teacup-shifterrr · 3 days
Me asf to people who have just started their journey and are a little scared of shifting:
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teacup-shifterrr · 4 days
i can imagine any dr in my head, say “i have shifted” and be there. that’s literally it.
the 3d doesn’t need to shift for me to know that i just shifted.
i saw it, i said it, i made it happen.
treat shifting with ease. you don’t see your dr? yes you do. you failed? no you didn’t.
this only goes in your favor.
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teacup-shifterrr · 4 days
Gonna cleanse myself from all things I've been taught abt shifting because I've been taught a lot of things that are just straight up wrong. There's no wrong way to shift, there's no "final push", there's nothing to it, I just have to shift
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teacup-shifterrr · 5 days
How I became a master shifter (+ why methods aren't working for you)
Hello! I’ve been seeing a lot of disinformation lately, and I’ve noticed that some people might need help, so I wanted to chime in. I can shift whenever I want, and I see a LOT of limiting beliefs—but I understand because I was once on the other side.
Disclaimer: This is all based on my personal experience with how I became a master shifter. You’ll want to read everything—it’s important.
I first shifted around March 2022. I would always use methods. I would affirm, tell myself I was detached from this reality, and so on. During my very first shift, I literally affirmed all night long (if this sounds familiar, it’s because I used to have another blog here, lol). You know, really complicated stuff. Then... things changed. I couldn’t shift anymore. I kept using the same methods, but they didn’t work!
That’s when I started questioning everything about shifting and consciousness. Why was it that I could be in another reality where things like magic exist, but then suddenly I couldn’t shift anymore? Why were the methods, like lucid dreaming or the void, seemingly more powerful than the act of switching realities itself? Why, when I shifted from my Desired Reality to my Current Reality, all I needed to do think of my CR to shift back—but it didn’t work the other way around?
None of it made sense! And I’m sure many others have asked themselves these same questions.
I came up with two theories:
This reality has something unique compared to the infinite other realities. To shift from here, you need something extra, like a method.
There’s something else at play, something unrelated to the realities themselves.
I dismissed the first option. There’s nothing inherently special about this reality. So why do we use methods here but not in our DRs?
Then, I thought back to how I used to shift... detaching from my body, affirming until I shifted. It all aligned with my subconscious beliefs. The method didn’t work because that’s how shifting works, but because it made sense to my subconscious. Of course I would shift if I did these things—because that’s what I believed shifting required.
Well... kind of. As I said, it made sense because it aligned with my beliefs. So when the method failed, I wasn’t letting myself shift.
Did you catch that? I didn’t let myself shift. Of course, it wasn’t the method. At what point do you actually shift? Is it when you affirm? Do you really think the universe is just waiting for you to say the right thing enough times before it switches you to your DR?
No. It’s you.
So, you have two choices:
Find a method that truly aligns with your beliefs, or
Change your subconscious beliefs.
Changing your beliefs might seem hard, but I’m going to explain why it’s not as difficult as it feels.
All your life, you’ve had certain beliefs, but those beliefs came from somewhere. You weren’t born thinking you need methods to shift—it’s something that developed over time. Which means it’s not set in stone. It can be changed.
I realized that every reality holds the same weight. There’s NOTHING you can do in this one—no intrusive thoughts or negative emotions—that can stop you. Why? Because those thoughts and emotions are products of this reality. Shifting is simply changing what you’re aware of. That’s literally it. Anything outside of that can’t stop you.
Yes, we’ve all seen those posts saying things like, "Oh, you’re not focused enough" or "You spend too much time on X, Y, Z" or even "You don’t go outside enough" (I legit read this on here—y'all are wildin’). Are you in your DR thinking "Oh, I thought about failing to shift, it means I won't :("? Of course you aren't! But nothing can stop you from shifting. Nothing can stop you from being aware that you are a master shifter.
So, how do you become aware of that?
I started affirming throughout the day. I would tell myself these things:
I’m pure consciousness. I create my reality, and everything around me is just what I choose to perceive.
I’m a master shifter. I don’t need methods. All I need to do is choose to shift, think of my DR, and it happens.
