Tim G.
30 posts
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Your post is organized and easy to read. It is clear and explains what you are planning to do. You explain each appeal great and is very easy to understand. Nice job!
Ethos, Pathos, Logos FTW!
As i start this weeks tumblr post i cant help but feel anxious about making my own website especially after completing the huge short film project on Monday. But since the semester is almost done, i figured here goes nothing!
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Section A: As a writer! I will attempt to integrate the ethos, pathos, and logos in order to make my website stunning and draws the audience to focus more on my thesis provided throughout my website. I will attempt to add credibility to most of my material that is discussed on my website so that I form a sense of ethos to keep the audience interested in reading my website. By adding ethos to my paper I not only provide credibility but everything that I state is not a mere rumor or an educational guess, rather all my information displayed is academic, organized, and completely reliable. By adding pathos, the information displayed can help to persuade the audience to feel a certain kind of emotion based on what I am trying to convince the audience about. For example in my literature review I discussed how the lack of diversity in the quality of care for most veterans that attend the VA, and I approach this topic by persuading the audience to  sympathizes with our US veterans and to get them involved with advocating a solution to this problem. As for logos, I intend in making sure that my papers and paragraphs displayed on my website will be comprehensive and simple to understand, I am not saying that my audience will not be able to comprehend my thesis for each paper but by sticking to simple English diction I can assure that my audience will not have any misconceptions regarding my topics.  
Section B: As a designer! Key elements such as contrast, consistency, balance, grouping, and alignment are very important to ensure that audience’s attention has been captured. To avoid losing my audience I will do my best to adjust the aspects of my website to fit the 5 principles of web design. I will keep my text font and size consistent except for major key points to give compliments to the sections of the webpage according to vital information and other sub-categories. I will also use the same style for each heading throughout the website to ensure consistency and to keep the audience’s attention. Any images or multimedia used on my website will be aligned evenly so that my images are reasonably recognizable among each image, but all my images will follow one main theme so that my audience can see how the images all tie into my papers thesis. I will group my content according to the rubric provided on BB which will have my Homepage, introduction about me; my Assignment Reflections;  my Reading Reflections, as well as the Extra credit opportunities which is the Course Reflection: What, So What, Now What.
Now that my post is complete and i have a simple rubric to use in order to help me assemble my website, i feel confident about putting the whole web page together. This almost feels as good as finishing a race in 1st place. 
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
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SECTION A: As a writer!
Ethos: I will appeal to ethos in each of the required sections to enhance my credibility. On the homepage, I will write in an informative tone and style with no grammatical mistakes. Everything written will be facts and current news about me. Throughout my assignment and reading reflections I will keep a professional tone and style while explaining each assignment and reading. 
Pathos: I will appeal to pathos in each of the required sections by reaching the audiences emotions. Throughout each section I will write in a formal diction with no grammatical or mechanical errors. I will write how I felt during each assignment and reading to help reach the audiences emotions. 
Logos: I will appeal to logos in each of the required sections by using reasoning. In each of the sections I will back up my statements with facts and a  reason to why I did what I did. I will use support to make each of my statements strong and understood by the audience. 
SECTION B: As a designer!
As a designer I will have no spelling errors in any of my titles. I will have my layout very organized and professional to show that I am very credible. I will also include colors in my design that will correlate to the type of work I am doing. The design will have examples throughout the layout to help show my reasoning for each of my statements. 
Finally, I am done and will be able to rest and study for finals!
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Your post is very organized and easy to read. The timeline for our work schedule is good and fits in with all of the groups schedules as well. Both of our posts have similar information in some of the elaboration and scheduling. Our posts align with each other and are getting our project ready for a good grade. Nice job!
This weeks tumblr post is instructing us to create a final outline for how my group plans on conquering this documentary project. (our plan of action) 
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Now that the time and dates are all set up its time to get into specific detail as to what objectives must be satisfied based on our weekly schedule displayed above.
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Now that i have completed this weeks tumblr post i can start to relax a little knowing my groups outline is almost complete. Now that this post is complete, on to find more research to support my groups documentary thesis. 
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Wrapping Up the Film
This is tumblr tuesday week 13, where we start creating a plan of action. 
