
#coffeelove #winter #starbucks #caramel #fuelofwinter
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#vintage #nostalgic
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टीम टैरोलॉजी की ओर से मेजर प्रमिला सिंह (से.नि.) आप सबको 'शुभ दीपावली' और 'ग्रीन दीपावली' की मंगल कामनाएं प्रेषित करती हैं। जी हाँ, ग्रीन दीपावली, मैं पटाखे खरीदने के बजाय पौधे लेकर आई, मैंने एलईडी लाइट लगाने के बजाय मिट्टी के दीये खरीदे हैं, जो "मेड इन इंडिया" को बढ़ावा देंगे। Major PRAMILA SINGH (RETD), on BEHALF OF TEAM TAROTLOGY wishes you a HAPPY DIWALI AND GREEN DIWALI. YES GREEN DIWALI, INSTEAD OF BUYING FIREWORKS I BROUGHT PLANTS, SHRUBS AND MUCH MORE, INSTEAD OF PUTTING LED LIGHTS I BROUGHT MANY TERRACOTTA DIYAS, WHICH WILL BOOST "MADE IN INDIA". Please avail our services as the contribution in form of #personalised #services goes for #strayanimalsrecsue their #medication food, shelter & to stop #atrocitiesonanimals WHATSAPP ON 8289027288 LIKE MY PAGE FOR #FREE PREDICTIONS FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM a34w50&utm_content=fkttrbk FOR LINKEDIN FIND ME For TELEGRAM For BLOG Join me on my pages for discussions 1033199333876171/?ref=share /
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# MajorPramilaSingh $AzadikaAmritMahotsav #HURRY #tarotcardreading @ 501 !!! Ya! You read it right!!! The #tarotcardreader Major Pramila Singh(Retd)will be addressing all the queries by #ASTROLOGY #TAROTCARDREADING #MOONCARDREADING #ANGELCARDREADING #PALMISTRY #PASTLIFEREGRESSION #NAKASHTRA #NOSTRADUMUS (the lost tarot) The offer starts from 15 Aug 2022, Call my managers directly to #6290456930 #8100179519 #8420458528 #MESSAGE ONLY AT 8289027288 #strayannimalrescuer, their #medication #happinessoftheworld #azadikaamritmahotsav #tarotlogy #tarotlogyjust501 #strayanimalrescuer Call #8289027288 REGARDS Major PRAMILA SINGH 8289027288 (at India)
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For hindi lovers, copy the link.
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#FREE #MONTHLY #FUTUREFORECAST by #MAJORPRAMILASINGH (1st Jun'22 to 30th Jun'22) WHATSAPP ON 8289027288 #ARIES : You will soon have a new perspective and great peace or satisfaction. Look to your inner world, change the way you react events. and choose to be happy. When you let go of fear or doubt, success will come. Though nothing have changed significantly in your outer world you will have changed dramatically , and you will revamping your objectives of your approach all objectives or your objectives of your approach to life as such. #TAURUS : It's the call of destiny that motivates you or compels you to go on , your desire is not in vain and that which vain and that which you are yearning for and will ultimately find fulfilment, follow what you know to be true for yourself with deep sincerity hopefully yourself with deep sincerity and affirm resolve and in due time you're stand in due time your star shall shine, things will work out better it's will work out better than expected and your faith in the future will burn brightly once more. #GEMINI : You will be grateful for the ability to ward off conflicts,negative behaviour patterns and physical or emotional assault. Stay detached and you will be able to pursue truth. situations and and your impressions or perception will little be confirmed. you will be determined to carry on despite the obstacles or the obstacles or trials you have to indoor and you will find an alternative court. #CANCER : No matter what it looks like now, there is still an Avenue for fulfilment take your mind off your work if you remind off; your work your lover, or the problem and do something else problem and do something else. See to your needs 1st some of your material goals some of your material goals will be accomplished but you still be waiting emotion #LEO : There will be many unforeseen changes in unexpected occurrences. Be neutral and follow your inner light. Change will bring a new perspective and new you,and by putting your pessimism or insecurities behind you, you'll become a much stronger and happier person. #VIRGO : What .... LIKE MY PAGE OF TAROTLOGY On Facebook.
