunts as your body began to spams made Emily want to do more despicable things to you until you couldn’t walk.
“ fuck so good, this is squeezing my fingers so fucking good baby, I wish I had a fucking real cock to split you open with, get you pregnant with my babies, you’d like that huh?” She whispered, increasing her pace as she curled her fingers deeper into you cunt, touching your g-spot every few seconds as she buried her fingers knuckle deep into you. You could feel your skin heat up as a familiar feeling of pleasure built up within your lower abdomen. Your hips bucked up towards every thrust of her fingers as your hand grabbed her wrist to slow her actions, you wanted to last longer to prove to her that you weren’t just some cum hungry slut. But that would be pointless because you are just a cum hungry slut.
But with her praises and her fingers moving at the speed of light it was truly impossible. You tried to pull it off a little longer but you couldn’t.
“ I feel you clenching me so tight baby, let it go for mommy, I wanna feel you drench my fingers so bad baby” she purred in your ear, her breath hot against your skin, and with that sentence you came for her. You eyes rolled back and you could feel your juices pouring out of you and onto her fingers. Emily kept fucking you drawling out every whimper, twitch and cry that you had to give. You were completely dumbstruck and spiraling.
You felt as she withdrew herself from between your legs as the sound of her jeans being removed. You stayed there trying to catch your breath. You looked down to Emily and that’s when you see her pulling off her pants completely, a strap around her waist. It was a clear light purple with small glitter pieces in it and it was huge. Without even realizing you tried to back away from her but Emily was two steps ahead, catching onto what your intentions were she pulled you back down by your ankles and forced your legs apart.
Emily placed her hands under your knees and pushed them up above your chest. You’ve never seen any strap that big or long and you anticipated how well she’d fuck you with it for your first time. It was as if you became a virgin again.
“ why are you running now darling? You wanted mommy to fuck you so badly when you were in here all by yourself. Your gonna take it like a good girl now” her tone was so dark and seductive it made your skin crawl and your insides burn with desire.
She pinned your hands above your head and slowly sank the tip of her cock into you forcing a moan out of you. Your eyes slammed shut as you tried to focus on the stretch, the way she made the pain and the pleasure mix so good. She let loose of your hands and gently started choking you. The deeper she buried herself within you the more your eyes would roll back and your legs would quiver. You desperate pleas of moans and cries filled the room as Emily started thrusting into you with full force. Deep and fast the tip bruising your sweet spot every time.
Emily angled her hips ever so slightly, just enough to push her cock up against your cervix. Gently at first, but when she heard the mewl that escaped your mouth at her action and the way your body convulsed it became rougher each time. You trembled as she kept thrusting into you.
“ oh— oh GOD— Emily please, fuck I can’t TAKE IT ANYMORE” you cried but it fell on death ears. You tried to close your thighs to eliminate how well her cock drives into you but Emily’s grip on your neck made you mind mush. Continuing your attempt you tried to move away from her but that resulted in you getting a hard smack across your face as she choked you much rougher. Her nails digged into the flesh out your waist as she started pounding your pussy brutally whispering insults that you couldn’t quite hear due to your moans and the sound of her thighs connecting with your slick.
“ fuck that’s it, right there? Mhm? Right fucking there” she cooed as she pushed your legs further apart and circled her hips as she made her thrust more curved. Your body began to tremble and Emily chuckled as she looked down at the white circle ring around her cock. She felt as your body tensed up and you let out a pornographic moan of her name. She kept thrusting after you came until you whined and pushed her away with a hand on her abs. She pulled out and kneeled down eye level with your cunt.
She cleaned up the mess with her tongue. Cautiously sucking and pulling at your clit until you pushed her head away. She smiled at her work and at herself and looked up at you. Your chest raised and fall with every breath you took and your thighs were still shivering. She leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before whispering.
“ round two? We’ve got all night and I’m sure i recall you saying your flexible….”
372 notes ¡ View notes
that-fucking-error ¡ 25 days
Heyyy bestie🥰 hope you’re well, I was wondering if u could do an Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader! Maybe where you and Emily are friends and she had a crush on jj, and when jj kisses will (🥲) she’s upset and goes to try and distract herself with a one night stand with reader, and Emily explains she wants it to be purely casual, but towards the end they end up falling in love? Idk if that makes sense or is stupid ahah! Ily 🫶 😘
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Note : This is my first ever request so I hope it fulfills what you had in mind <3
Emily Prentiss x reader!
Summary : The sun and the moon. Only able to meet in a phenomenon. An eclipse.
Tw : Mentions of suggestive content, 'unrequited' love, hurt with comfort
Word Count : 1k
You smiled softly as you comforted a Emily. The two of you had just met Will.. JJ's boyfriend.
You had known for a while about Emily's infatuation with JJ.
You gave her the utmost empathy you could. You understood what it felt like to like someone who so clearly liked someone back. It was only silent comforting as the rest of the team was still there with them at the bar. Surprisingly, no one else knew about Emily's little.. Well, very large crush on JJ. They were profilers but couldn't sense a relationship in the team even if it was right in front of them. So much for being good profilers.
But that also played in your favour. That meant no one had noticed your crush. Your crush on the woman you were currently comforting. It wasn't the most ideal situation you wanted to be in. But honestly, as long as you were with Emily you didn't mind.
As the night neared, you offered to drive Emily back to her house. She gladly accepted and as you drove her back, she spoke about wanting a distraction. You hadn't really been listening, being more focused on the road than on Emily. You had simply hummed and agreed to do whatever she wanted.
And as she hungrily presses her lips against yours, you truly realized what she meant by a distraction. Well, fuck.
It had been a couple of days after Emily's.. Distraction.. And you had been awkwardly avoiding her. She had already told you she wanted it to be casual. And you respected that, even if it wasn't what you wanted. But as you had said before, any time with Emily was time well spent.
It had happened again and again. Now, you were avoiding her. You couldn't handle a full conversation with her knowing that you liked her and she only wanted it to be casual. It was breaking you from the inside.
You had sometimes referred to yourself as the moon. You wanted Emily, the sun, but the sun always cared for the earth more. JJ. But the moon never stopped loving the sun. Not even when every last star went dim. Because, maybe, there would be a chance where the sun would notice the moon.
A phenomenon.
An eclipse.
But an eclipse was rare. Which is why it's a phenomenon. And those who see are blessed, they deserve to see it. And you don't. You are not blessed. You do not deserve it.
You don't deserve Emily. Emily deserves JJ. And so you will do anything to make her happy. Even if it means destroying yourself.
And you so just so. A little piece of you is destroyed with each kiss. Each casual kiss. But you keep going. You keep going for Emily.
"Hey, Y/N?"
You look up with a hum as Emily calls your name.
"Can.. Can I talk to you?"
You frown as you try to think about anything you've done. Has she figured out about your feelings? No. You've been careful. Does she want to break whatever little fling you've got on? Hopefully not.
You just nod and give her a tight lipped smile as you stand up.
You follow her into the empty break room. You stand by the wall as she shuts the door.
"I want to talk to you about something."
You nod. Wanting to hear more.
"Yeah? You can tell me anything, Em." You spoke, hoping that your voice was as casual as you wanted it to be.
"I know I said I wanted what we had to be casual.. But I.."
You attempted to put the pieces together in your head as she spoke but you just couldn't, what did she want? It didn't sound like a break up kinda thing per say. But you were still slightly pessimistic on what it could be. But you were cut out of the daze when Emily just blurted out what she was hinting.
"I like you!"
You froze. What? How? You voiced these thoughts.
