Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon Wine
38 posts
as long as we don’t die, this is gonna be one hell of a story.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thaines · 5 years ago
hey, guess what ?? we’re back at it with another edition of meme monday !! since it’s a holiday in the states, i decided to add a few more memes for you all to enjoy. i hope you enjoy them !! there’s a mix of all kinds of memes to keep it fun && fresh. whether you wanna use ours or not is totally up to you, but hopefully that’ll help keep memes from burning out in inboxes !! if you’re using our memes that we curated for you this week, just reblog this masterlist and people will know to send asks to you from these memes. if you choose to go with other memes, be sure to only reblog one or two so we don’t overwhelm the dash !! remember to send memes to whoever reblogs ‘em as we don’t want anyone feeling left out. a good rule of thumb is to send an ask to whoever you reblogged a post from and vice versa. just remember to have fun with it && try to develop your characters !!
COMPARE OUR MUSES HEIGHT – send your character’s height and i’ll compare it to mine.
SHORT TALL SENTENCE STARTERS – sentence starters for height differences between muses! 
EVER WONDER WHAT MY MUSE SAYS ABOUT YOURS? – send me a symbol to see what my muse would say about yours if…
♛ FILL IN THE BLANKS | FLUFF OTP EDITION – send me a "♛" to fill in the blanks about our muses. 
SEND “BEEP” FOR A RANDOM TEXT FROM MY MUSE – i’ll randomly generate a number between 1-29 for one of the following…
VANILLA SUNDAY MEME – for muns who aren’t into explicit sexual content, but don’t mind approaching the topic.
MUSE VS MUN – out of muse and mun, which one… (send muse vs mun for muns to answer the meme!) 
CREATE ASK MEMES – send any of the following symbols to get a creation. be sure to specify muse and/or ship. i have linked templates for the edits if that helps. you may use your own templates if you already have some saved! 
as always, you can send in your meme suggestions through the memes channel on discord or in our DMs here !!
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thaines · 5 years ago
“I had my first kiss at nine. my first girlfriend dumped me over my hair at a dance and i have never kissed someone who is my same gender.”
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thaines · 5 years ago
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                 TASK NUMBER FIFTEEN: two truths && a lie !!
for our fifteenth task, we’re going to be having some fun with a little game. as we’re welcoming in new characters && members, we’d love to get to know all of your muses a little bit more with a game of two truths and a lie. you will write two truths and a lie based off of a topic that you are given. the basic format of this is someone drops a topic in your inbox, and you are to reply with two truths && a lie about your character(s). these can be as obvious or not as you wish, but you’re not to reveal which is which. (you can, if you want, if someone asks you, but on dash in the post ?? we want to keep it fun, so sharing which ones are truths && which one is the lie would give it away, yeah ??) two things to keep in mind: be creative !! make things up, have fun with it. this is meant to be good character development && make you think about your character(s). and two, when giving out subjects, try to keep it general. things you’re curious about. topics like career, love, family, pets, friends are super easy !! something super specific might take a little bit of fun out of it if it’s super stressful to think about. but if you know that it’s a topic/word that the particular character(s) could really relate to (maybe a favorite band, a person in their life, where they grew up, their vehicle), then go for it !! the truths && lies can get as deep && personal as you want. the goal of this task is to make you think a bit about your character(s), try to come up with something fun, deep, scary, real, and then throw in one lie to just entertain yourself. others in the group will get to know your character(s) a little bit more (with the exception of that one lie) && overall ?? it’s supposed to be a fun time !! for each ask your character answers, they’ll get 5 points each for each blurb. there’s no maximum amount of topics you can send out, but we do ask that you send at least three. 
how to play: for example, if someone gives you the word “school” in your inbox, you would reply with two truths && one lie about your character’s connection with school. say your character graduated high school && went to college on a scholarship, maybe do something like… 1) my character dropped out of high school. 2) my character was involved in greek life in college. 3) my character cried when taking the SATs. your answers can be as detailed or simple as you want. write a paragraph for each point, or keep it short and simple with a few words !! there’s no right or wrong way to play. 
if you’d like to OPT IN to playing two truths && a lie. reblog this post so we know who will be playing !! from there, people will know to send your character(s) topics. please tag your asks with the #malnatitasks hashtag so we can all see what you’ve come up with !! as always, tasks are optional, but for each ask completed you do get an extra 5 points !! if you have any questions pertaining to anything, just let us know !! we are so excited to learn more about your characters && see what they come up with !! but most importantly, have fun with this task !!
