tarot-root · 8 days
[Pick a Card] Weekly Reading - Sept 11
🐦‍⬛♠️ - focus on your intuition. relax and close your eyes, open them, which set of cards calls to you?
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Group 1
Migration, Queen of Pentacles
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You are beginning a journey towards freedom. You have made the decision to move away from an old and confining situation and towards a new life, you have even taken the first steps. This journey is one that will be filled with excitement, it may be the beginning of college or the start of a vacation. This is something that you have been waiting for and you are finally prepared for it to happen.
The queen of pentacles reassures you that you will be successful in your trip. Things will go well for you so you should lean into them. You may be worried about finances on your trip, queen of pentacles assures you that this is financially beneficial to you.
Group 2
The Stand, Ten of Cups
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You have spent a lot of time being fearless and brave. You have put on a strong face for a very long time to protect yourself and the people around you. You have a tendency to take on the protective role in your relationships. This has made you weary. You have grown exhausted of your bravery, you have fought for a long time.
Ten of cups suggests that you take a break and soften for the people around you. You will be more fulfilled in both your personal and social lives if you take a moment to let go of the tension you hold in yourself. Happiness is around the corner, you just have to let go of the burdens you carry for the people around you. They want you to rest. Rest.
Group 3
Trinity, King of Wands
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You are struggling with flexibility in your life. You have a lot of energy and passion but not a lot of compromise. You are overwhelming the people around you with your stubbornness. You want to be in the lead all the time. You want to be the final say.
Trinity tells you that you need to take a step back and let others have a turn to speak. You need to become more open to other's ideas. Flexibility will strengthen your relationships as the people around you will feel that their opinions are valued.
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tarot-root · 2 months
hate it when alterhumans assume “spiritual therian” automatically means “had past lives”
there are other kinds of spirituality!! you can be spiritual and not believe in past lives, or not believe you had one! your spirituality is YOUR spirituality and you can define it however you want. if being a spiritual therian is a label that you believe suits you, then it’s your label.
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tarot-root · 2 months
☄️🪐 An Introduction to Energy Work for Psi Vampirism
AKA how to siphon and take in energy consciously for beginners
these are real spiritual beliefs, not roleplay
learning to take energy consciously is an important part of psi vampirism as it both gives you a consistent supply of energy and prevents you from drawing too much on sources you do not want to take from extensively. learning this skill can also be important for sanguinarians as psi feeding can, for some people, be used as a substitute for blood. it's important to remember that neither blood nor energy are more moral than each other in and of themselves.
this form of energy work can also be used in witchcraft as a way to draw in external forces and use them in a way that comes from within yourself.
this is my personal experience and what I have been taught, it is not irrefutable fact.
when drawing energy through psi feeding you have 3 options:
take from a human source
take from ambient human energy
take from a nonhuman source
☄️ 1. human sources
taking from human sources is often the preferred method of taking energy for psi vampires.
if you decide to take from human sources it's important to establish your own code of conduct, what that contains is a personal decision but you should be conscious efforts to avoid causing harm. some things to consider are:
how much energy you take
who you take energy from
what situations you take energy in
generally it's considered bad form to draw large amounts of energy from a single person as this drains them. while no physical harm will come of it, it's just a shitty thing to leave someone feeling exhausted.
some psi vampires find they are only satisfied with human sources. this is fine. some psi vampires just prefer human energies. this is also fine. drawing from humans is not immoral as long as you do so with care.
☄️ 2. ambient human energy
if you're concerned about the ethics of drawing directly from humans, you are worried about your ability to control your feeding, or you just simply don't want to take directly from humans it's good to consider ambient human energy. ambient human energy is a good in between step between nonhuman energies and human energies as ambient human energy is human energy that is lingering and not in active use.
finding ambient human energy is the real trick. while ambient human energy is everywhere that humans are it's greater in crowded areas and greatest in high energy crowded areas. a concert has a lot of ambient human energy, rural Idaho does not.
it often takes more practice to take ambient human energy than human energy or nonhuman energy as your source is much broader and much muddier.
