tenantof221c · 11 days
Regarding that Jim guy
Ah well. Last time I spoke about him was several weeks ago and I'd said I'd give an update on whether or not he would show up again the following Saturday I'd posted and well----
Long story short: He did.
I haven't spoken about it because I've been busy with work and well, plum forgot (love having ADHD/s) but today he sent me a text and that reminded me that I never did update my blog about it so here I am, typing away. Really hoping he doesn't see this but also A) oh well. He's always asking what I'm thinking anyway and B) if you do read this Jimberly, you owe me a song on your piano if I ever come over to yours. You did promise me you'd play me something someday but since I know better, ha! Look! It's in writing now, so you can't weasel yourself out of it, you little fae folk pfft~
It had been a cloudy day, little sunshine, and I found myself at the same bench he had waltzed up to the first time. In all honesty, I didn't expect him to show up. The first time had felt odd and surreal enough, so when he did walk up it took me by surprise. Unlike the first time, he didn't wear a suit, but instead slacks and a sweater--I can hear Sherlock's voice now. 'Home rules Texie, jumper'-- jumper with a collared shirt underneath. Very smart, if not more approachable than the £1,000 get up he had worn the first time although he still wore those shades from before.
I'm glad he did, all things considered. The shades, I mean. I struggle with eye contact, which is why I wear shades myself. Either I can't stand being under someone else's attention because the thought alone makes me want to run and hide, or I'm gripped with unbearable need to stare into someone's eyes to catalogue the hue of their irises--- there is no real in-between.
That's a funny thing about Jim (and stars, as a side note, this man is f u n n y)- he also stares. I don't call him out on it because frankly, it's comforting to know someone else like me although admittedly, I often find it exceptionally difficult to look him in the eyes- they're very nice eyes! Very dark like mine. But he's like Sherlock and Mycroft (oh boy, I need to write about that guy at some point phew), where if he's looking at you, he's also looking through you and more scarily, into you. I don't know. I think I'm just not used to it. I don't think I ever will be, or want to be for that matter. I think I like my shadows.
Anywho, where was I? Ah- so, we met. We got hot chocolate, walked around a bit, just chatted and navigated the city a little. It was pleasant and obviously, we exchanged phone numbers. Next weekend I'm going to teach Jim the basics on how to paint with acrylics. He's hinted he's going to make a mess about it and honestly and truly, I'm hoping he does. Life is all about the unexpected messes and what we do with them after all. Happy accidents, as Bob Ross would call them.
I suppose I'm trying to say thanks. Thanks for being a happy accident, Jim. Looking forward to helping you make your own. Until then, don't forget that piano piece you owe me. I won't.
Feels odd just posting this without an image since I've been doing that so here's a picture of a marigold, one of my favourite flowers! Decided I'd add a pot of them to my ever growing plant collection (I may or may not have a problem.)
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tenantof221c · 13 days
Scattered thoughts on a case about a "horsenapping"
No, not a horse napping. I mean a stolen horse; it was really nice to see Sherlock smile and try not to laugh when John explained the premise of the crime to me over tea. Sure there was a murder too but oh, I don't want to talk about it- the victim tried to maim said horse so I don't have anything nice to say and well, we ain't supposed to speak ill of the dead (spoiler alert: the horse killed him in self defense so. What goes around...). Anywho, I'll admit, I smiled a bit when John said "horsenapping". Might have laughed. Maybe snorted. It's all speculative, and well, it's not like whoever reads this is going to know (Sherlock, if you do read this, don't sabotage me by leaving any comments about it! See how I don't need to ask John? Just don't :) or I'll steal your lighter again ♡).
It was all a bit bizarre; the client was one of those posh men that Americans tend to use as playful stereotype fodder for the whole of England. Pretty sure he even called Sherlock an, "old boy" even. Bizarre. But really, it wouldn't be any different than me calling someone back home "Cowboy". Even so I admit I grinned when I heard it. The horse that had been stolen, a powerful stallion named Silver Blaze (apparently a 'Blaze' is horse people speak for a white mark running down the front of a horse's face! How neat!) was still missing when we went to watch the tournament for the Wessex Cup on Sherlock's request and wouldn't you know, apparently someone had dyed Silver Blaze's... well, Blaze the same colour as the rest of his coat to pass him off as an eligible horse for the race! Who does that this day and age?
