teeny-tiny-tanya · 5 years
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I’m starting a mini series of comics following a young Eevee living with her family of Eeveelutions. 
Instagram Twitter Ko-Fi
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
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i was in a heith mood (i’m ALWAYS in a heith mood)
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
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Commissions are OPEN!
Finally, right? So commissions are going to be open to I think 5 slots to start out? And then we’ll see from there ^^
I will NOT draw:
anything that promotes hate
If I’m drawing your OC, please send through a pre-existing drawing of them.
Please don’t be afraid to be as specific as you can! You’re paying me for a service, the last thing I’d want to do is draw something you don’t particularly like!
For terms and conditions please read my faq
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
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Love struck.
Commission Me
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
Okay guys, Ellen here with a couple of skin colour art hacks. Skin colours can be hard to pick, especially for races you’re not seeing in your own home or on TV every day. So I got a couple of hacks to share! The first is How To Make a Flesh Cloud.
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On a layer set to Normal, make this gradient. This is pretty easy since most art programs have gradient tools. I used Levels to adjust how pale and how dark the colours could go. If you do this, you might wanna apply a Gaussian Blur a couple times to make sure it’s still buttery smooth.
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Now you’re gonna go on a new layer and make this gradient here. These are called your undertones. On the left is the ‘cool’ tone, which you can stretch into a more purple range if you please. On the right is your ‘warm’ tone, which you can go further into yellow or almost green if you like. If you push too far into green, purple and blue, you’ll get some rather outlandish tones. Good for zombies and vampires if you’re looking for that, but I’m sticking to ‘lively’ tones for now.
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Whoaaaa, what’s this! This is just what happens when you change the settings! With the later ‘Undertones’ on top, I set it to 30% opacity and the ‘Hue’ layer mode in CSP. Suddenly I have these lovely colours that I can play around with! I personally didn’t like any other combinations of layer modes, but you can play around at you please. Fiddling with the ‘Curves’ correction layer can offer you a wider variety of colours in a specific shade - light, medium, or dark can suddenly have a dozen different categories!
The other hack is for when you’re drawing someone in particular, or you have a piece of 3D animation you want to do fanart for, or you’ve picked a real person with the PERFECT skin colour that you want to duplicate in your art. 
Let’s say I want to draw Lupita Nyong’o. She’s a gorgeous woman, why would I not?
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DO NOT JUST PICK COLOURS OFF OF HER PHOTO. Picking colours from photos or 3D renders is so hard, guys. Never do it. You end up with more mud than gold in your pan. So I’m gonna introduce you to a special filter. In Photoshop it’s called Crystallise, but in CSP, it’s called Mosaic. It lets you take a photograph and turn it into boxes of solid colour, rather than tiny teeny pixels that are impossible to pick correctly.
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Ta-dah! … Okay, it looks terrible. But now I have solid colours that I can pick and palette without fear of grabbing something that looks nothing like the final result!
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
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I get asked a lot for tips with coloring black people, so i put together a little tutorial! (and bumps my kofi if you found this helpful)
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
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Again this is my personal take on color! It really depends on the situation and what you personally value, and in the end practice is your best friend.
genice’s color practices
color palette challenge (one iteration of it; there’s lot of people who made them)
(not mentioned, but helpful)
Patrick (H) Willems’s video essays on color in film; specifically his ones on
Wonder Woman and Marvel
I thought he had one on John Wick too but I can’t find it. If you like saturated colors though, check that movie out!!
those are only a couple of exterior references, there’s lots out there!! so good luck & I hope this helped!!
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
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Commissions are OPEN!
Finally, right? So commissions are going to be open to I think 5 slots to start out? And then we’ll see from there ^^
I will NOT draw:
anything that promotes hate
If I’m drawing your OC, please send through a pre-existing drawing of them.
Please don’t be afraid to be as specific as you can! You’re paying me for a service, the last thing I’d want to do is draw something you don’t particularly like!
For terms and conditions please read my faq
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
The end of the year is upon us, and with it the end of my university year! What does that mean??
Sketch Prompts are now OPEN!!! Yay!!!
And since I've been sitting on the requests I've had for nearly a year, I'm sorry to say I'm scrapping them so I can have a clean slate and work on fresher prompts.
Send them through via asks pls! No prompts in my messages, those are for commissions.
Which brings me to my next point:
Commissions are finally being opened! I'll post a commission guide soon but just know that I'm willing to commit to doing art for you guys in these coming months.
I'm super excited about this. My paypal is now up and running so hopefully I'll get some work done ^^
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
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Day 5 -Sea Witch
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
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Day 4 - Plant Witch
He doesn't take kindly to trespassers
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
dark lind show me the sai brushes
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do with this powerful forbidden knowledge what you will
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
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Day 3 -Bog Witch
I wonder what that frog is saying?
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
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Day 2 - Bone Witch
A performance worthy of a Tony
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
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Day 1 - Pumpkin Witch
I'm doing @juanjoltaire's witchtober prompts for inktober this year. What a cute little witch, I wonder what she's brewing?
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 6 years
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So, @zhe-lazy-fox has this REALLY cool avatar au that i’ve been in love with for eons since, you know, it’s common knowledge that I love AU’s. So have firebender Keith!
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teeny-tiny-tanya · 7 years
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Swap!/Reverse! AU Allura I was talking about waaaay back in this post.
I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t had any time to draw for myself except for like doodles and sketches and event artworks here and there. I’ll try to get to the requests I want to work on by the end of April, but right now putting like 2+ hours for drawing each request is just impossible. Don’t think I forgot about them! You guys know who you are, and you haven’t been forgotten, trust me. There’s one that I really want to make into a comic as well and it’s been in my mind since December! I even have a bit of it roughed out, so be excited for that ^^
Apart from that, all my pages are now on full/semi hiatus. My main blog isn’t as active as it generally is and there won’t be an update on my heith ask blog I think for this whole year? I might squeeze something in if I can, but I don’t think it’s possible.
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