"Huh? What? How? Why?"
You could see a panicked look on her face as she turned around.
"Oh. It's nothing. Sorry, you can just forget about it."
She was about to walk out of the room when you grabbed her wrist.
"Wait! No! I mean, I like you too. But.. Why me? What happened with JJ?"
She looked up surprised.
"JJ? I don't- I don't like JJ anymore. I thought you figured that out when I stopped talking about her?"
You thought back. That made a lot of sense. For the past few months, JJ has been nowhere in your conversations. You had just assumed it was because JJ was a touchy subject. But you repeated your other question.
"Why me?"
"Why you?"
She echoed. As if it was the most absurd thing to ask.
"Because you're you. You're so pretty. And.. You care so much."
You didn't listen to her rambles as you tried to gather your thoughts. Emily likes you. She.. Likes you. She likes.. You?
You smiled. Well, it was more of a Cheshire Cat grin. You pulled her out of her rambles with a kiss. It was different than the other times. It was soft, full of gentle passion rather than hunger. It was.. Amazing to say the least. And as you pulled back, her eyes spoke the words she couldn't make out. She felt the same as you.
All those piece you had thought were destroyed. The pieces of your heart you had given to Emily. She had given back. You smiled softly. Maybe the moon did get the sun.
A phenomenon.
And it happened to you. And you didn't feel as if anyone else deserved it. Because truthfully. No one else did.
You then thought. If this was how phenomenons were, then you knew why they were so rare. Why people would die to see one. You would certainly die for this if you had know this was how it was like. 
The moon and the sun together.
A phenomenon.
An eclipse.
120 notes ¡ View notes
that-fucking-error ¡ 1 month
Hello!!! Can you do Emily x doctor insta post? 🥹🫶
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i’ve merged these two requests together as they were quite similar I hope that’s ok 🫶🏻
emily prentiss x surgeon!reader instagram posts
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taglist 🏷️:
@itisdoctortoyousir @fdI305 @urfavesim @mrsebrewster @villaneve4life @hopedoesntknow @mrs-prentiss @lilfartbox1 @ssa-sapphic @inlovewithemilyprentiss @venromanova @ah-blossom @scarlettssub @geekyandgay98 @claymoreshaze @eyes-on-display @dj-bynum3718 @waitaminuteashh @daddy-heather-dunbar @toouncreativeforauser @momily @psychopath-at-heart @jjareau-cm @itzdarling @i-lovefandom @thawnexwells @kathleenmikaelson @lesbodietcoke @multifandomlesbianic @inlovewithjemily @thawnexwells @lovelyy-moonlight @dontemilyyyyme @sleepingathlete @jayden-prentiss @tutucoolforschool @jenny-from-the-bau @voidsaddiction @pagetsgirl @chestnutninny @3amcloudss @quickslvxrr
be added to my tag list here
send in asks and request here
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that-fucking-error ¡ 2 months
hey not sure what your boundaries are but this shouldn’t cross any hopefully!
Could I request a season 16/17 emily x fem!reader where they have a conversation over the phone that goes from work to random to just plain flirting with each other and then it ends up as a facetime. Then at work the next day they are constantly eyeing each other up because they basically confessed their feelings the night before and then emily calls her into her office and they kiss or something?
P.S You can change it however you see fit and, I read you’re ‘drunk in love’ fic and I adored it!
Thank you so much!
y'all have the cutest ideas! ty for requesting angel <3
i’m so glad you liked ‘drunk in love’ 🤍
𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒔, emily prentiss
s16/17!emily prentiss x fem!reader
a late night call with your boss turns into a confession (and an absolute mess of a day at work)
warnings: mentions of a broken wrist, insecurities (r), kissing, making out?
·˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛
You sunk deeper into the sofa's cushion, fluffy blanket up to your legs and a mug of warm tea resting in the coffee table in front of you. You momentarily eyed the printed "I <3 my boss" on the mug before returning your attention to the tv, smiling at the memory of Emily presenting it to you on last year's secret Santa of the bau. It was tacky, letters slowly fading from the use (still your favorite) and for some reason that made it even more valuable to you. You would never admit it but it was always your go to for coffee and tea, specially while working from home for a whole month.
About a month before, you had fell while chasing an unsub. Resulting in a fractured wrist and a sore knee. The day after, you had shown up to work just to be sent home by Emily herself, insisting that being at home would help you get better faster. You were pretty sure she wouldn't have sent any other of her agents home because of a broken wrist but you opted to not overthink it too much. If you did, you would probably spend the whole month questioning if she considered you weaker or less capable than them.
Even though your job could be more than tiring most of the time, you were starting to go mad from sitting on your sofa with a laptop on your lap for entire days.
You phone rang from it's place on the coffee table, Emily's picture appearing right after.
"Hey, boss." You answered, nothing but confused. It was relatively late and you were waiting for anything but a call from your boss, the one you happened to be down bad for.
"Hey, just wanted to check on you. Ready to come back tomorrow?" Her voiced sounded through your phone, warmth spreading over your chest by simply the sound of her voice.
"Never felt more ready, actually. If i had to have that cast on my arm for one more day i would've have probably ripped it open with my own nails." You sighed grumpily but quickly replaced your frown with a small smile.
"Yeah, i'm sure getting to work from your couch must be exhausting, missy." She humoured and you could predict that she had a teasing smile on her face.
"Not exhausting, but very boring." You knew she was only joking but couldn't help yourself from wanting to explain. The last thing you wanted was for your boss to think you're lazy. "Besides, i miss Pen and JJ way too much to wait any other day to see my girls." You added.
"Ouch. Great to know i'm missed." It was not news for you to have comfortable conversations with her. Emily was not only your boss but also a friend you cared a lot for - way too much. But today her voice sounded overly soft, almost as if she was relieved you were returning tomorrow. She doesn't like you that way, she's just being a good boss.
"I thought you being the best boss was a fact already." You laughed slightly.
"Yeah sure, call it what you will." Emily snorted.
"Well, does the fact i have the mug you gave me last year full of tea in my hand right now prove it?" You observed, taking a small sip of it.
"You're bluffing- i don't believe it until i see it." She scoffed, seeming weirdly surprised. Why wouldn't you be using the mug?
You thought for a second before saying, "We can manage that, turn on your camera."
"What?" She sounded even more surprised now, a chuckle leaving her lips.
"Just do it, Em." You retorted, well aware the nickname was enough to persuade her.
You waited for her to accept the facetime request before bringing the mug to your lips once more, making sure to leave the letters on full display.
"If i knew you were actually going to use the mug, i would've bought you a nicer one." She smiled and only then you noticed how much you missed it. Her smile. From what you could see, she appeared to be at the office. Her hair was tucked behind her ears, a few silver strands falling over her eyes that looked right back at you.
"I like my mug just fine like this." You returned her smile, eyes drifting lower to her dark blue button up. Two of the buttons were undone, showing just enough collarbone to make your heartbeat speed up.
"You look nice. That month did you good, you look well rested." The grey haired woman noted, your cheeks flushing. The compliment was subtle but you couldn't help the tingling sensation every time she praised you in any way.
"Aw you think i look nice?" You teased, holding back a smile when she rolled her eyes at the comeback. "I'm just messing, you know that. I think you look very good, too." You rested your head against the sofa, gaze fixated on her.
"That's hard to believe, i've been working since 7am. And after having two meetings with these new assholes that think they're better than anyone else, i think it's impossible to not look like a mess." She sighed. Emily did indeed look tired, the bags around her eyes and the way she was slightly slouching confirmed it. But that didn't make her any less beautiful, not to you. Or anyone with eyes.
