teenager-probs · 6 years
more audio edits x
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teenager-probs · 6 years
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teenager-probs · 6 years
here u go love.
The Styles Effect Pt. 3
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teenager-probs · 6 years
I really loved the styles effect!!the plot to the story was really hilarious and creative! I was wondering when would you make a part 3 tho Xx
Your wish is my command ;)
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teenager-probs · 6 years
The Styles Effect Pt. 3
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Part One Part Two
Requests Open
Warnings: Cursing, fluffy prince!harry, Slight Kidnapping, Nudity (according to Harry #3), hella gifs
Pairing: Reader x Harry(s)
Y/n finds a notification on her phone asking to make a wish.
She thought nothing of it when she decided her wish, a wish for all the fanfiction Harry's she’s read, to become real.
Sure she thought nothing of it- until it came true.
"Are you fucking kidding me here! Do you know how many fucking psycho daddy demon fanfics I've read in my lifetime?!"
*Y/N = your name 
A/N: This story was originally posted on wattpad by chingyonce. I give her full credit for this. I have changed some things and I’ve taken some things out. But overall this is her original idea and content. I wanted to have this story on this platform so if you don't have wattpad you can read the story here.
Also, none of these images/gifs are mine- full credit to the owners
"By God, it doesn't even work on horsepower. What do you call this magnificent creature?"  I looked over at Prince Harry, my face scrunched with distress as I watched him repeatedly stroke the leather seats with wide amazed eyes, trying to move closer to the passenger window only for his body to be restrained back by his seat belt which I could tell was annoying him even though he tried to hide it.
"A car..." I answered, looking away as I blew out a small breath, hearing Teacher Harry in the back groan silently in his sleep.  
It was actually Teacher Harry's car, I found his car keys in the pocket of his jeans and just kept clicking the button on it until I found his car lighting up and beeping in the parking lot.  
And I did that swiftly after I ran into Prince Harry and hastily dragged him along with me in my desperate escapade in rounding up all these Harry’s I’m slowly running into.
Anyways, back to now.
So, all I have to do is find the rest of them, all the Harry’s. Which might not be too hard, if it wasn’t for the fact that I am a slightly obsessive fangirl who just can’t get her fix on all the AU Harry’s that she can read about.
I’ve already gotten three including the new addition -Prince Harry- who was aimlessly wandering around my school for no apparent reason.  
"So, what were you doing at my school again?" I asked, looking down since Prince Harry was laying flat in his passenger seat, playing with the recline button on the side.  
"Funny you say that I was lounging about in the marble-floored living room of my castle with a handful of beautiful maidens in silk waiting at my feet... and then, I find myself looking for you." He began, his British accent much stronger than the other two Harry's, as he placed his hands behind the back of his head and sighed, staring intently at the ceiling of the car.  
He seriously sounded like some rich multi-millionaire tycoon who laughed at different varieties of soft cheese and owned his own grape vineyard in the countryside.  
"Me?" I asked, flickering my gaze between him and the road.  
"Yes," He confirmed, his chair still back as he shifted, resting on his elbow to study my face.
"I awoke in the strangest place, with minuscule blue doors everywhere-"  
"And then this vision appeared in my head. Of you." He said in a slow voice as if trying to piece all the parts together in his head while he spoke as I felt his intense gaze on me before a long silence fell upon us.  
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"Maiden, are you my father's whore?"  
I swerved the car at his words, my eyes wide as I gripped onto the wheel, my heart racing as the tires screeched, hearing Teacher Harry slide and hit the side of the car making him let out another groan before I regained control as Prince Harry watched me with wide eyes.  
"My lady-"
"No, I am not your father's whore and ya know what, and I may not know what Narnia medieval world you come from but here, in this land, you don't call women whores, not here, not there, not anywhere. You, ‘Sam I Am’ asshole." I snapped at him, shaking my head at Harry.  
“My lady I apologize, my intention was not to offend you, but to address the fact you indeed are not the mistress of my father is jolly blinding." He said, clasping his hands together as I scrunch my face while he grinned.  