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thaines · 5 years ago
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ARES— in greek religion, god of WAR or, more properly, the S P I R I T of BATTLE. unlike his roman counterpart, mars, he was NEVER very popular, and his worship was not extensive in greece. he represented the distasteful aspects of brutal warfare and slaughter. 
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thaines · 5 years ago
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thaines · 5 years ago
“You look great in this lighting. But you’d look even better in my bed.” (are they really the rowdy bois if they don't hit on each other sometimes? i think not)
“oh shit i’m tellin’ fallon!” trevor bolted out of his room with jon following close behind him. “FALLON— JON HIT ON ME! HE WANTS ME IN HIS BEEEED!” they were making a ton of noise and it was sure past the time when most people on the ship would be in bed, but what were they going to do kick him out into the water? charge him— go ahead put it on the malnati account. “I told you I was a hot piece of ass fal!” he yelled some more as he pounded on the door to her suite. “you better open up!” he laughed as jon also pounded on the door telling fallon that trevor was a big liar. never the less the two were having a great time together. the rowdy boys couldn’t stop being rowdy no matter how hard either of them tried to follow the rules.
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thaines · 5 years ago
shut up and dance with me, okay?
“UGH!” trevor groaned as marley dragged him onto the dance floor. “I can’t dance to this Italian chicken shit— AND fallon told me boots were boatin’ shoes. so how am I supposed to dance marls, huh?” fallon and him had packed for this trip but she had told him that his worn in boots were not going to be comfortable on the deck, so being the sweet girlfriend she was bought him a new pair of shoes. they were called like sporey’s or sperry’s— something dumb. they were uncomfortable and looked like something a grandpa would wear. but, he wore them because he cared about his girlfriend and didn’t want to hurt her feelings. especially since she had gone out of her way to do something nice for him. “this is dumb and this boat ain’t no good for fishin’.” he complained more as he spun marley around. “I can’t even understand what this dumb music is saying. and they don’t have bush light on this boat— who goes boating and doesn’t bring bush light?”
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thaines · 5 years ago
“Can you tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue?”
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“uh...” trevor replied as he looked over the stem. he had never actually tried to do it before, but I mean how difficult could it really be? it was just a cherry stem. he used to shoot seeds at long distances before in dumb contests with his buddies back home, but he had never tried this cherry thing. he wondered if it was one of those tik tok challenges that fallon had been showing him before bed. he popped the stem in his mouth and tried wiggling it around with his tongue. instead of it forming a knot he ended up choking on the stem until he was finally able to swallow it. “uh—” he coughed once more. “—the answer is no. can you?”
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thaines · 5 years ago
Japan: Tell us a secret about yourself. / Sealand: Who is your best friend? / Thailand: How good is your poker face? / France: How do you show love for those you care for?
“i— well I haven’t told anyone, but I actually got accepted into collage. I got the letter right before we left for the trip. I don’t know why I haven’t told anyone yet, but I just haven’t found the right time to do it.”
“marley. fallon is my girlfriend so she kind of has to be one of my best friends, but it’s probably marley. in a strictly platonic sense.”
“not very good— I always lose at poker; which, is why I don’t play.”
“through action and affection.”
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thaines · 5 years ago
Turkey: Would you ever want children? // France: How do you show love for those you care for? // Belarus: Is there anyone you love? Family, friends, romantic interest?
“I would want children, yes. I think I would like to have a couple of kids— maybe like four or five? maybe even six kids. that would be a lot to manage but eventually I would like to live on a farm with a lot of space for multiple children. I think it would be nice but maybe that is too much. I guess I’d have to talk to my future wife about It as well. has to be a compromise.”
“I feel like I show love by doing things— maybe by showing affection as well. I try to tell them but sometimes it’s hard to tell people how i’m feeling. i’d much rather show them I care rather than tell them.”
“I love my family and my friends. —uh, fallon, uh... we haven’t really said that to each other yet. —is it hot in here or is it just me? I need to go to the bathroom.”
