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Amber's home is incredible. Now, she's posted her 2nd sitting room.
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She repainted the mermaid table. The pink dolphin!
via FB group Maximalist Design and Decor
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Do you like plaid, tartans, buffalo check, gingham, quilts, & the color red? If you answered yes to any of these choices, then you will really like this little 1901 bungalow in Waupaca, WI. 1bd, 1ba, $164,900.
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Lovely front porch.
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Enter the kitchen, which is quite large.
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It's basically one room, like a studio apt. on the first floor.
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They have it set up, nicely, though. They put a cozy living room area in this corner.
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A bed is in the other corner.
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Next to the kitchen sink area there're a few stairs.
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They go down to a home office and laundry room. There're lots of closets.
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The bath is down here and it's so cute.
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I think that this is actually the bedroom upstairs, but they're using it as a closet.
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A nice workshop in the basement.
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Cute yard.
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There's another large workshop building.
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It's large enough for the owner to rebuild a small plane.
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There's also an adorable little shed.
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Fenced play area for the dog,
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And a cute little shed that looks like an outhouse.
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What a delightful property.
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It's a 2.43 acre lot.
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There's a lot of room for development.
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This is a nice area.
149 notes · View notes
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226 notes · View notes
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Love wildflower gardens.
793 notes · View notes
Rescue Me, Part 5 ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi
Sorry this took so long! I had a conference and then a car accident and then was maid-of-honor in a wedding, so safe to say things have been chaotic. I hope you guys enjoy!
Summary: Y/N tries to cope with the aftermath of the events on Neftali and Obi-Wan Kenobi's part in them.
Warnings: a sort of panic attack and PTSD
Word count: 5.9k
Rescue Me masterlist
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Words did not exist in the place I was.
I did not exist in the place I was. 
And strangely enough, there was no place where I was either. I was both nowhere and somewhere. Or maybe I was multiple somewheres at the same time.
But there was no time. 
Time did not exist either. 
There was no weight to me, for there was no body to me. I could not move, but I did not need to. I could not feel, and I didn’t need to do that either. All I needed was just to be, and I was, and the was-ing was.
Then something shifted.
I couldn’t describe what was different from Before, I only knew that I was now in After. There was no light, no sound, no smell, nothing I could discern other than the certainty that somehow, something was changing. Gradually, everything began to grow heavier and heavier, but not in a fearful way or an exciting way, just in a way.
And then, suddenly, there was pain.
Oh, it ached and burned, growing worse by the minute. 
I couldn’t temper it or move away from it, forced to experience the pain exactly as it was.
Then, I felt tiny strikes, small reliefs from the otherwise all-consuming fire.
Next came the light. Dull and warm. It didn’t shine on any shapes or colors, but any light was a contrast from the nothingness of Before. 
Slowly, I became aware of where the fire’s shape started and stopped. Where I started and stopped. I could feel legs and arms again, battered and burning as they were, but I couldn’t move.
“Y/N, please, please wake up!”
I could’ve cried at the sound of that voice coming from somewhere above me. I tried to say the name, but my voice didn’t work, as if it was still in Before.
“Please, Y/N!” 
Now I could feel my face, but most particularly, the pressure on my cheek accompanied with tiny scrapes that did not hurt.
“C’mon, talk to me, open your eyes, breathe!”
I tried. I tried so hard to listen, because I would do anything that voice asked of me, but I couldn’t move, no matter how hard I fought.
Obi-Wan’s voice grew quieter, and at first, I was alarmed. Was I fading back to Before? No, that couldn't be, because I could still feel the burning pain and the small pricks of relief. No, Obi-Wan’s voice softened as he chanted something. Was it my name? It didn’t sound quite right to be my name. I strained to listen.
“I’m sorry,” he was saying. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
 He said it over and over, and I yearned for him to stop, but the words only poured forth at a greater speed and intensity. “I should’ve run faster, I should’ve gotten to the club sooner, she wouldn’t be here if I’d been faster. I shouldn’t have left her alone in that bar or in the storm, I should never have let her go. It’s all my fault, I know it is, but please don’t take her from me.”
My chest twinged, a hurt much different from either the fire or ice. I gathered every part of myself, urging my body to listen. Obi-Wan didn’t deserve this. He saved me when I’d already owed him more than I could ever repay.
“Please don’t go, Y/N.”
I clung to the words, building up the momentum.
Move, I ordered my body.
Nothing happened. 
All at once, my chest rose as I inhaled what felt to be a great big breath. My heart started at a dizzyingly painful pace. Had it not been beating before? 
A strangled, shuddering gasp came from above. “Y/N?”
I still couldn’t move my arms or legs or even lift my eyelids. But my chest moved as my lungs expanded and retracted.
Whatever I was lying against shifted. “You’re okay.” The familiar scrape brushed across my forehead, my hair. “Thank the stars.”
I tried to speak, but all that came out was a tiny grunt.
“It’s okay, you’re okay, you’re safe, take your time.” The warm scrape brushed down my temple back to my cheek. The callouses on Obi-Wan’s hand, I realized. Then something else brushed my forehead without scraping, something softer.
I’d felt it recently before.
Was…Obi-Wan…kissing my forehead?
Fighting for every miniscule movement, I peeled my eyes open.