No seriously--- who? Sherlock swears he knows who the culprit was but he never did reveal a name. Most I got out of him was that he had "talked" with whoever had done it, and that it wouldn't be a problem in the future. John confirmed this; he'd seen Sherlock go and talk with the man (although he never got a name) who had allegedly stolen the horse but never heard what Sherlock said... I reckon we'll never know but hey, at least Silver Blaze was unharmed and alright. He was a sweet boy too, and I even got a picture of him after he was all cleaned up that I've attached below:
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Look at that faaaaaaaaace.... sweet baby. Ah; I better go before I just become a silly mess of adoration for this horse haha. What I will say is that thanks to Sherlock solving the case, we can all go out as a group with Mrs. Hudson anytime we want to watch Silver Blaze race! Yeehaw!
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tenantof221c · 3 months
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tenantof221c · 3 months
A wolf pup with glowing red eyes sits in front of them
Sonata grins at the pup, surprised to find the adorable, ominous creature at their doorstep. Unsure of whether or not it's a Werewolf child, a toddler vampire trying out a disguise, or even a lost hellhound, they slowly step outside to shut the door behind them and bend at the waist to tilt their head and smile a closed lipped smile at the creature.
"Well, howdy to you too, little one," they say softly, careful not to croon in order to avoid accidently sounding condescending just in case, "are you lost?"
They offer their hand carefully, aiming for the pup's chest but stops just outside of easy biting distance for the creature to sniff them.
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tenantof221c · 3 months
Sonata turns their face away to hide their smile as they hear Jacob- Jake, they tell themself- get chastised from someone out of view but evidently close enough to overhear. They pull out their wallet and, holding it, they rest it against the counter in Jake's view.
"Now, I'm more'n willin' to pay for consultation," Sonata says loudly enough that they hope the voice they'd heard earlier hears them too before adding, "and while I'm still at it, after hearing all that-- thank you by the way-- I'm pretty dang sure it's a Dracula situation I got on my hands based on the well, intensity of the attacks. I just need to know a couple more things: do Dracula types come together in covens? If so, do y'all have any ideas about where them Dracula types like to cluster?"
D.I. Sonata smooths down the front of their waistcoat before stepping into the grand doors of The Agency, their head held high and their step cautious but unfaltering as their eyes wander, taking in everything from the interior design to the type of light filling the room. After a month of wanting to visit The Agency but with no proper professional reason to do so and not knowing anyone working at there, they had finally gotten their hands on a case requiring special assistance their upstairs neighbour couldn't help them with.
Their eyes land on the person behind the large receptionist desk before roaming across its shiny surface to find a name placard and, after finding one and seeing the receptionist notice them, Sonata approaches and offers a polite smile as they hold up their badge.
"Pardon me Jacob, but I'm D.I. Sonata, and I've come across a bit of a snag regarding a case I'm working on." Their smile morphs into something sheepish as they quickly add, "And now, I gathered from y'all's site that regarding the supernatural y'all seem to specialise in hauntings and the like but well, is there any chance y'all also might be familiar with the supernatural community as a whole 'round here? Specifically vampires?"
“Well, that depends on the type of vampire we’re talking about here? Your true bloods and your twilights are really pretty harmless so long as they practice harm reduction techniques and avoid hunting people. You can leave them alone to just be hot and hook up with humans. Now as for your Draculas they’re a bit more dangerous. But infinitely more huntable. Find out what religion your vampire used in their human life and trap them in with its symbols (Pray they aren’t a diehard atheist). Also running water and salt circles will keep them off of you while you run to your house where they can’t get in. A stake through the heart or a decapitation will kill anything. Also maybe try and find a big window to open."