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Whatsapp at 8289027288 for TAROT CARD READING and much more
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किसकी ज़िंदगी में बजेगी प्यार की घंटी, किसकी बढ़ेगी टेंशन? टैरोकार्ड से जानें अपना राशिफल
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किसकी ज़िंदगी में बजेगी प्यार की घंटी, किसकी बढ़ेगी टेंशन? टैरोकार्ड से जानें अपना राशिफल
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#FREE #WEEKLYFUTUREFORECAST FOR #ZODIACSIGNS through #TAROTCARDS by #MAJOR #PRAMILASINGH RETD. #ASTROLOGER #PSYCHIC, #TAROTCARDREAR (#strayanimalrescuer) (11thAPR22-18thAPR22) Many people requested to post the weekly forecast as per zodiac signs so please give me reviews that you like weekly forecast or universal weekly forecast your comments are very much awaited Please avail our services as the contribution in form of #personalisedservices goes for #strayanimalsrecsue their #medication food, shelter & to stop #atrocitiesonanimals WHATSAPP ON 8289027288 #ARIES (21stMAR to 20thAPR): #SIX OF #CUPS Relax and let ideas come and go when the right one comes you will know it things are going to work out better than you anticipated, and an unexpected twist of fate will be turning point for you in attainment of your goal. #TAURUS (21stAPR to 20thMAY):THE #WORLD It's going to take genuine "wrath" to free yourself from the pressure feeling yet this must be done if transformations to occur or a lost opportunity be regained. Eventually you will surmount limitations or obstacles and come out on top. #GEMINI (21st May to 20thJune): #STRENGTH Put aside the notion that your prayers can only be answered by striving or personal effort, and if you pray, pray with conviction don't be fearful you will overcome all obstacles and nothing will keep you from advancing towards your goals because you will have the kind of inner fortitude that nothing can defeat. #CANCER (21stJUN to 20thJULY): THE #TWO OF #PENTACLES Know your choices down to one and maintaine a sanguine attitude and balanced disposition. The balance will be restored,pressure will ease off,and hope and cheer will regained. #LEO (21stJUL to 20thAUG) #QUEENOFSWORD Wait for new ideas or products to develop and in the meantime, do something pleasurable. Learn to find satisfaction in that which you can do on your own. Though you won't know how, what or why you will stay emotionally detached, trying to do the right thing until what you need to know is revealed. #VIRGO (21stAUG to 20thSEPT): #KNIGHTOFSWORD : Don't give up, you will receive an answer or clear-cut direction that will saw your problems and get you back on the ri
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#FREE #WEEKLYFUTUREFORECAST through #TAROTCARDS by #MAJOR #PRAMILASINGH RETD. #ASTROLOGER #PSYCHIC, #TAROTCARDREAR (#strayanimalrescuer) (21stMAR22-27thMAR22) Please avail our services as the contribution in form of #personalised #services goes for #strayanimalsrecsue their #medication food, shelter & to stop #atrocitiesonanimals WHATSAPP ON 8289027288 TODAY'S CARD: #DEVIL The focus is on an adverse or negative cycle of events where problem seemed to multiply and nothing goes right your perception will be clouded and you will be unable to see clearly or perceive the whole picture. #DESIRE You want to shake off adversity or end a negative condition. #ROMANCE You will still carry a flame for the one you love and hope to recover what was lost and begin again #UNEXPECTED To your great relief a weird or unpleasant event will turn into a lucky break #TRAVEL A trip or outing will be postponed due to unavoidable circumstances #UNIONS All attempts at Union or reconciliation are going to be blocked but because of this you will begin to realise what works for you and what doesn't. #EMOTION You will be depressed or in a negative state of mind or will feel that there is no escape from your workload, lifestyle or undesired fate. #FINANCES You will have major financial difficulties and an expected losses resulting from bad checks, bad investments or adverse conditions but you will soon have the opportunity to make more money so don't worry. #HEALTH You will be tired or run down because you have become a slave to your work or are burning the candle at both ends, and you will have problems sleeping because you have too many things on your mind. #FRIENDS You will know that a friend or loved one is making you unhappy yet will feel bound to that person and find it difficult to free yourself of his or her influence. #REWARDS Being released from bondage, burdens and physical or mental operation will come as a much deserved reward #GUIDANCE Don't forge ahead blindly, slowdown, plan carefully and proceed with caution, get a second opinion if necessary #OUTCOME You will realise that "to everything there's a season,and a reason".
