death is not an escape.
209 posts
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tequilamoonrock · 1 year ago
gonna be removing like. half my muse list + focusing on a smaller number :> MAYBE a name change will happen but i am also attacked to tequila moonrock
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tequilamoonrock · 1 year ago
hello this blog has been on hiatus for so long but i'm brainrotting so hard about mine and @mortisvitae 's reverse all-kill au. kill-all, if you will.
ji-woon hak, newest member of the fairly successful band nospin, has his career cut short after a fire breaks out in the studio and tragically kills all of his bandmates and injures him. after time in hospital where he is treated for burns and smoke inhalation, he's informed that the harsh industry he has just made a break in will not take him back as an idol, casting him out with specific citing of his injuries. desperate to remain relevant and adored, he switches to music production, something he has always had a fascination with. if they won't let him on the stage then he'll become the mastermind behind everything they sell. it is then that he decides on the pseudonym the trickster.
while he drifts between producing for smaller groups and idols, his eye is eventually caught by one yun-jin lee, auditioning to be an idol. maybe he senses something in her, maybe he is charmed by her voice and determination, but either way he takes her on as a client. around the same time, he meets his first victim, another industry hopeful with a voice he can't help but be transfixed by until he eventually kills them. experimenting with the recordings he got of their screams, he goes out on a limb and splices them into yun-jin's music. whether by coincidence or not, yun-jin, going by the stage name he thought of - magnum opus - becomes an instant success.
her - his, in his eyes - popularity takes the two of them across the world, where a string of seemingly unrelated murders follow them. soon, however, yun-jin becomes suspicious when she notices details about the murders that incriminate someone on her team. soon, her suspicion lands on ji-woon, who has been acting increasingly erratic. it comes to a head when she confronts him after finding evidence of screams in her own music, convinced she knows that he's the murderer, and instead of denying it, he instead manipulates her. convinces her that because this is her music, any evidence that points to him will also incriminate her - or at the very least, it will ruin her career - her life. torn between doing what's right and keeping herself safe ( because she knows that ji-woon could easily convince the police that she was involved if she was to go to them ) her emotional state declines until the two reach an ultimatum that isn't even caused by the murders.
in fact, it comes from the board of executives at mighteeone, their record label, who have decided that yun-jin is no longer making as much money as they would like - they mean to drop her. suddenly realising that all he worked for could be over, ji-woon convinces them to attend a meeting to prove that she is still a viable asset for them. little did they know, that would be the last meeting any of them would attend, ji-woon and yun-jin included.
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tequilamoonrock · 1 year ago
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tequilamoonrock · 1 year ago
muse changes
hello hello! i am still on hiatus but preparing to come back soon, since i have a little bit more muse for dbd! however i have changed my mind on some of the muses that i wrote for / did not write for, so this post is just here to serve as a little update for my muse list for those who don't want to check my carrd!
from now on, i no longer write for vittorio toscano or laurie strode. the latter is simply because i don't feel i know enough about her to portray her well, the former is because i no longer write with the only people i wrote him for ( not because of any drama i don't think!! just drifting apart and i don't see the point in keeping a muse up that i have no muse to write for <3 )
i have now added two more muses - yun-jin lee and kate denson! i officially only have one male muse, so i also had to reword the rule about my male muse(s) lol.
as a short reminder, i do have a single-muse account for jane romero at @janeromeroshow !!! i also have a dbd au muse for vanny from five nights at freddys, at my fnaf multimuse @rcluctantfollowcr ( i also have, non-dbd related, a kind of inactive block for monika from doki doki literature club at @selfawxre, my final girl oc who was previously a dbd oc veronica at @vindixta. )
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tequilamoonrock · 1 year ago
possibly switching around some muses and adding new ones / removing ones i don't write for........
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tequilamoonrock · 1 year ago
( phone guy voice ) ....hello? hello hello?
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years ago
i apologise to any new followers, but i am way more active currently on @vindixta and @janeromeroshow !!!