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tenantof221c · 3 months
Strange Encounter At The Park Today
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...... Okay, that title makes it all sound creepy, but it wasn't creepy-- it was... strange. Because it involved a stranger. Where to begin...?
Alright, I'll start with why I was there; ever since moving into 221C, I've made it a point to visit the nearest park to do some bird watching, sketching, and painting when I really feel like having a nice, quiet time to myself outdoors. I've really been enjoying it, especially ever since I've managed to catch the curiosity of what I'm pretty sure is the local dominant flock of magpies in this park and well, shoot--- I reckon the mealworms, earth worms, and fruit I chop up and bring with me only make me more shiny and interesting to the playful corvids haha. I really miss my cardinals, blue jays, and especially my mockingbirds back in Texas but the magpies have been really fun to observe and are now up there on my list of favourites.
Anyway, there I was, sketching the magpies and just enjoying the peace and quiet, when this man walks up out of nowhere and asks to sit down on the bench with me so he can watch the magpies who at this point, know who I am and know I'm going to feed them if they just wait long enough. Now, that in and of itself ain't odd per se, but the way this Irishman was dressed---- all fancy high dollar suit and tie---- it just really stood out to me against all the grass and twigs and green lake water. Also I'm preeeeeeeeeety dang sure his sunglasses cost at least £400.00.
Long story short? He dang sure wasn't dressed for a walk in the park.
But hey, whatever, no big deal. I let him sit with me. I wanted to compliment him on his suit, but before I could he pointed to my magpie sketches and complimented my art. Well, that was mighty nice, but I hate when someone see my art without my permission so I shut it as quickly if not as subtly as I could not too long after I thanked him for his kindness. I expected him to fall quiet, to watch the birds, but nope, he started talking to me-- like properly talking.
I won't get into all that we said but eventually, he asked me what my name was and- because I'm kind of awful- I told him my name was "Tex" since I don't like giving my name out to strangers, not even admittedly guapo and well dressed strangers. I thought he might get annoyed with the obvious denial and stop talking to me when I told him but he just laughed and said it suited me-- reckon it does haha-- before telling me his name was Jim.
The magpies-- Jim called them "maggies" which?? I'm stealing it-- got tired of waiting while he and I talked a bit more and Munchie, the smallest of the flock, even flew up on the arm rest to basically glare at me haha. So I fed them, and let Jim feed them, and well...
it was nice. Just feeding the birds with this stranger.
Strange. Very strange.
But nice.
He was interesting to talk to; he called me out when I said I saved earthworms off the ground to feed to the birds, justly pointing out to me that me saving them only to feed them to maggies wasn't really saving them to which I replied that death is inevitable and that it was a better fate than drying up in the sun or getting stomped on. It was a tiny exchange but I won't be forgetting it anytime soon.
He said he'd join me again next Saturday to come and feed the birds but I doubt I'll see him- won't be holding my breath, anyway. He sort of reminded me of the magpies, if I'm being honest- had this way about him, like he was examining me, like I was a bottlecap or maybe a worm but really that's probably just my mental illness talking since I don't typically draw attention to myself if I can help it, let alone talk to strangers more than just giving a compliment.
Speaking of maggies (he really did just ruin me with that nickname) I took some photos of the sweet babies, attached above!
Until next Saturday,
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tenantof221c · 3 months
The Golden Hour & A Unexpected Visitor
Meet the OC
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At 07:30 exactly, Sierra shuffled barefoot out of xyr bedroom and into the kitchen, sleep clinging stubbornly to the corners of xyr eyes even as xe idly rubbed them and yawned softly to xemself. Golden sunlight poured heavily through slightly parted gauze curtains and dazzled by the glow, Sonata squinted up at the glimpse of heavenly light with a curl of a smile.
After a minute of simply absorbing the view, Sierra turned away, humming softly to xemself as xe shuffled over to the kettle to pick it up and check how full it was. John had teased xem about getting xemself an electric kettle but Sierra was rather fond of the second-hand kettle, it being one of the first things xe had bought for xemself when xe moved into 221C. Xe filled it up with water and carefully set it over the fire just in time to jump unexpectedly at the sound of the doorbell ringing.
