MI4016 - Sound Design and Editing
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 6 months ago
Learning Outcomes
Sound editing :
I got to navigate Adobe Premiere Pro more comfortably. I have a basic idea of which tool does what like how to lower the tone of a voice, keyboard shortcuts, and knowing how to avoid issues that may come up while exporting and saving. Example : when creating a new project, the location/folder we choose is where the Premiere Pro file saves into. So if you want to be able to find the autosave files and the premiere file in order to continue editing where you left off have to be mindful of where we save. The location we choose when exporting the file in whichever format we need is also important. If we forget to specify the folder it's hard to find it especially when in a hurry..... (totally not speaking from experience here).
My experience with Adobe Audition was messy. Like I've mentioned before, the effects I want to apply to just one clip keeps getting applied to all the clips. It took me a few attempts to realize this. I did not have time to check for any tutorials either. Anyways I prefer to learn on my own since my actions autosave into my brain when compared to following a tutorial where I have to manually save the info to my brain.
Observation :
Learning how sounds are connected to visuals and how much attention we should give to the soundtrack of any media. Learnt how to focus on sound design rather than moving images as we usually do. For example I realize that the podcast module from semester one has taught me how important sound is and how much of an impact it has on the audience. I should be able to imagine the visuals from just the audio if I edit it right and find the right audios.
Final thoughts :
I know I still have a lot to learn and improve but hopefully I have some sort of progress in comparison to the first semester. I feel more comfortable with using Adobe software when during the first semester we were inclined to keep using Capcut.
I didn't know what the word "foley" was before but now I know and I can add the word to my "Animation Industry" vocabulary. I have seen videos of sound designers from disney adding life to the visuals from a bunch of simple tools like sticks and drums but I didn't realize how hard it is to record.
I had fun recording all the audios (idk how to put emojis on laptop so -insert LOL emoji- ). We were all laughing while recording the screaming parts. Good thing we used the 13th floor. Last time we screamed inside the bathroom area and gave everyone a heart attack.
I also learnt how to not be stuck in one place trying to perfect one thing and move on. Come back and work on it only if I have time. This applies to all the modules.
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Final Presentation :
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 6 months ago
Final Submissions
Gdrive link to my submissions
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 6 months ago
Final Animatic
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 6 months ago
Now just have to struggle with the project document.
Okay I realized I missed a frame. Lemme upload the completed animatic.
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 6 months ago
The first few frames is the style I'm going for
I heard this playing somewhere when my dad stopped the car to get something so I asked google assistant what the music was and got this. I tried recording but the sound was drowned out by the vehicles on the road. I did not want noisy vehicles for this part.
I realized I completely forgot to draw the dog in my frames. Smh. Is this how brain dead I am
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 6 months ago
Sound design
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I used actual cutlery for the missing cutlery noises
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I used two glass bottles to make the champagne glass sound. I kept the bigger bottle on the table and clinked the other against it. If I hold both of them in my hand and knock them it produces a more dull sound.
Voiceover : Done Ambience : Done Audio template : Done
Back to suffering with the visuals
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 6 months ago
Working on the documentary
I need to refine all the visuals so here we go...
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Adding watercolor effects on Krita
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Visuals I need :
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Smell of cinnamon "floating through the air". Add wisps of air to the close up shot.
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Idle chatter in rooms. Pans along to the left a bit. Make width a bit longer. Maybe 1280 x 750? Make it greyed out as well. (Okay I realized I already drew a draft panel for this)
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Now, over 300 years later..
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Spa Ceylon
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Children in the background in this shot.
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Dutch Hospital Shopping Precinct. (Credit to Maria for the photo).
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Surrounded by the trees and streets of Colombo (Focus on the tree and buildings in the background).
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Get sounds of cutlery.
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Guiding the rays of sunshine through the pillars.. This is a sketch I had from my Dutch Hospital studies earlier.
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The sounds of champagne glasses echo through the night. Need sounds of two glasses.
End credit screen before AOD logo : A Dutch Hospital Documentary, by Thameena Hallaldeen.
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 6 months ago
Dutch Hospital documentary
What I'm already done with : Research Script Voiceover (Only need to record it again with a more natural flow of talking) Rough storyboard
What I need to work on : Completed storyboard Final audio + ambience in the background Project Document
Editing in the ambience so I can finish off the audio and then work on the storyboards. Tomorrow we have MI4016 feedback so I'll have stuff ready to show. I'll need to finish the project document as well. I'll finish as much as I can so I'm free to work on the 3D module.
