b-cut questions, what does the midas labels family mean to you?
what? family? the question makes yesung blink rapidly, as though he’s trying to recall even the smallest one time that midas labels has ever been considered family-esque to him. alas, none. so he laughs, some sort of sick desperation in its blooming from mouth. “we all work here, under the same people with a kind of power that makes it easy to ruin an entire person’s future if wanted. it’s a life exchange more than it’s a … family.” what yesung wants to say, in short, is that it doesn’t mean anything to him. there’s always a line drawn between himself ﹠ the company, never crossed. “and uh, family’s meant to have a sense of belonging to it, no?” a tilt of head, veiled traces of taunt peeking from underneath cracks in icy demeanor; bile swallowed in throat. “i don’t think there’s much of that to find here.”
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b-cut + 21 (if you were given the chance to redebut, would you choose to debut in your group again or debut as a soloist instead?)
besides ever-persistent passion for music and the arts, yesung can’t imagine himself taking the chance to redebut regardless if he had it or not. all of this is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing; dedication he would not repeat or make the effort for ever again. he’s able to make peace with the fact he wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for what his father did years back for him. “do i have to pick one?” brow raised, tongue prods at the inside of cheek in thoughts that annoy him bit by bit. “i really wouldn’t go with either. it seems like a hassle to have to do all of this once more but under someone else or someone new.” yesung is like if a boy was meant for the normal, quiet life──just to have accidentally won some lottery ticket that’s got where he is now.
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on-camera + 8. (what kind of concept do you want to try next?)
“as a soloist?” an airy laugh cascades, as if posed as a mask for the awkward thrum of nerves invisible to the camera ﹠ any other apart from himself. “i feel i’ve always gone with what’s darker.” which is no lie, the bias has showed clearly among the albums released in his name. “maybe something more … fun? upbeat? i’m thinking of nightlife, or even street-side.” yesung thinks as he goes, nothing truly pre-planned for questions like these. “as for phaze,” it’s an urge to roll shoulders as a silent ‘i don’t know’ that he holds back on doing. sits still. picks at fingers. “… i’d say i’d like for us to try out horror with traditional coming in as a close second.” the thought of them doing anything all flowers ﹠ rainbows draws shivers down yesung’s spine. h’ah. yeah. definitely sticking to what they do best.
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@nocelestialz. / LITTLE TALKS.
on frequent or, many occasions does yesung struggle with a proper sleep schedule, tossing and turning … counting cats ﹠ dogs on the ceiling just to end up losing count and having to start all over again, staring at the screen of his phone that stares back at him──dry ﹠ void of notifications, watching the minutes tick by as a futile way to get bored enough to fall asleep. it hits him at the worst times, often leading to the decision of grabbing his keys and shutting the door behind him to the outside world.
a short, effortless drag of feet to the nearest convenience store, greeted by the smile of an employee almost as soon as the doors slide open ﹠ the bell is rung. yesung is a recognizable presence to the cashier by now, in spite of the cap ﹠ face-mask that obscures most of his visage. huh, is it the way he dresses? the dark-toned hoodie thrown over figure, baggy sweatpants ﹠ slippers as the first pick of footwear from the rack. … maybe. yesung gets the usual: grape soda cans, ice-cream of various types, and whatever chip packaging that appeals to him ﹠ gives off the assumption they’ll taste good. then he leaves with a come again! trailing after him.
the routine is simple after that. yesung makes his way to the mini park built just adjacent to the store, and he’ll sit there until he feels like going home. alone, mostly. but this time, he finds someone else on one of the swings he usually occupies, and there’s a thumping sensation inside of yesung’s chest, where he’s caught between joining or leaving──ultimately choosing the latter subconsciously as steps tread closer, half-heartedly flopping onto the empty seat. and well, yesung can tell when someone isn’t fond of conversation, so he opts for silence; digging through his plastic bag for a melon popsicle, held between index ﹠ thumb──an offering made towards the company yesung finds tonight, just before the clock strikes ten, on the swing next to him, kicking at piles of sand beneath soles.