The first thing I saw was the upside down and blurry face of Obi-Wan. I blinked several times, and my vision cleared to show me the ginger hair laying flat against his head and trickles of water rolling down to meet his beard. His eyes blinked rapidly, likely protesting against the water.
The water. The tiny strokes of relief from the fiery pain all over my body was water. 
Were we in a refresher?
“Buh…” I managed to say, but the sound was painful to my own ears. I weakly cleared my throat. “Bun-ker.”
From Obi-Wan’s expression, one could have mistaken the word for a treasure. “No, we’re not in the bunker, we’re on the ship, we’re going back to Coruscant.” He shifted behind me slightly, making me aware of how much of my bare skin was touching his, but I didn’t have the energy to pull away even if I’d wanted to. “How do you feel?” 
I swallowed, the movement feeling as foreign as if I’d never done it. “Hurts.”
He nodded, giving a weak laugh that reverberated against his chest where I lay. ��That’s to be expected.”
My view continued to expand. I could see the walls of the refresher behind Obi-Wan and water dripping down from the stream pouring from the head of the refresher. 
Obi-Wan’s hand squeezed my arm. “I found you.” Normally the words would be comforting, but there was a strangeness to them. Was it the tone? The cadence? I wished we both were still connected to the Force so I could better understand what lay beneath his words, but as it was, I couldn’t muster up any words to ask.
With great effort, I lifted my hand from where it’d lain limply by my side to cover his hand.
Obi-Wan looked away so immediately, I nearly withdrew it, as if I’d done wrong. But while his face was turned away from me, his arms seemed to hold me tighter. 
I pressed my hand to his chest, waiting patiently for him to turn back to look at me. 
Was I imagining the shudder that passed through his body when he finally met my eyes? And also the fear in his blue eyes?
“It took so long,” he finally rasped. “I came back, and you were gone, and it took so long–” He shook his head as he cut himself off, eyes falling to the floor of the refresher. Whatever words were building in his throat seemed to be hurting him. “You were blue. You were blue, and you weren’t moving, not even breathing, and I was so scared that you were–” Again, he stopped, staring hard at the floor. The rising and falling of his chest was more ragged than before. 
I lifted my hand from his chest to his face, trying to reassure him. 
He cleared his throat, looking back at me with hope. “But then I remembered what you told me when we were in the bunker, a-about not rewarming too quickly? And then…then that gave me the hope that you would wake up.” 
I gave a weak smile. 
We sat unspeaking, listening to the pattering of the water on the floor. While moving was still greatly difficult, I gradually felt more and more aware. Obi-Wan watched me carefully, his gaze constantly shifting from my face to the rest of my body. 
When Obi-Wan reached up to turn off the water, I could finally hear the hum of the ship’s engine in the absence. Obi-Wan didn’t move yet, seemingly in no hurry. 
My wrists started throbbing oddly, and I tipped my head to look at them. The shackles are still there, I realized. Of course there was no way Obi-Wan would risk cutting off my hands altogether simply to remove the chains that still bound me.
But somehow, those chains felt heavier than everything else. 
My breathing grew choppier. 
Eleven days. 
I’d spent eleven days hanging from the ceiling, eleven days with little water and littler food, eleven days in pain while being…
I shuddered. If Obi-Wan hadn’t come for me…would I have died in that dungeon? Or would Dooku have kept me alive and suffering until I caved?
Obi-Wan’s thumb moved to wipe away a tear I hadn’t realized had fallen. “You’re okay.” 
The soft words only made more tears fall. Obi-Wan flinched as the vice grip I clung to him with increased. I tried to let go, but my hands could only cling to the only safety I could feel without the Force. 
Obi-Wan gently freed one arm and grabbed the cloak sitting on the metal floor just outside the refresher, using it to wipe off the excess water. 
Once I was dry enough, he got to his feet, pulling me up with him. My feet, still bare, shuffled against the metal floor as I focused on trying to stay balanced on them. “I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan said helplessly as he guided me onto a rickety cot in the ship, “I left too quickly to grab any supplies. I don’t have food o-or water or any clothes for you or even blankets and we’re still hours away from Coruscant.” 
I wanted to wave away his concern, but the fabric of the cot was likely just as cold as the metal surface of the floor. 
“You’re shivering,” Obi-Wan said with alarm. “You weren’t shivering before.” 
“N-no, it’s g-g-good,” I muttered quietly through chattering teeth. “M-m-means m-my bod-dy is fin-nally fi-fighting.” For warmth, I wanted to add, but it was so taxing to speak. 
Obi-Wan pressed the back of his hand to my forehead. “You’re still not warm.” He took his hand away, and my forehead felt colder than ever. 
I reached out blindly for his wrist, and upon finding it, brought his fingers back to my forehead, sighing at the warmth of his skin. It didn’t matter that I hadn’t reconnected with the Force, I didn’t need it to know that Obi-Wan was hovering. 
The cot sank a bit by my thighs, as if Obi-Wan was leaning his weight into that spot. Then, the space behind me dipped further.
An arm wound around my waist, pulling me into the heat of Obi-Wan’s body.
There was a soft grunt. “You’re freezing.”
I didn’t answer, too overwhelmed to think straight. His touch was still prickling and painful against my skin, but there was another sensation that bloomed somewhere deeper than my skin, a sensation that seemed to frighten the chill. When my shivers finally subsided, my still body sent my exhausted mind into the embrace of sleep.
