Oneshots and Scenarios!
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tellatennie · 4 years ago
Shigaraki smut
I wrote this high asf so it'll most likely get deleted soon because when I wake up after publishing this ill regret being born lmo. This is literally my first time writing smut and i did it when i was high. Probably not a good combo.
"OHH THAT'S JUST CHEATING" I shouted at my boyfriend, while smashing the buttons on the switch controller. We were playing Mario Kart and needless to say we were both quite competitive at it. "TOMURA STOP THAT'S CHEATING" I shrieked, he kept poking my side just when I would be getting ahead of him, causing me to lose control of the controller and allowing him to slip by. 
"Its called playing smart!" he smirked at me and crossed the finish line in first. I sighed and rolled my eyes "Next one I'll get you" We were playing rounds of three, three tracks, three games, three chances to win. Now I only have two chances to win, seeing as my boyfriend was a cheater at every game we played. He even cheated during Monopoly by getting Dabi to distract me while he stole money and hotels from the box.
I had a plan though, I knew what to do to throw him off his game.
We started the second race, and we both kept our cars almost directly next to each other the whole time, at this point we knew how the other would react to something and we used that against each other. Crossing the line to start our third and final lap I waited until just the right moment to put my plan into play. I had planned it just carefully enough where he didn't see something was coming, but I was just barely ahead of him. 
Just a little's way away from the final finish line I jumped on him and grabbed his controller and yanked it from him as hard as I could. He let out a yelp of shock and quickly reacted, going for the controller immediately. My premeditated plan work perfectly as I lifted both my feet up with s p e e d. He landed on my feet and groaned in light pain. He rolled his eyes as I passed the finish line in first and he stood up.
"That was so unfair!" I gave him the most innocent smile I could muster. "Its called playing smart babe!" I said in a borderline mocking tone. He snatched his controller back from me, accidentally disintegrating it. I laughed at his now emotionless 'I just died inside' face expression.
"Don't worry baby, I always keep spares just incase." I stood up and walked over to my table, picking up another controller I had set out, whilst picking up a little surprise present I had gotten Tomura. It was put in a cute little box that I had carefully wrapped ribbon around. I walked back over to him where he was sitting on my couch fidgeting his fingers, "I'm sorry (Y/N)". I plopped next to him and handed him the box. turning to face him while watching his expression change from confusion to happiness at the realization that I got him a present. He tugged at the ribbon but to no avail, the ribbon was put on there a bit tight, so he ended up just disintegrating the ribbon off. He lifted the lid off the box to reveal a pair of gloves that cover only two fingers to help him prevent destroying some things with his quirk. He lifted the gloves up and a smile spread across his face.
"Wow.. Thank you baby" He slipped the gloves on and looked at me with a goofy smile. "But I'm still gonna beat you in round 3"
"I'd like to see you try"
We had a deal that neither of us would try to make the other lose. ‘A fair fight’ we called it. It’s obvious no one had the intention to make this a fair fight, we were both glancing at each other and smiling. So yeah, obvious. 
Eventually we had both made our way to first and second place, but I was showing to have the chance of being first. I was quite ahead of him and I just had my fingers crossed for a Bullet Bill power up to seal my win.
I came up on a row of power ups and I drove through one, waiting to see what I got. I got a banana. I huffed in defeat and kept driving, throwing the banana behind me. 
“Ohh whaT THE HELL” Tomura said as he conveniently ran over the banana, causing his car to slow and allowing me to gain more of an advantage against him. "Haaa looks like I'm going to win!" 
Suddenly he pounced on me, pinning my arms above my head with one hand while taking away my controller with the other. “What happened to no cheating? Did you just get too mad at me?” I mocked. He leaned over and kept my arms pinned with his forearm and used his hands to keep steering his car, not responding to me. I tried wiggling my arms out but to no avail, he’s pretty strong.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and flipped him onto his back in return. I snatched his controller away and made his racer drive off a cliff and tossed the controller onto the ground where he wouldn’t be able to reach it. I looked back at him to see that his face was slowly turning red. I leaned down and rested my head on his chest and smiled at him. I let go of his pinned arms and lowered my hands to trace the scratch marks on his neck. He brought his hands down and ran his fingers through my hair. He sat up and gripped the back of my neck, pulling me in to kiss him. I could feel his other hand start to roam up my thigh when we suddenly heard the Mario Kart finish line music play through the speakers. We broke away from the kiss to see who had won. 
