tenchi-jin · 7 years
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Elias Grayheart
Appearance -
Gender: Male
Race: Hyur, Highlander
Height: 6′2″
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Black with some greying.
The Facts -
Name Day: 9th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Occupation: Currently looking for work.
Sexual identification: Pansexual
Romantic identification: Panromantic
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Criminal History: Peddling goods, fighting, and stealing to name a few.
Relationship Status: Single.
Favorites –
Favorite food: Popoto
Favorite drink: Whiskey
Favorite artist: None
Favorite scents: The ocean, cigars with nice scents such as flowers or berries, fresh food
Favorite person: Himself.
Randoms –
Ten facts about your muse:
⚫  Elias prides himself on the fact that he had earned all of his jewelry that he has, having either gotten the money for it in one case, being the necklace with the ruby on his neck, but in many cases they were winnings of some kind of bet or a fight that he was a part of. 
⚫  He is the only child (that he knows of) from his family, although he is unsure if that is really the case because he has not been in contact with his family for many years.
⚫  Despite being a hand-to-hand fighter and grappler, the scars on his face appear to be dealt by either swords or some kind of other blades, as they’re too clean cut to be anything else.
⚫ Unlike many other sailors, Elias does not fear witches or is as superstitious of them. He finds no reason to be afraid of magic, and in fact can sometimes be more curious of it than anything, as he does not really meddle in those types of matters himself.
⚫ Despite his dislike for hotheads, Elias himself used to be quite the hothead, often times getting into a fight whenever it presented itself. He now passes it off as wanting to ‘train himself’ for future endeavors, but he never admits he just wanted a good fight every once in a while.
⚫  He’s messed around with people before romantically, but he’s never actually been in a committed relationship. This is because he wasn’t really into the idea of a committed relationship when he was younger, and now that he’s older he hasn’t really explored the idea due to his age.
⚫  Elias is known to sing from time to time, but only around people he is quite comfortable with, and even then it’s more likely you’ll hear him hum than any lyrics actually come out of his mouth.
⚫ He used to be a heavy smoker and drinker back in his twenties, although he laid off the drinking as he figured he needed to be a bit more coherent at all times rather than just when he was on the job. He still smokes a fair bit though.
⚫ Elias isn’t a big socialite, sometimes you can spot him at a big gathering or a special event, but more often than not he’ll just be out and about somewhere in Limsa or wherever else he finds himself at. He is still willing to engage in conversation with those who approach him, however.
⚫ Often times if he hears any stories about himself that try to describe him in a larger than life manner or someone tells an excited story about him, he’ll try to downplay it as he doesn’t really feel that the things he does is all that special sometimes.
Five Things -
Things they like:
- The sea - Cigars - Gil - People - Fighting
Things they dislike:
- Hotheads - Troublemakers - People who use others - Unnecessary conflict - Stupid people
Good habits:
- Independence. - Friendliness. - Hard working. - Willingness to work with others. - Loyal.
Bad Habits:
- Smoking. - Drinking. (although he’s usually somewhat responsible) - Fighting. - Being crass.
Personalities they gravitate toward:
- Cool headed. - Friendly, but not overtly so. - Kind. - Willing to get the job done. - Hard workers.
Personality types they avoid:
- People who are constantly angry or looking for a fight. - Manipulators. - Soft-hearted. - Overtly friendly. - Lazy people who don’t want to work to get the job done.
- Being powerless. - Being poor. - Dying a terrible/stupid death. - Children. - Gyr Abania.
was tagged by @vasir-li
tagging: whoever wants to do this!
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