“Y/N?” Obi-Wan said, what felt like a minute later.
I forced my eyes open to see him in front of me, the metal walls of the ship just behind him. There was no hum from the ship’s engine. 
“Let’s get you to the healers.”
Pressing my cheek into his chest, I allowed Obi-Wan to pull me to feet I could barely feel and guide me wherever he wished. Even though it was night on Coruscant, everything still seemed too bright. I squeezed my eyes shut as the movement of walking tugged and pulled at my sore body. 
The voice was familiar enough for me to peel my eyes open in time to see Chief Healer Vokara Che rushing towards us. “Put her down here.”
Obi-Wan helped me lay on the bed Vokara Che indicated, and the minute my back touched the cushion, Vokara Che started bustling about. She pressed a hand to my chest, just under my collarbones, in the way of Jedi healers and the way she’d taught me. I could feel her searching the Force within my body. 
“What are you waiting for?” Obi-Wan came around to my other side, having been pushed out of the way by the head healer. “She needs food!”
Vokara Che snapped in Obi-Wan’s face. “Do not order me around in my own temple infirmary, Kenobi.”
Obi-Wan’s nostrils flared. “She’s been starving–”
“She cannot eat yet,” the healer snapped, “or we risk subjecting her to refeeding syndrome.”
“I didn’t bring her to you so you could–”
“Kenobi, hold your tongue or I’ll have you thrown out.” The following moment of silence was fraught. “Y/N,” she said, quietly but not gently, “the Force in you has been disrupted.”
I nodded. 
“Was your Force connection severed?”
I glanced at Obi-Wan before realizing, too late, how incriminating such an action might be. “I had to pull back,” I whispered. “Che, it was Dooku.” 
Vokara Che looked between the two of us, her lips pursing. “No wonder you’re so weak.” She yanked a blanket up and over my body. “You know what the first step towards healing is.”
I needed nothing more.
The moment I threw my mental shields down, the Force came rushing in, filling me with such warmth and security, I let out a long breath. My eyes closed, my body lighting up with something akin to rejoicing. Homecoming. 
When I opened my eyes, the lights in the temple infirmary seemed brighter. Vokara Che patted my shoulder in her firm manner. “Now stay still, I need to scan you.”
She bustled away, rummaging around before returning with a machine I knew well. We used it to quickly scan and address physical injuries. The machine whirred as she passed it up and down my body, collecting information.
The beep of confirmation was followed with a sour look on the healer’s face. “You’ve lost 18% of your body weight.” 
18%? Almost a fifth of my total body weight?
Even though Vokara Che spoke with a matter-of-fact tone, I could feel the buzzing of her anxiety through the Force, even if it wasn’t as palpable as the anxious thrumming of the light. The healer’s eyebrows lowered the more statistics the machine provided. I closed my eyes, too tired to keep up. 
Malnutrition slowed healing greatly. My body didn’t have the energy for basic functions, let alone the uphill climb of getting my muscle mass back. To avoid refeeding syndrome, I’d have to introduce enough nutrients with slowly increasing amounts of food, keeping close watch on my metabolic levels. It would be a slow process. 
“May I speak with you, Kenobi?”
I opened my eyes to see Obi-Wan standing beside me, looking down with a blank expression that couldn’t disguise the worry permeating his force signature. 
“Go.” I patted his arm to try and be comforting. 
“Kenobi?” Vokara Che prompted again. 
Obi-Wan turned with what seemed to be great effort before following Vokara Che out of the door. 
Leaving me alone.
The only light came from the window behind me. 
I didn’t need the beeping to tell me that my heart rate increased. I’m safe, I told myself sternly. Obi-Wan and Vokara Che, my two mentors were only just on the other side of the door. I wasn’t in the dungeon, I was in the Jedi Temple. Dooku was far from me. 
A gentle scraping started off to my left. 
“No,” I mumbled, my mouth dry. The chains around my wrist clanked as I clutched my arms to my chest. They ached as if I were right back in that dungeon. Suspended. Hanging. The subtle thumping of my heart in my chest grew until I could feel it beating in my stomach. 
The scraping increased. 
I can’t go back, I can’t do this again, never again, not back in that place, not back with Dooku, freezing and starving, I can’t–
“Y/N!” Obi-Wan burst in, rushing to the side of the bed. “What’s wrong?”
I only balled up tighter. No matter how hard I fought for air, I never got enough. A sharp cramping started in my side, painful enough to make me gasp. 
“She’s panicking,” Vokara Che’s voice said, sounding funnily distant. 
A hand touched my shoulder. My skin seemed to scream at the contact, but my limbs couldn’t move beyond the trembling of my hands. 
“Y/N, honey, look at me.”
I was petrified, unable to respond or move or even breathe.
“You’re safe. Dooku isn’t here. You aren’t on Neftali. You’re safe, you made it, I’ve got you.” He said the words over and over again, a wave of reassurance flowing in from the light. 
Then, before I could react, arms wrapped around my hunched body. Gently, hands guided my head up until my face pressed into the telltale fabric of a Jedi tunic. A chin rested on the top of my head, and when Obi-Wan continued to speak, I could feel the rumble of his words against my temple. “You’re safe. He can’t get you here.”