☄️ 3. nonhuman sources
everything has energy. animals have energy, the sun has energy, the plants have energy, your dining room table has energy. it's possible to draw energy from all of these sources.
some psi vampires have a harder time benefitting from these energy sources. not everyone has the option of drawing from nonhuman (and particularly inanimate) sources.
when taking energy from living things I would encourage you to first build a relationship with that thing- particularly if you plan to feed off of it regularly or extensively. this can be a simple process, and can look like taking care of something (watering a plant, putting out food for a stray cat- don't feed wildlife, etc.), leaving offerings, or working with and building a relationship with the spirit of whatever you're taking from.
☄️🪐 Beginning Energy Work
If you already have a foundation in energy work, skip this section
energy work is the manipulation of the metaphysical energy around us. it is the core of psi feeding. while most psi vampires feed unconsciously naturally most desire to break free of this as it can have unintended consequences for the people around them. on top of this, unconscious feeding does not always satisfy energy needs. with conscious feeding you get control of all aspects of your feeding.
one of the best ways to learn basic energy work skills is to spend time playing with energy- but to do that you need to gather the energy in the first place. start by visualization. hold out your hand and imagine the energy, imagine its feel, its heat, its static, imagine its appearance, its color, its size. imagine gathering that energy, imagine sparks coming together. try to put that visualization into action.
this step is trial and error, it takes time to get it. you'll know you've succeeded when you feel the energy there, it's a hard feeling to describe but it's very distinctive.
from there, practice changing the size of the energy ball you've created. take energy in and release it. this is the same method you used to gather energy in the first place, you're drawing it in them drawing it out and letting it dissipate.
practice moving the ball of energy, move it upwards and downwards in small increments until you have a good grasp on moving energy from far away.
repeat these exercises until you feel comfortable with them.
☄️🪐 Siphoning & Taking In Energy
The first step in siphoning energy is getting to know the energy source you're taking from. feel out the unique characteristics of the energy you're taking from. at first, you can start by literally placing your hand on your energy source. then take the skills you learned in the last step and this time try to collect your energy from one specific source. if visualization helps you, visualize sparks coming from your source and into your hand.
from there, take the energy you siphoned and put it inside your body. you can do this however you like, but I prefer to put the energy inside my chest. consciously add the energy to your own and mix the two. if visualization helps you, visualize the energy swirling together with your own until they're one homogenous blend.
congratulations! you've just fed off an energy source
now, practice the above steps until they flow. you can cut out parts as you become more comfortable with what you're doing.
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tarot-root · 2 months
🌌 pick a path to take this week 🌌
-> You've come across a fork in the road, pick a path to take this week
☄️🪐 close your eyes and focus on your intuition, which set of cards are you drawn to?
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↓ readings beneath the cut ↓
☄️ path one
Rabbit, Three of Swords, Page of Swords, The Emperor
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You are starting this week with tragedy. you are feeling stabbed in the back by life as painful circumstances have suddenly shown up around you. you are being forced to deal with the consequences of these actions taken upon you. this week you will turn to find a solution but you are doing so with anxiety. you are unsure of yourself and your decisions. your anxiety is driven by the heartbreak you felt at the beginning of the weak. the boat of your life has been rocked and you are still trying to tackle the waves. at the end of the week you manage to take control, while things have not solved themselves you are no longer being tossed around by the waves. you have a plan to work out the issues that have arisen and will begin working towards them.
Overall themes: anxiety, franticness, desire to act
🪐 path two
Boar, King of Pentacles, Page of Cups, The Devil
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You are starting the week in a place of financial security. despite this security you are feeling restless. your job is tiring and you are weary. you are eager for something new. in the middle of the week you will find an opportunity. something will change allowing you to seek out something better. you will be overjoyed at the opportunity for something novel, it's a promise for improvement. at the end of the week you will find yourself stuck in the same routine. things will not work out, but they were still worth trying. the only way to break free is to put consistent effort into escaping what binds you. your circumstances seek for you to give up but giving up is giving in. do not settle for less.
Overall themes: loss of hope, destruction of dreams
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tarot-root · 2 months
[Pick a Card] Daily Reading - Jul 7
🐦‍⬛♠️ - focus on your intuition. relax and close your eyes, open them, which set of cards calls to you?