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a.) What days and times will you commit to the project? 
I will commit to the project on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. I will continue to gather data throughout those days when I have time. 
b.) What days/times are you working as a group and when will you work alone?
My group and I will work on the project on Tuesdays at 3pm and Fridays at 9am as well as after class if necessary. On Mondays and Thursdays I will work throughout the day on the project by myself, getting valuable information to show my group the next day. 
c.) Specifically, what aspect of the project will you address on each of those days?
On Mondays and Thursdays I will gather data by myself and begin to put together an introduction. On Tuesdays and Fridays I will meet with my group and we will begin to put together all of our assigned sections and data we have accumulated for the project. 
d.) Specifically, what will you do to complete those aspects of the project?
To complete those aspects of the project, I will work and continue to gather data that will benefit our project. When my group meets we will be able to put together all of our work to finish the project with all of our help.
e.) What specific aspects of the assignment are you most concerned about? What can you do to address those concerns?
A specific aspect I am most concerned about is finding a scholarly article that will help benefit our topic for the documentary. My original topic is very different form the new topic my group has chosen and will be a little difficult to find a good scholarly article that will support our documentary. To address my concerns I will continue to research for a paper that will best support my group’s thesis.
f.) what specific aspects of the assignment are you most comfortable with? Why?
The specific aspects of the assignment I am most comfortable with is the editing of the project. I know with the help of my group we will be able to work together to make everything work. 
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Your post is clear and explains the information great. The post is very organized and easy to read. The appeal to logos is supported very good with the graph and you provided both your stance and solution for the advocacy. Nice job!
#week12 Diversity in the VA Healthcare System
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Part 1 
1. Group Proposal:
A. Topic: This documentary is about the cultural diversity in the VA health care system, in more specific details this video will elaborate on the medications prescribed to VA patients, the nurse’s cultural competence, and the health insurances that are provided to patients in the VA system based on their disability percentages.
B. Purpose: The group’s stance on the VA healthcare system is similar to the beliefs of the veterans who seek medical attention from the VA. Most patients will elaborate on the diversity of the VA system and through this documentary my group hopes to expand on these issues that most patients face when dealing with the VA. The purpose of this documentary is to also present a suggested solution that could advocate for the situations occurring at the VA healthcare system.
C. Audience: Through this documentary my group is focused on persuading the American people (civilians) that they should be focusing on the way the VA healthcare treats our veterans since our veterans are the ones who have fought for our freedom, its only right that we ensure that these veterans are getting the proper medical attention that they need and deserve. By shedding light on the daily struggle that most veterans encounter when dealing with the VA healthcare system, we as a nation can help to come up with a solution so that we may help improve the VA system and get our veterans efficient and effective medical attention.
D. Solution: The solutions for improving the VA healthcare system is to get a better pharmaceutical method for prescribing medication to patients, instead of the doctor exploring other medical options for pain management, they more than often than not, tend to prescribe highly addictive narcotics. The next solution deals with the nurses competence, with the patients at the VA making appointments is no problem but most veterans have a prolonged waiting time to see the doctors. By getting more nurse students interested in working for the VA we can get more doctors and nurses to help out with the lack of staff at the VA and thus improve the waiting period and get veterans faster medical attention. Lastly the benefits that most patients are given are based on their disability percentages, but even then the benefits are paraphrased to seem like they are getting enough medical attention are, in reality the benefits that only cover the bare minimum. By improving the benefits that each patient receives will help most veterans get faster medical attention. A good example is allowing veterans to seek medical care outside of the VA system without having any financial burdens.  
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  Part 2 
“Under a 1996 law, disabled veterans needing care must be seen by a provider within 30 days. But five years after the law passed, the GAO found that two-thirds of the specialty-care clinics they examined had wait times longer than 30 days.”  
                                                                                               -Rachel Landen
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“In one case, a medical provider recommended that a veteran be seen on Jan. 31, 2006. But the scheduler entered a desired date of Oct. 2, 2006, and created an appointment for Oct. 17, 2006, resulting in a reported wait time of 15 days.”