Finally, I clutched the front of his robes with my trembling hands, taking comfort in the Jedi-ness of the fabric’s coarseness. Don’t go, I pleaded with my grip. Don’t leave me. 
“That’s it,” Obi-Wan said gently, his hold tightening on my shoulders. “That’s it, honey."
As the panic subsided, exhaustion took its place. I started to droop against Obi-Wan’s chest, my grasp on him quickly slackening. He could’ve easily untangled himself from me now, but I didn’t feel him move. 
“I’m not leaving.” A hand rested on my head. “I’m not going anywhere while she needs me.”
“Your judgment is clouded,” the head healer said briskly. “You have no idea what’s best for her right now.”
“I’ll be quiet,” Obi-Wan promised, his light thudding in time with the heartbeat against my ear. “I’ll do whatever you tell me, I swear.” 
Vokara Che’s response was muddled as I fell back into sleep.
My eyes flew open. I grasped my wrists where I could feel the chains, but my hands touched not harsh metal but my own warm skin. My body remembered the chains, even if they were no longer there. 
I glanced around me, the sight of the temple infirmary? never more comforting. There was ample light, and the faces of the other Jedi were comforting in their familiarity. I’m not in a dungeon anymore, I reminded myself as my eyes traveled over the other beds. 
Then my eyes reached the seat beside my own bed where Obi-Wan sat, watching me with the look I recognized as an assessment. “How do you feel?” he asked. 
“I’m well enough.” I sat up, swinging my legs to the side of the bed. The casual air I’d intended to have was foiled by the slowness of my movements and the pained grunt that left my lips. 
I paused then, disoriented by the Jedi undertunic I wore again. When had that been put on me?
Obi-Wan’s light gave a thoughtful ripple, and I distinctly avoided looking at his face. Shame coursed through me at how pitifully I’d clung to him before falling asleep. That wasn’t the Jedi way. Our comfort came from the Force, not from other beings. Obi-Wan was being far kinder than his mission required him, though it was likely second nature to him now after being my master. 
Speaking of…
“Where’s Ghon?” I asked. “How much does he know? Is he upset?”
Obi-Wan’s face pinched for a moment before returning back to the placid mask I recognized as being his negotiator’s mask. “He’s worried about you. He knows your mission was only supposed to take an evening.”
I winced. Ghon needed a lot of support, and after this whole ordeal, he would be practically buzzing with anxiety. Before I could ask anything more, my eyes flitted to the infirmary doors just in time to see them open. 
Luminara strode in, coming quickly to my bedside and addressing Obi-Wan. “The council requests that you appear before them.”
Obi-Wan nodded, getting to his feet. 
“Both of you.”
The light pulsed unpleasantly. “Y/N has still not recovered. She is traumatized and needs time to heal.” Obi-Wan’s authoritative tone didn’t seem to land with Luminara. 
She blinked slowly, a brave feat when faced with Obi-Wan’s displeasure. “I’m sorry, sir, but the council insists.”
I braced my hands on the bed, using them to balance my weight on my feet. “I’ll go.”
Obi-Wan stepped closer, reaching out as if to push me back on the bed. “You can’t, you’re not well.”
“I will answer the council’s request.” I picked up the Jedi overtunic on the small table beside my bed, struggling to put my arms through it. 
“Don’t.” I finally managed to pull the tunic on, relishing in the familiarity of it. “I’ll not let your concern get in the way of my obedience.” Attempting for loftiness, I lifted my chin before brushing past him, but I only managed a few steps before reaching out for something to aid me in holding myself up. 
Wordlessly, a calloused hand caught mine. Much like how we’d walked to the club, Obi-Wan let me lean on him as he walked me out of the infirmary, except now I didn’t have poor footwear to blame my unsteady gait on. 
It was a good thing those blasted shoes and revealing dress were still on Neftali. I never wanted to see them again.
“You should be resting,” Obi-Wan grumbled, clearly unable to help himself. “The council can wait a day or two.” Perhaps it was my imagination, but the farther we walked, the more agitated the light grew. Was he truly that worried about me?
“It’ll be quick,” I promised, without a clue how long the meeting would actually take. Strange. It was just the type of promise I would make Ghon. A promise born of a deep desire to reassure without being certain of the truth. 
Obi-Wan slowed down. “Let’s take a break.” I started to disagree, but he cut me off with: “Y/N, your breathing is getting ragged.”
I stopped walking, pressing a hand to my chest. He was right. I allowed him to lead me to the nearest wall so I could lean up against it. 
I could remember a time when my body lived easily, when my steady heartbeat paired with the assured pumping of my lungs. My legs were capable of inhuman jumps while my hands could heal nearly every possible wound. But now, when my body didn’t have to do any of those things, something as simple as walking required more of me than I had to give. 
That 18% loss of my body weight took all my stamina and fortitude with it, and I sorely missed them. 
“I won’t be jumping off of any mountains any time soon,” I tried to joke, but my tone was all wrong, too flat and serious. I glanced up at Obi-Wan, prepared for a teasing comment about wallowing, but he wasn’t looking at me. He was staring down the hallway in the direction of the councilroom, his hands fidgeting with his robes. He looked as though he were gauging the distance. Obi-Wan could be protective, he’d proven that on Taris. But why was he so protective now? Only a few more feet and I would be in one of the most protected places in the galaxy. 