Sierra checked xyr watch. It was barely 07:45; who could be knocking at the door at this hour? Wary at the thought of talking to anyone so early in the morning, especially without a cup of tea first, Sierra tied xyr robe firmly around xem and wandered to the door with measured, quiet steps. Slowly, xe moved the footstool in front of the door and climbed up, carefully brushing xyr long, unruly hair out of xyr face before peering out the peephole to get a glimpse at xyr uninvited guest.
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tenantof221c · 3 months
Finished Moving In!
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Whew, howdy--- well... me. Ha. Anywho, I've finished all the decorating of my new home, gracias a Díos! To celebrate, I've made a nice compilation of interior shots showcasing various rooms within my home here at 221C-- Mrs. Hudson truly outdid herself with the renovations, and I'm so glad she allowed me to have a say regarding the colour scheme!
Speaking of Mrs. Hudson, wow, what a sweetheart? She's been so helpful in assisting me in finding the local places to get groceries and whatnot--- I couldn't bear to tell her I'd already done my research ahead of time and besides, she even showed me some places that I hadn't noticed during my online searches so hey, win-win :)!
Met my upstairs neighbours recently too- Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson. Now, I knew about Sherlock because of my new boss, D.I. Lestrade, but I hadn't known about Dr. Watson. He'd told me Sherlock was about as prickly as a cactus, which ain't true at all because he was nothing if not cordial when I introduced myself. Even so, I'll be keeping my eye on him- I'm supposed to work with him after all, so here's to us hopefully becoming friendly if not civil on a regular basis while working a case. Regarding Dr. Watson, he told me to call him John, but well, I saw the way he straightens up a little more when I called him by his title so I reckon I'll stick to calling him Dr. every now and then just to watch him look proud like that.
That's about all I have time to write- Sherlock and John took up this case about a missing race horse just recently and they've invited me to come up with them to watch a horse race in about thirty minutes- apparently it's related to the case- and well dadgum, who am I to say no to an offer like that? Best believe I'll be packing my earplugs!
Signing off,
S. S
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tenantof221c · 3 months
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Name and meanings: Sierra: saw or mountain range; Sonata: sounded or played
Nicknames: Tex/Texie (by everyone), cowboy (by John), Honey (by Molly), Clover (by Jim).
Age in S1: 31
Pronouns -> preferred: xe/xem/xyr/xyrs. liked: they/them. tolerated and given to strangers/coworkers: she/her
Neurodivergency: autism spectrum, ADHD
Orientation: Agender, Asexual Aromantic
Nationality/Ethnicity/Race: American (Texan), Mexican-American, mixed race (Latinx, White).
Physical description: 5'0". Sonata is a POC; xe has caramel brown skin and indigenous Mexican features in the form of xyr strong nose. Xe has heavy lidded dark brown eyes, dark brown wavy hair that curls at the ends and reaches xyr lower back. Small scar on right side of jaw along xyr chin. Small cupid's bow lips. Dark brown freckles occasionally dot xyr skin in constellations along arms. Hourglass figure.
Outfits description for work: high waisted slacks, button down dress shirts, waistcoats, ties, brown trench coat (for cold months), argyle jumpers, sock garters, belt, colourful socks (hidden) Oxford shoes.
Outfits description for casual daily wear: high waisted slacks/denim jeans/capris/ shorts (for hotter seasons), tucked in Hawaiian shirts, baggy jumpers with designs, colourful socks (on display), dresses, skirts and blouses, open vests.
Occupation: D.I. working for Scotland Yard. Answers to D.I. Lestrade. Has some training as a profiler.
The Peacemaker. Sonata is often seen listening to others, offering interpersonal advice, acting as a mediator between arguing characters when xe is in the room, and often assists more prickly characters to express their emotions more concisely and tactfully.
