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Straight women who don’t understand what top and bottom mean and refer to literally being on top of someone as topping is the funniest shit ever. You are so lost
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i still think stormtroopers/ the galatic empire could wipe the 40k universe tbh. in 40k a immortal god of destruction with the power to destroy minds and reality itself is a war with so many years that the books recounting the start have degraded beyong readablity, even in thier perfect preservation. in starwars an immortal god of destruction with the power to destroy minds and reality itself is an 60 day scuffle at max if the god is good enough at fleeing. worse case senario some force sensitive bandit finds it first and scraps it before u could take its head as a trophy
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people sometimes cannot comprehend rehabilitation and change. people cannot loop around their head that living beings don't exist to constantly be tortured by their past or present. you people preach about love and peace but will attack a queer person for shit they did years ago and are no longer repeating or bullshit rumors. it's all performative. it's not about awareness it's about making someone out to be a cartoon villain they can humiliate until the sun goes down. people change, but to change, they need love, patience, and a support system.
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Child abuse is a big problem, so it's important that we don't let children communicate with adults except their parents and other official authority figures. Everyone knows the best way to prevent child abuse is to keep children isolated and ensure all their communications are controlled.
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Some of you were never freaks against your will and it fucking shows.
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The crazy part about pain is that it actually hurts alot
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porn is bad because [christian talking point] and [alt-right study] and [misunderstood neurochemistry] and of course [feature of capitalism]
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Why does weed always make me feel pregnant
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for how long will these stay up. heres to hoping love wins <3
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My contribution to society
The original thingyy
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get your pussy up get your money up doctor freeman
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the thing is, if your younger self was a bigot or an abuser, u can't make people forgive you. but you still gotta forgive yourself, like that's non-negotiable, dude. that happens before u can even ask the question of earning forgiveness from anyone lese
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mods asleep post the Kaiketsu Zubat carpetry duel
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Being a trans man is fun because your entire life no one ever takes your feelings seriously and instead chalks you up as being hormonal and hysterical. If you're perceived as female, then any time you show any extreme emotion, you're brushed aside and asked if you're on your period. And then once you start testosterone, any time you show any extreme emotion you're not taken seriously and you're reactions are chalked down to the "poison" you're taking. You're never treated as a person with agency and the ability to express yourself on your own.
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Published in “Transvestia” magazine #38 (April 1966). I think original art could be by Bob Tupper.
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