When I got up, Obi-Wan didn’t take my arm again. Instead, he hovered a stride behind me, close enough to catch me if I were to crumple to the floor. If he’s so worried I’ll fall, why doesn’t he walk beside me? I wondered.
We reached the councilroom doors, and I didn’t even have a moment to smooth down my robes before they slid open.
There should’ve been some comfort in the familiarity of the grave expressions of the council, but their faces only made me tense. “Knight Y/L/N,” Master Shaak Ti acknowledged, her voice firm. My spirit gave an almost audible waver as if it gulped where my dry and sore throat could not. 
Obi-Wan hung back, allowing me to walk in first. I did, expecting him to walk past me towards his seat once I reached the center of the room, but he did not. Behind me he still stood, exactly in the position I’d stood when I was his padawan. Why was he behaving as though he were the lower-ranking warrior between the two of us when his empty council seat was right before me?
Master Windu extended a hand. “We’re pleased that you’re safe.” I bowed slightly, wishing his tone sounded less robotic so that the words might sound more genuine. “We sent for your padawan the moment you arrived. He should arrive from Ryloth soon.”
Even at lightspeed, it took days to travel to and from Ryloth safely. If I’d been gone for ten days before they sent Obi-Wan after me, I’d have been gone less than a week before they sent Ghon away. 
I tilted my head. “Why is he there?”
“When we were unsure that you would return, we reassigned him to Master Ima-Gun Di.”
I stared at Master Windu, my lethargic brain struggling to wrap my mind around the idea of my padawan being reassigned. When his face didn’t shift, I glanced around at the others, hoping for some explanation. Did they not have faith in Obi-Wan’s ability to rescue me? Is that why they sent my padawan away before sending Obi-Wan after me?
Master Yoda lifted the end of his walking stick, pointing it at me. “Conflicted, you are.”
“Yes,” I admitted. “This ordeal has been…confusing.” I felt the Force in the room darken a bit. “I imagine it will take a lot of work before I am fully–”
Fully what? Fully at peace? Fully safe? Full healed?
“Vokara Che has notified us of your injuries.” Master Mundi leaned forward. “You endured much.”
Unbidden rose the feelings of cold, hunger, and fear. I lowered my gaze to the floor, trying to remain calm in front of the council. How was I expected to respond to that? How would one of them respond if they had been subjected to Dooku’s torture? 
“I’m just grateful it wasn’t worse,” I finally replied, even as my thoughts swirled. Was grateful the right word? Yes, I was glad to be out of that dungeon and off that icy planet and perhaps even glad to be standing before the council. But was I truly thankful that it wasn’t worse? How could it even have been worse? 
“Much more rest, you need,” Master Yoda decided, his wise eyes piercing my inner depths. “Feel your exhaustion, we do.”
I bowed my head. “Yes, master.”
“Heal while you await your padawan’s return,” Master Windu said. “When he does, we’ll inform you of your next mission.”
Another mission. I swallowed hard before bowing and leaving the chamber on unsteady legs.
The doors hissed shut, but I didn’t sag against the wall to catch my breath until I’d turned the corner.
Perhaps it was a good thing Ghon wasn’t here to see his master like this. In the few days until he arrived, I needed to get my strength back. Especially if the council would send us on our next mission when he arrived. I couldn’t afford to not be able to protect my padawan when Dooku was now aware of his existence and could potentially target him.
I heard the council doors open. Ever the humble Jedi, Obi-Wan’s feet dragged a bit as he came around the corner, his light flagging. Did he truly hate praise so much? I’d only been commended by the council once, but it was a euphoria unlike anything else. Though perhaps when one had been commended so many times, it lost its punch. 
The smile I plastered on my face took much effort, but I resolved to stay positive. “So? Did they give glowing praises?”
Obi-Wan’s eyebrows furrowed as he bent down beside me. “You don’t look well,” he said softly. 
My smile fell. “Is it that obvious?”
“Yes.” Obi-Wan smirked. “C’mon, let’s get you–”
Abruptly, he stepped away until he was almost on the other side of the corridor, just as Masters Windu and Fisto rounded the corner. 
I blinked, confused.
I’d felt their Force signatures drawing near just as Obi-Wan had, but I’d ignored it, whereas he’d almost scrambled away from me. 
The masters didn’t look in my direction, walking right past me without so much as an acknowledgement. When they were well past us, however, Master Fisto glanced back at Obi-Wan, and I felt a surge of something through the Force.
No, that wasn’t quite right. 
It was too complex, too layered for me to puzzle out and after the masters walked through the doors at the end of the corridor, their Force signatures grew too faint for me to fully perceive what lay within them. 
Obi-Wan came to crouch beside me again. “Vokara Che said she has a regimen for you, to get your strength back, and she wants you to start today.” He held out his hand to help me up. 
“What’s going on?” I asked him instead of accepting his hand.
“I’m taking you back to–”
“No,” I interrupted, “what’s going on with you? Why did Master Fisto look at you like that? What happened?”
Obi-Wan licked his lips. “Y/N,” he said in a way that didn’t sound like him at all, “why don’t we just–”
“Did they not commend you?” I pressed. Obi-Wan motioned for me to take his hand and stand. “I won’t move until you give me an answer.”
