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I play a lot of Sims 2. YouTube & Twitch
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teaaddictyt 10 days ago
This will be very cool for my playable schools thank you. Any chance of enabling for kids too? 馃ぃ鉂わ笍
Hi!! Your mods are so cool! Hope you're well. Would you be interested in enabling the university option to Research and do Group Research for teens, giving them school credit and relationship points?
Thank you!
Here's a teen-enabled version of College/Research. This includes trait support and requires HB's Easy Inventory Check (but still works fine without traits as long as you download that mod).
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The interaction is available autonomously both for household members and for guests, but I've restricted it quite a bit and kept its advertising pretty low, and my playtesting suggests that it shouldn't get chosen frequently enough to be irritating. Autonomy is based on traits, aspiration, personality, and current grades. If you want a no-autonomy version, just let me know.
Keep in mind while you're playing with it that it'll take a while to show any effect on their grades -- if a non-Genius is studying alone, it'll take about half a fun bar's worth of studying to raise the grade by one level (e.g. C to C+). They also won't get any benefit at all if they quit halfway through, so in most cases they'll quit studying as soon as their grade point rises that first time. (They might keep going if their mood is still fairly high or if they're working with a group.) This is meant as more of a weekend extra-credit project than an alternative to homework.
Since I had to edit the research interaction for YAs to enable it for teens, I also made some similar changes to that -- I've overhauled when it's autonomously available and who is likely to choose it as well as given Geniuses extra benefit. This is compatible with my College Date/Party Annoyances Mod as long as this loads last but doesn't require it.
I hope this works for what you needed!
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teaaddictyt 12 days ago
Thanks Jo for finally uploading these to share 馃ぃ somehow I just never got around to it..
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Back in 2023 TeaAddictYT/Beth dropped some kitchen clutter into Discord, made up of extracted Maxis plates and other pieces lined up and stacked. I was decorating some shelves the other day and wanted something plain and stacked and only these plates fitted but had no recolours. I did some digging on Discord to find the original post and have included all the meshes along with the 10 recolors I made of the plate stack. The meshes included glasses, cups, bowls and the above plates.
Beth's picture from Discord of this set.
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I could not find these anywhere else but on Discord, please let me know if you have uploaded these some place Beth.
Beth's meshes https: //simfileshare.net/download/5338858/
My recolours of the plate stack https://simfileshare.net/download/5338861/
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teaaddictyt 27 days ago
Would anyone in the Sims 2 Tumblrverse be willing to help me out with some age conversions of some TSM clothes and Sims 4 clothes I've converted for my medieval save? 馃槆
The meshes are done and ready for converting, I have just a) forgotten how to do it, and b) not got the time right now 馃馃珷
If anyone would be willing to help me out please send me a DM!
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teaaddictyt 1 month ago
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Well hey! Just a little thank you gift for following me while I was on a Sims break.
Part 1 of 4t2 terrain paint conversions, a selection of stone world textures turned into terrain paints by Lumen Niveus and Charly Pancakes.
Download (SFS)
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teaaddictyt 1 month ago
Age-based computer chat menu
Sometimes when I have energy, I will do things that my friends want. And sometimes if I have even more energy, the rest of you get to enjoy it too :P Today's offering comes to you courtesy of @teaaddictyt who asked me if this was something I could do for her, and it turned out it was.
This is an extension of Cyjon's original mod, that put children in their own sub-menu, and the rest of sims under adult. My version will separate out teens and elders to their own category as well.
Have you ever noticed that your game will put some sims in a chat-sub menu, and other names in the first level of menu as "chat with X"? Yeah that's because EA for some reason in the original code did not sub-group the children so they always showed up in the first level of menu. This will fix that as well. Please note that for this reason I had to clear all languages. It's only noticeable if your game is not installed in English. I have provided Swedish translation, but all other languages will default to English.
Download from simfileshare
Should impact custom computers too, including Monique's.
Conflicts: Anything that alters how chat menu is built on computers. Replaces Cyjon's original, remove it if you want to use this.
Credits: Episims who bounced thoughts with me on this and helped me get in a modding thinking space. Teaaddict for testing for me :)
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teaaddictyt 1 month ago
Sad sad day. You'd better fix your completely broken version of Sims 2 then EA. What a joke 馃槫鈽癸笍
The starter packs have been DMCA TAKEN DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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teaaddictyt 1 month ago
Hello World! Today I would like to present to you my first ever default replacement for The Sims 2! My name is Nini, I go by pingunin in most places of the internet, and this is my newly created Simblr. If you like close-to-Maxis default replacements, you might want to stick around. Nice to meet ya!! <3
I'm still learning how to take decent screenshots and preview pics, so bear with me while I figure this out in process! Anyway, today I'm sharing this one with you:
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aftopmidsleevetshirt and tftopmidsleevetshirt replaced with my Maxis Match recolours of 4t2 BG T-Shirt Rolled by skittlessims | Download
Special thanks to @teaaddictyt for helping me a lot in the procress of creating and sharing this default.
Trouser shoeswap defaults are by gulioss (flairedpantssandals | momtailored). Pictured are Pleasantview townies Brandi LeTourneau, Sophie Miguel (re-dressed) and Sandy Bruty.