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⬇️Readings beneath the cut⬇️
Group 1
Scavenge, Six of Cups, Temperance
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Right now you are in a situation you perceive to be peaceful and successful. You are relaxing, focusing on fond memories. There appears to be balance in your life, you are in a state you perceive to be stable. What you don't realize is you're settling for less. You are taking the road you perceive to be the easy road without realizing it is the hard road. You should consider what you're doing and if your time of tranquility is all that tranquil. Reflect on your situation.
Group 2
Protection, The World, Ten of Cups
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Right now you're in touch with your spirituality. Your spirituality fills you with joy and makes you feel complete and content. If you believe in a deity, you can feel their presence watching over you with love and care. You are whole, and your journey is temporarily complete. You are in a good place, it's time to rest and enjoy that comfort.
Group 3
Luck, King of Cups, Seven of Pentacles
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You are about to get lucky, but luck doesn't come for free. Luck is part chance and part skill but you have the skill. You have worked hard to build up your abilities and they are about to serve you well when the chance arrives to use them. You are beyond prepared for this upcoming opportunity.
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tarot-root · 3 months
[Pick A Card] - Daily Reading Jul 5
🍂🌾 - focus on your intuition. relax and close your eyes, open them, which set of cards calls to you?
If your reading resonates, consider reblogging?
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⬇️ Readings beneath the cut ⬇️
Group One - Grimalkin's Curious Cats Tarot
Two of Cups
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Today is a day to spend with your closest friends. You are seeking out connection with the people closest to you. You are drawn to the similarity between you and your closest friend, you are partners in crime. You are both equally passionate about something happening and should fight together as a united force.
Group Two - Whispers From Below Tarot
Page of Cups
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You are feeling an artistic drive. You are overflowing with new ideas and inspiration. Today you should indulge the artistic side of you. Let your emotions flow through you and into your art. Art is a release of the built up emotional tension you're experiencing. It's a way to vent those feelings, positive or negative.
Group Three - The Pulp Girls Tarot
The Hierophant
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Today is a day to follow the rules. You have been pushing the boundaries for a while and need to take a step back or risk the consequences. While breaking the rules can be alluring, sometimes it's far more effective to work within them. Today is a day to work within them.
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tarot-root · 3 months
🃏 Pick A Card Daily Reading - 6/30/24
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[ID: 3 sets of cards. the first is a pile of 3 black cards with the phases of the moon. the second is a pile of 4 black cards with a cat skull and blue roses. the third is a pile of 3 purple cards with cutesy style skulls and lollipops]
⬇️ Readings beneath the cut ⬇️
Group 1 - Disorder Tarot of Innocence
The Fool, Nine of Cups, The High Priestess
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[ID: 3 cards of nude figures. they show the fool, 9 of cups, and the high priestess]
Today you are starting a journey. That might be a new job, new relationship, or otherwise a new start. You are, however, naive to many of the realities of this journey.
9 of cups indicates that you will be satisfied with the outcomes of the journey. you will feel emotionally fulfilled. it invites you to indulge in the best parts of the journey.
Group 2 - Earth & Bone Oracle
The high priestess suggests you are lacking in insight. it echoes the fool's nativity. you should take the time to gather knowledge on this journey.
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The Stand, The Key, Migration, Heart
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[ID: 4 cards laid out with various scenes. skulls are a theme amongst all the cards.]
You have a lot of fire and passion in you right now. You want to stand up for what's right, but beyond that you should stand up for what's right. You are angry about something, or otherwise feel strongly about something. The cards are encouraging you to seek out what you desire and make that step.
You are feeling unsure about taking that step but migration suggests it is time to move. Heart tells that you know your true morals and callings. You are sure of yourself but not your actions and it's time to change that.
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Group 3 - Spoopy Tarot
Page of Pentacles, The Fool, Ace of Swords
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[ID: 3 cards illustrated in a simple cutesy style, the first shows someone dressed as a cat, the second shows a ghost, and the third shows a skull with a rose growing from it]
Someone knew is coming into your life. This is the start of a new relationship, whether platonic, romantic, or familial and you are feeling the excitement. It's been a long time since someone knew came into your life and you are more than ready for a fresh start.
