taurusiisims · 3 years
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So you see this dumbass spin her sabers blindfolded with like, a half empty can of Java Monster while Holst’s Mars plays from her phone. She’s a graceful dancer, almost as if she was, you know trained to be a dance--and suddenly she accidentally flings one of her sabers at you. It’s all taped up and it seems harmless. But still, it’s flying straight at you. wyd?
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taurusiisims · 3 years
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PERHAPS NOT SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF,  but harley snorts,  glancing up from his sketches,  “ i’m probably the dumbest in english,  also my native language. ”
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“You get it!” she pointed at him, a grin on her face. “T’be fair, I had to learn three languages at the same time ‘nd sometimes I read stuff in English expecting it t’be in Korean or Japanese so....” A shrug came from them, “Them’s the fuckin’ breaks! Or something like that, I guess.”
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taurusiisims · 3 years
@lovecorrupted​ (for Rhodey)
While Chronos wasn’t a huge battler, they longed to spar with someone. Don’t know; the sounds of blades clashing and screams were one of the only noises that didn’t make them want to fucking meltdown. But! She can’t! Because guess what! She has an image to maintain!!! Being an idol sucked most of the time, especially a K-Idol because netizens are ruthless and will not hesitate to tear you down one way or another.
Management did say while she had powers, she can’t use them or else hell will break loose. Sure! They weren’t the only ones with powers in Constelle who had powers but for some reason, they were targeted. What! The fuck! Classes today sucked, so she wanted to let off some steam but running around didn’t help and singing didn’t help either. It was like this huge gap in her psyche that was missing.
...She probably misses the thrill of a battle, or at least some kind of spar at least, which was why she was here, far away from the grounds but still close enough to watch people spar (like usual, after her literature classes were done for the day). Slav squat as her backpack sat on her left while a can of Arizona Green Tea (the huge ass cans) sat on her right. Munch munch on a candy bar because by god she is hungry and burnt out. Fuck.
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“Man, it be super fuckin’ poggers if management would let me fight...or spar at least.” she mumbled as she took a bite out of her candy bar, watching people from the training grounds wistfully and fucking yearning for combat. Even if it’s just once. Well. Maybe not just once but you know. Person’s (girl?) gotta let this energy off somehow and being a vigilante might not help.
(1: idol status. 2: Kamen Rider status--wait. Where did that come from? Kamen Rider...sounds familiar. Weird.)
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taurusiisims · 3 years
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♡ click ( THE SOURCE LINK) for 105 gifs of DITA from the korean group SECRET NUMBER, please cast her knowing that she is full indonesian and 23 years old. i made all this gifs from scratch, so do not repost or edit them in any way, please. LIKE or REBLOG if you use them. if you like my work, you may consider buying me a coffee♥ 
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taurusiisims · 3 years
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“I may speak four languages but I’m dumb in all of them! Yes! Even English, my native language.”
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taurusiisims · 3 years
“On Taurus’s sabers, I’ll cut you down!”
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 welcome to avengers campus, isn’t it nice to be back, NI WAYAN ROMANA SUGIRIYASA / CHRONOS ?  it’s been so long since i’ve seen you being a typical TWENTY TWO year old IDOL/ UNIVERSITY STUDENT. makes sense too: considering you’re known for being + PERCEPTIVE & + FRIENDLY, even when you can be quite - CHILDISH & - NEEDY, too.  hey, have you seen the news reports lately …?  i heard you’ve been getting visions from KAMEN RIDER (ORIGINAL CHARACTER) beginning to return, waking up from dreams of WATCHING BOTH SOOYOUNG AND BYUL TAKING A FATAL HIT FOR YOU.   must be something in the water …  say, did you always have your TAURUS SABERS?  i’ve never seen you leave home without it.  —  ( She/her or They/them & Figuring it out)
(TW for suicidal tendencies, neglect, abuse (in terms of being in the idol industry), human experimentation, bullying both in ‘canon’ and earth 200000)
-Born as the oldest out of three siblings but also the most emotionally neglected because her parents thought she can handle having next to no affection while they focus on the younger siblings.
-Was regarded as the wild child because she kept crying since people kept bullying her.
-that’s all you’re getting from her childhood--she hates talking about it.
-Fast forward to high school! Freshman year! Marching band. Somehow she got noticed by a talent scout during band practice and hey! They were holding auditions the following day and Chronos said fuck it! Was one of the only people there to audition and she got in. Somehow. Probably because she was a flag spinner and that gave her an advantage...?
-She fought with her parents over this but eventually they relented.