The Cupid. Sonata is seen often playfully teasing and sincerely attempting to assist certain characters in confronting their feelings about another. In the series, Sonata nudges at least two couples together and helps a third in finalising their relationship.
The AUs:
His Dark Materials AU: Sonata has a female green tree python named Libertas. Ask me about which other characters and their dæmons ♡ here is an AO3 link to what I've published thus far of this AU.
Superposition AU: my au, where the canon timeline is stretched out so there is at least a year and a half more time before The Fall happens. Moriarty is introduced much earlier as another supporting character with a dark hidden agenda shown secretly away from the other characters just like Hannibal in NBC Hannibal before the Big Reveal and when The Fall happens, Moriarty fakes his death as well because of Sonata and the other relationships he accidentally forms while infiltrating the friend group.
Also everyone is some shade of queer lol.
Home: 221C. Between the events depicted in Ep1 and Ep 3 of S1, Mrs. Hudson renovates 221C thanks to the combined income from Sherlock and John and Sonata moves in long before the events depicted in Ep3.
Personality in five words: Cautious, Earnest, Macabre, Playful, Curious
Six positive traits: Observant, Cognitively & Emotionally Empathetic, Polite, Trustworthy, Tactful, Kind
Six negative traits: Judgemental, Quick to Annoy/Anger, Stubborn, Slow to Trust, Secretive, Quietly Delights in Xyr Own Violent Intrusive Thoughts (although xe doesn't act on them).
Colours worn and associated with Sonata: green (growth, hope, inspiration) , brown (trustworthy, calming, down-to-earth), grey (morally ambiguous), purple (integrity, self-worth).
Animal symbology used when writing about Sonata: snakes (secretive, wise), cats (playful, secretly dangerous behind a façade of cuteness), rabbits (cautious, observant, protective), raccoons (foreign to UK, curious, fun-loving) sharks (constantly moving, lonely, explorative), vultures (loyal, accustomed to death, macabre).
Hobbies: painting, letter writing with wax seals, photography, stargazing, drawing, reading, writing poetry, chess, exploring London museums and art galleries, feeding the local magpies, cooking/baking.
Idiosyncrasies: hums/sings when xe thinks xe is alone, bounces leg, bounces on balls of feet, fiddles/gesticulates with hands, plays with the curled ends of xyr hair, doesn't make much eye contact, is prone to staring, shies away from touch.
Character playlist:
Dynamics With Other Characters
Note: please do not feel obligated to use these pronouns if you do not feel it matches the characters; they're simply what makes me happy but are not required for us to have fun!
Sherlock Holmes
Pronouns I use for Sherlock: it/he/she/they
Orientation: agender, demisexual
Found Family Adopted Siblings. Sierra and Sherlock have a sibling-esque relationship, with the former often pestering the latter to take better care of himself, be nicer to others, and enjoys helping him with his experiments no matter how grotesque and macabre they get. Xe also enjoys teasing Sherlock about John and acts as a soundboard of what Sherlock should and shouldn't say to John when Sherlock manages to swallow his pride and ask for xyr advice.
John Watson
Pronouns I use for John: he/him
Orientation: bisexual
Platonic Ride Or Die. Sonata is John's emotional safe harbour, someone he enjoys coming home to visit with and unwind with in front of the telly while they exchange banter, vent about work or Sherlock, take the piss out of what they're watching, and plan trips to just get out of the house. After Sherlock fakes his death, John and Sonata cling to one another as they stay in the 221 flats. They often go out for ice cream regardless of the weather outside and bring some back for Mrs. Hudson and Sherlock.
Molly Hooper
Pronouns I use for Molly: she/they
Orientation: demigirl, greysexual
Queerplatonic Soulmates. Sonata falls head over heels for with Molly upon first meeting her and quickly becomes fiercely protective of her, going so far as to snap at Sherlock and chew him out for being rude or dismissive toward the doctor. Sonata spends every chance xe can hanging out with Molly, helping her boost her own self-confidence, and eventually, after helping her realise that Sherlock isn't right for her, Sonata gently pushes her toward a very interested if not shy Mike Stamford.