”WALUIGI!?” I yelled, jumping from my spot on the couch. Running up to the tv with my controller. “HOW DID WALUIGI WIN HE FUCKING SUCKS!” I huffed and crossed my arms, mumbling quite rude things directed at the annoying character. I felt Tomuras arms wrap around my waist as he laid his chin on my shoulder. 
“It’s just a game baby, besides, that just means you and I are still tied. So we need to find another way to find the winner” He whispered that last part in my ear. “What other way are we gonna decide who wins then- ohhhh” I felt very very dumb in that moment. Tomura laughed and pulled me back onto the couch. I sat on the couch as he turned off the tv. I patted the cushion next to me to tell him to sit. He gave me a questioning look and sat next to me. 
I flipped my leg around and crawled into his lap, facing him. He rested his hands on my waist and leaned up to kiss me. I put my hands on the sides of his head and deepened our kiss. He licked my bottom lip, asking for my permission. I parted my lips and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. There was no “battle for dominance”. There was him, just this gorgeous man exploring my mouth for the umpteenth time. 
We broke from the kiss and I buried my head in his shoulder, slowly starting to rock my hips against his lap. I took in the scent of his cologne, it was the same cologne I had bought him for his birthday. It was my favorite on him and the fact that he uses it almost everyday makes me feel so many emotions, most of which I had never even grown up with. 
He groaned as I grinded against him faster, I could feel his very obvious hard-on through his pants. He matched my grinding with his and used my hips to direct me the way he wanted. “God I love you” He mumbled into my ear, I tried to giggle but moaned as he put his hands up my shirt and kneaded my breasts. It had been a while since we were this intimate due to him being busy with the league but I was glad I had caught him on a day off. 
He suddenly picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bedroom. He laid me on the bed and stood in between my thighs as I wrapped my legs around him. He slid my shirt over my head and un clipped my bra and started sucking on my sensitive buds. (I’m literally so high rn) I put my hands in his hair and tugged slightly, moaning his name.
”Nngh- T-Tomura, I n-need you” He looked up at me and stood straight, slipping my leggings and underwear off my legs. “Do you baby? Because you seemed to be doing fine earlier” He unbuckled his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. He aligned with my entrance and I was waiting for the immense pleasure soon to follow but there was nothing. I looked up at him and saw him smirking at me, whilst not moving. 
“W-what the hell. babe come on, pleaseee” I groaned with anticipation, trying to squirm but he quickly put his hands on my thighs, stopping any movement from me. “aghh Tomura I don’t know what you’re trying to do- OH GOD” I was mid sentence when he suddenly trust his member in me as fast as it seemed like he could. He groaned as he thrusted into me again and again “Oh baby you’re so tight” 
Our moans filled the whole apartment as he never showed any sign of slowing down. I gripped the sheets and tried to match his movements but he kept me in his grip. That’s when I knew I was his for tonight, and I loved every second of it. With every deep thrust, his member hit my core just at the right spot where every time I feel like I’m going to burst from pleasure. My eyes rolled back into my head, waiting for my upcoming climax.
He stopped moving. My eyes snapped to him. 
“Get on the bed on all fours for me baby” He said in a low octave that he usually had during our more intimate interactions and I feel like he knows it turns me on. I crawled onto the bed on all fours as instructed. He came up behind me and before I could even say anything snarky he once again thrust his member into me before I could even react. I buried my face in my pillow and matched his pace, pushing my ass into him. 
He rubbed my ass sensually as his pace quickened. “mmm baby I’m close” he groaned. I nodded in my pillow and tried not to make the loudest sound I could. I could feel my climax rounding the corner. 
I gasped and made an almost scream sound as I came around his dick. His pace slowed as he busted in me. He pulled out a few seconds after and I laid on my side, him following suit. 
“I missed you” I mumbled into his chest as he pulled me closer. He rubbed simple shapes on my back and kissed my forehead. 
“I missed you too baby.” I giggled and looked at him, pecking his lips.
”I think it’s safe to say you won the tie”
Ahhhahh i’m so fucking high right noww. I’ll most likely add a note at the top when I get off the high so whatever my sensible self says, listen lmaoooo
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tellatennie · 4 years ago
Denki Kaminari x Female!Reader
Warnings: Rough kissing??