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@nonintegrity, / BITTERSWEET TEETH.
rumors are easy to come across when they’re coming from someone inside of the circle, easier to believe when it’s witnessed for oneself. the walls of midas speak much of their soloists──at least, nothing that yesung wouldn’t have heard already about them. sometimes the higher-ups talk too much, that it makes yesung’s jaw tick a certain way whenever the subject of their conversation pops up in front of him out of nowhere.
it’s a consequence of yesung’s own doing; choosing to be holed up in the confines of a studio room over being social with co-workers and whatnot lest it’s required, or necessary that he’s lost the ability to be communicative. the younger him may have been able to reach out more often as a social butterfly than the current him can──but it’s difficult to find that side of oneself; believing it to have passed somewhere along the way to becoming an idol and debuting. there are, admittedly, only a few things that the phaze leader has heard of that has to do with park daehyun. thus, when yesung’s met with a back turned on him ﹠ the tread of footsteps that follow after other’s, all he can do is contribute to the silence that permeates the air.
until. the thud of something falling to the ground echoes; the shape of a lollipop rolling towards and stopping at the apex of sneakers. at first, yesung stares at it. blinks──thinks it’s peculiar for anyone to be carrying sweets around in the pocket of his jacket … but that’d be unfair for those carry cigarettes on them, like himself. frame lowers, picking the stick between fingers ﹠ returning to upright stance. only this time, he’s right beside the soloist, candy in hand and in view. “this yours?”
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reblog this post if you'd like to participate in the ask meme portion of event one. to send out prompts, please include the category name and the number of your desired question.
on-camera questions should be answered with your muse's idol persona on. their answers may be honest or dishonest, but they have to be appropriate. these are the answers that would be used in the concert vcr and in press releases leading up the concert. b-cut questions are provided to give you a chance to share their raw, honest answers. the answers that would never make it past the cutting room floor. most of these questions are focused on the idol industry to help you dive deeper into their relationship with the industry, the group, and the company. some questions may be answered from the mun's pov, but we encourage the majority to be answered in-character as if your muse is conducting a real interview. you may use gifs in your answers, if desired. please remember to turn your askbox on If you'd like to participate in this event! every question sent to a new mun will earn you one career token. you may earn a total of three career tokens per muse during this event. for muns with two muses, sending out questions to six different muns will earn you three career tokens for each muse. answering at least three of these questions will count as a character development item towards activity for the next activity check (feb 7). please tag your answers with both #midas:meme001 and #midasfamilyconcert. you may send and answer questions for points from JAN 30 @ 12:00 PM to FEB 7 @ 12:00 PM kst. please use this website to convert the date into your timezone.
✩ on-camera
what does the midas labels family mean to you?
what's your best memory from your trainee days?
what would you consider your career high?
have you always wanted to become an idol? what made you choose this career path?
what's the best part of being an idol?
what advice would you give to an aspiring idol?
what's been your favorite era? what did you like about it?
what kind of concept do you want to try next?
what three songs of yours mean the most to you?
if you had the chance to speak honestly to your fans, what would you say to them?
what has been the best gift a fan has given to you?
what's your most memorable fan interaction?
is there anywhere you'd like to perform where you haven't yet? anywhere you'd like to go back to?
which artist under midas labels do you look up to?
which artist under midas labels would you like to collaborate with?
if you could join one midas labels group for the day, which would it be why?
if you had to make a new group with other idols under midas labels, which idols would you like to team up with?
are you a fan of any midas labels artist? do you own any merch?
✩ b-cut
what does the midas labels family mean to you?
what's your worst memory from your trainee days?
if you could go back, would you still become an idol?
was your family supportive of your decision to become an idol?
did you have to sacrifice anything when choosing to become an idol?
what was your career low?
what's the best part of being an idol?
what's the worst part of being an idol?
what advice would you give to an aspiring idol?
if you had the chance to speak honestly to your fans, what would you say to them?
what's the worst interaction you've had with a fan?
how much do you look yourself up online?
how do you deal with hate comments?
what type of hate comment hurts the most?
what's the most ridiculous rumor you've heard about yourself?
are any rumors about you actually true?
do you like your music? your concept? if given the chance, would you change it?
be honest: are you for the arts or the charts?
which group member do you get along with most? who do you get along with the least and why?
have you ever fought with your group members? over what?
if you were given the chance to redebut, would you choose to debut in your group again or debut as a soloist instead?
what do you think your life will be like after disbandment (or contract expiry, for soloists)? would you still work in the industry or will you retire and settle down?