Mycroft Holmes
Pronouns I use for Mycroft: he/him
Orientation: gay
Found Family Adopted Siblings. Mycroft kidnaps Sonata just as he had kidnapped John. Being prepared for this by John, Sonata surprises him with being calm and collected, deeply moved by how far he is willing to go to ensure his brother's safety. Mycroft offers the same monetary deal as he had John and like John, Sonata rejects it before offering to give him updates via face-to-face meetings where xe can learn more about Mycroft too. Amused, he accepts and they begin meeting up at different places to talk and spend time together where Mycroft eventually begins to use xem as an emotional soundboard and xe uses him to reassure when xe is being rational about xyr feelings and when xe isn't.
Gregory Lestrade
Pronouns I use for Lestrade: he/him
Orientation: bisexual
Between Boss, Friend, and Parental. Sonata respects and admires Lestrade, enjoys practicing speaking French with him, trusts him as a leader and superior, and enjoys the way he speaks a little more gently to xem than everyone else. Lestrade appreciated and admires how well Sonata can keep up with Sherlock and work with the abrasive consulting detective-- the main reason why Sonata was hired was because xe showed promise in being able to handle Sherlock. Lestrade often checks in on xyr mental wellbeing and Sonata often does the same-- both struggle to open up but it's essaie when they're at the local pub together and their eyes are focused on the fútbol match.
Jim Moriarty
Pronouns I use for Jim: he/him
Orientation: Asexual Aromantic
Complicated Yet Romantically Everlasting. Moriarty targets Sonata to emotionally manipulate instead of Molly months before the events depicted in The Great Game to get close to Sherlock and revel in the eventual emotional carnage that would follow betraying him and everyone else close to him. Unfortunately for him, Sonata is a hard target and his method acting in wooing and romancing the reclusive, cautious detective eventually gives way to real feelings, although the revelation doesn't come until the last minute and after he's revealed himself as the villain all along. When he fakes his death, Sonata secretly mourns him. When he returns, xe not-so-secretly wants to kill him and must prove why xe shouldn't.
Mrs. Hudson
Pronouns I use for Mrs. Hudson: she/her
Orientation: pansexual, had a lot of lovers in her heyday with lots of stories to tell
Adopted Grandmother. Sonata sees her as a grandmother and often helps her around the house. When her hip is not bothering her, Mrs. Hudson likes to invite Sonata to go on strolls with her and teach xem baked recipes. Often, they enjoy sitting down with some tea and watching telly. Sonata thoroughly enjoys listening to Mrs. Hudson talk about her girlhood and likes writing down her stories. Sometimes, they secretly feed the squirrels in the nearby park when Sonata goes to feed the magpies.
How this blog works
I (call me Sunday) am an ADULT and will be posting blog entries that highlight key events that take place in my au from Sonata's POV. Sonata will sometimes RB posts tagged with #Sonata aesthetics for xyr own amusement and is a great way to get a better glimpse into xyr mind besides what's been listed already.
I will also be posting RP beginning prompts in 3rd person for anyone who sees my writing and after consulting this post, wants to rp with me. Ask box will be open, and if someone wants to RP, I will happily answer in whatever POV you start the writing in whether it's 1st or 3rd person :)!
Always feel encouraged to tag me in your rp prompt posts ♡
NSFW asks with rp including themes of violence, murder, emotional manipulation, general themes of darkness are all fine by me. I may post rp prompts in this category.
Sexual themes in rp asks are allowed but keep it PG-13, anything explicit needs to be reserved for DMs, needs to be approved by both parties, and needs to be with another adult only. I will not be posting rp prompts in this category since I only ship Sonata with Moriarty and don't want to detract from exploring the other types of stories possible.
Have any questions? Please drop an Ask or DM and I'll get back to you ASAP.
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tenantof221c · 3 months
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Ad Astra Per Aspera
Name and meanings: Sierra: saw or mountain range; Sonata: sounded or played
Nicknames: Tex/Texie (by everyone), Clover (by Jim).
