                                      ❝ hey ! ❞                                            ❝       hey ! ❞ 
          he's the first person she's seen since the almost endless            mission to track down P.T. had started, which admittedly           had only started twenty ( ten ) or so minutes ago but it'd felt           like hours.
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                                  ❝ i don't mean to be a bother-- ❞                                      ❝ but have you seen a pup ? ❞                                                 ❝ he's small. ❞                                              ❝ super fluffy. ❞                                ❝ white & brown-- bits of black too. ❞                                       ❝ his not good with directions. ❞                                               ❝ he's young. ❞                                   ❝ he doesn't know how to look after himself. ❞                                           ❝     i'm super worried. ❞
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                                         ❝ woah    ❞                                ❝  you look like a princess. ❞                                                 ❝ like one my dad would write about. ❞                                               ❝ --... ❞                                ❝ i don't mean in like a dainty way. ❞                                ❝ i mean you might be dainty. ❞                                            ❝ but like     ❞                                           ❝ you look -- ❞                              ❝ as if you could destroy armies-- ❞                                 ❝ && look like flawless doing it. ❞   
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   like 4 a thing pals
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A ‘57 Chevy, she’s low, sleek and black Someday I’ll put her on the interstate and never look back Someday I’m finally gonna let go I know there’s a better way I wanna know what’s over that rainbow I’m gonna get outta here someday
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It’s like the smarter you are, the more things can scare you.
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                                                ❝ old ? ❞                         ❝       your young until you start acting old.  ❞                               ❝ i don't ever plan on doing that. ❞
      dirt coated hands brush over dirtier clothes to attempt to flatten       them out before she adjusts the hat that covers her disheveled        hair, appearances don't mean a lot to her but she's rather look        decent if she's going up to the main road.    
                  ❝ you & your boss go on trips together often ? ❞                             ❝ your sounding a lot like a spy. ❞                                           ❝ so, felicity-- ❞                                  ❝ if that is your real name. ❞
         finger tips reach down to run accross the zip of the ammo filled          bag to check it's closed, she's not willing to risk losing them, even           for an adventure, without the pinecones if they go under attack            again they'll lose.
                 ❝ you ready for an adventure ? ❞
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              the blonde tugs two fruit role-ups from her pocket &&               holds one out to the older female.
          ❝ it's supposed to be for jesse, but i don't think he'll mind. ❞
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                            ‘ well, i mean, but you’re in the tree,    sitting, so i think that                             constitutes as–––oh. okay.     then um, i really don’t want to                             hinder your. collecting of pine cones, i can just–––––whoa. ’       concern colors her features,   and felicity’s already tripping over roots and soil to,      like, catch her. which doesn’t work, because she lands like a CAT. and, honestly,      felicity probably wouldn’t have caught her,                 but. she would have TRIED.                                ‘ god, okay, maybe not. not do that. you’re young, but your                               ankles are going to hate you when you’re old,    i promise. ’                    it’s a little nice to talk to someone who talks a lot back, though.       ‘ i’m––––felicity. smoak. and no, not–––not an adventure, i just. my boss, he was      out here, and we got lost, well. i got lost.     and he said he’d wait by some main      road for me, so i’m.  trying to find this road. we were here for, for um. work, and      it just. it’s a long story.                                              getting out would be great. ’ 
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Just close your eyes, but keep your mind wide open.
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Let your head hang back, watch the clouds. Feels like flying.
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