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hiii. i’ve been slow with responding to dms due to irl stuff & plans for the upcoming lunar new year … T__T but i would love to get some writing / threads going, so this is a starter call! please leave a ♡ for a small (???) starter. kinda going to base these around the first idea i get from reading intros or going off whatever we have plotted already + if you have a specific muse you’d like to throw at yesung, lmk hehe. :]
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hello! happy opening day. ♡ the party ended hours ago but i’m still here … (late). i’m jun (21+, any prns) & i am bringing you jeon yesung / ren, the main rapper and leader of phaze. you can find his profile here, background here, and career page here. i’ve also complied some dot-points about yesung & some plot bunnies which you can find under read more! please leave a like if you’re interested in plotting and i’ll come to you soon! discord is available upon request. : )
⠀⠀yesung is considered to have been born with “nothing” and his parents struggled to make ends meet. the only thing he could hold onto during his youth was family and their love for him.
⠀⠀his father was an ex-musician and his mother was an opera singer. both of them taught yesung a lot of what he knows today from guitar, drums, to singing. he got most of his passion for music through them and the credit is always theirs.
⠀⠀the intelligent, talented kid considered a prodigy during his schooling years albeit not without a rebellious & disobedient personality. a lot of it stemmed from being insecure to a fault.
⠀⠀yesung was recruited on the streets to partake in a variety show out of nowhere but it turned out to be the work of his father who pleaded for his son to have a chance to appear.
⠀⠀in spite of frequently releasing song covers to the small fanbase he earned from his appearance, he also has an entire stack of unreleased, self-written music that he will never release during the present because those songs carry the past him.
( TW: body issues ) ⠀⠀during trainee days, he was popular with the rest due to his social and outgoing self. he was a likable person, who often struggled with body issues on the inside and got into trouble for smoking cigarettes whenever he was extremely stressed. but he was also a ‘favorite’ of cho taejoon’s, which meant the consequences of said coping mechanism were easier & lighter to deal with.
⠀⠀when yesung turned 16, there’d been an evident shift in his personality that’s stuck with him since — cold, stoic. it was an abrupt change that no one really knows the reason behind. it benefited the company either way, with yesung being more serious, stern and careful. the public says that he got this iciness from taejoon. they aren’t wrong, not when it’s assumed he and taejoon have a bond similar to a father and son.
⠀⠀he cares the least about his personal image, much less his reputation. he’s indifferent to midas labels and takes advantage of the freedom he gets. he hasn’t breached contract rules … that’s known to anyone who isn’t himself.
⠀⠀yesung outwardly looks a bit ( very ) mean and intimidating. but he’s also noticeably is a bit more soft with close friends, and treats his group members gentler than the expected — chill, lazy, he doesn’t care what they do in their spare time so long as it doesn’t impact their overall public image.
⠀⠀yesung was caught smoking at an emergency exit of a night-club recently for the first time since 2016 / phaze’s debut. the company took it badly, fans took it as a sign to intensify their love for him.
⠀⠀the most damaging scandal was him being caught hanging out with an unknown person by a sasaeng that brought it to the internet, and a different person one week after which caused an uproar of accusations that yesung was a player and unfaithful. they happened to be childhood friends of his rather than people he was seeing.
starter plots.
⠀⠀phaze members … pspsps. a member who didn’t start off on the right foot with him initially; thought he was a terrible leader before something changed that impression, an unspoken rivalry with him, the closest member to him, the member he is most gentle with / strict with. i will take anything. u_u
⠀⠀childhood / trainee friends. maybe the ones he was hanging out with that got him into that scandal? met him from high school as that one kid who got in trouble and yet always had high grades?
⠀⠀bad influences on him. people who drag him to parties, clubs, reckless behaviors — those who encourage him into smoking often even when he isn’t overwhelmingly stressed.
⠀⠀closest companion / best friend. someone who knows that the coldness yesung wields is more a mask than anything else. able to bring out the warm, past self of yesung and nurture it.
⠀⠀ex-situationship. running in circles, conversations that turned out to be full-blown arguments. pretending to be friends in public but the lines between friendship and relationship blurred behind all of it. ended on bad terms but unfortunately, you two are always, somehow — stuck together.
yesung’s not limited to these type of connections and is always open to other ideas or dynamics.
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