I'm already done with everything in MI4012, as for MI4017 only the editing needs to be done, for MI4014 well I need to finish texturing and fixing the camera movements + project doc and MI4016 I'm done with Sonic Storytelling. After I'm done with editing the ambience and re-recording I need to finish the storyboards and finish it off. All that's left would be the project document.
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Foley needed :
:00:31 - 00:41 -> Medicine boxes being open and shut. Medicine bottles clinking. Shoes click clacking - high heels.
00:55 - 1:00 -> Shopping bags full of stuff and walk with it
Hi Krita.... decided to try using Krita instead of Procreate for my panels....
During MI4011 I was struggling to get a reference layer so I can trace my sketch. Finally figured out how to do this.
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Just make this layer transparent, and add another layer for my lineart.
Plan B :
Making detailed art on Krita is hard so I'm just gonna make the rough sketches of the panels I'm missing and make the detailed panel on Procreate later. I have to manage my time at this point. Imma leaver Krita for the break.
A rough sketch I did on Krita.
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 6 months ago
Sonic Storytelling Submission
Not sure what the symbol in the bottom right corner is.... anyways I'll edit those out if I'm asked to remove it. For now the audio editing is all done and the animation I've chosen is finalized.
I feel like I need to make it funnier since my genre change is from horror to comedy.
Also the sudden drop in volume when the camera cuts to a wide shot of the cop standing outside the bathroom stall is to show that the sound is coming FROM the stall, so when the camera is far from the stall the sound is quieter and when it's near the stall the sound is louder.
My cast :
Thank you Maria, Ayodya and Shiza for helping with the sounds! Gotta mention my sister too who helped record 1:00 - 0:59 (Tumblr timeline)😂
Thank you Idusara for your wonderful voice acting....or okay maybe it wasn't voice acting because that's your normal behaviour 🤣 appreciate it.
Link to the video
Link to the premiere pro project :
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 6 months ago
Editing the sonic storytelling entry
I only recently got a laptop so until then I was switching between uni pcs and my pc setup for all my work. Somehow the audio I edited on the uni pc didn't properly transfer to my pc setup. So I have to edit it from scratch. I keep running into problems while trying to use Adobe Audition. The effects lower/reduce the volume of the original clip, particularly when I'm trying to add reverb effects but it worked fine when I was using the pcs in the lab.
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I used my voice to make confused "hmm?" sounds but I had to change it ti fit the character so I used this setting to change the pitch of my voice to a lower tone. It's on the effects panel on the bottom left.
Effects -> Audio effects -> Pitch Shifter. To adjust it you can find the settings under effect controls (top left corner)
Click "custom set up" to get this menu.
There are also premade voice filters under "presets". Click the arrow next to default for the drop down menu.
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Adjust semi-tones to get a lower or higher pitched voice. (Left = lower pitch, 0 = original pitch, right = higher pitch)
FINALLY got the sound I wanted for the bubble rising.
Reduce clip speed/duration by right clicking and selecting "speed/duration" and click "maintain audio pitch". Not sure if I need the pitch shifter filter on but I'm gonna keep it anyways. I turned the pitch back to 0 and managed to to get the sound I wanted.
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Adjusting the pipe sounds with "Chorus/Flanger" setting under "Modulation". Click "custom setup" to get this menu box.
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 6 months ago
Editing activity
I used some of the Foley I recorded for my sonic storytelling module and mixed it with downloaded audios.
Feedback : Add sounds for footsteps/time footsteps right so it makes more sense.
(Sorry not sorry for the Jojo Siwa jumpscare)
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 6 months ago
Adjusting volume on Premiere Pro
Under effect controls -> Level -> Add key frames -> decrease/increase volume (auto adds mf after this)
Window workspace volume
Audio clip mixer
Class assignment : Change genre, use audio clips (can make your own or download), choose maybe 1 min to edit
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 7 months ago
Planning + recording foley
For the Sonic Storytelling brief I have chosen this clip.