"It means excellent, superb, great- oh bloody hell woman! Your ankles!" He suddenly exclaimed, looking down at my legs in my seat with wide eyes as I leaned away from him in surprise.  
"My ankles yes! They're there!" I yelled back at him, trying to control my driving as I looked at Prince Harry who was blushing furiously.  
"My lady, your bare legs, your skin is showing for god's sake you're practically naked!" He flailed in his now upright seat, averting his gaze from the skirt I was still wearing as he tried to cover his blushing face.  
"Did you not notice that when we first saw each other at school?" I asked, rolling the car to a halt at a stop light.  
"I might have possibly missed that detail when I noticed the body of a man you were dragging who, I do say, is quite devilishly handsome." He said in a haughty voice, looking over his shoulder at unconscious Teacher Harry before he looked back at me and flashed me a flawless cocky smile that almost made my heart stop.  
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I swear on my life I saw a sparkling gleam on one of his pearly white teeth.  
Prince Harry suddenly began to take his large gold embroidered expensive looking coat off, leaving him in an off creme baggy -sort of see-through- shirt before he politely placed it on my lap to cover the exposed skin of my legs, adjusting and smoothing the fabric before retracting his hands back.  
"Uh, you didn't have to-"  
"No, I insist, please. I must admit it's more for my sake rather than yours and I regret to inform you that the mere sight of your exposed skin distracts me more than I'm comfortable with." He explained, rubbing his jawline and clearing his throat awkwardly as he looked out the window, the tips of his ears a light shade of pink from his blushing.  
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Do I amuse you, madam?" He smiled, a playful look on his face as he turned to meet my gaze.
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"Yeah, you could say that. Every time you talk it's like you're always quoting some smart person’s essay, oh, and you can stop with the whole ‘madam’ thing. My name's Y/n." I explained, driving forward before Harry took one of my hands off the wheel, the cold metals of his gold and silver rings on a few of his fingers brushing against my skin before he brought my hand to his soft lips.  
"Y/n hm? What a pleasure it is to be in the presence of such a fair maiden." He said, his voice held such a rich timber and a small smile spread across his lips. Still holding my hand, he ran his thumb gently over the back of my hand.
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I then belched out a loud burp, making Harry let go of my hand and retract back in his seat in surprise.
"Oh, you definitely my fav so far," I commented, putting my hand back on the wheel with a smile on my face.  
"Wait! Take me there!" Prince Harry suddenly exclaimed, leaning forward in his seat as he pointed out the window.  
"Burger King?" I asked, hesitant as I followed his request and drove over to the fast food place, parking the car as I looked over at him while he fumbled with his seatbelt.  
I guess fanfiction characters do eat.  
This pussy...  
As Prince Harry got out of the car, I looked behind my seat at unconscious Teacher Harry, his body splayed across the back seats.  
"You want a burger?" I asked him, trying to see if he’s at least a little conscious.
I heard him let out a little groan, his brows creased before I nodded.  
"Burger it is then," I said, surprised when I spotted Prince Harry outside my side of the car, trying to keep his composure while opening my door for as he nodded his head for me to exit the car, and then took my hand to lead me out while I held onto his jacket.  
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"Thanks", I said, trying not to freak out that Harry Styles -excuse me- Prince Harry Styles just opened the door for me.
“Oh this is yours”, I added, handing him his jacket back as he swallowed, giving me a quick, but polite nod and smile while he tried to avoid looking at my legs.  
Find a man who can appreciate naturally hairy legs I thought to myself, smiling at Prince Harry as he dramatically entered Burger King, pushing both glass doors open abruptly as he strode in.  
"Peasants, you may stay seated!" Harry announced to all the customers at their tables making everyone in the room, including the people waiting in line for their orders, all stop to stare at him in bewilderment.  
"Oh my god," I mumbled under my breath, standing behind him as he stood in the front of the restaurant, chin high and arms outstretched as if preparing himself for a speech.  