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thaines · 5 years ago
jon had only recently become comfortable enough with himself and life to actually be affectionate with people, and he often didn’t consider that his friends were comfortable with it. if anybody told him to stop, of course he would, but to jon, hugs were magical. how could somebody not like them? “fourteen? you started t’at late?” jon teased. he hadn’t started that early, but of course he was going to lean into the stereotype if it meant teasing his friend. still, he nodded along with trevor’s plan, heading towards the elevator so they could start at the bar. “i like t’at idea! it’ll also be nice ta’ see marley, i like her a lot,” he nodded, you act like i need a friend ta’ get us free drinks. everybody downtown t’inks i’m a girl with no boobs. if i wink at t’em i can get us shots…i don’t t’ink declan likes it too much, but i’ve never done anyt’ing wit’ t’em before, so.”
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“oh shut it.” he teased, shoving the boy softly as they walked. “with the legal age here being 21 i’d say that’s pretty damn early to start. not all of us grew up in a place where ya could drink the same time you drove a car.” they stopped outside the elevator waiting for it to arrive at their floor before getting in. “well damn sorry I know you’re not a girl with no boobs— besides I don’t hang out with girls who don’t have boobs.” trevor laughed at his comment. “eh, what declan doesn’t know won’t hurt ‘em. besides this is boy’s night it’s all about gettin’ rowdy and doin’ dumb shit you know?”
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thaines · 5 years ago
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“hey — you never complained once. admit it, you like having my hands all over you.” she teased back, though she knew he was right. every time they planned to watch a movie it would slip away from them, normally she’d be able to control herself but she really missed him while he was gone. “irresistible and cocky — i’m sorry you’ll both get a break tonight, all you have to worry about is holding me.” fallon liked watching movies that trevor liked, they took turns picking them out — that’s the way she liked it. she always saw it as his movie choices would always show her a little bit more about him, since it wasn’t likely that he’d choose a movie he didn’t like or wouldn’t think he would. she laughed a little as he explained the movie, moving closer to him as he wrapped his arm around her. “yeah? that definitely sounds like something i’d enjoy. a sweet southern bad boy? how irresistible.” 
“I mean I do but y’know we can do other stuff?” trevor replied almost like a question, as if he was asking her if they did other stuff besides fool around. although the dopey smile on his face was still showing proudly on his face. “well I get it from my momma.” he teased with a wink. as the title screen played on their television his focused turned from the conversation to the movie. he had a hard time focusing on two things had once sometimes so watching movies with fallon as difficult at times. she wanted to talk, he wanted to watch the movie but was unable to do them both. “exactly— it’s a classic john wayne movie. one of his earlier ones. if you don’t like it... I don’t even wanna think about it ‘cause like john is so cool. you know he acted from like 1939 to 1976. he did like a 140 movies altogether isn’t that crazy?”
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thaines · 5 years ago
closed for @thaines​ location: suite 215
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“okay i promise i’ll actually let you watch the movie tonight.” fallon said with a laugh as she made herself comfortable on their couch. she’d missed trevor a lot while he was gone and she was definitely making it known now that he’d come back to her. “did you pick out the movie?” she questioned as she looked up at him. “if not i’m sure we can turn netflix on and see if anything there catches our eye.” she had already laid out drinks, popcorn, and different kinds of candy across their coffee table all that was missing now was the movie and trevor’s arms wrapped around her. “i’ll watch whatever you want to watch babe.”
“you better— we been tryin’ to watch a movie since I got back and you just can’t keep your hands off of me.” he teased as he sat on the couch beside her flipping through the movies they had. “I mean I know i’m irresistible fal but you gotta give me and my mans a break sometimes.” his eyes travelled along the list of movies until one finally caught his eye. “ah okay— this one is perfect.” he flipped to an old western movie ‘angel and the badman’ and clicked play. fallon might not be as interested in the movie as he was but it was one of his favorite movies. he and his family used to watch westerns together all the time. so it would be nice to share that experience with her. “you’ll like this movie. good girl meets bad boy and falls in loooove.” he wrapped his arm around her and kicked off his boots as he got ready for the movie.
