tewithmoka · 4 months
I need him
He's to silly
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📝Todays Len Figure is:
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tewithmoka · 4 months
Piko is a llama
I luv My silly gays
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Tbh flower btw len idk piko & btw fukase
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tewithmoka · 4 months
Triangleeeeeeeeee crush
The new nsotf oc are just amaazingggg!¡!!!!!
can i get uhhh 4, 9, and 16 for Butterfly perhaps :3
For the uninitiated, this is my nsotf OC Butterfly, a Kagamine Len V4X who’s part of the idol group Sugar Swarm (a collaborative nsotf OC group, most of whom do not belong to me, including Hive and Mothball who I’ll mention here).
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4. What is their sexuality? What do they think it is?
Butterfly is gay gay homosexual gay. He’s still quite young so he’s only ever had a serious crush on one specific guy that I’ll get to later, but he’s pretty sure that he only likes guys. He has horrible taste in men.
9. If they could swap places with someone (a canon character or another oc), whose life would they live?
Ohhh interesting question. He tends to admire people more confident than him, so I think he’d be envious of popular Lens in the industry. More personally though, he might want to switch with his fellow Sugar Swarm member Hive because of her close relationship with another member of Sugar Swarm, Mothball. He’s guilty about it but sometimes he wishes he had that long term close personal history with Mothball that Hive has. Plus she’s older than him and he wishes he had that much experience as an idol.
16. Is your oc dating anyone? Do they have any crushes?
He’s currently single and has a massive crush on Mothball. He started crushing on him shortly after they met when they were placed together in the same bug themed idol group. Butterfly started out just admiring him as someone with a lot of idol experience and as a hard worker, but eventually that admiration led to him developing a crush. Mothball is uh, shall we say preoccupied with thoughts about someone else, so Butterfly figures he’s doomed and doesn’t want anyone to know about his feelings. He’s not exactly the most subtle about it, though.
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tewithmoka · 4 months
Gonna make you cry
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tewithmoka · 4 months
More nsotf
Do any of your nsotf OCs have a top favourite idol? (Whether from canon or another OC)
Kagamines: They're their own category but tldr: All later Rins adore Shock & Horror (V2 Append) for being a gold standard of "Kagamine Idols". Even if they're don't care for horror, they all hold a high respect those two. As well, all Rins (and Horror) are impressed by Inu (and her brother) for being from the first wave of Kagamine's.
Happy (Miku V3ENG): she is a HUGE fan of any big idol, but especially other Miku's. I think she would be into MIINTNEO the most, but also a big fan of Nekomotion. Girl always tuning into Dormouse and Beast's shows.
Joy: Of canon? Siren fan I feel. She's not a super oshi type of person but just picks up merch when she sees it kind of deal. She drawn to beautiful, graceful type of women mostly.
Frog: honest not stanning anyone with how theyre so intrenched in the industry - but they caught a bit of Sunshine's songs playing, bought Schoolgrounds and then had a cathartic cry. They like her, but also feel pity.
Also in reverse - Inu is a HUGE hater for all Kagamine Rin's after her (Act 1). Kon (v2 append) is the only Rin I have who doesn't admire her because they can sense her horrid vibes even if Inu tries to hide it.
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tewithmoka · 4 months
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My idea for a enby Miku/Mikuo
Name miko
Maybe a nsotf oc
I dunno
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tewithmoka · 4 months
Pretty :)
I love it 🤩
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my heart in the dimly lit aisle
Heyyyy so I just got around to drawing one of my absolute favorites from @nextsoundofthefuture !!! bright <333 followers expect more and also read the comic because it’s so good. firmly gripping my brain also
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tewithmoka · 5 months
This Made my day
Chocolate Chespin
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tewithmoka · 5 months
More mole wally
He needs a Lot of love
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the wally mole is pretty far up on the list of fav little guys to draw not gonna lie he's like a little jelly bean
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tewithmoka · 5 months
I Lost THE GAME™j-j
I keep having people reach out to me, so I decided to make a DNI
It got pretty long so here is the link:
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tewithmoka · 5 months
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gripping this with my little hands forever and ever
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tewithmoka · 5 months
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Olen and his darling!!!!
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tewithmoka · 5 months
I died
New cap!!!!!!
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🪞 Read now
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tewithmoka · 5 months
I begin listening this shit when i was 5 years
And leave the fandom with 7 (nop, i dunno have my kpop fase )
Now i begin again
A new fcking fase in My life !!!!
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I love vocaloid but once you join the fandom, you can never leave. even if you stop listening for 5 months, it haunts you. No matter what you do, it is always one step ahead.
I started listening to vocaloid 3 years ago, i am still in that fucking phase
3. fucking. years.
Edit: I have been upstaged by like 7 diff people, some of you have been here for a decade. But this kinda proves my point even more. it's not just a music genre, it's a fucking way of life
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tewithmoka · 5 months
Maybe You can do some art for the vflower aniversary
Hope that helps
ahhh, I can't find inspiration for arts, all my attempts to contact my friends were unsuccessful (( Aaand...I myself don’t fully understand what I want, it makes me feel a little bad, especially when I realize that perhaps there is someone who could help me, but I’m just afraid to turn to them for help
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tewithmoka · 5 months
Plant life
Lit is My hc
Is just TO magic
does anyone have a playlist for wally pokemon rse/oras. or at least some songs that remind you of him i need songs for an oc playlist
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tewithmoka · 5 months
Read My mind™
My Pokémon Ships
My favorite Pokémon ships! Unsurprisingly, they’re boy x boy and girl x girl. So, if you don’t like that, don’t look at this. Simple. Now:
OriginalShipping/NamelessShipping—Red x Green (Male)
JadeShipping—Blue (Female) x Yellow
PreciousMetalShipping/HunterShipping—Gold (Ethan) x Silver
NewReplacementShipping—Crystal (Kris) x Lyra
LoveRivalShipping/RaltsShipping—Ruby (Brendan) x Wally
ContestQueenShipping—Lisia x Sapphire (May)
ClingyShipping/AbsurdistShipping—Diamond (Lucas) x Pearl (Barry)
IsshuShipping—N x Black (Hilbert)
ShiroShipping—Bianca x White (Hilda)
GreySkyShipping—Blake (Nate) x Hugh
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