The ace of swords suggests that you've had a traumatic experience with people recently in the past. It promises better treatment in the future.
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tarot-root · 3 months
🃏 Pick A Card - 6/29/24
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[ID: 3 piles of cards. the first is a pile of 3 cards showing a crow with its wings outstretched above a forest. the second is a pile of 3 cards with a constellation of a scorpion on the back. the third is a pile of 2 cards with a branch pattern]
⬇️ readings beneath the cut ⬇️
Pile 1 - Urban Crow Oracle
Battle, Illusion, Influence
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[ID: three cards laid out. the first shows two crows fighting, it's labeled battle. the second shows a crow cawing into a mirror, it's labeled illusion. the third shows 2 crows smoking, it's labeled influence]
You are in a precarious position socially. arguments are brewing and people are getting heated. both you and someone else are prepared to explode.
Illusion suggests that you are in the wrong. there is a side to this situation that you are not seeing.
Influence further suggests that you are being influenced by someone else to feel this way. you should evaluate who might be manipulating or using you. your friend may be your enemy and your enemy may be your friend
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Pile 2 - Oracle of Pluto
Rooster, Griffin, Camel
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[ID: 3 cards illustrated in bright blues and pinks. they contain shadow puppets. the first shows a rooster, the second shows a griffin, and the third shows a camel]
You are trying to show off, whether that be to a specific person or the world at large. You are falling into the trap of thinking you are better and stronger than other people.
Griffin suggests you are going to find truth. You will be falling off your high horse if you don't get off yourself. You cannot maintain the facade you've put on, and perhaps you shouldn't.
Camel tells of journey. In this case, you will be going on a journey of self discovery. It suggests to you that you look inside yourself, find the wrong turn you took, and turn back around to make it right. It is not too late to change.
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Pile 3 - Tarot Landscapes
Seven of Pentacles, Six of Cups
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[ID: 2 tarot cards, 7 of pentacles and 6 of cups. 7 of pentacles shows a birds nest over a bench overlooking a lake. 6 of cups shows a pumpkin patch with a wagon abandoned just behind a broken bright wall]
You are at peace. You are able to take a break and you are enjoying the rest. You've come a long way and now have a chance to catch your breath.
Six of cups suggests you are wrapped in nostalgia. It encourages you to revisit your childhood. You need a break from the stress right now and you can find that by returning to your childhood.
If this reading resonates, consider reblogging?
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tarot-root · 3 months
🃏 Pick A Card - 6/25/24
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[ID: 3 sets of cards. the first shows 2 purple cards with a cutesy style skull, lollipop, and eye. it's labeled with a 1. the second shows 3 cards with a dragon looped to be an infinity symbol. it's labeled with a 2. the third shows 2 blue cards with branches. it's labeled 3.]
⬇️ Readings beneath the cut ⬇️
Group 1 - Spoopy Tarot
Ace of Wands reversed, The Devil reversed
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[ID: 2 purple tarot cards, the first shows a single lollipop with a skull on it, the second shows a candycorn with devil horns. both are reversed]
Something is holding you back in your life. You feel chained to a boulder you are dragging behind you and it's slowing you down. You want to be adventurous and take on the world but you're being held back by someone or something in your life. You feel like a caged bird, ready to break free and fly.
Group 2 - Spheres of Heaven Tarot
The devil reversed suggests that you break free of those bonds. The task is not easy but it reminds you that you are capable. You will feel much lighter once you are free. The devil reversed is an encouraging card, it lets you know that you are stronger than the chains that bind you.
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Nine of Cups, The Empress reversed, The Fool reversed + The Chariot reversed (clarifier)
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[ID: 3 light purple cards. the first shows 9 cups stacked and flowing water into each other. the second shows a black woman with short hair dressed in a robe and golden jewelry, the card is reversed. the third shows a person with medium toned skin and short brown hair looking to the left and holding a staff. their clothes blow behind them and in their clothes is an image of a dog chasing a bird. the card is reversed]
You are moving on from a relationship that has, or should, end. This relationship may be romantic but may also be a friendship or familial relationship. You've decided it's time to let go before the universe forces your hand. You feel in your heart this is the right decision but that does not make it easier.
