tash1738-blog · 6 years
So this happened.....🤣🤣
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tash1738-blog · 6 years
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
Everyone wants me to be better, be normal but I just can't. They all tell me to eat and I try my hardest but it's never good enough. I let you all down time after time and I am sorry. I wish I could be okay for you all but no one gets it. They don't see that every mouthful to me is like hell because all I can think about is how disgusting I am and that I don't need to get any bigger. They all think it's as simple as just eating. When I eat I have to fight with the voice in my head telling me I'm a fat cow and I don't deserve this food. I just want to be okay, I don't want to let you all down but I just cant keep going. I'm sorry. It always seems to come around to sorry but it's the only thing I can get right these days.
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
Ana Point System!
I’m not sure of where I found these, but they’ve helped to keep me motivated! 
Tally up your points daily and treat yourself to something non food related if you get 15-30pts!  
CALORIC INTAKE: > 0-200: 10pts. > 201-350: 8pts. > 351-500: 6pts. > 501-650: 4pts.
EXERCISE: > 60+ mins: 10pts. > 45+ mins: 8pts. > 30+mins: 6pts. > 15+mins: 4pts.
WATER INTAKE: > 8+ glasses: 10pts. > 7 glasses: 8 pts. > 6 glasses: 7pts.  > 5 glasses: 6pts. > 4 or less glasses: 4pts.
BONUS: > No binge: 4pts. > Post thinspo: 2pts. > Washed face: 2pts. > Showered: 2pts. > Did makeup ( even just some gloss! ): 2pts. > Fasted 12+ hours: 6pts.  > Fasted 24 hours: 8pts. 
If you find the person who originally posted these – or if you are the person who originally posted these – let me know! Adding onto that, if you’d like to me to take these down or credit you, let me know!
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
76 hrs left of my 96 hr fast send me inspo xx
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
Reblog if you’re fasting right now 🍃
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
Lets get me skinny
one note = one hr fasting
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
My body: Hungry
Me: But are u skinny yet?
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
Anorexia is all about fragile, pretty girls smoking cigarettes and drinking diet coke right? WRONG! Stop glamorizing this ugly illness. Stop treating it as an aesthetic. It is a deathly mental illness, almost an addiction, we need to forget the stereotypes and realize the danger.
Anorexia is crying at night because you’ve gone over your calorie limit. It’s pinching, punching and cursing your body. It’s not being able to perform daily tasks because every movement causes your world to spin. It’s being exhausted, both mentally and physically. It’s exercising until your lungs burn and your vision blurs. It’s thinning hair, which falls out in clumps. It’s constant pain. It’s being freezing and shaking in a hot room. It’s chugging water until you feel sick. It’s not being able to think or remember anything. It’s blue fingernails and lips. It’s isolating yourself so you can focus on weightloss. It’s pain. You hate it but you can’t stop, you never truly recover, it’s always there.
This next part is important so, please take my advice and go get help now, before it’s too late. I wouldn’t wish this life on my worst enemy because that paragraph above, that’s my every day. No one should live this way. You’re all beautiful, I don’t even need to see you to know that. Everyone is completely different, so why are we comparing ourselves to others? Why are we defining beauty when it is in everyone and everything? 
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
1hr 30 mins into a 20 hr fast, message me at any point if you want to see how its going. Xx
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
reblog if you:
- flinch away when someone touches you.
- panic when you accidentally break an object.
- get scared when someone walks behind you.
- feel your heart rate increase at every sudden noise.
- are easily panicked by slightly-louder-than-normal sounds.
- stare apprehensively at your bedroom doorway for hours at night.
- have trouble making eye contact with people.
- always feel either too mature or too immature for your age.
- simultaneously crave and be terrified of physical contact.
because i do all of these
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tash1738-blog · 7 years
My rules (updated)
I have been having trouble sticking to my rules, so when I fail I tell myself “hmm I already ate too much might as well eat more”… So instead, I now made some new rules
⭐ 500-700 calories a day (less when fasting ofc). This way I have a max but also a minimum, so I don’t completely starve to death
⭐ Exercise at least once every day. Actual exercise, or it can be cycling to school, cleaning my room when I don’t have time
⭐ Saterday or Sunday is “reset day”. Don’t count calories, just eat whatever you want and reset your metabolism
⭐ Never eat an entire dinner plate. Three fourth maximum
⭐ No food between Breakfast (7.30am) and Lunch (1.00pm). Breakfast is required to start metabolism and take medication, Lunch is optional
⭐ No food after 7pm
⭐ Take vitamin supplements after dinner
⭐ Drink 2 Liters everyday
⭐ Only bring Cucumber, Tomato, Baby Carrots and/or Melba Toast to school. No more then 150 cals in your bag
⭐ Always have water and mint on you
⭐ Yogurt instead of bread for breakfast is encouraged (150ml of my yogurt is 70 cals, 1 slice of empty bread is 80 cals. Yogurt also goes down easily)
⭐ Never eat 2 slices of bread at once!
⭐ No food in your bedroom (helps against cravings if you’re lazy like me)
⭐ Holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving are okay, but still don’t eat too much. 1.400 calories max
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