"I see i'll have to kick some ass when i come back." You confirmed, pleased when she answered with a small smile. "I'm serious though, about you looking good." You breathed in before continuing, a rush of confidence suddenly appearing. "You always look pretty, Emily."
"I'm starting to think you only wanted my camera on so you could enjoy the view, uh?" Her voice came out shakier than she intended it to, but she quickly covered it with a smirk.
"I guess that wouldn't be a lie." You missed her too much to even bother denying it.
There was a comfortable silence for a few moments before she said in an almost whisper, "Thank you. Really."
"Nothing to thank me for. I'm always here, i care a lot- well maybe a bit too much sometimes." You didn't even think before uttering those last few words, embarrassment creeping right after.
She called your name softly and you could only manage to look at the mug in your lap, silence filling your living room again.
"I care about you, too. More than i should." The last part caught you off guard, eyes flickering up to look her in the eyes. I love you, is what you wanted to say next. But you sticked to a gentle nod, giving her a quick goodbye before hanging up.
˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛
The next day, you felt utterly stupid for hanging up so abruptly. Or maybe for accidentally confessing to the unit chef. Well, technically she confessed too. But everything had suddenly felt so overwhelming that the only solution you could think of was to run from it. Had she only said it because she pitied you? Did she mean it? These two questions were the only thing running around your head as you tried to focus in the files in front of you.
The only interaction you had with her was right when you walked in the bullpen, not really paying attention as you bumped into her. Mumbling out a small 'sorry' before scurrying away to your desk, not having time to process it since JJ was pulling you into a tight hug as soon as you put your bag down.
Thinking about it after, it had been painfully embarrassing and the only thing you wanted was to burry yourself in a hole far away from said chief.
For the rest of the morning, you would eye her every time she stepped out of her office, adverting your gaze when she'd look right back at you. Sometimes you could feel her intense gaze at the back of your head, body filling up with the familiar tingling - that was just a fraction of the impact she had on you.
With a frustrated sigh, you got up from your chair. Maybe some coffee would help you get some work done. Even though you were sure that just by looking at a mug, you would think back to the mug that was still sitting on your coffee table at home. Get it together, please.
"Agent." Emily's voice sounded behind you as you were adding sugar to you coffee. You didn't have to turn around to know it was her, you loved her voice too much to not recognize it.
"My office in five." She added before you could barely turn around, leaving to her office right after.
Well, fuck. You had exactly five minutes to prepare yourself for the humiliation it would be.
You closed your eyes tightly, exhaling a little too loudly. Making your way back to your desk and setting the mug there. You wiped your already sweaty hands on your trousers, taking slow steps towards Emily's office.
In that moment you were almost 100% sure that she had only said it out of pity. Her tone was stern and dry, almost as if she was just your boss. Maybe it was the way she always talked to you and you just hadn't noticed, too lost in your delusional. Maybe she was really just your boss, after all.
Your knuckles made contact with the door, leaving two knocks there.
"Come in." Her muffled voice sounded from the inside, encouraging you to open the door.
Stepping inside, you hesitantly approached her table, heart pounding against your chest.
"You can sit down if you wan-" She started but you soon interrupted her. The words bubbling up your throat before you could stop them.
"Look, Emily, i'm so sorry- i didn't mean to overstep. I know that you're my boss and it's completely inappropriate to have feelings for you, i didn't mean for it to slip. It's just- i had barely talked to you for a whole month and seeing you just made my feelings come back all over aga- and i shouldn't even be saying that! What i mean is that i know you don't feel the same and it would be easier to just pretend it didn't happen. Please." You voice came out way more cracked than you intend it to, the knot in your throat making it hard to speak.
"What the hell are you talking about?" When you finally got yourself to look at her, she was nothing but confusion. Wide eyes staring at you, mouth slightly agape.
"That's not why you called me in?" Your cheeks flushed, fingers playing with your shirt.
"Well yes. But with the intention of apologizing for making you uncomfortable." She got up from her chair, meeting you were you were standing. "I mean, you hung up quite abruptly yesterday and barely looked me in the eye this morning." You felt quite aware now of how your actions could have easily been misunderstood.
"Oh." You shoulder slumped, voice barely audible.
"Yes. Oh." Emily chuckled and you felt yourself finally aware of your surroundings.
She was standing mere inches away from you, breath slightly fanning against your cheek. One hand reached to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear before settling on your cheek, the other making its way to your waist. "Can i kiss you?" She whispered and you could feel your knees grow weak. She's perfect.
You nodded eagerly before she kissed you, lips moving softly against yours. The tingling sensation marking it's presence now beneath the skin she touched. Your fingers tangled in her grey hair as you pulled her impossibly closer.
Before the kiss could get too heated, she started peppering gentle kisses across your cheek. "Missed you." You could feel her smiling against you when your cheeks heated.
This time it was you who pressed your lips against hers, hands gripping the collar of her coat. She tasted like mint and you recognized it, her favourite gum she always made sure to have a stock of in her desk.
"Let me take you out tonight." She pulled away gently, arms wrapping around you in a comfortable embrace.
"Is that even a question?" You chuckled, quickly pecking her lips one more time.
Maybe being down bad for the unit chief wasn't as bad as you thought.
·˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛
a/n: pls make requests i’m so out of ideas 😭
i lowk hate the first part of this but whatever 💀
cat 🤍
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that-fucking-error ¡ 2 months
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jealousy jealousy
pairing: jemily x reader word count: 1.8k warnings: men are creeps!!! protect your drinks ladies and femme presenting humans, alcohol mention, attempted drink stealing, alludes to dynamics in the bedroom (jj hates being called mommy*), #topjjrights, reader has long enough hair that jj can hold onto it, female leaning terms of endearment a/n: i tried to keep this gender neutral as possible, though there is ONE line where i couldn't think of anything better than "our girl" so that's what it ended up being. request from this ask *(yes thats a callout to aj not knowing what the term "mother" means)
the case felt like it had lasted ten years. it was one of the longest ones you could remember working on, spending almost three weeks rotating through the same six outfits you had packed in your go-bag and occasionally stealing your girlfriends’ shirts. it was only fair that morgan decided to take everyone to the bar before the jet left in the morning. you and morgan were approximately three beers in when everyone else started trickling in. your eyes fell to your girlfriends, the two of them walking over to the bar before they came over to the booth you and morgan had claimed in the corner. you knew their orders by heart. emily would get whatever the fanciest looking drink the bartender could make was, and jj would go for whatever was on tap. you typically got whatever they wanted to order for you, which most of the time was something fruity. it didn’t matter to you, since it meant your girlfriends were taking care of you. 
they made their way over to your table, both of them sneaking an arm around your waist and leaning into you. you made sure to press a kiss into jj’s neck and then promptly placed one on emily’s cheek, knowing all too well you would start something you couldn’t exactly finish at that moment if you went anywhere near emily’s jaw when she had alcohol in her system. the three of you curled up together in the corner, happily striking up a conversation with your teammates. eventually, morgan decided everyone needed shots and made his way over to the bar to grab everyone a round of shots. you usually didn’t do shots, but decided why the fuck not. a few shots wouldn’t hurt you. as long as you didn’t get sick on the plane like last time you went out drinking with morgan, everything would be fine. 