                                                                                               -Rachel Landen
“The problem is not that they don’t have the money,” Selnick said. “If you don’t know how to spend it wisely and don’t know how to manage things, this is what happens.”
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Cultural diversity in the VA healthcare system
This weeks tumblr post started with a group proposal. We walked through this as a group helping each other. 
1. Group Proposal:
A. Topic: This documentary is about the cultural diversity in the VA health care system, in more specific details this video will elaborate on the medications prescribed to VA patients, the nurse’s cultural competence, and the health insurances that are provided to patients in the VA system based on their disability percentages.
B. Purpose: The group’s stance on the VA healthcare system is similar to the beliefs of the veterans who seek medical attention from the VA. Most patients will elaborate on the diversity of the VA system and through this documentary my group hopes to expand on these issues that most patients face when dealing with the VA. The purpose of this documentary is to also present a suggested solution that could advocate for the situations occurring at the VA healthcare system.
C. Audience: Through this documentary my group is focused on persuading the American people (civilians) that they should be focusing on the way the VA healthcare treats our veterans since our veterans are the ones who have fought for our freedom, its only right that we ensure that these veterans are getting the proper medical attention that they need and deserve. By shedding light on the daily struggle that most veterans encounter when dealing with the VA healthcare system, we as a nation can help to come up with a solution so that we may help improve the VA system and get our veterans efficient and effective medical attention.
D. Solution: The solutions for improving the VA healthcare system is to get a better pharmaceutical method for prescribing medication to patients, instead of the doctor exploring other medical options for pain management, they more than often than not, tend to prescribe highly addictive narcotics. The next solution deals with the nurses competence, with the patients at the VA making appointments is no problem but most veterans have a prolonged waiting time to see the doctors. By getting more nurse students interested in working for the VA we can get more doctors and nurses to help out with the lack of staff at the VA and thus improve the waiting period and get veterans faster medical attention. Lastly the benefits that most patients are given are based on their disability percentages, but even then the benefits are paraphrased to seem like they are getting enough medical attention are, in reality the benefits that only cover the bare minimum. By improving the benefits that each patient receives will help most veterans get faster medical attention. A good example is allowing veterans to seek medical care outside of the VA system without having any financial burdens.  
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2. Advocacy & Ethos
Many veterans have to wait a long time to get help from a doctor. This needs to be fixed by getting an appropriate amount of nurses to be of help. Many organizations will need to get together and start different interventions to help spread awareness for a better VA healthcare service. 
Stephen Spotswood states in an article that nurses went years without being assessed for their proficiency on equipment, and, when they failed to demonstrate competency, VA hospitals took no action. 
An investigation stated that “gaps in VA’s nurse-competency practices might be putting patients at risk.”
                                                                 - VA’s Office of the Inspector General
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Your post was well organized and followed all the guidelines. It is good that you learned many things through the literature review because you will be able to use what you’ve learned in the future. Nice post!
WHAT. I have learned so much this semester about my semester topic. My topic was hispanic influence in business, by researching this topic I learned many ways in which hispanic population affect business world for good. Something I learned in this class was to do a good research, i never did research like this before in my previous classes because i didnt need to, this was my first class in which i had to do a long research. Doing my literature review was tedious but i learned a lot from it, i learned to split information in different categories and to create questions that will allow me to get a lot of information from it.
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SO WHAT. everything i learned in this course by researching, creating questions and doing my literature review is important because the methods i learned here will help me in the future to do good research in any other class or as a professional. Something very important i learned is that hispanics are having very good oportunities at the business world, thats very positive for me as a hispanic, now i know that i have the same oportunities as any other U.S. citizen and this will motivate me to never give up.
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NOW THAT. Now I know the oportunities i have as a hispanic in the business world, knowing this, now i can share this information with other hispanic students to let them know the oportunities they have in business. Now that I know to split information in different categories and to look for good information from many good sources, i can use this skills to perform better in my other classes
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Reflecting on our research skills
WHAT: Over the past few weeks I have learned about the current state of cultural diversity within the pharmacy field. After plenty of research I have found that the majority of pharmacy schools are made up of White students, while Asian and Hispanic students make up the smallest percentages. This led to a decrease in cultural diversity in the pharmacy workforce. During the last week of finishing my literature review, I have learned that these papers take a lot of research and time to finish. To research at the academic level you have to go through many other research papers to find one that suits your topic the best. 