I wrote this a while ago xD And someone requested to be put in it then so thats who Lizzie is because FAN SERVICE 
Stupid party. I hate this
I sighed as I stood in my friends room, glaring at my reflection in the mirror. She was having a huge party downstairs and had forced me into a dress that she bought me. 
”I look. Just....why?” She popped her head in through the doorway. “Oh my GOD YOU LOOK SO CUTEEEE” She squealed and ran into the room and circled me and hugged me. I stepped back and looked at her.
”Oh my gosh Lizzy you look so nice!” she gushed at me “Thanks (Y/N)! You think Katsuki will like it?” I nodded and she squealed.
She look my bun out and started to curl my hair, being careful to not burn me. 
“Yknow, Denki will love that dress on you.” She smirked at my flushing face. It was pretty obvious to everyone that I had a crush on him, and they would tell me he liked me back but I never believed them. 
“Sh-Shut up.” She giggles and when she finished my hair and took a step back and smiled at me. Someone cleared their throat from the door way and she let out a small shriek. We turned around to see Katsuki standing at the door. When he saw her he straightened up and flushed slightly. 
“Y-You look nice” She laughed and walked near him. “Did my Katsuki just stutter?” He grumbled and walked away, mumbling something into her ear. She giggled and pranced back to me and picked up a rose from her desk and placed it in my hair. She grabbed my shoulders and looked at me. 
“Listen to me (Y/N). Tonight is the night you are going to be the most vibrant girl in the room. Denki is going to see you and explode at your sexiness” I raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Should I be worried that your calling me sexy?” She pinched my cheek before smacking it slightly and walked to the door, glancing over her shoulder “Come down when your ready”  **** (Denki Pov)
I sighed, getting myself more of the fruit punch Lizzy had most likely spiked with vodka. I looked around the enormous living room, my eyes scanning for a certain brown haired girl. I saw Lizzy walk down the her I sped walked to her, tossing my arm around her shoulder. "Heyy Lizzy" She raised an eyebrow at me and smiled "Hi Denki, do you need something?" My face started to heat up slightly "umm well I was wondering if anyone else is coming to the party or if everyone is here already?"  "Oh you mean (Y-"  "OH HEY (Y/N)" I jumped at the shout from Kirishima and looked up the staircase in front of me and saw the beauty I had fallen for walking down the stairs with a flushed face. All eyes were on her, but she was looking right at me. My face felt hot I knew it was red. I start to walk to the bottom of Lizzies' seemingly endless staircase to join (Y/N), but as i approach it, and were still maintaining eye-contact, Ochaco, Mina, and Kirishima rush past me and speak to her and pull her away from me in the opposite direction (sad elec boi). I watch the back of their heads leaving the room into the kitchen when i feel someone nudge me. 
"Buck up buddy, they don't realize how much you love her" Lizzie says to me, a big grin on her face. "L-love? I d-don't loVE her" I sputter out, she obviously doesn't believe my pathetic lie. "Oh yeah, and you don't stay up until 4 in the morning playing pokemon on your ds. Don't worry though, ill set up some games so you'll be able tooooo..... talk to her?" Well that doesn't sound suspicious at all. Lizzie smiles and me and backs up slowly, disappearing into the crowd of people. I try looking for her to figure out what 'games' shes going to set up, but i cant find her, until she appears on a stage with a microphone. 
"HellOOO my welcome guests! Tonight has been amazing so far, and i have all of you to thank! For any of you who want to partake in some generic smexy party games, follow me into the basement lounge, if you prefer to stay up here in the main area feel free to!" oh noooo nonono Lizzie makes her way off the stage and motions for people to follow her. She looks at me and motions for me especially. 
We all make our way down to her GIANT lounge and everyone gathers in a circle, I see most of class 1-A and a few students from 2-B. I see (Y/N) from across the circle, shes in deep conversation with Monoma, laughing and making jokes with him. I feel a pang of jealously in my chest and I look away from them and take a seat on a couch. Resting my chin on my palm, watching the group around me. 