three drinks in and everyone was starting to feel it. you knew your tolerance was a bit higher than your girlfriends, but you felt it slipping considering you hadn’t eaten a single thing since breakfast and it was currently getting close to being midnight. was it a good idea? probably not. but that was a problem for tomorrow. your fingers twirled through jj’s blonde hair as you leaned into her side, emily slipping out to follow morgan and make sure he could carry all the shots he was about to order. sometimes you wondered where the man kept his extra drinking money, but decided not to question it since the alcohol was free for you. jj’s fingers danced along your thigh, moving up a bit til they were on your hip. you leaned your head back into her shoulder, a silent plea for her to continue what she was doing. 
jj knew exactly what happened when she got alcohol in your system, the game getting more and more dangerous by the minute. it was almost as if they had planned to get you going, knowing all too well that you would drag them out to the dance floor at some point and let all the tension flow from your body as you danced with them. your arms would always end up wrapped around jj’s neck while emily pressed up behind you, her arms wrapping around the two of you protectively while you danced to the beat of the music. jj nipped at your ear, her grip on your hip tightening as she waited for the alcohol to hit your system. emily appeared to catch on the second she and morgan got back to the table, sliding back into her spot and resting a hand on your upper thigh. her other hand went to play with the hair at the nape of your neck, another thing that would get you out to the dance floor rather quickly. you reached out to your cup for another sip, not noticing until you put it to your lips that it was pure ice. with a small pout, you shimmied yourself out from your girlfriend’s grasps. clocking morgan talking to a group of girls a few tables over, you silently told your girlfriends you’d be back as you made your way over to him. 
“i’m getting another drink! your tab still open?” 
“you know it hot mamas. get what you want!” 
with a smile and an appreciative peck to morgan’s cheek, you made your way to the back of the club where the bar was. you took a minute to scan the people around you, barely clocking the group of young twenty somethings in the corner who had been staring at your group all night. the vodka in your system from the shots you had taken was finally starting to hit, and all you wanted to do was drink, dance and forget the past three weeks had ever happened. you, emily and jj had barely had time to spend with each other, only scraping by precious moments in the hotel room as you all cuddled in bed together. sure, you had snuck away to get chinese one night, but it wasn’t the same since you were all technically on call. but now that the case was done, you had planned on spending the next week snuggled up in the arms of your favorite people with silly romcoms on in the background. 
while you longed to be in the hotel laying in bed with a bottle of emily’s favorite wine and a six pack of jj’s favorite beer to be split between the three of you, you had to admit it was nice to get out and let loose. sometimes you needed to get way too much alcohol in your system and sweat your ass off dancing to stupid pop hits. and the fact you were doing it with some of your closest friends was a bonus. was it silly to say your coworkers were some of your closest (and only) friends? sure. but it was the truth. you spent so much of your life surrounded by them, it was only fair that they were top priority on your short list of people who were allowed to see you with your walls down. especially emily and jj. they wiggled their way into your life and intertwined themselves so intricately that it was going to be nearly impossible to get them out. 
turning around, you felt an arm slip around your lower back as you waited for the bartender. you stiffened, trying to make it clear to whoever was behind you that you were indeed starting to become uncomfortable. 
“how’s it going, cute stuff? rough week?” 
a dry chuckle fell from your lips. “you could say that.” 
“what are you drinking? i’ll get you one.” 
“you’re very nice, but i’m spoken for.” you turned away from him, flagging down the now free bartender. 
in the back of your mind, you could feel jj and emily’s eyes on you as the man edged closer and closer. you wished you had gotten one of them to come up with you, but it was too late now. you had ventured up here yourself, thinking that nothing bad would come of it. boy were you wrong. the bartender got you a new drink, putting it on morgan’s tab. you went to reach for it before you were interrupted. 
“let me take this back to your table, sweetheart.” the man reached for your drink, not even waiting for you to answer. 
“absolutely the fuck not.” you grabbed his wrist, pressing into his pulse point. 
“aw come on, just let me take it for you.” 
“you must not of heard me when i said i’m spoken for.” 
“that’s what they all say. and hey, if there’s no label, it doesn’t mean anything.” 
as if on cue, jj came up to you and wrapped her arms around your waist. “is this man bothering you, sweetheart?” 
“mmm,” a cheeky smile appeared on your face. “just a little bit, mommy.” 
you were absolutely poking a sleeping bear, considering jj hated being called mommy. however, you needed to fend off the man in front of you, and what better way to do that then to get jj all pissy and controlling? you could feel her demeanor change, her hand sneaking up your back until she had her hand wrapped around your hair. 
“is that so? you do remember who you came here with, right?”
“i do.” 
“who are you here with?” 
“you. and emmy.” the man's eyebrows raised as you reacted to your hair being tugged. 
emily appeared on the other side of jj. “what’s going on here?” 
“some dickhead is trying to steal our girl.” jj practically spit out the sentence. “had to put y/n in their place, they were going along with it.” 
that was totally a lie, but the man didn’t have to know this was exactly the game you three typically played when people were hitting on you. 
emily grabbed at your chin. “you do remember who you belong to, yes darling?” 
“yes,” you nodded. “i do.” 
“then why were you flirting with…” emily looked the man up and down. “that?” 
you fell into the part quite easily. “i didn’t mean to, i swear!” 
out of the corner of your eye, you could have sworn you saw the guy pop a boner. you tapped jj’s leg twice, your signal that it was unfortunately not working as well as they planned it to. 
“go back to the table, lovey.” jj let go of your hair, taking your drink from your hand. “i’ll get you another one, considering this man child tried to take it from you. can’t trust men these days.” 
“hey, now that’s a big accusation-”
“accusation or not,” emily stepped closer to the man. “it’s never okay to steal anyone’s drink. no matter how nice you’re being. and by the way, it’s a criminal offense, and all three of us work for the fbi.” 
the man stiffened as emily patted him on the shoulder, grabbing you and pulling you close. you leaned into emily’s shoulder, hiding your face slightly as you let out a shuddering breath. it had been a hot minute since you had come that close to getting your drink spiked. it was a miracle you were still standing and not halfway slumped over some random guy’s backseat on their way downtown to do whatever they wanted with you. but your girlfriends had come to your rescue, and that’s all that mattered. 
jj handed you your new drink. “you okay, lovey?”
“i am. sorry i had to pull the mommy card. i know you don’t like it.” 
“you know i’d slip into any role you needed me to, right? bedroom or not, i’m yours.” 
“the same goes for me. whatever you need me to do to make sure you’re safe, i’ll do it.”
“promise.” jj and emily both squeezed your hands. “do you want to stay or go back to the hotel?”
“can we go back to the hotel? i’ll down my drink first but-”
“don’t worry, i stuck your water bottle in my purse. come back to the table, put your drink in there and we’ll head back, yeah?” 
you smiled. “gods, what would i do without you?”
jj wrapped her arms around you. “hopefully there’s never a world where you’d have to find out.”
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that-fucking-error ¡ 2 months
Soft Early Mornings
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summary: Emily takes care you when you wake up.
genre: fluff and smut
cw: 18+ mdni! kinda softdom!emily, kinda sub!reader, dirty talking, praise, fingering (r receiving), reader has a vagina but nothing else is specified (the only word used to describe reader's genitalia is clit), reader is written as non-male because I can't imagine emily as anything other than a lesbian, cumming in pants (I guess it counts), no use of y/n, morning sex, crying during sex, soft/emotional sex
wordcount: 1.1k
You wake up to the warmth of the newly risen sun and Emily’s hand under your shirt drawing gentle circles on your stomach. You groan softly and she presses a kiss to your shoulder. “Hey, baby,” she whispers. Her voice is husky and quiet. She must have woken up not long before you did.