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SO WHAT: What I have learned over the past few weeks is important because it will strengthen and help my research papers in the future. This is only the beginning of my academic career and by learning about creating literature reviews and researching at the academic level, it will ultimately help me with any future papers and work I need to do in the future. Everything I have learned in this course will also transfer into helping me in my future profession. Throughout this course I have learned many things that will benefit me in my profession, such as organization, responsibility, and extensive research. 
NOW WHAT: This course has helped me grow my skills in certain areas that weren’t so strong before. By helping me gain knowledge in those areas I can now apply everything I have learned to all the other courses I am taking, as well as future courses, and even situations in my distant future. I have learned many things in this course that benefit my writing as well as many things within the pharmacy field. I can now use everything to my advantage to push out better work. 
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Your post is very organized and easy to read. I was able to go through your post with ease while retaining all the good information you provided. You gave many examples on each topic and provided many sources to where I can get help. Nice post! Nice job!
#Week10  Abstract, Cover Page & References
Don’t fully understand where, why, and how to create a Cover Page, Abstract, and References? 
Don’t worry and read my post! Not only will this help you guys but it will also help me truly understand these requirements! 
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First I went into blackboard, then I went to the weekly content folder in which I later clicked on the link, “ Literature Review Supplement Guidelines.” 
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Knowing what my subject was and what I had to cover in this post, I looked to see where the Cover Page, Abstracts and references’ requirements were.
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This information was pretty helpful but wasn’t very detailed… so I went ahead and checked in my RWS book I found the specific information I needed in page 230. I found the Title page, also known as the Cover Page. Yet still it wasn’t very specific on how it was supposed to look. The abstract information was very straight forward and very detailed! 
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There wasn’t any information about how the reference page and what the appropriate references to choose when writing this paper.. so I had to go into the web to find specific instructions.
I found a very detailed website talking about the references, here is the link if you guys want to take a look at it.. 
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So this concludes the requirements of the Cover Page, Abstract, and References. Hopefully this post helped and I wish you the best assignment! May the force be with you! 
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Piecing together the literature review
Introductions & In-text citations
     Starts at the top of your page, before your primary research.
     Establishes the context for your readers to follow along with your project. 
     Introduces the issue or problem.
     Leads readers to your four research questions within your report.
     Includes a thesis statement. 
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In-text citations:
     Follow the author-date method with reference in the reference list.
     Capitalize proper nouns.
     Capitalize all words that are four letters long or greater within the title of a                   source, except short words that are verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives,               and adverbs. 
     Italicize or underline the titles of longer works such as books.
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I gathered my information from The Rhetoric and Writing Studies Handbook as well as Purdue Owl. My classmates and I will be able to go over the class handbook and study the tips given on how to write a introduction and in-text citation. We will also be able to go to Purdue Owl and other online source for some extra help. With all the extra help we have we should all get an A on our final paper. 
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Your timeline is good and you explain your text well. From step to step it is very organized and also very easy to read. The drafted interview questions are well focused and well written as well. Good luck with your interview! Nice job!
Week 9: Preparation for my interview
To start off my interview preparation I emailed my interview request to Dr. Villanueva who is my first choice scholar.
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After that I downloaded the Release Form and the Interview Confirmation in my Dropbox folder. So I can access them whenever and wherever I go!
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Next I went ahead and look for my questions and rewrite them, so they will be easy to understand and to follow along.
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YESS finally!! After all this preparation I just need one more thing… The materials I will be using!
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Now I’m done!
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Documenting my interview preparation
By following the tumblr tuesday guidelines, I found the interview material folder and created my own interview request. Once I went over my request I sent it to my first contact of choice.
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Second, I found the interview release form, read it, downloaded it, and saved it in my drop box. 
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Then I found and completed the drafting interview questions prompt.
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Finally, I found, read, downloaded, and saved the interview confirmation document into my drop box. 
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The recording material I will use will be my camera on my phone and a pencil and notebook. 
