terrabear2003 · 11 days
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More Amethyst!!! I tried a new-ish style when drawing her and I kinda like how it turned out! Maybe I’ll draw her like this from now on🤔
Anyways, have some fun facts about her:
-Her skills lie more in hand to hand combat and agility.
-While her hair is made of gem, she is still able to style it as it is still hair (don’t ask me the details, it just does that, okay🤣). Her favorite hairstyle is a bun
*Details time. Her hair is hard to the touch of others, even herself. But when Amethyst goes to do her hair, it becomes the consistency of clay/playdough, making it easy for her to mold her hair into the hairdo she wants. She doesn’t do it often though.
-She grew up with the weight of her hair, but it still is decently heavy. Most everyone struggles to pick her up whenever they tried (whether out of fun or as a means of escape).
-She can’t swim very well also due to her hair. While she is used to its weight, it’s still hard for her to hold up her body in water (since her hair is technically a rock) and she will sink. She tends to avoid deep waters and will only tread in shallow water.
-Her balance sucks. She avoids running and other activities so that she won’t fall and hurt herself.
-Her hair is unbreakable. There’s nothing that is able to break it, yet. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt her when people hit her head.
There’s a lot about her hair, I had to make sure I covered all the basics of it if people asked questions 🤣
Hope you enjoy!
Reference used. It is by Creamthecuterabbit on DeviantArt (at least that’s the only place I could find it😭)
Likes,shares, and saves are appreciated!
‼️[Copying, Editing, Tracing, Using my art in any way is not permitted. Just because I put my art on the internet does not mean people have a right to take it and use it. The rights belong to me and me alone.]‼️
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terrabear2003 · 14 days
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Stars are Cool😎
I wanted to do this trend with Shadmethyst 😂
The original picture is by @/lilalienz4ever on X (Twitter)!
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terrabear2003 · 14 days
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Meet Amethyst the Cat! Shes a kind, honest, and peaceful person and spends a lot of her time in nature! She lives near a Chao Garden and watches over the little creatures and cares for them. If you hurt a Chao in any way, Amethyst won’t forgive you. She prefers peace over violence but will help out those in need if asked! As you can tell, her hair is made of an Amethyst gem. She was born with it and doesn’t know the mystery around why she has a literal gem for hair. Is it connected to the Chaos Emeralds? Who knows!
(The idea of having Amethyst’s hair made of gem was inspired by @/47tyn @/47tyx on instagram/deviantart. We discussed this and they are okay with me using this idea. GO CHECK THEM OUT BTW)
‼️[Copying, Editing, Tracing, Using my art in any way is not permitted. Just because I put my art on the internet does not mean people have a right to take it and use it. The rights belong to me and me alone.]‼️
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terrabear2003 · 1 month
Summer vacations .◦°˚°◦🏖️
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☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. .◦°˚°◦◦°˚°◦. ◦°˚°◦.◦°˚°◦.◦°˚°◦.◦°˚°◦.◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆
Seasonal One palette challenge collab with @//x_asako_ and @//skymaiden_16 🤲🏻 Summer themed 💜
Since Tamber is not comfortable with swimsuits, I gave her the summer look I made some time ago for the outfit suggestion story 🪻 Had fun with this piece despite struggles (male body) 😖
See you with the final piece during winter season, as fall has been done already last year 💜
Music: Passion Lo-fi by Sunday Vibes
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terrabear2003 · 1 month
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It's been four years and I think I finally figured out how to draw his hair
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terrabear2003 · 1 month
- @khoc-week
Day 7 - Future
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As they return humans, and post-KHIII, in a few months Lea proposes to Tamber, receiving immediate consent.
Their goal is to live happily ever after, especially by expanding their family nucleus one day, as they’re both children lovers.
In the year gap post-KHIII, they both become attached to a kid: Bee (OC of mine, whose real name gets discovered later in the story). The kid, after various complicated dynamics and events, becomes like an ‘’adopted child’’ to them, making them understand even more the importance of their goal.
Tamber and Lea would commit for good in later future -after becoming Keyblade Masters and all the events of KHIV and following games. In a few years they find themselves to give birth to their first biological daughter, Alice. The choice of the name is for two reasons: during Tamber’s missions as Nobody, besides Twilight Town, The Wonderland has been the world she felt somehow more comfortable to go to during her solitude moments and she started to have some kind of ‘’friendship’’ and nice times with Alice Liddell: tt would have been a tribute to the young girl. The second reason is about the name itself, as one of its meanings is ‘‘sea salt water’’, linking it to the sea salt ice-cream they used to eat often during childhood and in the present time. Her name can mean also ''Light'' and ''exalted'', very much related to her solar and energetic personality.
