te-llama-la-llama · 9 years
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te-llama-la-llama · 9 years
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*sips until you hear that annoying noise when you’re at the end of your drink, but then continues anyway cuz the tea too good*
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te-llama-la-llama · 9 years
If you're not black, you cannot:
Say nigga
Be a part of the natural hair movement.
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te-llama-la-llama · 9 years
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(Sorry if I make your dash ugly!)
“Are you wearing a mask?” “When are you getting your face fixed?” “Look at that girl! She looks so weird…”
These are the three most common reactions to my appearance.
My name is Kali, I am 18, I am a Korean-American, and I… look different.
I was born with a medical condition that (clearly) affects my face. Essentially my lymphatic system can’t properly circulate fluid so the excess fluid builds up in my face. It is difficult to remove because the tumor-like masses can interfere with my nervous and circulatory systems. Sure, I’ve had many, many surgeries done, but there is very little chance I will ever look “normal”.
They say to never judge a book by its cover. I always tried to live by that mantra. I went to a summer math program when I was 14 and was assigned a roommate. The moment I walked into the dorm room, she spoke to one of our counselors and requested a roommate change.
I never cried so hard in my life.
A book is more than its cover. I’m a Starbucks addict. I play three instruments. I write poetry. And you wouldn’t know that by looking at my face.
A person in more than his or her face. I’ve struggled to fit in at college for this reason- that people still feel hesitant to talk to me because of my appearance. They say rude things behind my back. I had grown up with the same people from elementary school through high school, so people were used to me. I hoped people would learn to accept me in college, but I haven’t found that yet.
You can’t exactly tell Stanford students that they’re stupid, can you?
I guess the reason I’m posting this is to introduce myself, and to tell my story. I don’t want to be an inspiration. I’m not a hero. I’ve simply learned to accept myself.
Someday I hope others here do, too.
My name is Kali, I am 18, I am a Korean-American, and I… am more than my appearance.
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te-llama-la-llama · 9 years
Reminder that Cinco de Mayo isn’t actually a national Mexican holiday. it is a holiday that is only celebrated in Puebla and it commemorates Mexican armies fighting off the invasion of French armies even though the French armies outnumbered the Mexican forces. It is not “Mexican Independence Day,” that’s celebrated on September 16th. The reason it is celebrated in the United States is because beer companies wanted an excuse to sell more beer and thought it was ok to appropriate a culture for its fiesta stereotypes in order to sell their damn beer. Don’t be a fucking racist prick this Cinco de Mayo. Don’t dress up as a “Mexican” in your racist ass mustaches, sombreros, ponchos, and maracas. Understand that your celebration of this holiday isn’t to “commemorate” Mexican culture but rather you are feeding into capitalistic marketing that simply sees you as a money machine to further the wealth of corrupt beer companies.
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te-llama-la-llama · 9 years
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My New Friend Baba Sadhu - India
© Katren Sudek
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te-llama-la-llama · 9 years
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This is incredibly important to understand
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te-llama-la-llama · 9 years
May 1  2:27 pm
Freddie Gray’s death has been ruled a homicide and Marilyn Mosby has charged all 6 Baltimore officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray. The charges range from murder to manslaughter to assault. 5 of the 6 officers are currently in custody. Marilyn Mosby also says Freddie Gray was illegally arrested.
Meet Baltimore State Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, the woman overseeing the investigation into Freddie Gray’s murder
Open letter from Baltimore Police to Marilyn Mosby
Shaun King breaks down the deliberate “rough ride” that killed Freddie Gray (storify)
Kevin Moore, the man who filmed Freddie Gray’s arrest, was arrested at gunpoint by Baltimore Police
How many like Baltimore’s Freddie Gray have been killed in police custody?
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te-llama-la-llama · 9 years
Please keep my city, Guadalajara, Mexico, in your thoughts, right now there are shootings and narcobloqueos (burning vehicles blocking roads) happening all over the city because an important member of a drug cartel was captured by the authorities. We are being asked not to leave our homes because this people won’t go down without fighting. They shot down a military helicopter killing three people right now. Pray for the safety of my people.
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te-llama-la-llama · 9 years
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Brazil has a horrible history of abusing its Black citizens, which now make up over 50% of their population. In the US, the police murder a Black person on an average of 1 every 28 hours. In Brazil, their average is 1 every 4 hours!
This time last year, the Brazilian police killed 38 year old Claudia de Silva Ferreira. The Mother of four had been hurt in a shoot-out in the shanty-town where she lived on March 16th, 2014. Policemen threw her into their patrol car’s boot, which opened by accident when it drove off. She was dragged for more than 1,000ft before the car stopped at a red light.
Two policemen then got out of the car, put Ms Ferreira back in the boot and drove to a nearby hospital, where she died.
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te-llama-la-llama · 9 years
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Nicomedes  and Victoria Santa Cruz. Nicomedes Santa Cruz.Vocational poet, folklorist after his family tradition and a professional journalist, after the final years of the 50s Nicomedes Santa Cruz Gamarra (1925-1992) worked also as a producer and presenter in radio and television.
He is the greatest exponent of black culture in Peru for he was the first poet to treat black issues highlighting the important and unequivocal contribution of the afroperuvian in the historical evolution of Peru. The fixing of June 4th, his date of birth, as Day of the Afroperuvian Culture shows his importance. Victoria  Victoria Santa Cruz  (1922-2014) Defender of cultural identity in the country, the government of the day named in 1973 director of the National Set of Folklore of the National Institute of Culture (INC). His role in this important position was recognized
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te-llama-la-llama · 9 years
Exactly, or the other people that speak the other 600+ languages that are in latin america....