Nothing in the 3D can stop me from shifting, because I’m in the 4D and pure consciousness.
I told myself these things constantly, and I truly understood what I was affirming. What being pure consciousness and being a master shifter actually meant. I stopped using methods. I stopped acting like this reality was special compared to the ones I wanted to be in. And then... it happened.
I shifted. During the day. I simply thought of my DR, told myself, I want to shift, and there I was—in my DR. It happened because, as I said, my subconscious beliefs changed and then manifested in my reality. The same way they did when I believed I needed methods.
Naturally, I stopped using methods. I stopped trying to shift. I no longer thought, Okay, tonight I’m going to shift, and I'm going to use X method. Because that’s not how you think or act when you’re a master shifter. I let go—why would I bother using a method before sleeping when I could just stand up, think about my DR, and be there? Why would I bother doing a method before falling asleep when I knew I'm a master shifter?
I allowed myself to shift. It was me! When people ask, What method did you use? What did you do to shift?—do you really, truly believe it’s the method that makes you shift? Of course you do, because you live in a reality that seems logical, and you apply that logic to shifting. But shifting isn’t logical! It just happens! I have no idea why—it’s literally just magic to me—but that’s how it works.
So, you need to understand: You make it happen. That’s a good thing, right? It means you don’t need methods, and you don’t need to keep searching for “the key.”
Anyway, I hope this helps someone. (Also yes, before you tell me, I know this is basically Law Of Assumption. But I wanted to explain it in more of shifting terms)
(Also if someone wants to post this to another social you have my permission- especially reddit since I was active in that community but I deleted my acc lol)
Edit: Hey guys there are some additional notes in the comments that might be useful!
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teacup-shifterrr · 6 days
Hot take but I find it sad when shifters script that they don't gain weight. I am also excited to eat food in my DRs but that's because for some of them I've scripted that I have specific ingredients available so I get to eat different foods than in my OR, I don't care if I get fat. Like I'm already chubby in my OR what would a few extra kilos do? Jack shit it doesn't matter I'm still hot as fuck
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teacup-shifterrr · 7 days
some people may say I am overscripting, I say I'm just being a girl
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teacup-shifterrr · 9 days
Shifttoker: You shouldn't script that you look different in your DR because when you come back to your CR you'll- [starts listing off symptoms I already experience due to my dissociative disorder]
Me: Honey that's my normal. I think I'll be fine
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teacup-shifterrr · 10 days
You ever just hear ppl complaining about their problems n how they wish they could try different careers and jobs but can't bc life is too short, and feel the toe gripping need to tell them that THEY CAN with SHIFTING but can't because they'll think ur crazy....?
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teacup-shifterrr · 11 days
fuck methods, fuck visualisation, fuck subliminals, fuck scripting, fuck guided meditations, fuck affirming, fuck everything else, all is needed is YOU.
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teacup-shifterrr · 11 days
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remember: the state of wanting and the state of having are two very different things! wanting represents a lack, HAVING means YOU GOT IT. ✨
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teacup-shifterrr · 17 days
Mmm do anyyyyyyy of you guys have ANNNYYY ideas for songs to add to a mlp dr playlist???? Idunno if I want any of the MLP:FIM/Equestria girls songs in there bc I don't know the mane 6 there
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teacup-shifterrr · 20 days
hello this is one of your mutuals but I'm too scared to use messages to tell you this:
thank you.
(also we shifted last night 👍)
Never be scared to tell me shit okay? (ba-dum tsss)
Also awesome :0
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teacup-shifterrr · 21 days
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i would be so lost without shifting 🌟
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teacup-shifterrr · 21 days
you're not "fantasising" about your "dr" you're thinking about your life. you're already there. it's all already yours.
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teacup-shifterrr · 21 days
the concept of shifting is so crazy to me because wdym I could enter a doorway and end up in a whole different place in a whole different room universes away..???
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teacup-shifterrr · 29 days
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teacup-shifterrr · 1 month
scripting there’s no light pollution in the world so I can see this every night.
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