“They didn’t.” No longer waiting, he took my hands and pulled. 
I allowed him to bring me to my feeble feet, even as the blood started to drain from my face due to the exertion. “Why didn’t they?” I faced him, leaving a hand on the wall for balance. “Do they…” I swallowed hard. “Do they care so little about me that your mission means nothing to them?”
Obi-Wan coughed even though his throat sounded clear. “It would…mean something.”
“What do you mean ‘it would’?” I narrowed my eyes. “What aren’t you telling me?”
He sighed, rubbing his temple with his thumb in a strange and unconfident gesture. “I wasn’t commended because it wasn’t a mission.”
Now the blood drained from my face for a different reason. “What are you talking about? What do you mean it wasn’t a mission?”
“Please, Y/N.” He tried to reach out for my arms, but I pulled away, swaying a bit. 
“But why would they have sent you if it wasn’t a mission? You wouldn’t have come if–” I stopped. “Obi-Wan…did…did the council not send you at all?”
He let out a long breath. “I asked them to.”
There’s only one response they must’ve given, but I still had to ask. “And they refused?”
Obi-Wan didn’t answer, turning his face away from me. But shame radiated through his signature, and it wasn’t a shame directed inwards. 
“They…they left me to…die?” I stammered, a second wave of something hitting me so hard, the world started to sway. 
That’s why they sent my padawan away. Not because they had no confidence in Obi-Wan, but because they never expected for me to be rescued. Obi-Wan had come to rescue me despite their inaction. 
But if Obi-Wan was part of the council, how could he cross them? To cross them…was to cross himself. He undermined his own authority by disobeying the council. Was the council angry? Is that why Masters Windu and Fisto didn’t acknowledge either of us? But then why would Master Fisto feel something similar to regret? Had they punished Obi-Wan? 
It was getting harder and harder to breathe.
I didn’t realize Obi-Wan was steadying me until he tightened his grip on my shoulder. “Are you alright?” His concern, which would normally have felt so comforting, was now worrying. Why did he seem so much more distressed by my health than the council?
The floor seemed to swirl under my feet as I shrugged out of his grasp. “What did they say to you? I demanded. “What did they do?”
His answer was too quick. “Nothing.”
“There’s no way they’d allow you to just defy them, especially to rescue me. So tell me. What did they do?”
“Vokara Che will be wondering–”
“Tell me!” I shouted at him.
The light of Obi-Wan’s signature grew stronger as we stared at one another, becoming increasingly resolute the longer he looked at me. “They stripped me of my status as master.”
How could he lie about such a thing with such a straight face? It was unfathomable! No, if he were no longer a master, that would mean he was no longer on the council, and the very idea was a joke. I leaned into the Force, trying to parse through what he’d told me, to puncture the lie. 
But instead of sharpening, the Force softened, cradling me as if to comfort me. 
“No,” I blurted. I shook my head, causing my head to spin faster. “It’s not possible.”
Instead of answering, Obi-Wan just looked at me. He didn’t argue with me or try again to get me to the temple infirmary. In his silence, the truth had nowhere to hide and became apparent at last. 
“H-how are you simply okay with this?!” I cried. “They just stripped you of your position on the council, and you’re not even the least bit concerned that–” I broke off. The words I spoke seemed to wound me more than they wounded him, almost as if…as if he wasn’t surprised. “By the void,” I said faintly. “You knew they were going to do that to you.”
Obi-Wan’s sigh seemed to come from the depths of the Force. “I didn’t know completely…but I suspected.”
Something in me flared, rearing its ugly head as it was reborn from long ago: the anger I thought I’d put to rest. Staring at the unruffled Obi-Wan Kenobi, now Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi instead of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, I couldn’t contain it. “That’s why you tried to keep me from going before the council, isn’t it?!”
“Y/N,” he said sharply, “I was concerned only with your health.”
“No, no, you were trying to keep your secret!” I lifted a tingling hand to my head. If only everything could stop spinning!
Now Obi-Wan finally looked distressed. “Please, Y/N, don’t do this now. You’re too weak.” 
I looked up at him, dazed but focused on his steady, blue eyes. “Why…why would you…” I stumbled, struggling to regain my senses long enough to put my racing thoughts in order.
The world spun faster for a moment as a strong arm looped around my legs, knocking me off balance. I felt as if I’d been thrown into the air, until my head fell against a chest. A beard brushed against my forehead, and the comforting smell of Obi-Wan enveloped me. 
“Why would you?” I managed to whisper as my eyes fell shut. “Why would you do that?”
“Shhhhh. You need rest.”
My anxiety, though fuzzy at the edges, did not lessen. How could I rest, knowing Obi-Wan defied the council and lost his position in it? But as I should’ve expected, the answer to my plight for rest was Obi-Wan himself, his strides lulling my tired mind back into sleep.
If you enjoyed this, consider buying me a coffee and/or check out my masterlist for more!
