One Who Masters The Vortex
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RP blog for Childe/Tartaglia of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers from Genshin Impact. Blog is rated 18+, Highly Selective, Mutuals Only, not friendly to non-RP blogs || Penned by the cryptid, Josh ||
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
tartabinger · 4 months ago
I log in I drop a funny Childe in Natlan video I leave
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tartabinger · 7 months ago
Psst, hey nerds, I've made a Childe-centric short film music video for my uni final and I have some surveys for my research that I'd like y'all to fill out if any of you are interested. I had to cut the animation down to just before the chorus but I'll share the full version whenever it's done~
Hi, everyone! I'm finishing up my course with an investigation into "crunch culture" in the film and media industry. To do this, I've created two versions of an animation, one of which you can watch by clicking on a 50/50 link, and I have attached a survey to the description each video to gather feedback (unfortunately, this cannot be done on mobile as I do not believe you can copy text from the YT description). Everything is completely anonymous unless you choose to contact me directly about your answers, and all data will be deleted shortly after the completion of my course.
I have a participant information sheet here that goes into a little more detail: https://mega.nz/file/1toESRAQ#0OJNEy_giABzImksZnOKY9BV2d3mUu1er7gh_8thd5o I have a group sorting survey here, so I can gather information about the demographic you belong to: https://forms.gle/MkhX1ZQBqo9xSzKy6 Here is the 50/50 link: https://5050.stannaz.uk/r?x=eW91dHUuYmUvQ1ZPZTF3d25iaTA&y=eW91dHUuYmUvdmYySHhvQUxHNjg Should you wish to no longer participate in my research, fill out this survey and your data will be deleted: https://forms.gle/pjffBEdsGwtPvExR8
And if you happen to be an animator or VFX artist working in industry, I would love to hear your opinions and experiences regarding "crunch culture" here: https://forms.gle/a6z82gtWLHGSkVqe9 If you know someone in those fields who might be interested in speaking about their experiences, please feel free to send the link their way - I can be contacted on most platforms as RafterSomeFood if they have any questions.
Many thanks in advance to everyone who chooses to participate. It really means a lot to me 😊
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
@erabundus continued from [x]
With the Balladeer's statement, Childe looks up to one of the few windows in the training room and doesn't allow more than a slight twitch in expression; the sun had still yet to rise despite everything. All of a sudden, the warmth of his sweat chills and he can't ignore the uncomfortable cling of his clothes.
"It gets a little boring," he starts with a laugh, "when your opponents are inanimate objects." A tremor makes itself known in his hands and he stuffs them into the pockets of his shorts to hide them from view. He can't show any weakness now. He fought hard to earn his place and he's kept it these few years, he's not gonna let a silly night terror ruin it for him now.
"Considering you've gone out of your way to visit me, I doubt you were doing anything that important anyway," he says as he turns away to tidy up the immediate area and keep his overexerted hands busy. Destroying the area as a method to deal with his head was probably a bad idea, but it was better than the alternative of ending the life of one of their own - the paperwork for that would be migraine-inducing.
So he ignores anything Scaramouche has to say to him, but a familiar sound rings in his head with the scraping of one of the dummies and he stills. In an effort to maintain the charade, Tartaglia sighs, pretending to grow tired of being watched, and he lowers the dummy back to the ground before turning to face the other.
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"If you're gonna stay here, then how about a fight? It has been a while since we spent some quality time together."
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
Pen scratching stops at the first twinge in his thorat. Tartaglia had taken decent care of himself the past while so there was no way... was there? With hesitance, he swallows and the resultant ache leaves him grasping at his throat for a few seconds.
He remains there recovering for some moments before rolling his eyes and burying his head in his arms. Once the light is blocked from his eyes, a weariness sets itself within his bones.
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Great, he's sick and he can't speak. Maybe he'll go and kill a few things to unwind after a quick nap...
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
Hoping to be around more now that 4.2 is out, but I'm streaming the update if anyone wants to pop in
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
Abyssal Entity mood of the day:
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
Just to explain myself in detail:
I am offering asks for mutuals to write something they've wanted to write but haven't had the chance/an excuse to - either with my muse normally or any other character on anon, including any inner voices or tricks of the mind
I have a hankering to send asks and enable people
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
I have a hankering to send asks and enable people
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
I have a hankering to send asks and enable people
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
            some days 
                                                i don’t even feel human 
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
Taru muns enabling Taru muns
[nods nods]
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
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@snowtombedstar sent:
“ are you pen pals with an ant?”
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Venom 2 sentence meme
Tartaglia glances up from his desk towards his guest; he isn't sure how she managed to get into his office, but he's certain Tem avoided the front entrance to the bank like the plague. He was willing to ignore her presence much like a sibling would to try to make her leave, but her comment on his handwriting unfortunately caught his attention a little too much.
So of course, he has to bite back.
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"Considering how you probably got in here, I guess I must indeed be pen pals with an "ant"."
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
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@sncwlight sent:
“ i’m so sorry, i don’t know what came over me. ” - from Nat perhaps...
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Venom 2 sentence meme
He peers at her from atop his interlaced fingers, amusement dancing upon his brow at the outburst and subsequent reaction of the Mage before him; bowed head, stiff posture, and crushing tense atmosphere. It's enough to make Tartaglia laugh.
"What's with this attitude?" he waves his hand to encourage her to loosen up, "I'll hardly punish you for expressing your opinion, I just ask you to not do it like that again. Do I make myself clear?" He waits to lock eyes with her before he leans back in his chair and relaxes his body.
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"Now, let's try that one again; I'm being deployed elsewhere outside of Liyue. You want to tag along becaaaauuse...?"