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thaines · 5 years ago
jon had warned declan that trevor wanted to hang out with him tonight and had spent the rest of the evening getting dressed. he’d gone through a few pairs of pants in an attempt to look more masculine before deciding he hated that. if trevor didn’t want to go out with jon bc he was wearing a skirt, then trevor didn’t want to hang out with jon. he donned his favorite pink, knee-length skirt, black crop top, and spread some glitter over his cheeks and the tip of his nose, then he was ready to go out. jon managed to finish getting dressed just as trevor knocked on the door. “bye declan!” jon ran to the door before making a u-turn to give declan a kiss, and then he ran back to the door again. “trevor!” he squeaked, throwing his arms around his friend’s waist for a brief second. jon had always been an affectionate boy, and now he was really letting it out. “bar time,” he nodded, “now, don’t get sad when i drink more th’an you, it’s t’e irish in me.”
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“oh— hey bud.” trevor replied as he felt the small boy’s arms wrap around his waist. he had never really been the affectionate type but apparently he had a knack for attracting affectionate friends. between jon and marley he had gotten enough hugs to last him a lifetime. “alright now watch it now leprechaun. you might be irish but i’ve been drinking since I was like fourteen. I can handle my liquor good.” jon and trevor were an add mix. a down home country boy with a beat up baseball cap and a spit bottle being seen with a small, almost fairy-like boy wearing a skirt was not something you’d see every day. trevor liked his energy though. he had never had a brother before and jon was the closest thing he had. knee length skirt and all. “now here’s what i’m thinking— pregame at the hotel bar then head downtown. that way we can get free drinks from marls and not spend a ton when we go out.”
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thaines · 5 years ago
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thaines · 5 years ago
mixtape plz
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thaines · 5 years ago
💋 - kisses my muse roughly // 😳 - caresses my muse’s body
on the malnati trip to hawaii fallon and trevor had spent one of the last nights together drinking. trevor had a run in with enough staff member and was just not having the best of nights. instead of going out and spending the night with the rest of their friends fallon and trevor decided to stay in and drink together. taking the time to have a deep conversation about everything going on in their lives. “I just feel like i’m no good— I screw everything up.” he explained before finishing off another one of his beers. “you don’t screw things up. everything works out the way it’s supposed to.” trevor shook his head. “you’re the only thing I haven’t screwed up.” she smiled taking another sip of her own drink a teasing look in her eyes as she replied, “—well you know there’s still time for that.”
a couple hours later the two had finished a good majority of the drinks they had brought up to the suite. fallon being a bartender was not doing them any favors either. she was making them good and strong (the way trevor ordered them every time he came and visited his roommate at work). “you know everyone always says we’re a thing, but I keep tellin’ ‘em that we ain’t a couple.” his head was laying on fallon’s shoulder as the two talked about the malnati and everyone in it. “right? I mean I told them the same thing. we can live together and be friends without being attracted together— like it’s twenty twenty for peat’s sake!” trevor’s head rose from her shoulder. “I didn’t say that I just said we ain’t a couple.... —are you not attracted to me?” he asked bluntly. her eyes moved from the ocean view to meet his gaze. “well—I—... of course I am. i’d have to be blind not to.” and that was the moment their lives would change forever. trevor’s hand move slowly to her thigh. their eye contact not breaking as he did so. “is this okay?” he asked, his hand moving further up her side. “—yes.” she replied breathlessly as he moved in closer. she met him half way. “I think i’m ‘bout to screw this up.” he whispered as if someone in the otherwise empty apartment would hear him. “screw it up.” fallon whispered back at the same level. one would have expected a gentle kiss. one that was light and sweet, much like the conversation they had been having. but instead the kiss was raw and powerful. his lips crashed onto hers like the waves on the beach. his hand pulled her towards him and on top of his lap while the other ran through her hair. this encounter had been boiling up for awhile now and now it was spilling out everywhere. their conversation hadn’t started with an intention to them having a moment, but it was happening and there was no stopping it. “trev—” fallon sighed as he moved towards her for another kiss. “what? what’s wrong?” his lips about an inch from her neck. “bedroom.” “bedroom?” “bedroom.” it took trevor no time at all to lift her up from his lap and carried her into their room.
what happened next you all can guess. although that night wasn’t expected it was the domino affect that led them to the relationship they’re in today.
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