tennisballsrightarm · 15 minutes
people in the tcc dick ride this photo so much quasimodo looking asses
and Dylan’s ugly ass tec 9
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tennisballsrightarm · 9 hours
Dylan calling Eric REB
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tennisballsrightarm · 13 hours
Give Isaiah a pet worm.. becus he looks like one...
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i fucked up the pose so so badly im so sorry. Isaiah Happy Kicking His Feet Giggling Love WormOhmy god this sucks sorry
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tennisballsrightarm · 13 hours
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oh no
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tennisballsrightarm · 13 hours
could u draw Lars and Isaiah hanging out plz 😎?!
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i really like the size difference between lars and isaiah specially The hands
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his hands are so tiny i cant i want to brutalize him
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Hello I'm lainey, I draw sometimes... I'm 15 i am bridgekid & truecrime obsessed... into psychology.
My Intrests are: Bridgekids, Zero day, One wheat mark, Sally face, The Walten Files, Stranger Things, Technology & I like a handful of cartoons!
Regarding True Crime, that's probably my main intrest. I'm mostly into Columbine, Sandy hook & Andrew blaze/Randy stair. ( I want to add when I post about them it's only gonna be informal. .. I do not condone there actions. anyone can interact with this blog! )
Bands: Nirvana, Radiohead, The Offspring, KMFDM, My Chem romance, The Front Bottoms, and more!
add my discord! @mosaicues
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My dearest spirit animal
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Inspired by Peter Steele
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Plz recommendations for more crime documentaries,,,(more preferably shootings) cuz it's mostly columbine and Elliot Rodger,,,
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I have major artblock it's crazy, I apologize for that but take this for now :} ❤️
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Isaiah art...
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Isaiah drawings cause yezz
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If you guys can't read what I wrote lol
Something's wrong with me and I can't figure it out. Like my emotions are a maze I can't escape.
Troubled by my own thoughts . Harming myself cause it relieves me. The pain calms me down from my fucked up train of thoughts.
I want to ask for help but I don't wanna seem like a coward. I always thought I would never care about what people think of me, but look at me now.
Shaken up and feeling scared for no reason. My worst fear being myself, I can't let my thoughts win, I don't wanna die and be remembered as a monster.
I wanna leave this world but I don't wanna die young and alone.
Always thinking I'm good at something, then meeting someone who's better, disappointment and resentment towards myself. It's like I am not meant to be in this world, a mistake brought to this world by two dumb couples, I was not supposed to be born. I am nothing.
Missing myself from when I was at my very lowest. Wanting to be hurt again, wanting something to hate myself with. Wanting to be a horrible creature, but being scared of ending up as one. Confused and angered by my own emotions, cause I can't seem to understand it.
Isolated. Wanting to isolate yourself from this cruel enough world, but being scared of loneliness. Scared if you open up they'll think you're disgusting and weird, like you already think you are and ending up alone.
Desperate. Desperate for something, anything. Desperate for isolation, affection, and for love. But why do they disgust you? Why do you hate it if you want, if you're desperate for it?
Silent, it's what you need to be to not be judged, to not be known, and to not snap.
Driving away people who are close to you by being yourself. Yelling at them, snapping at them
Looking at the mirror and being confronted by something I hate, myself. I've always felt like I was born in the wrong body. I often find myself hating myself for how I am. Like something is wrong with me, but I won't ever find out.
Not vent (I think) I just feltttt silly 🤤
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Ok I'm finally happy, I'm will be happy-postimg now (I think)
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Tahnks to my firend (onlien friend) for tellign me aboyt elluot rodgjer cauxde I nog love listenign to to tp uh criem documentaries tnxx to ellit rodgehrs case, aldi for introducingnme to haunted mound they are kinda peak(I still prefer the front bottoms)
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When you know you can't hurt others so you hurt yourself instead
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