-She trained for about 2 and a half years before being selected to be part of ZODIAC and had to go through....a process. An experiment of sorts. She was mainly selected because of her birthday (5/14) but she also had talent in dancing and singing. Yeah it’s to become Kamen Rider Taurus (along with the other ZODIAC members and yes TAROT, their seniors, have pointed out they would work better as a Sentai but come on--)
-Originally, she was going to use Mors but then marketing said that name was weird so Chronos ended up throwing out more names until she landed on...well. Chronos. Wayan’s her real name, but she prefers to be called Chronos.
-And they debuted as the youngest in ZODIAC, a 12 member co-ed group, along with being one of the four main vocalist and in charge of flag and saber. She’s in the sub-unit ZODIAC Earth with Sooyoung (the leader) and Byul (the second youngest) .
-Oh yeah, and they had to fight Constellars. And they were overworked. And they were forced to perform even when a member had to rest.
-They thought Constellars were monsters at first until SOMEONE (Kihyun) accidentally fucked something up and lo and behold it was trainees who went missing and ahhhh.....yeah. Yeah shit’s fucked man.
-And then it spiraled downward into the group trying to break their contracts while being more overworked than usual--to the point where at least 3 members were hospitalized.
- (Chronos was one of them due to severe exhaustion and..well. Mental illness.)
-Which led to ZODIAC planning a rebellion and both Sooyoung and Byul took a hit for her--that’s where her memory ends.
Earth 20000
-She’s still an idol but under a more...understanding management (they still suck at promoting but at least the company gives somewhat of a shit) and she’s in a group called Constelle: a 6 member co-ed group.
-Due to a very nasty breakdown that resulted in her being hospitalized, they were forced to take a break and they ended up here. Her management decided it would be best for her to go to college and live out her life for a bit, though she comes back to Korea from time to time for promotions.
-They’re an English major and they’re on their second year. Yes, they’re 22 years old. Don’t judge them ffs.
-Barely passing her non english classes. Somehow managed to test out of the language requirement.
-Somehow??? she has powers. Don’t ask them. They have no idea where they came from.
-Look listen, Chronos is tired as hell. She’s been on this Earth for way too long and sometimes it can get to you.
-Anyway please care them.
Personality: Your semi-average person who is surprisingly observant for someone who’s head is in the clouds constantly and can understand what a person is going through. She’s also needy for attention and it’s one part as to why she wanted to be an idol in the first place: to get attention and love from people who aren’t her family that didn’t bother to give them love in the first place. She can also childish at times ranging from not being able to communicate her emotions all that well to not wanting to do things because they don’t want to. There’s...also the bad thoughts. There’s a reason why she can’t be near bridges at all. Or handle knives by herself. She can use her sabers, they’re not meant to harm her.
We don’t talk about that. They’re struggling to reach out and get help. They struggle to ask for help in general so if confronted, they tend to clam up. Chronos is a pretty quiet person when the lights aren’t on them; she doesn’t really like talking (or maybe she’s not in the right environment). So! Who knows.
Chronos is here for a fun time...and maybe a few naps here and there in between classes.
Chronos uses both she/her and they/them; they will be used interchangeably since they’re still figuring it out. Never ask though or else this will put her in a crisis.
EDIT: im a dumbass so i forgot to add this but she’s semi-fluent in japanese, korean (kinda have to be), and indonesian. English is her native language.
Kamen Rider powers and yes im including it in my intro. sue me.
Thanks to the Taurus Emblem, Chronos is able to use the ZodiacDriver (which is attached to her one of her Taurus Sabers) and the Taurus Disc to transform into Kamen Rider Taurus. Outside of transforming, they’re ‘blessed’ with super speed and the ability to manipulate the earth beneath them (not limited to rocks and shit; asphalt isn’t immune to geomancy). She’s also a pretty good swordsman but she’s only trained for 4.5 years (trainee years + being in ZODIAC) so a more experienced swordsman might have an advantage over her.  The downside lies in her super speed: while it does make her stupidly fast (even faster than those in ZODIAC Air), it also makes her thought process a lot faster and her mood more prone to extreme highs and lows (like...extreme). She also has the lowest raw strength out of the ZODIAC riders so while she is fast, majority of her attacks are weak (and that’s not going to change! They hate exercising!!). She’s also pretty reckless, do with that what you will.
She’s able to use telekenisis to control her sabers and she has like. 8 of them. One of them, she gave to Byul and in return she got one of his guns. Don’t expect her to use it; she has shit aim. (They wear glasses, but the icons won’t show.)
she also has other forms but ill edit this in later rn im like hella burnt out im sorry--
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taurusiisims · 3 years
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