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#FREE #WEEKLYFUTUREFORECAST through #TAROTCARDS by #MAJOR #PRAMILASINGH RETD. #ASTROLOGER #PSYCHIC, #TAROTCARDREAR (#strayanimalrescuer) (21stMAR22-27thMAR22) Please avail our services as the contribution in form of #personalised #services goes for #strayanimalsrecsue their #medication food, shelter & to stop #atrocitiesonanimals WHATSAPP ON 8289027288 TODAY'S CARD: #DEVIL The focus is on an adverse or negative cycle of events where problem seemed to multiply and nothing goes right your perception will be clouded and you will be unable to see clearly or perceive the whole picture. #DESIRE You want to shake off adversity or end a negative condition. #ROMANCE You will still carry a flame for the one you love and hope to recover what was lost and begin again #UNEXPECTED To your great relief a weird or unpleasant event will turn into a lucky break #TRAVEL A trip or outing will be postponed due to unavoidable circumstances #UNIONS All attempts at Union or reconciliation are going to be blocked but because of this you will begin to realise what works for you and what doesn't. #EMOTION You will be depressed or in a negative state of mind or will feel that there is no escape from your workload, lifestyle or undesired fate. #FINANCES You will have major financial difficulties and an expected losses resulting from bad checks, bad investments or adverse conditions but you will soon have the opportunity to make more money so don't worry. #HEALTH You will be tired or run down because you have become a slave to your work or are burning the candle at both ends, and you will have problems sleeping because you have too many things on your mind. #FRIENDS You will know that a friend or loved one is making you unhappy yet will feel bound to that person and find it difficult to free yourself of his or her influence. #REWARDS Being released from bondage, burdens and physical or mental operation will come as a much deserved reward #GUIDANCE Don't forge ahead blindly, slowdown, plan carefully and proceed with caution, get a second opinion if necessary #OUTCOME You will realise that "to everything there's a season,and a reason".
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क्या जानवर होली खेलते हैं? हर बार होली के माहौल में यह सवाल मेरे मन में तब आता है जब मैं रंगों से सराबोर बेसहारा जानवरों को देखती हूं। फिर चाहे वह श्वान (डॉग) हो या गाय, सांड, गधा, यहां तक कि बंदर भी। लेकिन वे कैसे खेलते हैं, इसके बारे में किसी ने कभी सोचा नहीं है। जवाब बहुत आसान है, वे ��ोली नहीं खेलते, लेकिन हम मस्ती और नासमझी में उन पर कभी-कभी सूखे रंग, अबीर या गुलाल फेंक देते हैं। यहां तक कि हम कभी-कभी सिर्फ मनोरंजन के लिए उन पर पानी के गुब्बारे फेंकते हैं। इस कोरोना काल में जब हम सामाजिक दूरी (सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग) बनाए हुए हैं, तो जानवरों के साथ क्यों नहीं? सबसे निवेदन है, कृपया उन्हें भी सुकून से रहने दें। उन्हें परेशान न करें। तब भी नहीं जब आप बालकनी में हों या राह चलते उनके करीब से गुजरें। यहां मेरी चिंता उस दुष्परिणाम को लेकर है जिसे ये जानवर भुगतते हैं। हमें याद रखना चाहिए कि ये जीव पहले से ही परेशान, बेसहारा हैं। हाल��त की वजह से कई बार तो रोटी के सिर्फ एक टुकड़े के लिए आपस में लड़ रहे होते हैं। उनकी त्वचा पर पहले से ही बहुत सारे घाव होते हैं। कई तो ऐसी बीमारियों से पीड़ित होते हैं जिनके बारे में तभी पता चलता है, जब हम उनके करीब जाते हैं। हम अपनी मौज-मस्ती के लिए उन पर रंग डाल देते हैं। हमें समझना चाहिए कि वे भी प्रकृति की रचना हैं जो हमारे साथ हैं, लेकिन बोल नहीं सकते। क्या कभी कोई बेसहारा जानवर आपके पास यह कहने के लिए आया कि मुझे त्वचा की एलर्जी हो गई है क्योंकि किसी ने मेरे साथ होली खेली थी यह बात हम सबके लिए गौर करने लायक है, इसलिए मैं हर किसी को होली की शुभकामनाएं देते रहने के बजाय यह कहना चाहती हूं कि इन्सानों के साथ होली खेलें और इन्सानों के साथ ही रंगों का यह त्योहार मनाएं। लेकिन जानवरों पर कोई अत्याचार नहीं करें। कृपया होली के नाम पर किसी श्वान (डॉग) या गाय पर रंग न उड़ेलें। वे आपको कभी अपनी पीड़ा नहीं बता पाएंगे। ... तो होली की अनेक शुभकामनाएं; सुरक्षित ढंग से होली खेले, आपस में खेलें; जानवरों के साथ नहीं, चाहे वह आपका पालतू ही क्यों न हो। एक बार फिर इसी प्रार्थना के साथ मेजर प्रमिला सिंह (से.नि.) जीवसेवा के लिए प्रयासरत एक साधारण-सी कार्यकर्ता ज्योतिषी एवं भविष्यवेत्ता (#strayanimalrescuer) Please avail our services as the contribution in form of #personalised #services goes for #strayanimalsrescue their #medication food, shelter & to stop #atrocitiesonanimals
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