"I only beseech you to lead me to your ruler, King Burger." He said in a loud tone, his voice carrying out and echoing through the room mixing with the sound of thick potato slices being fried in the back.  
"No Harry this isn't-"  
"Ah, you must be him." Harry smiled when a chubby little boy wearing a cardboard Burger King crown approached him, slurping on his large coke as he looked up at Harry with wide eyes.  
"I must say, the Kings are a bit... younger here," Harry whispered, leaning back for only me to hear before he went down on one knee, bowing his head down in front of the little boy who was shaking his drink, trying to slurp more coke.  
"King Burger, my name is Prince Harold the fourth and I come in peace. I have journeyed from a far-off land-"  
The boy suddenly threw his cup of coke onto Harry, splashing him with the sticky liquid.  
Harry sputtered out in surprise, standing to his feet drenched in coke, his long darkened hair a bit wet as he stumbled back in surprise before I caught him from behind and stabled him.  
"Is this not a declaration of war! By all that is high and mighty, your kingdom will fall and I will behead you from which you stand King of Burger!" Harry bellowed through gritted teeth, his jaw locked as he pointed at the little chubby boy before Harry started to retrieve something from his waist, my eyes widening when I spotted the sheathed sword at his side.  
"Okay! That's enough! That is really enough!" I nervously laughed out, grabbing his wrists and stopping him from taking out his weapon as he continued to glare at the kid with narrowed furious green eyes while everyone stared at us in shock.  
"Come on Timmy, get away from the weird man." A woman who had just come out of the bathroom said, fast walking to her son before she dragged him away as he stuck his tongue at Harry who began to charge at him again until I intervened.  
"Woah, Woah, Woah, let's just go get you some food dude," I said, placing my hands on his broad chest, slightly pushing him back as he calmed down, still gritting his teeth before I brought him to the front register, the people in line, backing away eyeing us as I sent all of them an uneasy smile.  
"What can I get you." A lanky pale teenager said in a blank tone, blinking at me with an expressionless face as I helped dry Prince Harry with a bunch of napkins from the front counter as he mumbled curses under his breath.  
"Uh, two burgers please and a-"  
I felt a tug on my shirt, turning to find Harry looking at a little girl skipping with her dad wearing an identical cardboard Burger King crown on her curly-haired head.  
"I say, is there more than one ruler in this kingdom?" He asked me with a confused expression that was absolutely adorable before I just smiled and pointed behind the cashier at the array of cardboard crowns stacked in the back causing Harry's eyes to go wide in amazement.  
"May I have a crown?" He asked me with a childish grin before I nodded.  
"Yeah and one king junior please."  
Prince Harry stayed in the passenger side, sucking on the straw of his own cup of coke, looking through his kid's meal with the cardboard crown on his head falling slightly.  
"When Teacher Harry wakes up just hand him the burger and calm him down, make sure you explain that I'll be taking care of you guys," I said, nodding my head towards the other Harry who was still knocked out which was kind of worrying me but I honestly had other stuff to take care of at the moment.  
"You're like a noble knight my fair lady." Prince Harry said in awe, looking at me with wide green eyes as I stepped outside and closed the door, locking everything.  
"Or a pimp, anyways I'm taking the keys but the windows are open alright, I'll be quick," I told him, making him nod before I turned and headed toward Target that was in the same parking lot as the Burger King.  
I immediately looked for the whistles in the dollar section, wanting to find one loud enough like a rape whistle.  
So far the Harry's I've come across weren’t as bad as I was expecting. I mean the one I've read a while ago were pretty, bad, so I was going to prepare myself.  
My advantage here was that I knew their stories, although I've read so many that I might have forgotten some of them, but I’m pretty sure I still remember the gist of most of them.  
I walked out of the store, a whistle, and pepper spray in my hand that I had purchased before I heard the crash of a stand of items and products fall to the floor along with a loud curse from that same British voice that's been haunting me all day.  
