Transformers Big Bang
686 posts
Welcome to the Tumblr hub for the TF Big Bang! A collaborative event for fic writers and fanartists focused on all official Transformers media and continuities. This 18+ event is open to creators of all skill levels.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
tf-bigbang · 2 days ago
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Artist signups for the TF Big Bang are now officially closed! Thank you all for the sheer number of you who signed up. If you haven't joined the server yet, do so now!
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tf-bigbang · 4 days ago
Only one day until the artist and beta reader sign-up forms close! Make sure to get yours submitted by 11:59pm PST tomorrow if you intend to join the event!!
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It's that time of the year again! Sign-ups are now open for artists, writers, and beta readers. Please make sure to look over our rules and FAQ before signing up for the 2025 event.
Writer sign-ups here (CLOSED)
Artist sign-ups here (closing date: March 16th)
Beta reader sign-ups here (closing date: March 16th; after that reach out to moderators)
Please sign up for only one of these roles. If you'd like to beta read as well as write or draw, you may self-select the role in the discord server.
Note that we do not collect emails for privacy reasons, so you will not receive an email confirmation after completing the form; if you have still not received a discord invite after sign-ups have closed, please reach out to moderators.
The link to the discord is live if you scroll down our blog a little!
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tf-bigbang · 14 days ago
The TF Big Bang 2025 Server is open!
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If you've signed up, use the link below to get access to the discord server! You'll be placed in a waiting room until we can verify your discord name against your signup, after which you'll have full access to the server!
If you haven't signed up yet, you can do so here. Signups for writers are open until March 2nd, and signups for artists are open until March 16th!
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tf-bigbang · 16 days ago
Heyyyyy is it possible for people to join the discord just as cheerleaders?
Sorry anon! For logistical reasons, the discord is restricted to participants only.
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tf-bigbang · 16 days ago
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Writer sign-ups for the TF Big Bang are officially closed! Thank you all for the incredible amount of interest. If you would like to sign up as a beta reader or artist, those forms will remain open until March 16th.
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tf-bigbang · 17 days ago
Today is the last day to sign up as a writer! Get your sign-ups in by 11:59pm PST
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It's that time of the year again! Sign-ups are now open for artists, writers, and beta readers. Please make sure to look over our rules and FAQ before signing up for the 2025 event.
Writer sign-ups here (closing date: March 2nd)
Artist sign-ups here (closing date: March 16th)
Beta reader sign-ups here (closing date: March 16th; after that reach out to moderators)
Please sign up for only one of these roles. If you'd like to beta read as well as write or draw, you may self-select the role in the discord server.
Note that we do not collect emails for privacy reasons, so you will not receive an email confirmation after completing the form; if you have still not received a discord invite after sign-ups have closed, please reach out to moderators.
Discord invites will begin to go out February 22nd. We can't wait to see you all there!
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tf-bigbang · 20 days ago
Hello! 👋 I know that prepaired teams are allowed and totally cool with that, but I've seen people in the server trying to get an author already by saying they just agreed to prepair and things of the like... don't know, kinda sounds like cheating... but if it's not cheating, then I want to know : should we all be snatching authors to shorten things up? Or to ensure we all get one we want.??
Hi anon, you seem to be operating under a misapprehension. We have had one pre-existing pair ask to add a friend to their team because they didn’t know whether they were going to sign up. We do not allow random pairs to match up in the server outside of the matching event. If two people (artist and writer) who’d signed up individually with no mention of pre-pairing together came to us with a similar request, we would deny it precisely because it’s not in the spirit of the event and unfair.
There is no need to start to pair off and “grab your favourite author”. You will have the same chance as everyone else to get to make art for your favorite fic.
We will no longer be answering anonymous asks involving current participation on tumblr. If you are in the discord and have a question or concern about the event, please either post on the q&a forum or DM a mod directly. Thanks!
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tf-bigbang · 20 days ago
Attention everyone: Writers’ signups close in 3 days. Get in while you still can!
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It's that time of the year again! Sign-ups are now open for artists, writers, and beta readers. Please make sure to look over our rules and FAQ before signing up for the 2025 event.
Writer sign-ups here (closing date: March 2nd)
Artist sign-ups here (closing date: March 16th)
Beta reader sign-ups here (closing date: March 16th; after that reach out to moderators)
Please sign up for only one of these roles. If you'd like to beta read as well as write or draw, you may self-select the role in the discord server.
Note that we do not collect emails for privacy reasons, so you will not receive an email confirmation after completing the form; if you have still not received a discord invite after sign-ups have closed, please reach out to moderators.