Overall tag list:
@thelastpyle @valiantlytransparentwhispers
Rescue Me tag list:
@penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories @starlazergazer @blackqueengold @ajwild220 @exploringalaxiesfarfaraway @mortallycrispyglitter @nerdory10 @shinybananapastanickel @sassysaxxy @sunshine-girl013 @fablesrose @marrily @friskynotebook @burnthecheshirewitch @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @thriving-n-jiving @witchersoldier @cherrsnut @projectdreamwalker @cacti5539
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Well, they say that people modernize old historic homes in order to sell them, and it worked for this one, b/c it has a pending sale. It's an 1879 Greek Revival in Provincetown, RI and it sold for $899K. It looks so charming outside, but let's go in.
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The new side hall. Well, they did leave the original railing and light fixture. I wonder if the stairs are original b/c look at how the runner sags. Why would they choose that pattern?
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Off the main hall, enter the living room which is open to the dining room. I see pocket doors peeking out.
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A wall was removed between the kitchen and dining room. Luckily they didn't touch the fireplace.
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The kitchen was completely gutted and it's not very large, considering.
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Then, this is the formal dining room.
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A wall was removed to make a new primary bedroom with a living room area and 2 desks.
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The new en-suite.
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This room was renovated and became a children's room with a fireplace.
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One of the other bath renos.
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The finished attic has this large bedroom.
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A family room.
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And, another child's bedroom.
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There's a fenced yard with a stone patio and some lawn.
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The front of the house is on the sidewalk, but they put out a small carpet and 2 chairs.
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Oh, to have a little mushroom office in the garden.
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Purity (Yandere! Darth Vader x Princess! Female! reader | Part 2)
Warning: Yandere behavior, obsession, murder and gore.
Here is the second part. Sorry for the long wait I was busy watching Cobra Kai and playing games.
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The sun began to rise in the early morning. The suns rays breaking through your greyish curtains allowing you to wake up peacefully. The chirping of the birds adding its own melody to the scene. Your doe eyes opened up, your dilated pupils shifting to a smaller circle by the bright light entering your royal bedroom. You rubbed the sides of your eye, getting rid of the sleep dust sticking to the inner corners of your eyes.
Your mind still being partly asleep whilst your body began to wake up. Mind still foggy as you remembered what you had done yesterday.
A surge of energy woke you up immediately once you realised what was going to happen today. You were going to finally see the Emperor’s right hand again! You were going to see Vader in person!
Most people would’ve probably called you crazy for the excitement you felt to meet the fierce warrior again. Normal people wouldn’t even wish to think of ever meeting the dark Sith Lord.
You jumped out of your cozy bed to get dressed in a suiting attire. You wanted something personal and not formal, after all he was only coming to meet you and not for business. You did wonder how he could have persuade the emperor with his idea. It probably was a difficult challenge for the Sith anyways but Lord Vader had his ways.
Unfortunately you were not aware about the things he had discussed with his master regarding this subject.
The crippling figure of Darth Sidious sat on his throne aboard the Eclipse. A sly crooked smile decorating his dry wrinkly lips at the sudden appearance of his apprentice. The black armoured frame of Lord Vader kneeled respectfully before his master.
“I’m surprised to see you, Lord Vader. What has brought you before me?” The emperor’s raspy voice croaked out. His old skeletal hands hugging the arms of his throne whilst the scarlet guards stood by his side.
“I hold a request, my master.” The deep mechanical voice of the armoured Sith spoke from his kneeled position. The friction of his armour rubbing against his burnt sensitive skin of what was left within his suit. The stimulus caused Vader great pain to bow or crouch like he currently was. His face hidden by his mask slightly folding at the uncomfortable feeling coursing to the few parts of his real body.
His words piqued the emperor’s interests. He knew his apprentice rarely requested anything. Lord Vader didn’t know anything else aside from the empire and his master till he met you. It was unusual for the Sith to desire anything else other than his duties.
“Tell me what you hunger for, Lord Vader.” Lord Vader lifted his head upwards to glance up at his masters glowing eyes. “Since we have encountered the Princess of Lenti my mind has only been plagued by her and her beauty. Master, I beg you, at best, to grant me her.” Darth Sidious could hear the frightening screeching of his synthetic voice through his respirator. His voice held such a twisted desperation in it. The Sith Lord had never seen his apprentice like this, not even with his first wife. Darth Vader’s force energy was overwhelming with desire and need.
Darth Sidious did not practically like the strong emotions he sensed inside of Lord Vader, but if this would make his performance for the Empire better then so be it. The Emperor could careless for the things the Dark Lord would do to you.
“If you will continue attending to your duties then so be it, Lord Vader. I do expect a higher performance of you by this favour I’ve given you.”
The Emperor had now released the beast from the confinements of his cage.
With that the Sith Lord had earned himself clarity and began to act on his plan whilst he took his Lambda shuttle to transport himself to Lenti.
His plan was one of twisted deeds for the poor innocent soul for you to experience. He’d certainly have to make you believe something else as he knew you would never forgive him. Manipulation would be one of the more forgiving methods in his viscous plan. He didn’t wish to hurt you however he has to get rid of the people that would cross his path, including your parents. He hated them for the pain they caused to your fragile soul. You didn’t deserve them nor did he, but he was different. He wanted to protect you.
The princess of Lenti had happily been jumping around the royal castle. You were eagerly awaiting the arrival of Lord Vader and so did he. How silly it may have sounded but he was the one that made your heart race whenever you saw him in his shiny charcoal painted armour. You enjoyed the wisdom his voice held along with the way he could tell you stories from his moments in the Empire in detail. Don’t think that he told you any of the more brutal and gruesome stories, he had to detain your innocence, not scar it.
