i just finished cult the other day and holy mother of god, you guys weren't kidding. kai is so. like i hate him but also all the feminism in my body exits at the thought of him ultraviolencing me.
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Hey attention cool girlbloggers!
Can we all give support and love to @mazzystarxx and give her tons of positive anons? She’s been getting harrassed all week and getting told to kys and that’s not fair!
Even just sending a nice anon or sharing this post to other moots can get her to a nicer audience! I’ll tag some of my moots in case you guys wanna help out!! (No pressure ofc I am just trying to spread love to someone who needs support) < 3
@hauntinggviolet @ciggiestash @junkie4weezer @cxndiedvi0lets @deadgirl-violet @newwavesylviaplath @greengirllover @preachersdauhter @idontknowkat @pinkchampagn @jenniferchecksbitch @lanaheartsz @romeosxworld @lindsgracej @girlbossblog444 @girlkisser25 @rottinglady @naptimefixture @rqligion @elextricbeauty @wh0re43van @wh0-is-lily @mistybunny @miss-skinnybones @m-a-es-blog @mp3stargrl @sleepylisbonz @fairydelusions @ultraviolencebitch76 @ballerinainterrupted @fadingfairystuff @fa1ryyz @doewaif @platinumdelrey @silkcorpsedoll @uuultraviolent @blonde4ngel @foreverviolets @fictionalheartlocket @foreverlostflowers @doubters-get-no-cookies @bikinigoldbaby
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I know we all love the James March that's mean and controlling,
But what about sweet and considerate husband! James March? The one who has actual conversations with you instead of petty make up sex. The one who, despite his morals and views, wants to change for you. The one who doesn't want you to leave his warm embrace, not in a possessive way, but because he thinks he would die (or die again) without your love.
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Good god man This explanation and summary of Bloody Face might be the most intelligent thing I've seen. are you by chance a journalist or writer of any sorts? Cause that was 210% well said and spot the fuck on.
thank you! and no, i’m not a writer or journalist...just someone who can get really into things & starts analysing why it works, during the second or 3rd time of viewing 😭
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AHS has some of the best visuals in all modern media and im tired of it being ignored. Even Death Valley has some realistic and gorgeous shots and CGI. Also, AHS NYC was done dirty by the fans and is one of the best seasons.
seriously the art behind AHS is soooo underrated and unrecognized
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Cult is one of the best if not the best season
a top 5 season definitely
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unpopular opinion: Madison was deeply misunderstood
i don’t personally agree with that, but i love the confidence!
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here’s my ahs hot take: i hate apocalypse
okay thats insanity but also i understand it. i dont agree, but i CAN understand
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the bloody face plot in asylum was unnecessary
when you say the bloodyface plot was unnecessary, what exactly do you mean by that?
to me, the bloodyface plot was used as a thread to link the past with the present day. the legend of bloodyface seems almost supernatural when the honeymooners are exploring the abandoned asylum. viewers aren't sure who bloodyface is - are they a jack the ripper type figure, who was never identified when they were active & consequently got away with horrific crimes? or were they a person like BTK, who'd been surreptitiously active in murderous crimes for a while, but eventually identified & 'made to pay' for what they'd done?
then there's the coverage of things that happened in the past, during which bloody face was initially a terrifying unknown being, a fearful spectre on a murder spree.
by the time bloodyface is identified, during the time briarcliffe was a catholic church run institution, the fear he's invoking in multiple characters is significant.
towards the end of the asylum season, where bloodyface is still a legendary terrifying spectre but the identity of the current 'bloodyface' isn't clear, it's still the fear regarding the current unknown identity of the modern bloodyface that's used as a device to link the present & the past.
the identity of the original bloodyface & the modern day bloodyface are significant. without them, much of the murders & the fear & terror brought about by their actions, there would be huge gaping holes in the overall plot lines & the connections between the past & the present would not exist.
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R.i.p kai Anderson would've loved the 2024 presidential debate
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send me your unpopular opinions about ahs!
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ben harmon is so fucking dumb. like you cheated on your wide and your only argument was “you got a dog”. do everyone a favour and stfu
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“i tried to save you, i did. i tried to make u throw them up. u threw up some; not enough. u took so many, violet. you died crying. i held you. you were safe. you died loved.”
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