tastelikezweig · 3 days
for you, i was a flame
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patrick zweig x female!reader | word count: 579
love is a losing game — amy winehouse
i didn’t edit this well so ignore anything that doesn’t seem logical lol sorry
patrick and your relationship was a tale of two worlds. behind closed doors, patrick treated you with a reverence that bordered on adoration. in the sanctuary of your dorm, he held you delicately, kissed away your worries, and whispered promises that melted your heart. your nights were filled with intimate conversations and tender embraces, where the outside world faded into insignificance.
however, outside this private cocoon, patrick struggled. in public, his demeanor toward you shifted noticeably. during a casual lunch with art and tashi in the dining hall, you noticed patrick's distant behavior immediately. instead of the usual affectionate glances and hand-holding, patrick seemed aloof and detached. you tried to reach out, he recoiled, snatching his hand away with a sharpness that stung.
concerned and hurt, you couldn't ignore the stark contrast between patrick's public and private personas any longer. "patrick, is everything okay?" your voice wavered, eyes searching his face for a glimpse of the warmth you knew so well.
patrick's response was defensive, his discomfort palpable. "can we not do this here?" his words came out sharper than intended, drawing puzzled looks from your shared friends.
tashi's sharp intuition didn't miss the tension. "seriously, why are you being such an ass?" she muttered under her breath, shooting a sympathetic glance at you.
the tension at the table thickened as you excused yourself, your heart heavy with disappointment and confusion. patrick hesitated, torn between chasing after you and retreating into his own thoughts. his mind raced with apologies and explanations he couldn't voice, trapped by a fear he couldn't name.
patrick finally stood up to go after you. fortunately for him, you hadn’t gotten very far. jogging up behind you, he gripped at your fingers.
you gently pulled your hand from patrick's grasp, the hurt in your eyes barely concealed.
you locked eyes for a fleeting moment before words found their way between them.
“you have to choose: either you're fully with me, or we're done.” you said, your voice steady but tinged with vulnerability. wasting no time.
patrick swallowed hard, his gaze shifting from your face to the ground. he had recoiled from your touch moments ago in front of their friends, but now, alone with you, he felt the weight of your words pressing on him.
"don't do this to me," he pleaded softly, his voice betraying the turmoil inside him.
you remained silent, your eyes locked onto his, searching for the truth you needed to hear. time stretched between them, each second feeling like an eternity as you both stood on the precipice of a decision neither wanted to make.
"you have five seconds," you finally said, your voice tight with emotion.
patrick's heart pounded in his chest. he knew he had pushed you to this point with his indecision, his fear of commitment. now, faced with losing you, he had to decide.
a tear escaped your eye, a silent testament to the pain you were trying so hard to contain. you scoffed softly, nodding your head almost imperceptibly as you fought to keep your composure.
"okay," you said quietly, your voice breaking slightly as you turned away and walked back to your dorm room.
patrick watched you leave, a wave of regret crashing over him. he wanted to chase after you, to pull you into his arms and beg for forgiveness. but he remained rooted to the spot, grappling with his own fears and insecurities that had driven them to this moment.
days turned into weeks, and the silence between them deepened. patrick immersed himself in tennis and other distractions, trying to bury the ache in his chest. meanwhile, you leaned on tashi for support, trying to make sense of patrick's abrupt change.
months passed, and patrick heard occasional updates about you through art. regret gnawing at him, a constant reminder of what he had let slip away. he couldn't shake the memory of your trusting gaze, the weight of your ultimatum hanging in between.
your love story remained unfinished—a testament to the complexities of love and the wounds left by unspoken fears. patrick carried the lesson with him, hoping one day he would find the courage to confront his fears and love without reservations or regrets.
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tastelikezweig · 10 days
how long?
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patrick zweig x reader
“I won’t go quietly, you’ll fucking hate me.” how long by yana
You were unfaithful, guilty of infidelity. While he was away on tour, you were intimate with his best friend. You considered it a mistake, but couldn't grasp its implications. To avoid them both, you stopped texting, calling, or sharing time slots for practice. Patrick's calls went unanswered; Art had already told him. He left angry voicemails, calling you names. Maybe if you could forget he existed, these problems would disappear – after all, he was on tour. When would he even find time to come back just to yell at you?
But there he was, approaching you and the girls' tennis team at your dining hall table, with Art following behind. "Get up," he demanded, ignoring the fact that you were in the middle of a conversation. "I need to talk to you."
Avoiding eye contact, you said you were busy, digging into your cafeteria tray for something else to focus on. Patrick grabbed your tray and swept it off the table, making utensils clatter loudly as they hit the floor, causing gasps from nearby girls and bystanders. Art tapped his arm, trying to calm him down.
"You're such a fucking whore," Patrick grimaced, leaning in close to your bewildered face. "And I'll treat you like one." A hint of his infamous smirk playing across his lips.
whatever that meant.
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