ten little bullets in my hand
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Marianne AKA shinelikethunder, which is where I put everything that's not Les Mis and French history geeking. [AO3 | DW | Mastodon]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
tenlittlebullets · 5 days ago
Summary: Okay, internet, you wanted fic where a weeping angel falls in love with a human and tragically sends them back in time by accident? Your wish is my command.
Author: @tenlittlebullets
Note from submitter: It's pure crack. The purest.
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tenlittlebullets · 12 days ago
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Henri de Latouche avec George Sand en vêtements masculins, lithographie de Paul Gavarni, vers 1840, Paris
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tenlittlebullets · 30 days ago
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tenlittlebullets · 1 month ago
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Have some late but ultimate-romantic Romanticism V Day cards Especially you @floral-spectacles @revolutionnaire-e @weshostakofish @king-ludwig-ii @cowparsleys @lebedame-wegelagerin and all you other Romantic-squad cats.
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tenlittlebullets · 1 month ago
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the wiki article on “Illegitimacy in fiction” is a masterpiece
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tenlittlebullets · 3 months ago
i want. a cicada on one arm and a crayfish on the other
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tenlittlebullets · 3 months ago
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Riding Jacket
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tenlittlebullets · 3 months ago
Girl, do NOT let that 19th century soldier try to fool you with weaponized incompetence. Yes he DOES know how to cook and clean, that's like half of his job!! Girl he has a sewing kit with him to make basic repairs to his clothes, I don't care if he calls it a "hussif." He has like five different types of clothes brushes and knows how to neatly pack everything he owns.
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tenlittlebullets · 4 months ago
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gillenormand really said “marius should have been at the club!”
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tenlittlebullets · 4 months ago
Time Travel Question 67: Assorted Performances VI
These Questions are the result of suggestions from the previous iteration.
This category may include suggestions made too late to fall into the correct grouping.
Please add new suggestions below if you have them for future consideration.
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tenlittlebullets · 4 months ago
Crank position I am slowly coming to believe: I think theosophy actually subsumed romanticism. The romantics did not carry us into modernity. They made it to about 1870, and then Blavatsky took the reigns.
Like William Blake was awesome but without Blavatsky, there are no Hippies. Without Blavatsky, George Harrison never learns to play the sitar.
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tenlittlebullets · 5 months ago
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Ahh yes, the return of the boop laundering scheme :')
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tenlittlebullets · 6 months ago
and if i told you guys that this is an illustration of the same book that brought us Victor Hugo Losing What Little Chill He Possessed Over The Existence Of The Octopus. what then.
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fuck it. post gustave doré octopus blowjob
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tenlittlebullets · 6 months ago
Eighteen-Thirties Thursday: Girls Will Be Boys
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'Behind the Scenes': an 1838 print by Paul Gavarni, showing an actress playing a male role telling her assistants to hurry up (Rijksmuseum). I enjoy the look at her neckwear being tied (and the shirt frill, although this is the twilight of frilled shirts in menswear).
Aside from fancy dress balls, which seemed to be full of women wearing male costumes and Turkish trousers, the stage was where a Romantic-era woman could be found in masculine attire. Many popular actresses were male impersonators.
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Madame Vestris (Lucia Elizabeth Vestris) as Little Pickle in The Spoiled Child, ca. 1830 (V&A)
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Mary Anne Keeley as Jack Sheppard the notorious highwayman, 1838 (British Museum).
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Maria Foote as 'The Little Jockey', 1831 print of leading ladies (detail). (V&A) This particular character seems to have a lot of merchandise and prints.
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Madame Vestris again (V&A), in a circa 1830 print, reminding us that there was also a contemporary song about her legs.
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Finally—if you remember the uh, very creative play about the arctic adventures of Sir John Ross and his nephew, which appeared in a toy theatre kit in the mid-1830s (hat tip to @handfuloftime), the role of "Clara Truemore", love interest of the captain's nephew James Clark Edward Ross, is a breeches role, and Clara spends most of the play disguised as "Harry Halyard."
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I feel like there is something inherently queer about this, despite the long tradition of "Sweet Polly Olivers" in male drag pursuing their lovers in ballads and broadsides. I wonder how the audience perceived these characters.
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tenlittlebullets · 7 months ago
Iranian Les Misérables performance (2019)
All text from here on out are copied and pasted from a chat.
Hello, Iran opened up the first Persian production of Les Misérables back in 2019, and it ran for 6 months, every seat having been bought.
In the midst of economic crisis, and the rich and the poor growing divide, there were many criticisms to be made about the priority of theatre, especially when the tickets were so expensive.
There were also questions regarding on how they would be presenting women on stage, who couldn't legally show their hair, and weren't allowed to sing solos. In a report talking about Iranian history, along with the modern adaptation of the musical in Iran, see:
For video and footage of some of the performance, see:
For promo photos released by Iranian news source, see:
The onstage production vs the political conditions of Iran, see:
I think this interview was in the news video I sent above, but jic, for the interview, see:
To know about contemporary Iranian theatre:
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tenlittlebullets · 7 months ago
One of the reasons the walrus-versus-fairy thing was so contentious is that not only did the person who originally posed the question strongly believe the correct answer was obviously the fairy, their reasoning for why the fairy was obviously more surprising was that seeing a fairy would instantly refute the validity of human reason as a tool for understanding the universe and bring your entire worldview crashing down. The sensible response is, of course, to point out that people don't work like that, and realistically nobody is going to see something mildly inexplicable and fall to their knees wailing in existential despair unless we're living in an H P Lovecraft novel, but I'm not gonna lie, I'd probably pay money to read a story about a dude having a full on Lovecraft protagonist breakdown in response to seeing Tinkerbell.
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tenlittlebullets · 7 months ago
"Grantaire's in the corner, thinking about his blorbo again," Courfeyrac said.
"One cannot have a person on knows as a blorbo," Combeferre cried.
"Watch me!" Grantaire challenged him. "I can objectify and amplify parasocial relationships from midnight to midnight, running Red Bull-and-vodka-fueled marathons of TikTok binges and YouTube deep dives, driven as far afield by algorithms as anyone has ever been by curiosity unaided by machines' mathemathics. I can doxx -- but beneficiently -- any three people you care to name, and then I can erase their presence from the internet so that no one can follow behind me. When I have a scrap of information in my digital teeth, I worry it like a terrier with a rat, and that data is just as likely to bite me as the rat is the dog, plunging me into myriad illnesses contracted from that foul pest, like a hapless serf gnawed by the Black Plague. I see beyond the mask the way the terrified governments forcing everyone's breath to comingle wish that they could, and I see the truth of those I seek to glorify! Or at least, I see the shadows of their truth as reflected on the wall of that old man's cave, though Plato was his nickname, meaning 'broad,' and so it is theorized that the great philosopher was a himbo. Athens in the classic sense was half the size of Strasbourg, with only a few with the time to think and chat as we do now, my siblings. What can we watch our blorbos accomplish in our time, now that there are so many more of us with the leisure to think, if we only stop worrying about pesky irritations like politics and science, and focus all our efforts on the high and holy purpose of making the blorbo kiss the poor little meow meow!"

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