P.S.: Please let me know if anything is not working as it should! I'm working on a platform for alternate links for my downloads.
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teaaddictyt 1 month ago
Welcome to the Sims 2 community, where LD fixes all the things
Audio Quality fix for TS2 Legacy Collection
Hi :)
Here's a fix for the horrible voice quality in TS2 legacy:
Download on Patreon (Free)
Be warned, it's a 2.5GB zip file as it's ALL the voice lines re-encoded. Patreon servers are pretty fast though.
Just extract the zip anywhere in your "Documents/Sims 2 Legacy/Downloads" folder.
Should work with UC and other TS2 versions too but idk if it'll make much of a difference there.
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teaaddictyt 1 month ago
People I'd like to know better Tag
Thank you @maksplaygroundsims2 for tagging me!
last song: For me, or for the kids? 馃槀 For the kids: we're currently watching The Wiggles. For me: Little bit of Love by Tom Grennan
favorite color: Yellow, Purple, Pink
last movie: Wicked! Saw in the cinemas, loved it
last book: Gooood question... I think it was "Opal" by Patricia Wolf, an Australian Crime Fic series I love. Before that, I read all of Maria V Snyder's Chronicles of Ixia which I LOVED
sweet, spicy, or savory: Sweet AND Savoury, not much of a spice gal
last thing i googled: My Google history is currently full of Sims 2 stuff lol. CC sites for my Downloads folder rebuild, and random googles trying to help people with Linux install stuff.
current obsession: Chai tea, Sims 2 & vegan Chocolate (had to go dairy-free for baby girl, am not a vegan)
looking forward to: One day being able to sleep through the night again #motherhood
Passing tag onto @lamare-sims @kayleigh-83 @lazyduchess - just ignore me if you want to or have already done this 馃槀 IDK who to tag so congrats, you guys came up first when I typed "@"
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teaaddictyt 1 month ago
by far my favourite feature in sims 2 legacy edition
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teaaddictyt 2 months ago
TS2 Extender for Legacy Collection
Hi :)
I've been poking around in the new Legacy Collection release for The Sims 2.
I started work on a small mod that currently adds the following:
Borderless fullscreen support
Toggle to skip intro videos.
Firstborn Syndrome Fix (Fixes broken RNG in general)
Experimental restored Lua features for modders.
Download on Github
Installation is simple, head to your game's installation directory -> EP9 -> TSBin and extract the contents there, alongside the game's executable. You can tweak the mod's features via notepad by editing the included .ini file.
Now let's hope EA actually addresses the other millions of issues the release has...
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teaaddictyt 2 months ago
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it's finally done!! @misa_caliente on the simscord requested this agesss ago, and i've been working on and off on it ever since. have @pierisim's incredible pantry party converted from ts4 to ts2, in 48-item entirety! as a kitchen clutter addict, i am IN LOVE!!
this has honestly been so, so rewarding. all items are either decorational, found under appliances -> misc, or functional shelving, found under surfaces -> misc. you get 43 items of kitchen clutter and 5 new shelves, all with slots thanks to @hugelunatic's awesome slots tutorial! i've included a readme and collection file for ease of browsing the catalogue, but peek below for a very extensive list, plus unedited previews 馃槂
credits go to @pierisim for the absolutely iconic ts4 meshes & textures, and to @hugelunatic for their incredibly helpful slots and repository tutorials! 馃グ
they're also in a readme in the download, and shown in a collection file, but if you reallyyy want to see what you're downloading...
Baskets -> 782 polys, 10 swatches, $75 Bottles Pack -> 524 polys, 6 swatches, $60 Bowls -> 522 polys, 12 swatches, $125 Can -> 49 polys, 8 swatches, $38 Cans Pack A -> 443 polys, 17 swatches, $38 Cans Pack B -> 103 polys, 17 swatches, $38, repo'd to Cans Pack A Cans Pack C -> 205 polys, 17 swatches, $38, repo'd to Cans Pack A Cans Pack D -> 443 polys, 17 swatches, $38, repo'd to Cans Pack A Cans Pack E -> 147 polys, 17 swatches, $45, repo'd to Cans Pack A Pile of Dishes -> 524 polys, 12 swatches, $125 Dustpan -> 287 polys, 14 swatches, $35 Food Box A -> 13 polys, 6 swatches, $49 Food Box B -> 13 polys, 8 swatches, $49 Food Boxes A -> 97 polys, 12 swatches, $49 Food Boxes B -> 109 polys, 12 swatches, $49, repo'd to Food Boxes A Food Boxes C -> 49 polys, 12 swatches, $49, repo'd to Food Boxes A Food Boxes D -> 49 polys, 12 swatches, $49, repo'd to Food Boxes A Food Boxes E -> 25 polys, 12 swatches, $49, repo'd to Food Boxes A Food Boxes F -> 25 polys, 12 swatches, $49, repo'd to Food Boxes A Food Boxes G -> 37 polys, 12 swatches, $49, repo'd to Food Boxes A Food Boxes H -> 25 polys, 12 