“Hi,” you whisper in response, pressing your back further against her chest.
She chuckles slightly and flattens her hand on your stomach to pull you closer until your body is completely flush against hers. She slips her thigh between your knees, parting your legs slightly, before once again dragging her fingertips softly over your skin.
You sigh with contentment and turn your head to look back at her as much as you can. Emily props herself up slightly, her hair falling over her shoulder and neck, and presses a brief and gentle kiss to your lips. You smile as she presses a kiss to your nose before tapping the tip of your nose with her own and settling back down into the bed. 
You can feel her shift slightly behind you as she knocks off the bit of the blankets that managed to stay covering you both throughout the night despite your squirming. Being this close to each other provides all the warmth you both need.
“I love you,” you mutter.
Emily presses another kiss to your shoulder. “I love you too, baby.”
You hum happily and she chuckles in response. Her hand slips further up your shirt, tracing swirls up to your sternum and back down with two of her fingers. You let your eyes slip shut as you focus on the feeling of her hand, her love and care for you apparent with every soft design she draws.
Emily flattens her hand on your stomach again, just resting it there for a moment before shifting it so the tips of her pinkie and ring fingers slip under the waistband of your shorts. Surprised, you shift your hips slightly, pressing your body harder against her.
She raises up and presses a kiss behind your ear. “Is this okay?” she whispers.
A shaky breath leaves your lips and you nod eagerly. 
Emily chuckles into your ear. “Words, sweet thing.”
“Yes,” you gasp.
She kisses you again and you can feel her smile against your skin before she settles back down. Her hand dips further beneath your shorts and you gasp as one of her fingers brushes over your clit.
“Such a pretty little thing,” she mutters. Two of her fingers settle over your clit and start rubbing gentle circles. The feeling makes you moan softly as little sparks of pleasure shoot through your body. The sound makes her chuckle.
Emily doesn’t increase her pace at all, even though you know she can feel how wet you are, moving her fingers just fast enough with just enough pressure to drive you crazy without giving you more. She peppers your back with gentle kisses as you squirm against her and you can feel her smiling at every little gasp and moan that escapes your lips.
She slides her hand further down and you whine at the loss of stimulation to your clit. The sound is quickly cut off by a groan as she sinks two fingers into you at once. “You’re so beautiful,” she whispers. You let out a little broken moan as she curls her fingers inside of you. The angle is perfect, allowing her fingers to hit that spot inside you while the heel of her palm presses against your clit.
“E-Emily,” you gasp weakly.
“Shh, it’s okay, baby,” she soothes. “I’m right here.”
You whimper desperately as she slowly starts to thrust her fingers in and out of you, hitting that spot and nudging your clit every time. She’s so gentle, making the pleasure build inside you slowly, burying deep in your gut and creeping up your spine. It’s overwhelming in the best way possible and you can feel tears pooling in your eyes. A soft and happy sob works its way free from your chest and Emily stills her hand but doesn’t remove it. She props herself up, leaning over you and tilting your head so she can press a long and gentle kiss to your lips. “You okay, sweet thing?” she asks softly. You nod and open her eyes to meet hers. You let your eyes slip closed again as she presses her lips back against yours and resumes the movement of her hand. Her fingers hit that spot again, making you gasp into the kiss. She pulls back and kisses where the tears have gathered at the corner of your closed eyes.
“You’re doing so good, baby. I’m right here,” she whispers. “I’ve got you.” 
Heat climbs up your body and you whine desperately as you feel yourself getting close.
“That’s it, beautiful, so good for me.”
Her voice and words are so full of love and care and they drive you crazy, making you whimper and squirm.
“Em–“ you moan.
“It’s okay, baby,” Emily whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. “Cum for me.”
As if on cue, you cum around her fingers. Pleasure washes over you and your body shudders. You moan and clench around her as she works you through it, whispering praises into your ear. When your orgasm subsides, Emily gently removes her fingers and you practically melt into the bed. It wasn’t a violent or overly powerful orgasm, but the slow build and gentle release of pleasure exhausted you. 
Emily slips her leg out from between your knees and you roll onto your back. You open your eyes and blink up at her with a dopey smile, uncaring of the tears still on your face. Emily wipes her fingers clean on her shirt and props herself up on her elbow to look down at you. Her hair falls over her shoulders and brushes against your neck and chin, making you giggle slightly.
You reach up and tuck her hair behind her ear, both to stop it from tickling you and so you can get a better view of her beautiful face. “Hi,” you say softly, lowering your hand to rest on your chest.
“Hey, sweet thing,” she responds. She presses kisses to each of the tears on your cheeks. “Did so good for me.”
You feel your cheeks warm. “Do you wa–”
Emily shakes her head. “No,” she says softly. “This was just about you.”
She kisses you softly and you raise your hand to cup the back of her head. When she pulls away for air, Emily rests her forehead against yours, pressing the tips of your noses together. She slowly opens her eyes to stare into yours.
“I love you,” she whispers.
“I love you too.”
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that-fucking-error ¡ 2 months
Texts from Emily Prentiss (18+)
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384 notes ¡ View notes
that-fucking-error ¡ 2 months
can you write a fic where emily is on her period, annoyed at work, irritated, and really needy but is lowkey embarrassed to ask reader for relief? reader basically then calls her silly and tells em she loves her always and then helps her? and heavy smut takes place
(reader also works at the bau)
thank u!! - and no problem at all if u don’t feel like writing this <3
I got u, anon! ❤️ Hope you enjoy! – illdowhatiwantthanks
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, graphic sex, fingering, afab body parts, menstruation, explicit language (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 2.7k
Summary: You and Unit Chief Emily have had a secret thing going on for a while, but when she starts lashing out at you and the rest of the team, you suspect something's wrong. Turns out, it's something you are very capable of fixing. 😏
Emily sat hunched over a book that she clearly wasn’t reading, massaging her temples. She’d been touchy this whole trip. Touchy with the rest of the team, with local law enforcement. Thank god JJ was in charge of dealing with the press, or she would have been touchy with them, too. And now she was touchy on the jet.
Usually on the last night of a case, when the end was in sight or when you were headed home in the morning, or even on a night where she was frustrated that they hadn’t made progress, Emily would come to your room. She’d knock softly, in the dead of the night, slip into your room, into your bed, into your very body. And she’d be gone before your alarm went off in the morning.
You’d waited and waited last night for Emily to come to you, watching the minutes go by, then hours. You knew you hadn’t made any plans, nothing concrete. There was never anything concrete when the BAU was out on a case. But, nevertheless, you missed her. You missed the warmth of her body next to you, the way you’d talk and laugh about nothing while she sat in bed, naked, and smoked a cigarette after she’d thoroughly fucked your brains out. You missed the way she’d vent to you about the case or tell you something personal, something she wouldn’t tell anyone else, as you fell asleep together, tangled in some random hotel’s sheets.
You’d been seeing each other for months now and, outside of work, had some semblance of a typical relationship. But at work, you were just an agent and her unit chief. Friendly colleagues, at most. You and Emily were always careful to appear impartial. And you were profilers, so you were pretty good at avoiding tells that your relationship was more than it seemed on the outside. But you were worried about her today. She was angry and irritated and… not herself. You were trying to figure out a way to ask her what was wrong, but you couldn’t figure out how to move seats to be near her without arousing suspicion. Not to mention the fact that Emily would never tell another member of the team that something personal was going on. So she couldn’t tell you. Not here, not on the jet.