(Your Pov)
"OK everyone take a seat in a circle and we'll get started!" Lizzie said aloud. I skim the room and notice Denki looking a little grumpy, I go to talk to him put I'm pulled into a seat by Mina. "Don't worry (Y/N), you'll get to socialize with your boy-toy during the games" I flushed "H-hes not my b-boy-toy" she gives me a look and is about to say something when she gets cut off by Lizzie. "Okie dokie then i think we're ready to play some games, how about we start off with spin the bottle?" This question got a lot of good responses from the lounge dwellers so Lizzie pulled out an empty bottle and set it down on the ground in the middle of the circle. "Who's up first?" She was met with silence "Alright..... guess ill go then" She was met with many protests and people offering to go first. See, Lizzie isn't able to play these kind of games because if Katsuki ever found out, everyone participating would be dead in seconds, so no one wants her to do anything other then watch and help move it along. 
"That's what i thought, well then i get to pick who goes first......Izuku! You spin first!" Izukus face flushed a bit as he reached forward and spun the bottle, every ones eyes were on the bottle as it slowed down and stopped on Shoto. Poor Izuku was a stuttering mess as people around them giggled like crazy, everyone knew about the crushes each of them had on one another and it was adorable to watch the timid izuku lean over and peck the maroon faced shoto on the lips. Everyone giggled even more as izuku returned to his seat and hid his face in his polo shirt. "Cuteee. Alright, i vote (Y/N) next!" Lizzie said with the dorkiest smile on her face. I gulped slightly and glanced at Denki out of the corner of my eyes, he looks like hes on edge, he definitely straightened his back. I reached over to the bottle and spun it, i want it to land on Denki, i really do. It slows to a stop. 
Monoma. Dang. Monoma is probably one of my best friends, i don't really want to kiss him. "Do i have to kiss him on the lips?" I ask, "No you don't, but this is the only veto for anyone" I lean over to Monoma and kiss him on the cheek. "Good, i don't want to kiss her, shes a good best friend but not my sophisticated type." Monoma chuckles out. Everyone lets out those nose breath laughs and moves on. 
After a few rounds of this game people start getting a bit bored, so Lizzie announces "Well i guess we only have enough time  for one more game, its getting late. So lets play a spicy game, 7 minutes in heaven!" Some people groan, and some people squeal. Its very obvious who likes this game and who doesn't. 
Lizzie has everyone drop some sort of item of theirs into a hat and Lizzie has people draw something at random. Some pairs go into a closet and come out exactly the same, other go in and come out with obvious ruffled hair and lipstick smears. Lizzie gets to me and reaches the hat out to me "No peaking (Y/N)" I reach in and run my hand around, i feel something seemingly rectangular and flat, connected to what i think is a lanyard. I pull it out and quickly look at the item. eff
The lanyard is yellow and covered with small pikachus in different poses, i look at the UA i.d card connected to it and i see what i both wanted to see, and dreaded to see. I see the dorky smile of Denki Kaminari. Lizzie snatches the lanyard out of my hand and peers at it, with the most ecstatic look on her face. (Y/N) and Denki! You're up!" I'm shoved into the medium sized closet with Denki, i back into a corner, and i cant see anything. "Seven minutes starting nowwww!" i hear Lizzie shout from a room over. 
"Lizzie? Where are you? I cant see anything" Denki says, i hear a small thud and i hear what was most likely something hitting him on the head. "I'm here Denki" I reach my hands out to feel for him "Are you okay you ditz? That sounded like it hurt" I feel my hands touch something moving (him obviously) "Yeah I'm fine" I feel his hands over mine and he travels them up my arms and onto my face, cupping my cheeks. "D-denki? What're you d-doing" 
"I'm glad you pulled my lanyard out of that hat, the truth is (Y/N)... I really like you, more than a friend. D-do you think you would like the be with m-me?" My heart melts, 'this sweet little bean' I reach my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me "W-wha-" i cut him off my kissing him, something I've wanted to do almost since i met him. 
(Denki Pov)
Shes- Kissing me!?! Her lips are warm and soft, i kiss her back, and inwardly cringed at how it was a little rougher then i wanted it to seem, but she starts kissing me harder too so imma roll with it.
