Some Other Miaus of GATA
673 posts
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thagatanegrra · 3 years ago
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🧿 So this is my attempt at a schedule: . -- Tarot Tuesdays, beginning TONIGHT. One question readings. 9 PM EDT. . -- Thursdays with Tha Pair. This week, @peaceman74 and I will be screening our wedding video, also at 9 PM EDT. This is our first time seeing it so we'll be reacting with you! We *might* take a few questions. Got any, or ideas for topics? Head to my Discord and leave them in the "questions for tha pair" channel/section! . Link to Twitch in bio! Come hang!🐾🧿 (at Tha Cat Lair)
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thagatanegrra · 3 years ago
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Seeing Guns N Roses tonight! 🔫🌹🔫🌹🔫🌹🔫🌹🔫🌹
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thagatanegrra · 3 years ago
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🧿S W I P E ⬅️: The #Slytherin prefect/Chaser and the #Gryffindor reserve Seeker. . United. . It was the best #ValentinesDay ever for us both. Our clowder was over the moon. We were #handfasted, we jumped the broom, and loved on all our friends. It was a magickal evening, even without our wonderful #HarryPotter theme! . I give you: Mr. and Mrs. Peace and Gata Negrra-Moore! Thank you so much, @vowseverlasting--this would not have happened without you. We love you!💜💜💜🐾🧿 . . . . . . . . #newmarriage #valentinesdaywedding #valentinesday #GATAHavePeace #hearts #enamorados #HappyValentinesDay #blacklove #magickalcouple #cosplayingcouple #geekycouple #blerdycouple #blackwedding #plussizebride #offbeatbride #alternativebride #alternativebridestyle #HPWedding #altblackgirl #blackweddings #blackaltfamily #cosplayingfamily #redweddingdress (at Vows Everlasting)
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thagatanegrra · 3 years ago
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I ran into a sister from a mentorship group I was a part of! It was awesome to see her, as we had never met IRL. 🐾 (at Walmart Kearny)
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thagatanegrra · 3 years ago
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On the set of "#CoquitoSZN". Spacer. 🐾
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thagatanegrra · 5 years ago
Seems familiar...💜🐾
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The Addams Family (1991) Directed by Barry Sonnenfeld
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thagatanegrra · 5 years ago
I'm all in! 💜💜💜✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿🐾
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✊🏿BLACK LIVES MATTER RALLY✊🏿 || ✊🏿Sunday 7th June 2020✊🏿
Hey there my loves.
I seldom have words to really describe how I am feeling right now. I know the same goes for many of us. Distress. Sadness. Anger. Hurt. These are just a few of the many feelings that we are currently experiencing. Most of all. We are TIRED. We are tired of Black lives being taken brutally by police. We are tired of justice never being served. We are tired of the news saying they “died” when they were murdered. TIRED. The murder of George Floyd, one of the more recent victims of police brutality, has sparked protests internationally. The world is waking up; we’ve had enough and are demanding justice.
The Sims, whilst it is a way to escape, is also used to portray life as we know it.This is why I want to organise a Black Lives Matter Rally. 
It’s crazy to me, that 4 years ago the sims community got together and did a rally hosted by @simflux​ and @circasim���. What’s even more crazy is we are back at the point where another one has to be organised. Thank you for the inspiration and courage to revive your last rally, to bring awareness to the injustices faced by Black men, women and children. 
✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 How To Attend The Rally ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽
This Sunday (7th June), using the #BLMSimsRally #Ebonix #Ebonixsims hashtags, I’d love you all to share photos across your social medias of your sims and RP characters participating in the rally. I want to create a huge post of participants once the rally is completed. There is no backdrop, but using my old Rally Pack, your sims can rally on the streets of any town in your game (I would recommend San Myshuno!)
Be creative with it! There’s no right or wrong way to do this. You are just using your own outlet to show support for the movement!  Please feel free to use your own backgrounds, png people and everything else if you wish to. This is your portrayal of your rally and I want to share it with the world.
Rally Resources
I made a Rally Pack back in 2016, which is still being used today, so feel free to use it, recolour it, do whatever you want. It definitely needs an update.
Download BLM Rally Pack Here 
I’ve also created some more recent t-shirts and sweaters for this rally, which I hope you all like. If you make CC, don’t hesitate to make your own!
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Download BLM Merch Here
Mesh Credits: 
@elliesimple​ - 80s Ombre Shirt @ooobsooo​ - Sweatshirt 3 @jordutch​ - Brands Sweater @youn-zoey - T Shirt (included)
I will be reblogging any creations by creators who’s made content related to BLM also.
If you play TS3 and want to join in, I’d love to see your rally posts too! You can download merch by @simflux​ HERE
If you play TS2, I don’t know if there are any pieces yet to be made, so if you are a creator and would like to help TS2 community to participate, I’d greatly appreciate your support with this!
✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 What You Can Do To Help ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽
Aside from the Rally, there are a number of RL things you can do to make a change and impact in fighting for justice for Black lives. 