I turned the corner, finding a different Harry this time by the look of his attire, this one was wearing a dark oversized sweater and his brown hair was a little past his shoulders in soft cascading subtle curls as he mumbled to himself, trying to pick up the groceries he had spilled from his brown bags.  
According to Prince Harry he had a vision of me and tried finding me, so maybe it was natural for all Harry's to come to me eventually... I just had to find out which one this one was.  
"Here, let me help you." I approached him, crouching down in front of him as I collected his things on the ground making him snap his gaze up to meet mine.  
"Thank you, sorry I'm just- I'm a tad clumsy." He smiled, chuckling to himself a bit averting his eyes back down to the floor as we gathered everything.  
"It's fine." I politely said, studying him as I placed my whistle and pepper spray in the pocket of my jacket before picking up the stand that was on the ground as this Harry stood to his feet, holding his brown bag of groceries in his arms again.  
"I really do appreciate it, I've been flustered lately trying to get this Greek recipe I'm currently working on and I was worried I got my spices mixed." He said in a shy tone, sending me a grateful smile as I blinked at him.  
Recipe... okay, this was definitely Chef Harry in that one fanfiction I read.  
This one was the culinary perfectionist, alright, not bad.  
"Uh, that seems like a lot of stuff you're carrying. Would you like me to help you take it to your car?" I asked, wondering how the hell I was going to get him in my car.  
Prince Harry went with me willingly so that was easy, maybe I could just knock this one out just like I did with the teacher.  
"Oh I actually walked here, my place is like right across the street from here, yeah it's pretty convenient but uh- I would actually appreciate some help." He said, blowing out a breath of relief and nodding as I took one of the bags from his arms.  
"I'm Harry by the way." He said, trying to maneuver the other bags in his arms to outstretch his free hand out for mine with a friendly smile.  
"Y/n." I introduced, shaking his hand while trying to come up with a plan on how I was going to kidnap him.  
We walked away from the store, me holding a few of his bags of food and vegetables as we talked and he leads me to his house across the street.  
He wasn't bad, he was actually pretty normal especially compared to the other Harry's.  
"Uh- you can just place the bags on the kitchen counter," He said, biting his lip as he walked inside his house first, trying to keep the door open for me with one of his long legs as I went inside, checking the room.  
Wonder if I could just tie him to a chair and then drag him outside to the parking lot where I parked the car.  
Where can I get rope though...  I placed the bags down on his kitchen counter, my eyes wandering around the cozy welcoming neatly kept living space as Chef Harry started to straighten out all his spices.  
"Make yourself at home, I just need to look for- oh god did I break the eggs." He murmured the last part to himself, a worried expression on his face as he peered down at one of the grocery bags while I made my way into his living room, taking in every detail.  
This place looked familiar, the white furniture, the gray and black pillows.  I took in a deep breath, smelling the scent of fall leaves and pumpkin making my eyes flicker to the candle on the mantle of the fireplace.  
Why did this all seem so familiar?
"Hey pumpkin, you think you could try out the new recipe I'm using? I could use some good constructive criticism." I heard his voice call from the kitchen, the sound of a knife dicing food in the other room echoing through his place as goosebumps formed on my skin.
My body stiffened, my palms immediately sweating when a quote from a fanfiction I had read a long long time ago popped into my head.  
He called me pumpkin.  
The quote in my head began to expand and everything became that much clearer.  
He called me pumpkin because he loved to carve, he loved to hear the screams I would make when he pushed me down to the floor of his plush carpet, gently running the tip of his knife against the bare skin of my back.  
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I gulped, looking down to find myself standing on that same dark rug that was mentioned in that one fanfiction.  
Oh god.  
No, anything but that fanfiction story.  
This wasn't Chef Harry at all.  
I walked back out into the hall, breathing heavily as I peeked my head and watched Harry in his kitchen, smirking to himself as he sharpened two large knives together, the metal scraping against one another before his dark green eyes flickered up, connecting with mine before he placed the knives downs with a mischievous smile on his face.  