You tried not to look too interested when Reid sat down across from Emily, playing with the string on his sachet of green tea. “Are you okay, Emily?”
She made a noncommittal sound of affirmation, then muttered. “Just a headache.”
“You know,” he started, and you could just tell he was prepped for an educational monologue. “Headaches are simultaneously one of the easiest and one of the hardest medical maladies to solve, depending on their cause. There are over 50 reasons why one might have a headache, usually categorized into two overarching categories: primary and second–”
“Reid,” Emily snapped. “I am begging you to shut up unless you want to become one of the 50 causes of a headache.”
Reid shrank into himself, and you immediately felt sorry for him. Sure, he could come off as a know-it-all or annoying, but he was goodhearted and kind and smart and cared about the team. It wasn’t like Emily to belittle him.
When you’d all debarked from the plane and made your way to the parking lot, you waited for the other cars to peel out before approaching Emily’s. You tapped on her window and she rolled it down for you.
“What?” she growled.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” you asked, voice full of concern. “You seem off.”
“I’m fine,” she stated. “God, I wish people would just fucking leave me alone today. And stop asking all these questions.”
You were taken aback, hurt. You weren’t “people.” You were, for all intents and purposes, her girlfriend, everywhere but at work.
“Well, um…” you stuttered, unsure how to proceed or respond. “Do you still want to come over tonight?” She almost always did the night after getting back from a case.
“Y/N,” she groaned, massaging her forehead. “No offense, babe, but what part of ‘I wish people would fucking leave me alone’ did you not get?”
You felt like crying, but you’d be damned if you were going to let Emily see it. “Whatever, Em.” You shook your head. “I’ll see you on Monday.”
You watched Emily zoom out of the parking lot and, once she was gone, you let yourself cry. At least it wasn’t just you she was upset with; clearly she had it out for everyone right now. But still… Emily was usually different with you. She was softer around the edges, kind and thoughtful, a little bit silly. This wasn’t like her at all.
The more you thought about it, the angrier you got. How fucking dare she blow you off like you were no one!? She’d been rude and dismissive and snappy and weird with everyone this whole trip and, dammit, she was not going to get away with being like that to you, too. Either something was wrong with her or something was wrong with the rest of you that had pissed her off. Either way, you were determined to figure it out. So when you sped out of the parking lot, teary and determined, you headed not to your apartment, but to Emily’s.
You knocked angrily on Emily’s door until she threw it open, looking as pissed as you’d ever seen her. “Y/N,” she said, frustration evident. “I told you I didn’t want to see you.”
“Yeah, well,” you said, pushing past her and into the apartment. “Sometimes you don’t get what you want.”
You poured yourself a glass from the open bottle of wine she had on the counter and took a sip. Emily stood across from you, still massaging her temples and looking generally annoyed.
“What, Y/N?” she groaned. “What do you want?”
You set your glass down so aggressively the wine sloshed a bit. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Emily!?” you railed. “You’re being so mean and so… not yourself. Is something going on!?”
She sighed heavily and lowered herself into a chair and, for a moment, you thought she might cry. You surged toward her and tucked her hair behind her ear, holding her face, softly, delicately, in case, as she had all day, she decided to pull away again.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” you said softly, your thumbs lightly tracing the circles under her eyes.
Emily leaned into your touch and you knew she was finally there, finally at a point where she’d stop fighting and let you in.
“I’ve got fucking fibroids…” she mumbled, avoiding your eyes. “And I’m on my period and… they’re always bad, but they just make it so much worse.”
“Em,” you sighed, letting her rest her head on your chest. “Why didn’t you just say that?”
“It’s embarrassing…”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Periods aren’t embarrassing, honey. They’re just a part of life. A shitty part.”
When she didn’t answer and kept her head buried in your chest, you started playing with her hair. “What do you need, huh? What’ll make you feel better? Do you have pain meds? You want to take a bath? Lie down for a bit?”
Emily pulled back and looked away, shrinking into herself.
“Hey, don’t start that again,” you scolded, taking her hand.
“Babe, just tell me. What do you need, hmm?”
She mumbled something under her breath, so quiet that you couldn’t catch it.
“I need you to touch me,” she whispered, blushing furiously. “But that’s not fair of me to ask.”
You smiled, relieved. This is what Emily had been so frustrated about!? You chuckled and leaned forward to kiss her head, her cheek, then sunk your lips into hers. You felt elated by the way she grasped your shirt, the way she pulled into you.
When you broke apart, she was breathless, her pupils blown, but she still looked so deeply embarrassed, almost ashamed.
“Come on,” you said gently, leading her by the hand toward the bathroom. “And to think this whole time you were just really fucking horny.”
You turned on the shower, made sure it was the right temperature, and started stripping your clothes off.
“Wait, wait, what are you doing?!” Emily asked, leaning against the bathroom counter.
You stared at her. “What do you mean what am I doing?”
She gestured at your now nude body, as you folded your clothes into a messy pile.
“I’m getting in the shower,” you explained. “And you’re getting in the shower, and then I’m gonna make you come.”
If possible, Emily’s face reddened even more. “Uh… no,” she protested. “No, no. Did you miss the part where I said I was on my period?”
You gestured toward the steaming shower. “Did you miss the part where we’re in the shower so it doesn’t matter?”
“It does matter,” she argued. “I don’t– I’ve never… It’ll be messy, Y/N. I don’t want you to have to–”
You stared at her, mouth slightly agape. “You’ve never had sex on your period?”
She looked at the ground. “I… I mean, I guess I’ve never been with someone who… wanted to.”
Your heart broke then, just for a moment. For sweet, needy, embarrassed Emily, hugging herself in the corner of the bathroom.
“Well,” you said, approaching her and slipping your hands under her shirt. She gasped as you bent to suck on her neck. “That’s their loss.” You lifted her shirt over her head and unclasped her bra, quickly taking one of her nipples in your mouth. She moaned and sank her fingers into your hair. “I can assure you that I…” And you planted a kiss on her chest. “Very much…” You gently unzipped her pants and placed a kiss there, just below her stomach. “Want to.”
Emily pulled you back up and kissed you hungrily, desperately, as she kicked off the rest of her clothes, pushing you into the shower so she could discreetly remove her tampon. You pressed her up against the cool tile, letting the warm water rush over you both. It’s not that you were normally rough with Emily or vice versa, but you were careful to be particularly gentle with her tonight, knowing that her body was sensitive and in pain.
You kissed Emily slowly, deeply, making your way down her neck, across her chest, tracing slow, indulgent circles around her nipples as she let her head rest back against the tile. You could feel her heart beating underneath your tongue and it drove you wild.
When you crouched to move lower, holding yourself steady against her thighs, she pulled you back up, eyes pleading with you. “Just your hands. Please.”
You brushed a wet strand of hair off her forehead. “Are you sure?” You smirked. “I really don’t mind getting messy.”
“I know,” she replied, still breathing heavily as your thumbs drew circles against her hips. “But I mind.”
“Whatever you want, honey,” you breathed into her ear as you ran your fingers through her warm folds.
Emily shuddered and pressed her head into your shoulder, bucking involuntarily into your hand. You let your thumb idle around her clit, slow and rhythmic and gentle, until you had her panting and whining against you.
“More,” she begged, and you happily obliged, softly pressing two fingers into her pulsing entrance. You picked up speed as she pressed into you, her breath high and hitched, with small noises of effort and pleasure echoing around the shower.
“Wait, stop,” she gasped, even as she thrust into you. You stilled your movements, and waited for her to tell you what she wanted. “I feel like I might collapse,” she gasped.
