texts from mxtx
75 posts
mostly texts from mdzs until tgcf and svsss are adapted for visual media. all images used are from official adaptations. content comes from texts from last night. texts may be edited for grammar.
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
hey, so I just read your answer to the ask where op wanted to know if lwj and wwx were friends before wwx died,, but when I read mdzs I apparently went blind when lwj confessed before wwx died?!? if you happen to know where that happened in the book I would love to go back and read it!!
hi! LONG POST INCOMING, this is an interpretation i hold dear. it's nothing we see first-person because of wei wuxian's spotty memory. i'm going to disclaim here that it was my interpretation of the text (although an interpretation i've seen and discussed with other members of the fandom) and that i read the exr translation. i also haven’t listened to the audio drama (gasp, i know)
anyway, it's in chapter 99 when lan xichen unleashes on wei wuxian. i think it’s as HEAVILY IMPLIED as it can be, given that it’s recounted by lan xichen and not lan wangji himself, and wei wuxian doesn’t remember it. particularly these parts:
When we arrived, you sat blankly on a rock within the cave. Holding your hand, WangJi was giving you spiritual energy. He kept on whispering to you. But throughout the whole time, you repeated the same two words at him.
“‘Get lost’!”
this is the rejection. or lan wangji’s perceived rejection, since not only does wei wuxian not remember it, i don’t think he was even aware of his surroundings when it was happening. i would love to know exactly what lan wangji was saying in these scenes, but i have no way of knowing (unless it’s confirmed in the audio drama! that is apparently an important level of canon i’m missing, but i just haven’t had the brain power to get through it yet.)
lan wangji never says anything about it after wei wuxian comes back, even with wei wuxian making moves on him throughout, because he’s already confessed and been shot down. and that’s why wei wuxian feels so awful when he learns this! because lan wangji thinks wei wuxian knows how he feels and doesn’t reciprocate.
“With the ways in which he looked and talked to you when he saved you and hid you in that cave, even someone who was blind or deaf could perceive his feelings, which was why my uncle was in such anger.
sometimes the deeper understanding lan xichen has of lan wangji is attributed to the fact that they’re brothers and lan xichen is the only person who Gets Him. and that might be true sometimes, but in this case lan xichen is clear that lan wangji was not being discreet. even oblivious wei wuxian would have understood.
“And you say… And you say you do not know. Young Master Wei, after you returned in your body, how did you pester him and confess to him? Every night… Every night, you had to… And you say you do not know? If you did not know, why did you do such things?”
lan xichen thought wei wuxian knew all along!
If Lan WangJi didn’t know that he couldn’t at all recall what happened in the few days after the massacre at Nightless City, if Lan WangJi thought that he knew about his feelings all along, just how horrible were the things he did after he came back?
and wei wuxian thinks that if he could just remember, he would also have known all along!
hopping to chapter 100:
After a deep breath, Wei WuXian whispered, “… I really do have a bad memory. I can’t remember a lot of the things that happened in the past, including the time at the Nightless City. I don’t remember a single bit of what happened during those days.”
Hearing this, Lan WangJi’s eyes widened slightly.
and lan wangji figures it out when he learns that wei wuxian doesn’t remember.
so the thing for me, based on the conversations in these chapters, is: the reason wei wuxian doesn’t know lan wangji loves him isn’t because lan wangji never told him. it’s because wei wuxian can’t remember this very specific incident. i don’t necessarily think lan wangji said it in so many words, but i do think whatever he said was clear enough that wei wuxian would have understood. or maybe the act of taking him away and fighting back against his own sect is meant to be the confession itself. it’s...pretty open to interpretation due to the fact that the event is being recounted 13 years later by a third party.
so, yeah! chapter 99/100 isn’t just “he’s in love with you, meathead,” it’s “he TOLD you he’s in love with you and you’ve been TORMENTING him this WHOLE time because you DON’T REMEMBER?”
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(202): Help me help you realize you are a moron
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
Hi, i hope you r having a nice time💕 so i got this Q becuz im a newbie in this fandom& i just finished reading the book &watching the anime after becuz there are smthings i still dont get and i hope you could help me out? first of all,did we ever get the info in anime how weiying before moxu looked? Lanzhan recognized him by his fluting not his looks so? this and another Q: Were lanzhan and weiying actually friends before weiying came to life in Moxu body? Its like they hated eachother!!!
hi there! my timestamps have stopped working so i have no idea when this ask is from, i’m sorry if this is a very late reply?  welcome to the fandom and congratulations on having read the novel, people don't seem to be doing that anymore :(
for your first question – per the novel, wei wuxian in mo xuanyu's body shouldn't be recognizable as wei wuxian. wei wuxian prior to his death looked like he did in the past episodes of the donghua, and mo xuanyu looks similar. i think the similarity is simply because:
1. it's animation, which limits the ability to make characters look different (especially if you're going to give them the same expressions, color-coding, AND hairstyle)
2. it's easier for a viewer to understand if his appearance doesn't change dramatically all of a sudden – especially when the timeline is changing back and forth
it's a style choice and an animation limitation, but they should definitely look like different people. lan wangji did recognize wei wuxian by the song he was playing, not by his appearance.
for your second question – define “friends” haha! wei wuxian doesn't want to go with him because he thinks lan wangji hates him and he doesn't want to be found out as wei wuxian. ee's very melodramatic because he thinks he can piss lan wangji off and make him leave him alone. i don't think there's anything after wei wuxian's resurrection that would indicate that lan wangji hates wei wuxian. (again, per the novel) lan wangji admitted all of his feelings to wei wuxian before wei wuxian died, and wei wuxian rejected him! and he doesn't know that wei wuxian doesn't remember that. he takes very good care of wei wuxian, considering that wei wuxian explicitly shut him down and also that he's lan wangji and he's very uhh reserved about how he expresses himself
I HOPE THESE MAKE SENSE... thank you for the ask!
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(+49): Somehow my life has turned in to drug deals at the bar, and illegally camping on a mountain because I have no where else to live.
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(469): Really though. It's your life, live it how you want
(702): And I do mostly. Which is why I'm now drunk in my room writing erotica
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(360): I'm slightly more gay than I thought. I'd go so far as to say I'm a top.
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(917): Tell your sister I'm no fool. Or at least romanticize the notion of the fool.
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(717): I'm always down for nudity.
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(484): I’m drinking till I’m someone else’s problem
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(702): If I had a dollar for every functioning brain cell you had I would owe someone a lot of money
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(860): just made a presentation to 40 students and my professor about morals and ethical issues..still drunk. at 8am. I wish I could remember how it went.
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(913): I'm pretty sure I left my reasoning skills at home last night, and just brought anger and rage with me.
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(907): Did you guys have sex yet? And don't worry, I broke the ice already by sending this to both of you. So you can just jump right into it. You're welcome.
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(734): So im pretty sure the object of my emotional interest is tired of playing with me...
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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wow hey hello thank you all!
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(802): I've literally slept one hour I'm honestly just surprised you can insult me this early
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textsfrommxtx · 5 years ago
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(651): He has the fingertips of a God
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