(Your Pov) 
He pushes me into the wall of the closest, my hands are in his hair, tugging him into the rough kiss more, One of his hands roam down to my ass and he gropes it slightly, causing me to gasp, which he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. As we battle for dominance he taps my thighs with his hand basically telling me to jump. I wrap my legs around his waist as he keeps me pinned in the wall with his body. He slips his tongue out of my mouth and he makes his way down to my neck, licking and sucking on almost all the surface area of it. His hands start to roam my thighs and they make their way up to-
"PUT MY FRIEND DOWN BOI" The closet door is swung open by Lizzie and when she sees the position we're in she pretends to faint and walks away laughing her ass off. Denki sets my legs back on the ground and awkwardly looks at everyone staring at us. "What?" He asks, they all divert their eyes as Denki takes my hand and leads me out of the lounge and outside to Lizzies' patio. We sit down at a table and smile at each other like dorks. "(Y/N), would you like to be my girlfriend? Given what we just did in the closet I would hope so but i figured i need to ask just to be sur-" I once again cut him off from rambling and press my lips onto his. This actually might be what everyone calls happily ever after...
jzfdb.kjdsgnbkjngbkjsg I'm REALLY bad at writing romantic scenes *cough* or any scene at all *cough* but i hope you all enjoyed!
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tellatennie · 4 years ago
Denki: “You said bring my grades up”
Aizawa: “....I did say that, lemMME sEE Em”
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tellatennie · 4 years ago
Bakugou x Soulmate!Reader
Hi! This is my first Tumblr post! Not my first time writing but it wont be as awesome as everyone else on Tumblr but I hope you like it! Im still figuring some mechanics of Tumblr out first so let me know if I mess any technical stuff up :)
SOULMATE AU: Reflecting in the mirrors is the appearance of your soulmate 
(Y/N): age thirteen
”mommmm can you come here for a minute?” I call out of the open bathroom door. I’m freaking out. I looked in the mirror one second and it was fine then the next moment it’s reflecting a boy with spiky ash colored hair and not me. 
“Yes sweetheart?” My mom said walking next to me. “Who's....that” I say; pointing at the mirror. She smiles at me.
”Is it not you?” I shake my head. “Then that’s your soulmate” I look up at her. “My... soul..mate?”  She crouches down to meet my very short height. 
“You see, everyone has someone that’s perfect for them. Someone that you can be best friends with and hopefully marry” She stands up and looks in the mirror. “Everyone that has a soulmate sees that person in the mirror instead of themselves. I see your father, and your father sees me.” I make an o shaped mouth and nod. 
“So my soulmate sees me in their mirror?” I ask. She nods. I glance back to the mirror and leave the bathroom. 
Meanwhile, about a 30 minute drive away (No POV) 
”What the HELL” A young boy yells. 
“Language!” His mom screams. “WHY THE HELL IS THERE A PERSON IN MY MIRROR” He heard his mom stomp up the stairs. “What are you blabbering about?” She glared at him from the doorway. 
“There’s a fucking person in the mirror” He deadpans to his mother. She squeals and runs over and hugs him. “Wha- GET OFF ME YOU OLD HAG” She smiles at him and smacks him upside the head. “That’s your soulmate!”
” whAT?” She explains to him the details of having a soulmate without yelling more than 3 times. (Sorry, I'm lazy) The boy somewhat glares at the mirror as his mom leaves.
”Stupid fuckin system makin that extra my “soulmate”” he mumbles to himself while walking away.
I groan and hit my alarm clock. Today was the first day of school at U.A and I did not want to get out of bed. I slumped the top of my body and slowly slid off my bed onto the floor (we have all done that) I get dressed into my uniform and walk into my bathroom. I stare at the ‘reflection’ of the once young boy that turned into a handsome young man that you call your soulmate. I figured he was about the same age as me but I could always be wrong. My mom has to do my hair every morning due to me not being able to see myself anymore other than pictures. 
After she did my hair I bid her farewell and walk out the door, excited for what the first day of school will bring.
I stare at the somewhat H shaped building. My jacket hood pulled over my head, I walk into the school and search for my classroom. I made a few friends during the entrance exam, like Kirishima, Mina, and Ochaco. So at least I knew I would have friends.
I walk into my designated classroom and immediately get tackled by Mina. 
“(Y/N)!” I let out a laugh and pat her back to get off me.
”Hey Mina, can’t breathe” She got off of me and backed up whilst I stood up. I eye around the room and spot the people I saw at the exams. My gaze falls on a blonde guy sitting with Kirishima and a yellow haired boy. I remove my gaze and look for my seat but Im FrEaKiN oUt DuDeS. 