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
Slooooowly working through stuff I owe, but I have done both story quests and am happy to chat about them in private and/or receive in-character asks about them
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tartabinger · 1 year ago
I know my activity is barely there, but I'm gonna be mobile bound for a few days so I'll only be able to send asks and comment on stuff until I get set up again
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tartabinger · 2 years ago
@tartabinger said: Tartaglia stands atop a hill overlooking the city of water, arms folded across his chest with his banner swaying softly in the wind. While he had to hand it to the Traveler - even he didn't think they would be able to have him acquitted - he despises his robbed opportunity for a no holds barred battle against Fontaine's top duelist. He's mad he couldn't get a good fight. It is mad they were separated for so long. "There's no going back after this, you know?" he says as he turns his head left to look at his guest. It had been some time since they last met, but he remembers her plan clear as the frozen lakes of his home. "I can't guarantee I'll stop if you ask me to; we don't like starting fights we don't intend to finish." He raises a hand in front of his face and watches Cryo energy dance around his fingers, and the occasional strike of Electro from his recovered Delusion. It's not like his Hydro by any means, but Tartaglia prides himself on his adaptability. So he pulls away the fabric concealing his corruption and tosses it into the ether. "Just say the word, Leucosia." Unprompted Asks // Accepting!!
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The seas below were slowly growing angry, the longer this went on, the more they rocked and swayed the boats on their waters... The longer she was away from what she loved, her anger raged beneath the shores of Fontaine...
"I'm aware." A sharp reply as she approached him, a hand going to his shoulder as she ran the other under his chin, "you can fight as many people as you wish once we begin...~" Leucosia released him and walked past him, looking out over everything and narrowing her eyes.
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Did Furina really think she would have just left well enough alone? To leave HER alone? AFTER EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED??
There was a deafening crash of the waves against the cliff sides and the hills they were standing on, arms outstretched as if to embrace what she had longed for for an eternity....
She didn't care who died, she didn't care if they killed innocents- the people of Fontaine were JUST as guilty as their archon in her eyes.
Arlecchino could try to stop the prophecy from coming true... but she could never stop the sea's never-ending wrath. And after an eternal silence, she just placed her hands to her chest only to let them fall to her sides.
For her love- The hydro sovereign, for her nature- the unyielding and changing waves, for her sisters- her family... This would bring them home. THIS would bring the prophecy of Fontaine to fruition.
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tartabinger · 2 years ago
venom: let there be carnage. sentence meme.
“ you do not deserve to have nice things. ” “ those two need some serious couple counselling. ” “ you could just say: i’m happy for you. ” “ i’m so sorry, i don’t know what came over me. ” “ i miss her. ” “ you blow everything. ” “ you’re talking about [name] again.” “ if one more head goes missing we’ll be hauled off to area 51. ” “ look at all those weirdos ! my kind of people. ” “ time to die.” “ i am going to make you cry now.” “ i’ve been thinking about you, [name].” “ people love serial killers.” “ because you and i are the same.” “ what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine.” “ i have tasted blood before my friend and that is not it.” “ all i ever wanted in this world is carnage. ” “ i’m not a crazy man, but i am a vengeful one. ” “ you feel like home to me. like family. ” “ soon come chaos. chaos, soon come. ” “ every hero has an origin story. ” “ who said romance was dead ? ” “ it is only found in brains and chocolate. ” “ i’m just… hanging around. ” “ are you pen pals with an ant?” “ i herby invite you to witness my demise. ” “ it was a circus of hell with one bright light… ” “ you suck.” “ this is a me thing, not a we thing. ” “ everything is a ‘you’ thing. ” “ [full name] has a big secret.” “ something wicked this way comes. ” “ please, i got a family. ” “ any last words ? ” “ on a scale of 1 to 10, it’s 11 bad.” “ information is currency.” “ crapola. another one bites the dust. ” “ he/she/they kept me hidden because he/she/they was ashamed.” “ you’re never getting out of here. no one does. ” “ that is so hot.” “ my dream car. ” “ people are talking about seeing monsters. ” “ you know what secrets want? they want out. that’s why they are so hard to keep. ” “ you wanna break his heart too?” “ [name] is gonna have to fix all this by his little bitch self. ” “ no one likes you [name]. ” “ let’s go save that asshole. ” “ you are a cancer to everyone who ever loved you. ” “ we are wasting our talents. ” “ we found you. ” “ what do they say about an eye for an eye ? ” “ you’re going to watch her/him/them die. ” “ i wanted your friendship. ” “ it’s me they want. ” “ i made you special. ” “ this isn’t about being a hero. this is about wanting to live in peace. ” “ you’re not dead ? ” “ bad things happen around you. ” “ my angel, this is for you. ” “ my powers are too strong. ” “ welcome to your new home. ” “ your old boyfriend/girlfriend is finally getting what he deserves. ” “ take your tiny hands off of me. ” “ you are a bottom feeder. ” “ he read me poetry. ” “ the only scoop i am getting today is double chocolate chip. ” “ i think I’m pablo picasso. ” “ you said i could eat bad guys ! ” “ i can not live like this anymore. ” “ i cannot live on chicken and chocolate alone. ” “ you live in my body, you live by my rules. ” “ i can’t with this grossness. ” “ she did not know she needed our help. there is a difference. ” “ fuck this guy.” “ is [name] with you ? ” “ 80 billion light years of hive knowledge across universe would explode your tiny little brain. ” “ you made me feel like i was on a rollercoaster. ” “ are you hiding stuff from me ? ” “ i am not okay. ” “ the chocolate delivery hasn’t arrived yet. ” “ commitment’s just not your thing. ” “ what’s gonna happen ? you’re gonna stop protecting me ? ”
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