Age in S1: 31
Pronouns -> preferred: xe/xem/xyr/xyrs. liked: they/them. tolerated and given to strangers/coworkers: she/her
Neurodivergency: autism spectrum, ADHD
Orientation: Agender, Asexual Aromantic
Nationality/Ethnicity/Race: American (Texan), Mexican-American, mixed race (Latinx, White).
Physical description: 5'0". Sonata is a POC; xe has caramel brown skin and indigenous Mexican features in the form of xyr strong nose. Xe has heavy lidded dark brown eyes, dark brown wavy hair that curls at the ends and reaches xyr lower back. Small scar on right side of jaw along xyr chin. Small cupid's bow lips. Dark brown freckles occasionally dot xyr skin in constellations along arms. Hourglass figure.
Outfits description for work: high waisted slacks, button down dress shirts, waistcoats, ties, brown trench coat (for cold months), argyle jumpers, sock garters, belt, colourful socks (hidden) Oxford shoes.
Outfits description for casual daily wear: high waisted slacks/denim jeans/capris/ shorts (for hotter seasons), tucked in Hawaiian shirts, baggy jumpers with designs, colourful socks (on display), dresses, skirts and blouses, open vests.
Home: 221C. Between the events depicted in Ep1 and Ep 3 of S1, Mrs. Hudson renovates 221C thanks to the combined income from Sherlock and John and Sonata moves in long before the events depicted in Ep3.
Occupation: D.I. working for Scotland Yard. Answers to D.I. Lestrade. Has some training as a profiler.
The Peacemaker. Sonata is often seen listening to others, offering interpersonal advice, acting as a mediator between arguing characters when xe is in the room, and often assists more prickly characters to express their emotions more concisely and tactfully.
The Cupid. Sonata is seen often playfully teasing and sincerely attempting to assist certain characters in confronting their feelings about another. In the series, Sonata nudges at least two couples together and helps a third in finalising their relationship.
Personality in five words: Cautious, Earnest, Macabre, Playful, Curious
Six positive traits: Observant, Cognitively & Emotionally Empathetic, Polite, Trustworthy, Tactful, Kind
Six negative traits: Judgemental, Quick to Annoy/Anger, Stubborn, Slow to Trust, Secretive, Quietly Delights in Xyr Own Violent Intrusive Thoughts (although xe doesn't act on them).
Hobbies: painting, letter writing with wax seals, photography, stargazing, drawing, reading, writing poetry, chess, exploring London museums and art galleries, feeding the local magpies, cooking/baking.
Idiosyncrasies: hums/sings when xe thinks xe is alone, bounces leg, bounces on balls of feet, fiddles/gesticulates with hands, plays with the curled ends of xyr hair, doesn't make much eye contact, is prone to staring, shies away from touch.
Character playlist:
Grimm!verse: Sonata is a Grimm (slightly superhuman, basically a natural born predator to creatures/beings/entities with an innate drive to protect humans from them and vice versa).
Dynamics With Other Characters
Note: below are Sonata's relationship dynamics spelled out with each character and includes reference to canon and canon divergent depictions of canon ONLY to give backstory to each relationship and offer insights into potential rp dynamics.
I am rather flexible and am happy to start from scratch with Sonata's relationships although the dynamics themselves are pretty fixed.
Sherlock Holmes
Found Family Adopted Siblings. Sonata and Sherlock have a sibling-esque relationship, with the former often pestering the latter to take better care of himself, be nicer to others, and enjoys helping him with his experiments no matter how grotesque and macabre they get. Xe also enjoys teasing Sherlock about John and acts as a soundboard of what Sherlock should and shouldn't say to John when Sherlock manages to swallow his pride and ask for xyr advice.
John Watson
Platonic Ride Or Die. Sonata is John's emotional safe harbour, someone he enjoys coming home to visit with and unwind with in front of the telly while they exchange banter, vent about work or Sherlock, take the piss out of what they're watching, and plan trips to just get out of the house. They often go out for ice cream regardless of the weather outside and bring some back for Mrs. Hudson and Sherlock.