The family they have formed makes the two parents so proud of their lives. With the hope in their hearts that this dream would continue, they always treat each other with absolute mutual love every day and raise their children in a way to give them anything they have never had during youth: a peaceful adolescence, a family being always there for them, a home to return to.
Tamber’s future profession will be a full-time housewife with a personal little flower selling activity in Radiant Garden.
She will learn how to play piano better and harp too, like her mother used to do in the past.
As the years go by, they will have also a second biological child, named Astra, meaning either ‘’From the stars’’ or ‘’Star’’.
Isa also will find himself to become like an uncle to his best friends’ children, appreciating them a lot.
And who knows if there will be another little one.
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terrabear2003 · 1 month
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Rei’s future consists of a happy kingdom, a wonderful husband, and three beautiful children. She’s truly happy and knows who she is and her heart is strong. Though she’s promised Yen Sid that she won’t stop the fight against darkness. Whenever she is needed, she’ll be there.
(Leitah Art by @/nova_noclow on Insta)
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terrabear2003 · 1 month
@khoc-week Day 6: Journal
I was a bit more on the nose with this one! Instead of journals they write, how about ones written about them? 👀
I found these templates by silverhikari a long time ago and was waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce and use them! I did both KH2 and KH3 style because I'm nothing but a jack of all trades ✨️ I have the power to model, and I'm gonna use my power like a cult leader spreading her propaganda 😎
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It took forever getting the font correct and playing around to create some interesting poses to use, but I eventually best the odds! Now to disappear into the void until tomorrow ✌️
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terrabear2003 · 1 month
- @khoc-week
Day 6 - Journal
Since she was little, Tamber actually has always loved collecting her most precious memories in notes, learnings, drawings and photos in notebooks, making up a little cute diary.
During her studies under Even’s wing, she used to scribble in either her homework and personal notebooks various drawings, such as flowers, and small portraits of her two best friends, especially Lea.
During her time in the Organization, being emotionless, she had lost that habit, except for limiting herself to writing perfect work reports for Saix. Yet sometimes she found herself
transcribing emotion-wise ‘’unknown’' words to her, but that she unconsciously considered important: sunset, sea salt ice-cream, flowers, stargaze, etc.
These small, insignificant notes gave her particular sensations, without understanding the matter, until she would turn back as her Somebody.
Post-KHIII, with the terrible experience as Nobody, it comes even more spontaneously to her to keep a personal little journal where she writes down each new day so as not to forget anything.
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She prints the photos she takes from time to time, especially of moments spent alongside Lea and her beloved people like Isa, Xion and Roxas. She writes down heartfelt phrases and words dear to her, adorning everything with drawings or simple sketches. Often adds poems written by Isa and doodles made by Lea. She attaches dried flowers writing next to them either the name and informations about and if they are gifted to her by someone, constellation names, crystals or materials-wise, magic-wise topics, general knowledge, and so much more she might happen to see and learn through time.
Everything becomes precious to her and preserving it is really important.
In addition to the diary/journal, when she receives a Gummi Phone too, she has also got into the habit of posting a few of her favorite photos on the social network (Instagram-like seen in KHIII game loading screen).
Despite not being a fan of showing herself at all, that’s however the way she would make sure to stay in touch a bit more with her closest friends in between the different worlds, and to show how much each member of her family is so dear to her.
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[Old artwork]
[Original Kingstagram profile concept idea/template by me - Ask permission to take inspiration and credit me]
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terrabear2003 · 1 month
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Here’s a little glimpse into Rei’s journal. She does keep a journal just to help her remember things. The one she had as a young girl was lost along with her world when it was attacked by heartless. But, Cid provided her with a new one shortly after she arrived to Traverse Town.
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terrabear2003 · 2 months
- @khoc-week
Day 5 - Unique
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Tamber’s peculiarity is her ability to wield particular inborn psychic powers, which apparently runs through the family since generations, yet has been lost in time until her birth. She never had any kind of training to gain it and/or to manage it properly. In her youth, it was a weak and basic one in appearence. Anyway, since she couldn’t control it, and sometimes, when she would feel suddenly angry or scared, she accidentally and unconsciously would use her mind to destroy any random object around her or provoking poltergeist, as its main source is the strong emotions. This is one of the reasons Ansem kept her inside the Castle most of the time, as she was pretty much a ‘’danger’’. He was however interested to her magic, and initially did make experiments and tests on her.