Oh right next to him that’s great 
Why am I freaking out? You probably guessed (*cough* since this is a cheesy oneshot*) . It’s the same exact boy I have seen in my mirror for the past 2 and a half years. I sit down at my seat and try not to look too much in that direction. Hoping the crimson eyes I constantly had stared into, didn’t land on me. 
“Oh! Hey (Y/N)! Nice to see you got in this class too!” 
God damn it Kirishima
I turn my head to him and smile “Hey Eijiro! Nice to see you too” He stands from his sitting position off the desk. 
“This is Denki Kaminari” He pointed at the yellow haired boy “And this is Katsuki Bakugou” He leaned in slightly and whispered “Be careful around him, he’s a hot head” The blonde boy shot up. 
“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY SHITTY HAIR?” The boy glanced at me and then back to Kirishima. I see him do a double-take at me and blink slightly. He quickly regains his *terrible* posture and crosses his arms and glares daggers at Kirishima.
"This is (Y/N) (L/N) by the way" He added, acting like he didn't just get screamed at. I smile slightly and wave. I feel someone hug me from behind and put their hands over my eyes. "Guess who" a very high and obviously fake voice came from behind me. I think for a second; the only person I know that would need to make their voice higher other than Kirishima would be....
"zuku!" He huffs and removes his hands and I turn around to stand up and hug him. Me and Izuku have known each other for a while, my dad is his moms brother, making us cousins. So him and I would hang out often. Just as I was about to start a conversation with him our teacher Aizawa appeared from practically nowhere and told us to take our seats.
I got a weird feeling that someone was watching me about halfway through the lesson, figuring it to be Izuku I glance at him only to find his head stuck in his notebook writing down what Aizawa said. I looked around the classroom before giving up and looking down at my desk. I still feel watched and out of the corner of my eye I see Katsuki Bakugou staring directly at me. I make eye contact with him and hold it for about 3 seconds before snapping my eyes to my notes. I see him move his head to his notebook to start writing his notes.
When class lets out for the day I organize and pack all my things together in my bag and stand up to leave when I notice a note on my desk; neatly folded into quarters. I look around the classroom and just now notice I'm the only person left in the room. I pick up the note and open it, reading it out loud. 
"Meet me at the (Random Park Name: R/P/N) at five" I glanced at the clock that reads 3:45. Giving me plenty of time to go home, have a snack, get dressed and go. I don't know why I'm going, I just feel like I need to. 
I walk out of my house holding the note in my hand. I walk to (R/P/N) and stand outside the entrance. I walk in and sit on one of the benches and scroll on my phone. I feel someone sit next to me but I pay them no attention. I could tell it was a guy but I didn't want to seem weird or something. He cleared his throat expectantly. I look up at him to meet the gaze of Bakugou. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly and look down at my hand holding the note. 
"Um. Hi. I'm assuming you gave me the note then? Is there something you need?" I raise my head to look at him. He scoffs, "We both know we're soulmates so don't act fuckin stupid like those other idiots." He snaps. 
"Alright fine. Yes we're soulmates. Why did you want to talk to me" I said, trying to act super chill about it. "Because I wanted to get to know you dumbass"
For someone as hot as you, you seem really dumb 
"I could say the same thing to you gorgeous" I snap my head to him to see his eyebrows raised and him smirking. My face flushed, did I say that out loud?
Me and Bakugou walked together for about 3 hours after that, just telling each other about ourselves. I learned that he is really sweet-hearted but he doesn't want people to know that so he made me swear not to say anything about it. Somehow our hands got linked together and we were sitting in a patch of dandelions on a large hill looking down at the city. 
"You know I've dreamed about meeting someone as pretty as you the day you appeared in my mirror" He commented, glancing over at me. He was really good at complimenting, I've lost count of how many times he's made me blush tonight.
I leaned my head on his shoulder and asked "does this mean we're a thing now?" He let out a soft laugh and put his hand under my chin and lifting me head up. He closed the gap between us. I couldn't help but notice how soft his lips were. I leaned into the kiss, deepening it as he cupped my face. When we broke apart he rested his forehead onto mine and smiled softly at me. 
"Of course we're a thing dumbass"
AHhh I'm bad at writing romantic scenes I'm sorry xD
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