Original vid :
Timestamp - 2:00 - 3:40
Colour code ->
Black : Foley needed
Purple : What was used to create the noise
1. Door creaking open slowly - Office door on 13th floor opening slowly + toilet flushing -
2. Shivering noises + whimpering (in fear) + eye movements -> need a "tink tink" or "poink poink".
3. Wet shoe and sock noises for when he walks + mumbling like "mmm", "hmm?"
4. Scratching noise (clothes)
5. Funny faint noises in the background + funny footsteps as the guard walks back stands still outside - Me and my friends decided to make weird noises like humming, banging, cat meows, dog barks. Thanks Idusara for the weirdest noises ever.
6. Eyebrow raise -> wink wink noise - two glasses knocking against each other but edited
7. Mouth movement - gremlin noises
8. Shock -> Something falling and some pieces keep on falling for comedic effect
9. Pipes shaking - Pin shaking (those pin badges), phone thudding, chairs shaking
10. Blub blub -> glug glug??? 🤣🤣🤣 Funny "Plonk plonk" noise. Bubble noises + high pitch = idk make it funny somehow - We all made blub blub noises with our voices
Make sure the scenes inside the stall have a reverb.
11. Murmurs as he walks over -> funny footsteps squelching noises - wet slippers
12. Bubble noises continued - Voices
13. Bubble rising -> Stretching noises -> drag dry finger across desk, tiffin box dragged against one of those metal screens that block off the classes on 9th floor
14. Close up of guard's face -> pipe noises recorded earlier, weird noises intensified
15. Bubble exploding -> Fart noise + reverb - We made fart sounds with our mouths😭🤣
16. Guard staring -> Tinkling noises, magical
17. Crickets chirp in the bg as guard stares -> Frantic murmurs, whimpers
18. Running noise -> Close zipper fast (can edit pitch later)
19. Jeep skidding and driving
Link to the raw audios (if you're listening please wear headphones for your sake😭😭😭😭😭there are parts where we laugh/wheeze caught on the mic)
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 7 months ago
For the Sonic storytelling I wanted to do the first one (Lackadaisy) but there's a lot of violence going on AND some in between dialogue so Trishan said the second animation (Occupied) will be a better option. Timestamp would be 1:06 to 3:06 or prob more. Genre change would be horror -> comedy.
For the animatic I'll have to add in my Foley, and match my visuals with the audio (script). My script is fine and I have gotten it within the correct time frame so I don't have to worry about that. Maybe re-record the audio to get a more planned out narration with more matching tones.
Final choice for sonic storytelling -> Occupied, timestamp - 2:30 - 3:50
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 7 months ago
Draft animatic
This is just the voice over to get an idea of the timing and which panels/scenes I need to add in. Also need to add in the background noises+ ambience which I have uploaded in a previous post (link it here later). Also have to record some minor stuff like the champagne glasses clinking and doggy footsteps.
Yes I edited this on the phone 😭😭😭 (final vid will be edited on Premiere Pro don't worry. Might also have to try Adobe Audition when layering and balancing the audio with the bg noises)
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 7 months ago
Listing down options for sonic storytelling
1. Lackadaisy
Timestamp - 7:11 - 8:11
Problem tho it..... Has a lot of guns..? So idk if that would be okay.
For the gun sounds it would be a lot of badly recorded "pew pew pews"! (Maria makes funny gun noises)
Since this is a serious sequence (with a bit of humour) I'm planning on making it full on comedy. There's a scene with extreme close ups + kuleshov effect where I could put in goofy sounds and make it funny
2. Occupied
Timestamp - 1:06 - 2:06
This is an animated horror short film. For this too I was thinking of going with comedy.
Noises : Goofy hums, exclamations, "boing" noises, funny walking noises, for the scene where the guard keeps his ear on the door entity inside the bathroom stall can make funny noises.
3. Puss in boots
Time stamp 1:28 - 2:28
Again another serious scene to which I can add low budget sounds 😂 to turn it into comedy, for example the grunts and weapon noises. Thing is there are dialogues at the start and end point and is around 57 seconds so not exactly 1 minute.
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thameena-mga2024mi4016 · 7 months ago
Feedback on Stage 1 presentations
Documentary is fine.
Choose a different clip for the Sonic Storytelling submission. I do have some clips in mind but I am not sure which genre I can change them into. They're already pretty goofy, for example Tom & Jerry is pretty goofy so idk what genre to change them into.
The easiest way is to change a horror to funky/comedy, or comedy to horror. What other options are there? Cutesy to horror(but this is a bit hard since I can’t have dialogues).
Exploring more options
Genre -> Horror to comedy
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