Your heart fluttered at the image of him inside of your mind.
The sound of a rumbling engine began to enter the atmosphere of Lenti and moved closer towards the royal (L/N) palace. The silver exterior of the shuttle coming into view as it precisely descended onto the landing platform. It once again showed the skills the capable Sith Lord held.
After a successful landing, the back of the shuttle’s ramp opened up finally allowing you to see the dark silhouette of the dark Lord himself.
The golden eyes behind the pieces of armour held a crazed light in them. You did not lose your breathtaking beauty at all. The simple dress you had chosen look so appetisingly stunning on you. Your body still being so delicate yet perfectly built for him .
You instantly came running into his arms, not being able to contain the enthusiasm inside your body. Your smaller arms warping around his thickly armoured torso. You could feel the soft fabric of his cape on your fingers. His physique was hard with the armour on, though you hadn’t felt this safe with anyone else before. His gloved hand slightly began to run over your back whilst he held you against him. You fitted perfectly against his mighty body. He finally had you in his arms and this time he wasn’t planning on letting you go.
“I must admit that I have missed you too, little one.” His voice calmly spoke in a lower tone, his breathing apparatus briefly pausing at times. You couldn’t help but be delighted by his words. You weren’t used to him being this sincere on his feelings. “I missed you too, Vee.” Your voice holding that sweetness in it that he so very much desired. His mind was screaming for you and he couldn’t wait any longer.
“I have a matter that I’d like to discuss with you, Y/N.” The Sith said, using his hand to guide your chin to look up at him. Your doe eyes meeting his dark red bulbs. “I’d wish for you to become my partner. I hope you shall accept my offer. I know it must be unexpected but I find myself unable to keep my feelings inside of me any longer.”
You felt the same for him too however you did not know the extend of his twisted love for you. His love was far from regular and you naively accepted his love and returned it with yours.
For the upcoming days the Sith Lord would stay in the palace so the both of you could spent time together as a couple, unknowingly to you it went all according to his plan. He wanted to have access to the castle so he could get rid of obstacles, those obstacles specifically being your parents.
One day after straying trough the large flowery garden behind the palace, you noticed something was off. Normally the royal Lenti guards would patrol this area and yet you hadn’t seen any for quiet a bit now. It made you suspicious so you decided to ask your parents. You made your way back into the palace only to see the walls being splattered in red. The red liquid leaving a long stripe towards your parents royal bedroom. The stripe of blood eventually turning into bootprints. You had seen the same boot-marks on the beach when you were with Vader.
It couldn’t be that, right?
You ran to the room of your parents only to be stopped by the harsh impact of armour jumping in front of you. You collided with the solid material only to be caught by two arms. You recognised that mechanical breathing. Your doe eyes worriedly glanced up to see your lover, Lord Vader, holding you close to him in a protective manner. He had ran into you at the right moment. You weren’t able to reach your parents room luckily for him because then you would’ve seen the lightsaber marks left on their mangled bodies.
“We must make haste, little one. It is not safe.“ Your racing mind was concerned about your parents nevertheless you did not know the true situation. The sith made it seem like an assassin was on the lose within the palace whilst he was in fact the true killer. “B-but my parents-“ “Your safety is my main priority. Neither do I wish for your people to lose their beloved princess.” The Sith sternly retorted back towards you. He was not going into a discussion with you. His hand took a firm grip on your small wrist as he dragged you with him.
“V-Vader, please I want to know where my parents are..” You pleaded towards your obsessive lover. “No, (Y/N). I will not allow it.” Lord Vader responded to your pleads.
How could you be so concerned for the ones that granted you pain? He did not understand your unique mindset.
The Sith hastily escorted you to his shuttle, hoping you would indeed fall into his trap. He would escort you to a ‘safe place’ that safe place being his own flagship, the Executor.
Despite everything going to plan you still resisted. You tried to break free from his grip, leaving him no choice but to say what had happened. His helmet swiftly faced you, the gauntlet’s grip tightened around your frail wrist. You whimpered at the pain. His lenses giving you a soulless look. You knew if you were to resist now that he would not hesitate to use force, however he decided to speak the partial truth.
“Your parents are gone, Y/N.” You froze once your brain began to process his words. It couldn’t be right. How could they die? At midst the grief started to wash over you, you did not think clearly. The Sith Lord easily carried your body into his shuttle. The look of horror within your doe eyes made everything seem unreal. It pained the Sith to see you in a state like this and yet he sadistically felt pleased, satisfied about the fact that you now had no one but him. You were now completely his whatever you liked it or not.
The purity of your heart was now his to tend to. Know that he very well will safeguard his princess without failure.
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So today is Mando Monday, and it’s also the day that my fic, Be-All And Endor, has reached 1,500 kudos on AO3!
I’m still stunned it’s received this much attention, but it brings me such a sense of purpose to see people enjoying the story and taking time out to indulge in the little scenarios I wrote.
So thank you to everyone who helped me to reach this milestone; your support has been truly life-changing and means more to me than you will ever know 🧡💚
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Ooooh, frosted glass flamingo chandelier.
This was the store that had them, but I don't see them anymore. roccoborghese.com
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