The con of her powers, if over-used in a single moment or used for too much time, is the fact it would hurt her due to the mental effort. It can cause her to faint, nosebleed -which in adult age, having more control of the powers and more body endurance it happens quite rarely, or if there’s a huge usage of power almost to the limit-, generally makes her very tired.
Her psychic powers can arrive to literally lift up someone and break bones, though this is mostly one of the cases she would manage too much energy, so she would do it only in huge necessity events, or not at all.
With it, she can also raise and repulse objects through gravity.
Later, this will influence her Nobody’s powers and weapons, where the accidental mental effort she always has had gets a material form, channeling it into floating diamond-shaped fragments to attack anything far away and shaping also her bow and arrows.
Tamber always eats in a reduced way, sometimes on purpose, above all to reduce or keep stable these her psychic powers. Otherwise, a certain amount of substances could make them way too much destructive if used, mistakenly or intentionally. She’s not very fond of what she can do, and when she was younger, she was even scared of herself and her own inborn magic.
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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚
Find more on my Toyhouse 💜
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terrabear2003 · 2 months
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Rei doesn’t think of herself as anyone special.
I mean, in our world, with her Naturally unnatural blue hair, limited magic abilities, and a colorful Keyblade to complete the look, it’s really not something you’d see in everyday life. But in her world, she’s just a normal girl. She’s not seen as normal because of her royal status, but she’s just normal.
But, upon regaining her memories, she discovers a new power within herself. A form she can change into.
But that’s a story for another time🤭
(I wasn’t sure how to write today’s prompt, so this is the best I got😅)
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terrabear2003 · 2 months
- @khoc-week
Day 4 - Dream
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Tamber’s love for semplicity makes her dream clear, pure and simple as well.
Since when her family passed away, her biggest dream has been just to be able to bring everyone back, and so to live her life happily like back in childhood. She lost everyone prematurely, which scarred her inside, and never got the chance to grow up with more familiar warm around her. Only Lea and Isa then became what could keep up her smile.
Tamber was very attached to her parents. She and Hana also shared a unique sisterhood, until she mysteriously disappeared around the age of 13, few time after their parents’ demise. They used to play together everyday, making flower crowns in their garden or outside, passing time with crafty things, stargazing a lot, trying to sing together, and Hana was the one, thanks to their mother and father’s culture, who additionally taught Tamber about anything regarding flowers and stars. A knowledge that Tamber then expanded by herself through the years. The family was known in Radiant Garden to be very nice and helpful to anyone, also to be cultivators of certain kind of well refined type of flowers.
Tamber ended up under Ansem the Wise’s wing also because she thought he might help with her matter, however he neved did, and she had been keeping the dream for herself for a long while.
In the year gap post-KHIII, Tamber discovers what has really happened to her parents and sister, thanks to a ‘’special’’ individual. *wink wink*
She is still trying to find a possible way to bring back at least her sister, with the thought she might has left her heart intact somewhere.
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terrabear2003 · 2 months
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(Rei art by @/imnothereokuwu on insta)
(Axel x Rei art by @/_splotchy on insta)
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terrabear2003 · 2 months
- @khoc-week
Day 3 - Connection
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‘’I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything. Maybe we're from the same star.’’
Besides her simple connection to stars and flowers, the bond with Lea and Isa, especially Lea, is what makes her whole world special.
Being originary of the same world, Tamber and Lea have been childhood best friends initially, along with their other friend Isa.
The bond that the celestial/radiant trio had was something very important in her life.
Since young age, Tamber and Lea shown a naïve strong connection already, both of them unaware of it.
Lea was the funny and solar one, externalizing any kind of caring towards her, making Tamber always feeling better in any situation they were possibly going through, which made her fall for him deeper and deeper through the years, above all when they were about to become teenagers. And secretly, Lea felt the same back, to then arriving to the day of the confession.
Back as humans, they have strengthened their relationship even more after the long-term ‘’detachment’’ and inability to feel real emotions, due to the Organization XIII arc. the bond they had with Isa got restored as well, as soon as they could reunite as trio and bring him back.
In the year gap post-KHIII, Tamber and Lea discover that their hearts have been very strongly tied to each other almost like it's a whole one, and so, no matter what and where, they would always be able to find each other and reunite. After a few time in Twilight Town with Isa, Roxas and Xion, they go back to stably live in their home world. They would stay a lot together with Isa like the old precious times, and at last, the couple would plan for an important and committed future together.
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Find more on my Toyhouse 💜
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terrabear2003 · 2 months
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Baking, Music, and Flowers. They have her heart aching. Reaching for something she can’t remember.
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terrabear2003 · 2 months
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Baking, Music, and Flowers. They have her heart aching. Reaching for something she can’t remember.
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