On my website, I have provided details of organisations you can donate to, material you can read and petitions you can sign. You can make a difference in this. We all can. Get the info HERE
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I hope to see your sims at the rally ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 
Black Lives Matter. 
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thagatanegrra · 5 years ago
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I can't bring myself to write anything more at the moment so here is a copypasta of what I said on my purrsonal Facebook Timeline: . . "2020 really blows. "💐My friend, my companion, my support, my kittyboy Potter left us to go meet Bast and our Sage. "He was a senior cat, but after Sage left us a year and some change ago, he was never the same. He mourned deeply for his housemate. I do believe his broken heart exacerbated things. "We sat with him and we all said our very tearful goodbyes and told him how loved he was until his last breath. "My heart is broken once more. 💔 All my ninja have gone. My house panthers are gone. And I feel so much more empty without them. "At least they have each other again. We will miss you, Potter. I love you, my pretty kittyboy." (at Tha Cat Lair)
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thagatanegrra · 5 years ago
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🧿@peaceman74 blessed me with my favourite yellow #roses, just because he knew I love them. This is our twelfth Hearts Day together, and I am grateful. 💜🖤💜🐾🧿 (at Tha Cat Lair)
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thagatanegrra · 5 years ago
It's true. We are.
contrary to popular belief black cats are good luck actually because they are baby
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thagatanegrra · 5 years ago
Heimdall standalone project now!
Heimdall is one of the most beautiful men in the MCU and played by one of the most beautiful actors, and honestly, screw each and every single director (accept for Waititi) who wasted his character.
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thagatanegrra · 5 years ago
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I think I posted this in my #stories but not on the page. This was me following @peaceman74 's lead for #EMConAnimeFest (he was wearing a #diadelosmuertos - themed suit) as opposed to the other way around, and my first attempt with this kind of #skullmakeup look. NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING. But people liked it, so hey. I love how my #skeleton hair clips inadvertently look like whiskers! 😹😹😹🐾 #halloweencon (at The Mall at the Source)
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thagatanegrra · 5 years ago
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Sitting here #reflecting on the months past and the months to come. Also working through MercRetro stuff. It's been testing me. But so far, so good.💜🖤💜🐾 #today #ThaGataNegrra #syntheticdreads #whitehair #catears #catlife #nekomimi (at Tha Cat Lair)
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thagatanegrra · 6 years ago
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Well, she's not wrong for asking! 😹 I'm tardy, but I don't care. Hope you had a purrfect International Cat Day! 💜💜🐾 #InternationalCatDay #meow #nyan
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thagatanegrra · 6 years ago
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At #MinCon2019, waiting to do my panel! Looking forward... so here's the obligatory #conselfie. 🐾 #ThaGataNegrra #2RsNot2Gs #NJCatwoman #NJsCatwoman #DiosaAnimanga #PunkRhyma #femalerapper #GoroGoroKei #PurrStilo #catgirl #nekogirl #nekolife #alternativehiphop #AnotherLevel #kawaiihop #blackcatmagick #panthertotem #blackcatgirlmagick #NYANVIDA #blackgirlmagic #bonafidenotbootleg #IAmNotTheFakeOne (at Mineola Memorial Library)
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thagatanegrra · 6 years ago
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Re-up! 🎉Surprise, Brix! I'm purrforming at Newark Gay Pride THIS SUNDAY, July 14th, 1:50 PM! Come enjoy the parade, then stick round for the #SoundsOfPride at Washington Pl at Halsey Street! There will be plenty of vendors and music, so it's gonna be amazing! 🐾 #NewarkPride2019 #prideweekinNewark #liveperformance #ThaGataNegrra #2RsNot2Gs #NJCatwoman #NJsCatwoman #DiosaAnimanga #PunkRhyma #femalerapper #GoroGoroKei #PurrStilo #catgirl #nekogirl #nekolife #alternativehiphop #AnotherLevel #kawaiihop #blackcatmagick #panthertotem #blackcatgirlmagick #NYANVIDA #blackgirlmagic #bonafidenotbootleg #IAmNotTheFakeOne (at Newark, New Jersey)
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thagatanegrra · 6 years ago
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🎉Surprise, Brix! I'm purrforming at Newark Gay Pride THIS SUNDAY, July 14th! Come enjoy the parade, then stick round for the #SoundsOfPride at Washington Pl at Halsey Street! There will be plenty of vendors and music, so it's gonna be amazing! 🐾 #NewarkGayPride #prideweekinNewark #liveperformance #ThaGataNegrra #2RsNot2Gs #NJCatwoman #NJsCatwoman #DiosaAnimanga #PunkRhyma #femalerapper #GoroGoroKei #PurrStilo #catgirl #nekogirl #nekolife #alternativehiphop #AnotherLevel #kawaiihop #blackcatmagick #panthertotem #blackcatgirlmagick #NYANVIDA #blackgirlmagic #bonafidenotbootleg #IAmNotTheFakeOne (at Newark, New Jersey)
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