"So pumpkin, how about you stay for dinner".
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I’m trapped in the house with fucking Psycho Harry.
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teenager-probs · 6 years
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7K notes · View notes
teenager-probs · 7 years
Bonniebird’s Masterlist
Jerome Valeska
Hemlock Grove
Roman Godfrey
Peter Rumancek
My Babysitters a Vampire
Criminal Minds
Game Of Thrones
Bran Stark
Ramsay Snow
Robb Stark
Jojen Reed
Theon Greyjoy
Jon Snow
Khal Drogo
Peaky Blinders
Alfie Solomons
The Vampire Diaries
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Katherine Pierce
Tyler Lockwood
Jeremy Gilbert
The Originals
Rebekah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaekson
Simon Lewis
Hodge Starkweather
Raphael Santiago
I(zzy)sabelle Lightwood
Jace Wayland
Alec Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Teen Wolf
Lydia Martin
Allison Argent
Theo Raeken
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Ethan and Aiden
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Jackson Whittemore
Liam Dunbar
Danny Mahealani
Momma Hale - Derek x Fem!Reader
The War Of Beacon Hills - Sterek
The Training Program - Teen Wolf Au
Our Cousin Stiles - Teen wolf / My babysitters A Vampire
Don’t Forget Me - Stydia
+18 Smut Masterlist
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Bates Motel
Witches of East End
Jack Hodgins
Wendell Bray
Seeley Booth
Animal Kingdom
The Kingsman
Fantastic Four
Johnny Storm
The Maze Runner
Now You See Me
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel “Danny” Atlas
The Avengers
Harry Potter
The Weasley Twins
Guardians Of The Galaxy
Peter Quill
The Man From U.N.C.L.E
Napoleon Solo
The Legend Of Hercules
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teenager-probs · 7 years
Hello I was wondering if your going to make a part three of The Styles Effect bc it's soooo good fam?
if people want it then sure :)
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teenager-probs · 7 years
I guess I’m merick
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tag yourself I’m birb
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teenager-probs · 7 years
Thanks for the tag @your-obedient-phantom
Relationship status: Dating
Favorite color: Blue
Lipstick or chapstick: Colored Chapstcik
Three favorite foods: 1) Chicken Alfredo 2) Pizza 3) Salad
Last song you listened to: “Music of the Night” from the 25th Anniversary of the Phantom of the Opera
Top three shows: 1) The Office 2) Supernatural 3) Criminal Minds
Top three bands: 1) Fun. 2) Panic! At the Disco 3) One Direction (ik they’re done BUT it’s still a jam)
Book I’m currently reading: Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
I’ll tag no one else bc I only interact with @your-obedient-phantom
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teenager-probs · 7 years
REBLOG if you have amazing talented artist friends!
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teenager-probs · 7 years
@your-obedient-phantom WHY DID U SEND THIS TO ME AHHHH
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Trashy Musical Romance: Phantom of the Opera Masterpost
Since Les Mis had one, figured Phantom could too, even if it has fewer creations.
For more Trashy Musical Romance, check out the tag.
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teenager-probs · 7 years
TRUTH OR DARE: send me a number and i have to EITHER answer the question for "truth" or do what the "dare" says to do
1: (truth) Who was your first major celebrity crush? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle and post the first five songs.
2: (truth) What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you in the past week? (dare) Refresh your dashboard and send an anonymous compliment to the person who posted whatever's at the top of your dash.
3: (truth) What are your three favorite things about your appearance? (dare) List all nine of your tumblr crushes, and describe each blog/blogger in one word.
4: (truth) What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? (dare) Post the oldest selfie on your camera roll.
5: (truth) If your parents knew everything you've ever done, what would they think is the worst thing? (dare) Tag the three nonmutuals you admire most.
6: (truth) What is the last thing you purchased? (dare) Tag three people you've thirst followed.
7: (truth) How many hours did you sleep last night? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to the last person who followed you.
8: (truth) If you could go on a date with any of your mutuals, who would it be and what would you do? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to one of your four "Biggest Fans" on tumblr.