“In a good way or a bad way?” you asked, both of you giggling.
“A good way, but…”
“Here,” you said, moving her arms so they were wrapped around your neck and inching forward so that your thigh was between her legs. You wrapped your free hand around her waist and planted a kiss on her neck. “I’ve got you, okay? I’m not gonna let you fall. Just let go, baby.”
Emily didn’t need any more encouragement, riding your fingers as if her very life depended on it. And when she finally reached her peak, when she finally let herself fall apart, nothing in the world could have made you let go of her. You held her up as she shook, her walls pulsing around your fingers, her mouth wide and warm against your shoulder.
“There you go,” you whispered, bringing her back down and planting fluttery kisses wherever you could reach as you held her steady. She shook against you, holding onto you, and when she finally found her way back to her feet, you kissed her again and again, all over.
“Feel better?” you asked her, cupping her face in your hands. She nodded and wrapped her arms around your neck in an embrace and, for a while, you just held her there, hot water pouring over you, heartbeats dwindling back to a normal rate.
“Thank you,” she said, her voice vibrating against your skin. She stood and looked at you apologetically. “Sorry I was such a bitch.”
You shook your head and kissed her again. “It’s okay. Everyone’s a bitch on their period.”
Your heart was in your throat as Emily let you wash her, let you lather shampoo into her hair and rub soap gently across her body, making sure she was clean and cared for. She was so soft under your touch, so soft and pliable, such a contrast to how she was at work with everyone else. She always acted so tough. And she was tough, but she could also be so soft. You loved that she was soft for you.
You dried her off, you kissed her shoulder, you told her to go ahead and get in bed, that’d you’d be right there. And when you returned and found her in bed with wet hair in an oversized t-shirt, you were struck by the realization that you never really wanted to go to bed with anyone else. That what you’d really like is to be in bed with Emily every night. Not just random nights on the road. Not just after the dates you spent at places you chose because it didn’t seem like any other member of your team would be there. You loved her. You were falling in love with her.
You handed her the glass of water you’d prepared in the kitchen, and thought about how not to accidentally tell her you loved her. She sipped gingerly at the edge of the bed and looked deeply at you.
“What?” you asked, shrinking under her gaze.
“Do you want to stay here?” she asked.
“Duh,” you replied, already climbing into bed next to her. “I always spend the night after. And we don’t have work tomorrow.”
“No, I mean…” She picked at her fingernails, avoiding your eyes. “Do you want to stay here… for good. Like, would you want to move in?”
You felt like the breath had been knocked out of you. “Are you serious?” you asked, gaping at her.
Emily shook her head. “Forget it. Sorry. It was a stupid question.”
“No, no!” You grabbed her hand and held it between both of hers. “I just… I didn’t know what this was for you. If you wanted to… keep it casual, I guess.”
She sighed and looked into your eyes and you knew then, you knew that whenever it slipped out, whenever you were ready to say it, she would say it back. “I haven’t been casual about you for a while now, Y/N.”
And you kissed her. You kissed her again and again, kissed her until she was giggling and squirming, until you had her wrapped in your arms under the covers.
And when she reached to turn the light out, when she curled into your body, you let your words venture out in the darkness, soft and quiet, almost imperceptible: “I love you.”
And like a light, her voice, vibrating against your skin as she fell asleep in your arms: “I love you, too.”
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that-fucking-error ¡ 2 months
Hey! Can I request some Fem!Rookie Agent Reader/Unit Chief Prentiss IG posts please? Maybe with a side of proud bestie JJ?
it’s kinda enemies to lovers too, i hope it’s ok 💞
unit chief emily prentiss x fem!rookie agent reader instagram posts
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taglist 🏷️:
@itisdoctortoyousir @urfavesim @mrsebrewster @villaneve4life @hopedoesntknow @mrs-prentiss @lilfartbox1 @ssa-sapphic @inlovewithemilyprentiss @venromanova @ah-blossom @geekyandgay98 @claymoreshaze @eyes-on-display @dj-bynum3718 @waitaminuteashh @daddy-heather-dunbar @toouncreativeforauser @momily @psychopath-at-heart @jjareau-cm @i-lovefandom @thawnexwells @kathleenmikaelson @lesbodietcoke @multifandomlesbianic @inlovewithjemily @thawnexwells @lovelyy-moonlight @dontemilyyyyme @sleepingathlete @jayden-prentiss @tutucoolforschool @jenny-from-the-bau @voidsaddiction @pagetsgirl @chestnutninny @3amcloudss
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that-fucking-error ¡ 2 months
can we get an em prentiss x singer!reader kinda like Lana Del Rey? 🤍❤️
thank you for the request ♥️ i hope you like this 🤞🏼
emily prentiss x singer!reader instagram posts
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taglist 🏷️:
@itisdoctortoyousir @urfavesim @mrsebrewster @villaneve4life @hopedoesntknow @mrs-prentiss @lilfartbox1 @ssa-sapphic @inlovewithemilyprentiss @venromanova @ah-blossom @scarlettssub @geekyandgay98 @claymoreshaze @eyes-on-display @dj-bynum3718 @waitaminuteashh @daddy-heather-dunbar @toouncreativeforauser @momily @psychopath-at-heart @jjareau-cm @itzdarling @i-lovefandom @thawnexwells @kathleenmikaelson @lesbodietcoke @multifandomlesbianic @inlovewithjemily @thawnexwells @lovelyy-moonlight @dontemilyyyyme @sleepingathlete @jayden-prentiss @tutucoolforschool @jenny-from-the-bau @voidsaddiction @pagetsgirl @chestnutninny
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that-fucking-error ¡ 2 months
could we get a book nerd X emily? I’m not sure how you could do it, but maybe she’s always reading or always has a book in her hand.??
book nerd reader x emily prentiss - instagram posts
i’ve been loving all the requests 🫶🏻
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tag list 🏷️:
@itisdoctortoyousir @fdI305 @urfavesim @mrsebrewster @villaneve4life @hopedoesntknow @mrs-prentiss @lilfartbox1 @ssa-sapphic @inlovewithemilyprentiss @venromanova @ah-blossom @scarlettssub @geekyandgay98 @claymoreshaze @eyes-on-display @dj-bynum3718 @waitaminuteashh @daddy-heather-dunbar @toouncreativeforauser @momily @psychopath-at-heart @jjareau-cm @itzdarling @i-lovefandom @thawnexwells @kathleenmikaelson @lesbodietcoke @multifandomlesbianic @inlovewithjemily @thawnexwells @lovelyy-moonlight @dontemilyyyyme @sleepingathlete @jayden-prentiss @tutucoolforschool @jenny-from-the-bau @voidsaddiction
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that-fucking-error ¡ 2 months
hii! can you do a elementary teacher! reader x ssa!emily ? love your fics
elementary teacher!reader x emily prentiss - instagram posts
thank you for your request 💞💞
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taglist 🏷️:
@itisdoctortoyousir @fdI305 @urfavesim @mrsebrewster @villaneve4life @hopedoesntknow @mrs-prentiss @lilfartbox1 @ssa-sapphic @inlovewithemilyprentiss @venromanova @ah-blossom @scarlettssub @geekyandgay98 @claymoreshaze @eyes-on-display @dj-bynum3718 @waitaminuteashh @daddy-heather-dunbar @toouncreativeforauser @momily @psychopath-at-heart @jjareau-cm @itzdarling @i-lovefandom @thawnexwells @kathleenmikaelson @lesbodietcoke @multifandomlesbianic @inlovewithjemily @thawnexwells @lovelyy-moonlight @dontemilyyyyme @sleepingathlete @jayden-prentiss @tutucoolforschool @jenny-from-the-bau @voidsaddiction
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that-fucking-error ¡ 2 months
Hey I’m the anon that asked about the JJ fic. I’m so sorry i definitely should’ve checked who you wrote for. If it’s ok could you please do the same prompt but with Emily instead? Thank you so much and sorry again
Hey! It's absolutely no worries, there's nothing to apologise for! Your request just reminded me that I had made a list of characters I wrote for but when I went to look for it, I couldn't even find it, so how was I supposed to expect other people to? Anyway, I hope you like the fic!