Molly Hooper
Best friends for 9 lives. Sonata platonically falls head over heels for with Molly upon first meeting her and quickly becomes fiercely protective of her, going so far as to snap at Sherlock and chew him out for being rude or dismissive toward the doctor. Sonata spends every chance xe can hanging out with Molly, watching horror/romcom, going shopping, having sleepovers, and helping Molly boost her own self-confidence ♡
Mycroft Holmes
Found Family Adopted Siblings. Mycroft kidnaps Sonata just as he had kidnapped John. Being prepared for this by John, Sonata surprises him with being calm and collected, deeply moved by how far he is willing to go to ensure his brother's safety. Mycroft offers the same monetary deal as he had John and like John, Sonata rejects it before offering to give him updates via face-to-face meetings where xe can learn more about Mycroft too. Amused, he accepts and they begin meeting up at different places to talk and spend time together where Mycroft eventually begins to use xem as an emotional soundboard and xe uses him to reassure when xe is being rational about xyr feelings and when xe isn't.
Gregory Lestrade
Between Boss, Friend, and Parental. Sonata respects and admires Lestrade, enjoys practicing speaking French with him, trusts him as a leader and superior, and enjoys the way he speaks a little more gently to xem than everyone else. Lestrade appreciated and admires how well Sonata can keep up with Sherlock and work with the abrasive consulting detective-- the main reason why Sonata was hired was because xe showed promise in being able to handle Sherlock. Lestrade often checks in on xyr mental wellbeing and Sonata often does the same-- both struggle to open up but it's easier when they're at the local pub together and their eyes are focused on the fútbol match.
Jim Moriarty
Complicated (Sierra "I wish I could quit you" Sonata x Jim "shut up lol you know you love me ♡" Moriarty). Moriarty targets Sonata to emotionally manipulate instead of Molly months before the events depicted in The Great Game to get close to Sherlock and revel in the eventual emotional carnage that would follow betraying him and everyone else close to him. Unfortunately for him, Sonata is a hard target and his method acting in wooing and romancing the reclusive, cautious detective eventually gives way to real feelings, although the revelation doesn't come until the last minute and after he's revealed himself as the villain all along. When he fakes his death, Sonata secretly mourns him. When he returns, xe not-so-secretly wants to kill him and must prove why xe shouldn't.
Note: this pairing is macabre, twisted, dark in nature underneath layers of banter, fliration, and playfulness; it involves levels of unhealthy obsession, emotional manipulation, psychological manipulation, and subtle attempts at gaslighting from Moriarty's perspective. While there is love between them, it's a very vicious kind of love. Jim RP blogs must be 18+ and are encouraged to reach out to me to discuss the dynamics further.
Mrs. Hudson
Adopted Grandmother. Sonata sees her as a grandmother and often helps her around the house. When her hip is not bothering her, Mrs. Hudson likes to invite Sonata to go on strolls with her and teach xem baked recipes. Often, they enjoy sitting down with some tea and watching telly. Sonata thoroughly enjoys listening to Mrs. Hudson talk about her girlhood and likes writing down her stories. Sometimes, they secretly feed the squirrels in the nearby park when Sonata goes to feed the magpies.
How this blog works
I (call me Sunday) am an ADULT and will be posting blog entries that highlight key events that take place in my au and other aus from Sonata's POV. I'll also be RPing for xem in different AUs as I pick them up haha. They'll be tagged accordingly.
Sonata will sometimes RB posts tagged with #Sonata aesthetics for xyr own amusement and is a great way to get a better glimpse into xyr mind besides what's been listed already.
I will also be posting RP beginning prompts in 1st and 3rd person for anyone who sees my writing and after consulting this post, wants to rp with me :). Ask box will be open, and if someone wants to RP, I will happily answer in whatever POV you start the writing in whether it's 1st or 3rd person :)!
Always feel encouraged to tag me in your rp prompt posts ♡
Have any questions? Please drop an Ask or DM and I'll get back to you ASAP.
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