9: (truth) How did you meet your best friend? (dare) Refresh your dashboard. Open the blog of the person who posted whatever's at the top of your dash. Reblog their most recent selfie.
10: (truth) What was your favorite band five years ago? (dare) Tag a blog that posts very different content from yours, but that you couldn't imagine not following.
11: (truth) Where did you get each article of clothing you're wearing right now? (dare) Pick up the closest book to you. Turn to page 39 and copy down line 7.
12: (truth) What are your five favorite girls' names and five favorite boys' names? (dare) Copy and paste the 14th line of text from the last document you worked on in Word or Google Drive.
13: (truth) What's your most irrational fear? (dare) Tag five mutuals who take amazing selfies.
14: (truth) If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life (consisting of clothes you already own), what would it be? (dare) Tag someone you follow who has amazing fashion sense.
15: (truth) If you could rock any unusual article of clothing/makeup technique/hairstyle, what would it be? (dare) Go to the blog of the last person you reblogged a text post from. Reblog your favorite of their selfies.
16: (truth) What is your dream job? (dare) Post the four most recent pictures in your camera roll.
17: (truth) Where is the last place you went that took over two hours to get to? (dare) Post screenshots of your phone's lock screen and home screen.
18: (truth) How old were you when you had your first kiss? If you haven't had it yet, how old do you want to be? (dare) Go to the last app/tab you opened. Post a screenshot.
19: (truth) What is the first thing you remember having to keep secret? (dare) Tag five bloggers who you associate with being obsessed with something particular, and list what each of them is obsessed with.
20: (truth) What does your bedroom look like? (dare) Take one selfie and post it. You only get one shot! (No old selfies or retrying, even if you think you look bad)
21: (truth) What three fictional characters would you most like to meet? (dare) Write your name down on a piece of paper and draw a quick picture of yourself. Take a photo of it and post it.
22: (truth) What are three things you're looking forward to? (dare) Tag the last three people you reblogged posts from, and estimate how many followers they have.
23: (truth) What are your three biggest turn ons, and your three biggest turn offs? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Without actually listening to it, write the lyrics to the chorus of the first song.
24: (truth) If you could only own five material objects (not counting life necessities like food/water/a house/etc) what would they be? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Post what the first three songs are, and for each one, tag a blog that the song reminds you of.
25: (truth) What is the last thing you lied about? (dare) Tag three people you want to know better and ask them each three questions about themselves.
26: (truth) What's the last movie you watched? (dare) Reblog the most recent of your own selfies posted on tumblr, and in the tags say two things you like about your appearance in it?
27: (truth) What are three things you like about yourself unrelated to your appearance? (dare) Post a picture from your camera roll that you've been meaning to post on tumblr.
28: (truth) How do you take your coffee? (dare) Post the last picture you posted on a social media platform other than tumblr.
29: (truth) What are your worst habits? (dare) Put your Top 25 Most Played songs on shuffle and list the first five.
30: (truth) What is the last thing you did that you have to keep secret from someone? Who do you have to keep it secret from? (dare) Tag five blogs with great URLs.
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teenager-probs · 7 years
When you find a completed fic with perfect spelling and a beautiful plot
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teenager-probs · 7 years
Houses sleeping together
Gryffindor:Hey have you guys asleep yet?
Ravenclaw:Oh please shut up will you?You've been saying this like three hours and no one CAN SLEEP!
Slytherin:Oh for Merlin's beard sake...I'm not going to sleep between you guys again.
Hufflepuff:Isn't this just wonderful...*smile and snuggle into the blanket*
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teenager-probs · 7 years
i just realize i only reblog from one blog...i need to start being original with the content on my blog...but at the same time i dont wanna bc her stuff is funny....uHGHG IRRELEVANT PROBLEMS THAT ONLY PERTAIN TO MEEEEE
0 notes
teenager-probs · 7 years
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Christmas Eve.
(The De Chagnys #30)
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