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years ago
hi i have been super inactive but i updated the rules on my carrd a little
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years ago
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𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒍𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒔  —  in rememberance, scream into the heavens, let them know you adore them  ...  ©
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years ago
PSST...... moving jane over to her own blog @janeromeroshow
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years ago
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" Oh, I'm not. " Despite the fact that she was clearly fully intending on doing so before being caught, Mikaela had the grace to not look too sheepish. Spinning on her heel, she turned to face Danny.
"Because... you're coming with me!" There was very little room for argument in her tone - while Mikaela wasn't the most forceful of people, the ultimatum was there; either he accompanied her on whatever she planned, or she was, in fact, going to go herself.
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"You really shouldn't go out there by yourself."
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years ago
whoopsie had to clean out all my asks and most of my drafts again (SO SORRY TO THE PPL I KEEP SHAFTING IT'S NOT PERSONAL I PROMISE) so!!! like this post if i can stalk ur meme / open tags :)
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years ago
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❊ - I want to roleplay with you
✸ - I want to plot with you
✢ - I like your characters
✪ - You seem like a cool person
☓ - We should talk!
this is so sweet!!! i know we're talking right now and i hope we can get a plot going!! (sorry for how long this response took also, all of these symbols look the same to me qwq)
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years ago
me: ah i'm finally done with the play i'm working on at uni! surely i will be able to write now
my arms, achey from carrying heavy lights for four hours last night:
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years ago
because there's so much more than photographers and makeup artists. jobs on this list can apply to most any wrestling promotion, so you can find something fun and unique for your oc. i found many of these by searching job titles on linkedin, so they're very much real! if you found this at all helpful, please reblog / like.
(keep in mind many of these titles can have intern, junior, associate, senior, & director titles ahead of them – based on experience. for example: associate producer, or senior producer)
art director
motion graphics designer
graphic designer
music producer
photo editor
costume / gear designer
marketing / pr.
project manager
marketing manager
social media specialist
social media manager
branding and communications specialist
content manager
media relations
public relations specialist
human resources / talent relations.
human resources coordinator
recruitment manager
hr operations specialist
talent operations
talent relations
travel and logistics coordinator
manager of talent appearances
payroll & benefits manager
personal assistant
production assistant
live events.
athletic trainer
lighting designer
live event production specialist
merchandise coordinator
broadcast engineer
sound/av engineer
information technology (it)
logistics supervisor
administrative assistant
globals sales & partnerships
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years ago
Send me one or more of the following:
❊ I want to roleplay with you ✸ I want to plot with you ✤ I want to ship with you ✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great ❦ I sort of secretly ship a thing with your muse(s) ✷ I wish our characters were friends ✢ I like your characters ✱ I don’t like your characters ✣ I like the way you express your muse(s) ✫ I don’t like the way you express your muse(s) ☬ I feel like your characters are underdeveloped ❂ I don’t agree on all your headcanons ✡ I agree on all your headcanons ❋ Your blog is one of my favs ✦ I like seeing you on my dash ✵ I don’t follow you for roleplay ✧ I wish you would notice me ✩ You intimidate me ✪ You seem like a cool person ✺ You’re hard to approach ✻ I wish you weren’t so shy ❄ I look up to you ❆ I love your art ❇ I love the way you write * I want to learn to know you = I’m too shy to approach to you ☓ We should talk! ♥ Your choice what to write"
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years ago
in honor of sundays in the rpc the only suggestive / vaguely nsfw thing i have to offer is that most of my survivor muses are not opposed to hooking up with a killer in exchange for getting spared in trials. (the exception is nea and laurie for obvious "i do not CARE what bhvr says she is not an adult and as such i'm not writing that sort of content for her" reasons). listen, sometimes in the fog you gotta do what you gotta do.
ji-woon is willing to spare survivors for that sort of thing, but it will not be pleasant (because he's a selfish bastard) and being alive at the end of the trial does not equal unscathed.
anna will only be intimate with someone she's already formed a deep bond with and probably isn't keen on killing anyway.
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