Apart...when spaniards are latinx?? sigh
Why “Mirame” should not be a thing:
1. It is blatant piggybacking off of Blackout, TDOV, etc. Movements all grounded in a social need while Mirame claims to be due to Cinco de Mayo becoming a drinking Holiday in the US. Your selfies will not help that.
2. Cinco de Mayo is not a general Latinx holiday. It is specifically a Mexican holiday. Why would non-Mexican ppl attempt to reclaim* it?
* = not sure how posting pictures of your face will reclaim and redignify a holiday in the eyes of wh*te people
3. Other movements have had a component where information is spread and notable people are highlighted in order to raise awareness and gain visibility. 
4. In the original post it mentions including Spaniards. Who by the way are not Latinx. 
5.. I mean the name of the ‘movement’ is literally “look at me” which t b q h is all I’m getting from OP.
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te-llama-la-llama · 10 years
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Egyptian bodybuilders pose with their mothers. In Egypt, perfecting one’s physique is a popular pursuit, and can be a source of family pride. The juxtaposition of strength and frailty, youth and age, man and woman, is what makes these photos so powerful — just like the country they hail from.
by Denis Dailleux
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te-llama-la-llama · 10 years
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The Peruvian TV character known as “Paisana Jacinta” is racist and insulting to indigenous people according to Congresswoman Hilaria Supa, a Quechua leader and human rights activist. Supa publicly called on the Frequencia Latina Channel (A really shit channel) son March 24 to remove the “Paisana Jacinta” show from the air. According to various sources, the character Jacinta is an indigenous Andean woman who comes from the mountains to the city of Lima to find work. The story arc of each episode involves Jacinta getting fooled, tricked or swindled by a variety of people. The role of Jacinta is played by comedian Jorge Benevides who has been accused of racism for his role as “El Negro Mama” (the Black Mama in English) as part of a general comedy show. As “El Negro Mama”(Dumb Black guy) Benevides wore blackface and used a prosthetic nose and lips to portray the character who was described as being dishonest and stupid according to sources. The character was taken off the air and in 2013 Frequencia Latina was fined 74,000 Soles (approximately $27,000 U.S. dollars) for its failure to apologize to the Afro-Peruvian community. But Benevides and Frequencia Latina returned with the controversial indigenous character this year.
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te-llama-la-llama · 10 years
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Nearly 2,000 People Are Currently Protesting Fatal Police Shooting Of Tony Robinson In Wisconsin.
Almost 2,000 students marched in Madison, Wisconsin on Monday to protest the fatal police shooting of an unarmed biracial teenager, while his family demanded justice and the police chief apologized.Students crowded into the rotunda of the state Capitol in the morning, chanting and waving signs to protest the death of Tony Robinson, 19, shot on Friday by a white police officer. An investigation into this case is still going on, no word on any new findings. #StayWoke#BlackLivesMatter
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te-llama-la-llama · 10 years
This is so true...mostly of peruvians support him saying "Él destruyo el terrorismo"... argument that the young people can't say nothing because " don´t live in his government"
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“Programa Nacional de Población” was a genocide program conducted in Peru in the early 1990s to reduce population growth as a way of meeting international demographic standards.
The victims had been part of Fujimori’s Reproductive Health and Family Planning Program, a campaign to ostensibly fight poverty that the former Peruvian president had originally unveiled in 1995 at the International Women’s Conference in Beijing.
About 300,000 women and 22,000 men were sterilized without informed consent during Alberto Fujimori’s second term in office from 1996 to 2000. According to the film’s producers, 18 women died due to complications.
Most of those affected were from indigenous communities and in poverty. Many were deceived and forced, or were not given enough information to decide whether they wanted to or not to be sterilized.
In the beginning, the project was voluntary. But many women said no, they didn’t like the project. They wanted be mothers, to have children. So they started conducting the project against these women’s will: using physical force, getting them to agree to it in exchange for food, or other coercive methods. Some even didn’t know what was happening to them since they didn’t speak Spanish.
Since then, many have become activists, campaigning for acknowledgement, apology and compensation.  But, being from remote regions, with no access to the internet, in many cases illiterate or able only to speak the Quechua language, they have struggled to make themselves heard by those in power.  Legal cases have been shelved several times and, so far, there has been no reparation for these sterilizations.
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te-llama-la-llama · 10 years
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Taylor Swift now owns the phrase “This Sick Beat,” all sick beats
Long has the phrase “This Sick Beat” been associated with Taylor Swift—as in: “Man, what is this sick beat?” “Dude! That’s popular elf Taylor Swift!”—and now that bond is official. The singer, who’s previously inscribed her name on everything from the smell of wonderstruckness to the entire city of New York, has been given a trademark for the phrase “This Sick Beat” by the U.S. Patent Office. From this day forward, any and all sick beats belong to Taylor Swift, under penalty of law. 
More specifically, Swift owns the sole right to use “This Sick Beat”—along with four other phrases from her latest album, 1989—in association with “public appearances,” as well as an entire flea market full of potential products that you might want to put it on. Were you planning on making a “This Sick Beat” Christmas ornament to celebrate the birth and blessed sick beats of baby Jesus? Nope, Taylor Swift owns that. Looking to start an “educational service” dedicated to schooling the public on “This Sick Beat” and the measures they can take to keep it from spreading? You have to first call Taylor Swift, now the government’s designated Czar of Sick Beats.
Full story at avclub.com
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