Discord invites will begin to go out February 22nd. We can't wait to see you all there!
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tf-bigbang · 21 days ago
Hi again, I'm the anon who asked about the dnw. I did read that, but that doesn't really answers my question. It's not that I only like some few characters or ships, the thing is that there are tropes and things that I'm seeing are very popular but i rather not do. For example, can we say we do not want to work with nsfw? Things like that
If that's the case, we misinterpreted what you meant with your previous question, sorry about that.
You are absolutely allowed to decide that you don't want to work with NSFW, whether that is by not drawing it yourself, or avoiding works rated M or E altogether. (if you want to avoid NSFW content within the server as well, that is also possible, since those topics have been given their own channels).
The way matching works is that an artist picks—depending on what the total number of participants will be this year—10 or 15 of the fics they would be willing to illustrate for, and they will be assigned to one of their chosen fics. By avoiding picking fics which have indicated that they will contain NSFW content, you will never be assigned to those. NSFW fics are not usually the majority, so they are easy to avoid if that's what you wish.
Once matched, you are then allowed to choose what you'd like to draw, and it is entirely up to you how/what you make, so long as it is connected to your writer's fic. You won't ever be forced to draw something you don't want to.
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tf-bigbang · 21 days ago
Hello! For pre-paired up teams, is the sign up deadline the Writer's Deadline (Mar 2) or the Artist's Deadline (Mar 16)?
Pre-paired teams sign up individually, so the deadlines remain the same. Writers should sign up by March 2nd, Artists by March 16th. This is so that writers have enough time to work on their submission for the first check-in.
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tf-bigbang · 21 days ago
Hello! I have a question. When artists choose their top 10 options, is there still a dnw list or something? In case they cannot get anything from their top 10?
And what happens if the artist has less than 10 options they can work with?
Hey anon! Relevant information from the FAQ:
What if I get assigned a fic for a pairing/character/trope I don’t like? This will not happen. You will never be assigned to a fic that you haven’t expressed some level of interest in on the preference form. However, if you only indicate a preference for a few fics there is a chance that we will be unable to guarantee you a matchup. If you have a very narrow range of ships and characters that you’re comfortable with, this event may not be a good fit for you.
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tf-bigbang · 22 days ago
Hi asking for me and a friend. We'd like to participate but we're more solid as a joint effort.
Can we work together as two writers on a single fic? If so, how would we go about submitting registration? Just send in one form with both our details? Each send in one and put 'two writers in a trenchcoat' plus the other person's discord ID in the "Is there anything else you'd like the moderators to know about?" section?
Hello! You are indeed allowed to sign up as a writing team — we have a few signed up already, actually. If you could both complete the sign-up and let us know you’re entering the Bang as ‘two writers in a trenchcoat’ and list your writing partner, that would work great.
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tf-bigbang · 24 days ago
hiii sorry one question, how do i get or pick up my role as a writer in the server? i'm not that familiar with discord so i don't know how
So, on the top left, you should see a group of channels called "housekeeping" and the roles channel at the bottom.
If you're in the discord already, please ping a mod in there with any further questions! It's faster and easier.
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tf-bigbang · 24 days ago
Hi! It's my first time joining a big bang and I'm a little worried that I still haven't gotten my invite to the discord server (I applied as an artist). I know it was only a day since the floodgates were open, it's just that I'm a little anxious heh.
Heya Anon! We're not doing individual invite links this year, so there's no wonder you haven't gotten one. Here's the post where you can find the discord invite, hope to see you there!
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tf-bigbang · 24 days ago
Well, i wanted to sign up as a Artist, but it says you need to be atleast 18 years old. I am turning 18 shortly After the sign ups close. Would it be allright if i sign up now anyways?
Plus i wanted to ask if drawing NSFW is a 100% necessary, since drawing it myself makes me Kind of uneasy (And a few ships do so too)
Sorry, but our rules mean that anyone who signs up must be 18+ at the time they sign up.
You're free to sign up next year though!
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tf-bigbang · 24 days ago
Hello 👋 uhmmm... are the introductions obligatory in the server to get access to the roles? Are the roles necessary?
You can get your roles in the roles channel, no introduction necessary. Intros aren't required. Most roles are optional, with an exception for the writer/artist roles (or if you signed up as a beta, the beta role).
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tf-bigbang · 25 days ago
The TF Big Bang 2025 Server is open!
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If you've signed up, use the link below to get access to the discord server! You'll be placed in a waiting room until we can verify your discord name against your signup, after which you'll have full access to the server!
If you haven't signed up yet, you can do so here. Signups for writers are open until March 2nd, and signups for artists are open until March 16th!
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