swatches, $49, repo'd to Food Boxes A Freezer -> 236 polys, 18 swatches, $375 Jar Small -> 205 polys, 14 swatches, $53, repo'd to Jar Small Pack A Jar Small Pack A -> 817 polys, 8 swatches, $53 Jar Small Pack B -> 409 polys, 8 swatches, $53, repo'd to Jar Small Pack A Jar Tall -> 215 polys, 12 swatches, $54, repo'd to Jar Tall Pack A Jar Tall Pack A -> 857 polys, 12 swatches, $54 Jar Tall Pack B -> 429 polys, 12 swatches, $54, repo'd to Jar Tall Pack A Le Parfait Medium Jar -> 261 polys, 14 swatches, $55 Le Parfait Medium Jar Pack A -> 1041 polys, 4 swatches, $55 Le Parfait Medium Jar Pack B -> 1041 polys, 4 swatches, $55 Le Parfait Medium Jar Pack C -> 521 polys, 4 swatches, $55, repo'd to Le Parfait Medium Jar Pack A Le Parfait Tall Jar 1 -> 261 polys, 14 swatches, $56 Le Parfait Tall Jar 1 Pack A -> 521 polys, 4 swatches, $56, repo'd to Le Parfait Medium Jar Pack A Le Parfait Tall Jar 1 Pack B -> 1041 polys, 4 swatches, $56, repo'd to Le Parfait Medium Jar Pack B Le Parfait Tall Jar 1 Pack C -> 1041 polys, 4 swatches, $56, repo'd to Le Parfait Medium Jar Pack A Le Parfait Tall Jar 2 -> 239 polys, 12 swatches, $57 Le Parfait Tall Jar 2 Pack A -> 1429 polys, 4 swatches, $57 Le Parfait Tall Jar 2 Pack B -> 715 polys, 4 swatches, $57, repo'd to Le Parfait Tall Jar 2 Pack A Le Parfait Tall Jar 2 Pack C -> 715 polys, 4 swatches, $57, repo'd to Le Parfait Tall Jar 2 Pack A Onion Basket -> 942 polys, 8 swatches, $75 Potatoes Bag -> 455 polys, 8 swatches, $45 Shelving Angle -> 332 polys, 26 swatches, $155 Shelving Left -> 280 polys, 26 swatches, $155, repo'd to Shelving Middle Shelving Middle -> 332 polys, 26 swatches, $155 Shelving Quarter -> 184 polys, 26 swatches, $155 Shelving Right -> 280 polys, 26 swatches, $155, repo'd to Shelving Middle
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i would like to have a very special shoutout especially to rixon on the linus tech tips discord server, i've been having crashing issues with the PC my grandpa left me for months under weird circumstances and with their help we were able to narrow it down to a motherboard issue! now i can keep playing ts2 in 4k 馃槏
if there are any issues that you find with this set, please don't be afraid to let me know! happy simming, and when you download this, do keep in mind,
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teaaddictyt 2 months ago
If you're an existing Sims 2 player, watch the first 10 minutes of this video. If you're a new player, watch the rest!!
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teaaddictyt 2 months ago
Quick post while I can; full video coming tonight!
Sims 2 Legacy Edition:
1. NO Bodyshop, tried to run the UC version but it crashed | EDIT: some users have reported being able to copy over bodyshop and run it, but the folder paths are not configured correctly.
2. NO IKEA stuff pack, can be downloaded
3. RPC & associated mods NOT currently working | UPDATE: LD has said on X that he would like to eventually make his mods compatible with this version of the game, so hopefully in the future we will see an RPC for Legacy
4. Scriptorium broken / causes game to crash on load | EDIT: Can be installed manually
5. Pink flashing not solved
6. Object Limit still there (lol)
7. Custom Skins buttons in CAS broken
8. Users are reporting a TONNE of new gameplay bugs - broken pets, broken cutscenes, disappearing Sims, BV community lots not working - it's wild. Check out the EA help forums or this thread on MTS for more: https://modthesims.info/showpost.php?p=5987455&postcount=1
Stick with Starter Pack friends!
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teaaddictyt 2 months ago
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"Pink Soup Has Been Fixed"
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teaaddictyt 2 months ago
For anyone who is getting the Sims 2 Legacy without IKEA. The old extracted packs I did for Mac users should work. edit: no celebrations either? Link below is all the packs I extracted back when I played on a Mac.
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teaaddictyt 2 months ago
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This is just an extract from the well-known ja-viera's No Plumbbobs mod. The mod originally appears in two versions: the full version (hiding all plumbbobs and special indicators in the game: over the sims, pets, and lots in NH view), and Sims-only version (just a part that hiding only visible-on-lot indicators). You can found both in the @sims2packrat re-hosted sfs folder.
I find the indicators above the sims' heads useful, and prefer to hide them in other ways if I need it. But in neighborhood view special indicators (plumbbobs, simoleons, luggages etc) are pretty useless for my gameplay and inappropriate during the screenshoting. Well, I have separated the NH part of the mod to solve this.
All credits goes to Ja-viera, I just removed the lot-related resources from the file.
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