summary: tatted!reader is new to the team and she talks back to Emily so one day after work Emily corners her and teaches her a lesson about respect. warnings: public sex (parking lot), bratty!reader (i think), fingering, dom!emily (who's also kind of a bitch:)) 1.4k+ wc
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When Emily first joined the team, it had taken people time to warm up to her, so she knew the importance of showing kindness and respect to new members of the team. However, when she'd seen you walk through the bullpen doors for the first time, she knew she'd have a problem with you on the team. Not for any personal reasons per se, but rather due to the effect you had on her. Clearly a few years younger than the others on the team, you walked confidently, wearing an all black outfit; trousers and a top with elbow-length sleeves that put no effort in covering the tattoos snaking down your arms. Emily briefly wondered where else you had tattoos that she couldn't see.
"Well that's no good." Had muttered Derek, trying to hide his smirk while looking up at Emily's reaction to you walking in. It didn't take a profiler to figure out she was attracted to you, and unfortunately for her, you were able to read all her signs. Over the first month of you working at the bau, you had pieced together why she could barely hold eye contact with you, avoiding speaking to you altogether until her behaviour completely changed and she started acting bossy towards you, holding eye contact for perhaps a little too long, trying to intimidate you. She was unsuccessful. Even though you didn't mind that she liked you, sharing knowing glances with Derek, who you had quickly grown close to, you didn't appreciate being treated any less nicely than your other teammates due to a little crush.
One day, on a local case in Quantico, you and Emily had been put in charge of getting lunch by the big bossman Hotch, a list of everyone's order written on your phone. "Hey, y/n," Emily started, at the end of a very awkward drive. You hummed, turning your head to face her. "I'm just saying this out of care for you, coworker to coworker. I don't think your tattoos being on display is professional for work. Strauss wouldn't appreciate them." You tried not to let your annoyance show on your face, instead shooting her a smile and saying "Well I'm sure Strauss would appreciate the fact that they don't get in the way of my work, wouldn't she?"
It was obvious to the rest of the team when you returned that tensions between you and Emily were high. Emily tossed the takeaway bags on the table with an irritated sigh, her jaw clenched tightly. You sat on your chair around the circular table in the conference room, tugging your sleeves higher up your arm. "Hey guys," You started smugly "do you think Strauss would have a problem with my tattoos?" You got a mix of responses, starting with JJ's "Well, she hired you so..." And Derek's straightforward "No she shouldn't." while Spencer only stared in confusion, glancing between you and Emily. "Yeah, I didn't think so." You stated, looking straight up across the table where Emily sat, opening her container of food.
That night, you and Emily had been the last to leave, frantically finishing up your reports. It was a silent race, an unspoken battle. You slammed your last file close in victory, running up to Hotch's office to hand it in before packing up your things, hoping to get to the elevator before Emily magically finished her reports too. Fetching your keys out of your bag when the elevator doors opened, you clicked the button to unlock your car, jogging to pull the door open and dropping your bag on the driver's seat when a shout of your name had you shutting the door frustratedly, spinning on your heels. "Oh shit." You mumbled, watching the taller woman storm over to you. You could just get in your car and drive away before she got to you, but... you were intrigued.
You stumbled backwards when she kept on charging your way despite how close she already was to you, your back hitting the cold steel of your car. The woman stood chest to chest with you, a hand coming to rest on your car right next to your head, dropping the bag she carried on the floor next to your feet. "What, so you think it's funny to just call me out like that in front of all my coworkers?" She seethed, her face only inches away from yours. Your breath shook when you replied "Well I wanted to hear their insight on what Strauss would think of my tattoos before I did anything about it." Gasping at the hand grabbing your waist, you couldn't help but glancing down at Emily's lips, licking your own in the heat of the moment
Emily's breath hit your face when she chuckled and you swallowed, thighs clenching slightly. "It's so fucking obvious that you want me." She scoffed, hand on your waist lowering to grip your hip. "Says you. Couldn't make eye contact with me for a month." You squealed when her lips hit yours in a desperate kiss, both your hands coming up to cup her jaw. Emily pushed her knee between your legs, thigh pressing against your pussy, making you gasp. She took the opportunity to slip her tongue in your mouth, moaning when she felt you grind your hips down on her thigh. "Take this as a sign to respect people when they give you advice, okay?" She panted, biting down on your lower lip. You whined, pushing her away from you by the shoulders so you could bite back with "What kind of advice is telling me to cover up my tattoos?"
"Well unless you want me pouncing on you every day, I'd suggest you take it." She whispered before reconnecting your lips together, her hand lowering from the side of your face so she could unbutton your trousers. Tugging Emily closer to you, you briefly separated your lips from hers to whisper "Yeah, no way I'm taking that advice." Your words were cut off into a gasp when Emily slid her fingers under your panties, finding your clit in no time. "Emily, we're gonna get caught!" You whispered, all hints of sass leaving your voice. "Not if you stay quiet sweetheart." She kicked one of your legs to the side, making you spread them further as she rubbed your wetness around your entrance, pressing kisses on your neck.
Probing two fingers at your entrance, she slowly sunk them into your core, observing your face carefully. The second your jaw fell open, a loud whine escaping you, she slapped her free hand on top of your open mouth, quickly averting her gaze to the rest of the parking lot, making sure you in fact would not get caught. "What did I just say?" She angrily muttered, pressing herself against you even more, trapping you between her body and your car. Both your arms moved, one wrapping over her shoulder to help hold you up, the other coming up so you can grip her bicep tightly. Her fingers were quick to move in and out of you, the graphic squelching noises louder than the sounds of pleasure you were making, head leaning back against the cool steel of your black car with your eyes shut tightly.
Desperate for more friction, your thighs squeezed around Emily's hand, a silent plea for more. Her hand didn't budge against your mouth, even when you drooled on it, instead slowing the hand inside you so she could rub your clit with her thumb while thrusting in and out of you. You're sure her hand will start cramping at any moment now. Your brows furrow, and you moan quietly against her, accepting the forehead kisses she gives you as a compromise for trying to stay quiet. You try telling Emily you're going to cum, but your words muffle against her hand. However, she somehow gets the hint from the way you give her a desperate look and your thighs start shaking, moans getting harder to compress. "Shhh, good girl, good girl." She mutters, leaning so close to you her breath hits your ear.
When your quiet moans subside, Emily finally removes her hand from over your mouth, instead using it to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. She lets you catch her breath before pulling out of you, buttoning up your trousers while you observe her quietly. "Thank you." You finally say timidly. Emily grins, leaning in for one last kiss. "How about you let me take you out on a date this weekend." You nod with a laugh, turning around to tug your car door open. "Oh my god, we're so dumb." You gasp, spinning to face Emily again. At her confused expression, you continue, stating "We could have done all of that in my fucking car." Emily laughs, leaning down to pick up her bag before she walks off, calling out "Good night!"
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