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
All of your interview questions are good and are not biased. They all relate to your topic and are structured well which will result in good feedback. I believe your three scholars will have plenty of information for each question. Nice job!
Research/Interview Questions
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After i finished my interview questions i realized that my sources were pretty acurate with giving me information to use in order to form my interview questions. My research questions and sources used will help me form my interview questions so that the information i obtain during that interview can be used to compare to the other sources i have or to simply enhance my topic with their feedback. Once i have completed the interview i will have gathered all other 12 sources to be used in my literature review paper. By sticking to this rubric i should have a research topic that is reliable and not biases with its display on information regarding the diversity of women in the military. 
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Primary Research/ Interview Questions
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After creating my interview questions I am excited to hear what the scholars are going to say. It will be interesting to hear their point of view on the topic. Now that I have finished my tumblr post I feel accomplished and satisfied. 
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Your post is well organized and displays all the important information clearly. The scholars you chose to interview are good and will bring good information to your research. Nice job!
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Major: Finantial Analyst
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College Of Business Administration
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Contact Information
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Economics and Finance Department
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I struggle deciding who I was going to choose for my interview because all the members of the finance and economics department had the same degrees. Although I know I can learn from everyone in this department, I chose the three people which I think I can learn the most from. 
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I chose Dr. Devos because he studied what I want to study, he seems to be a very prepared person because he has been through many universities. He won an award as a UTEP finance professor, one of his research won an award in  FMA International Conference too. Something I want to learn from him is how my career is and what do I need to go through in order to become a succesful Finance major.
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I chose Dr. Varela because he has experience in two different universities and has master degree in both economics and finance. He has a doctorate as a finantial analyst what I want to study. He is the author of two books about finantial analysis and international finance. What I want to learn from him is what the career of finantial analyst consist of and and want to learn more about how corporate finance and investments work.
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I chose Dr Wei because he studiedinvestments and international finance, from him I want to learn more about how international finance work, the money relations between the countries and iternational trade. He has teaching and research awards so from him I can learn how to do a good research about finantial affairs of businesses as well.
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
Week 7
Major: Pharmacy 
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Correlating College: College of Health Sciences
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Correlating Department: Cooperative Pharmacy Program
Contact Information: 
Physical Location.
Campbell Building
1101 N. Campbell St.
El Paso TX 79902
Now that I have finished finding my academic network. I can now start my academic stalking! I chose these three scholars because they are all Hispanic and are going to be able to give valid and reliable information that will greatly help my research. 
Scholar 1: I chose Ms. Leyva because she is the program coordinator and will have good information about bringing Hispanic diversity to the pharmacy program. 
Adrianna Leyva
Program Coordinator
Campbell Building
(915) 747-7230
Scholar 2. Second I chose Mr Rodriguez because he is the research coordinator and has seen the research first hand to help give me information for my semester topic.
Jose C. Rodriguez
Research Coordinator
Campbell Coordinator
(915) 747-8549 
Scholar 3. Lastly I chose Ms. Sias who is a clinical associate professor. She will also be able to help me on what she thinks about the Hispanic diversity within the field.
Jeri J. Sias
Clinical Associate Professor
Campbell Building 
(915) 747- 8599
I am finally done! Now I am relaxed and feel relieved,
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tbgrado-blog · 8 years ago
I believe your research questions are good and are going to be very useful to your future research. All of the questions have gotten revised and elaborate on the diversity of women in the STEM field. They all seem to not be biased or double barreled and seem to be very effective. I would suggest to use your questions of fact, definition, consequence, and value because these questions are well developed and will bring out the best research in your upcoming work. 
Research Questions
Here’s the first  draft for my research questions…
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But I didn’t know if there were good questions and had trouble. So I went to the writing center
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and after going to the writing center everything was clear and this is my final result…
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My experience in the writing center was great, Mauricio was really cool and he helped me a lot to decide where my research can take its direction. Also he helped me to think and evaluate each one of my questions and why they were important. He took his time to read each one of my questions and also gave me some tips and sources where I can find more information of my chosen topic. I will definitely go back to UWC because it was a great experience and I had fun as well so of course I am coming back to get reviewed my essays and papers.
And finally I am done!!
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