The empress reversed suggests that you are still holding on tightly. You don't want to leave this relationship behind. This relationship, while it was once great, has become soured but you are still clinging to old times.
The fool reversed and the chariot reversed both advise that you are making a mistake. The chariot tells you to put the brakes on for a minute, stop, and reevaluate the situation. You are discarding something hastily and you should think for a minute about whether this is truly the right decision or whether your drive for something better has caused you to make a mistake.
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Group 3 - Tarot Landscapes
Four of Cups, Five of Swords reversed
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[ID: 2 tarot cards, the first shows a crane flying over a lake. the second shows a tree covered in moss with a woodpecker on it, the card is reversed]
Right now you are feeling discouraged and depressed. You are feeling as if any step you take is meaningless but in the process you are rejecting opportunities for improvement. You have turned your back on all the good in the world in favor of your philosophy that not caring is the way to go.
Five of swords reversed suggests that it's time to break this cycle. It is time for you to move forward in your life. The first step to healing is deciding to heal and this card is telling you that the time to make that decision is here. Reach out to your loved ones and make a choice to start on the path towards improvement.
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tarot-root · 3 months
🃏 Pick A Card - 6/24/24
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[ID: 3 sets of 3 cards. the first set shows an intricate carnival-esque black and white design on the back. the second shows many white mushrooms on a black background. the third shows a blue, anatomically correct heart]
⬇️ Readings beneath the cut ⬇️
First Group - The Phantomwise Tarot
The World, The Empress, Three of Cups
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[ID: the world, the empress, and the three of cups illustrated in black and white]
You are currently, or soon will be, feeling whole and complete. You are reaching a point where you will be ending a journey and soon beginning anew. You are in a place of contentment, having come far in your journey. Perhaps you have recently accomplished something large.
The Empress echoes the sentiment of the world, emphasizing your control over the situation in your life but simultaneously adding a tone of beauty. This is a time in your life where you should slow down and appreciate the good you're experiencing.
Three of cups advises you to reach out and make connections with old and new friends alike. It suggests that you could improve the social aspects of your life. You may have been neglecting to show up in your social life to a full extent. This is a time to relax and celebrate, take advantage of the good times while they last.
Second Group - Midnight Magic Tarot
Queen of Pentacles reversed, Page of Swords, Knight of Pentacles
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[ID: Queen of pentacles reversed, page of swords, and knight of pentacles illustrated as mushrooms]
You are currently in a position where you believe you are acting in self care but in reality are acting out self destruction. You have focused on yourself over other people. It is possible you are spending too much money while justifying it with the concept of self care.
The page of swords ties into this. You have a mindset of "go for it!" following you around. You are lacking in impulse control financially.
The knight of pentacles encourages patience, responsibility, and careful planning. It reminds you that you are a hard worker, and to be cautious with how you spend the money you earn with that hard work.
Third Group - The Body Tarot
The Magician, Ten of Swords reversed, The Moon
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[ID: The bone marrow, an alternative name for the magician; ten of wood reversed, an alternative name for ten of swords; and the large intestine, an alternative name for the moon illustrated simply]
You have all the tools at hand to be successful but you haven't reached your full potential yet. You are capable in so many ways but something has prevented you from moving forward.
Ten of swords reversed suggests that what's holding you back is your own resistance to change. There is an inevitability you are fighting against.
The moon equally suggests that fear is holding you back. It and the ten of swords encourages you to take a leap of faith and move forward towards the inevitable conclusion. Kicking and fighting against the future only holds yourself back.
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tarot-root · 3 months
🍂🌻 Pinned Post
「 ✦ Corvid — he / him — no they ✦ 」
↬ tarot reader, nocturnal desert death witch, medium, sanguinarian, therian, agnostic but spiritual ↫
「 a note on belief: my relationship to witchcraft and tarot reading is complicated. I approach everything with a helping of skepticism. I do not believe in pick a card readings, I do them for practice only. if you do believe in pick a card readings you're welcome to find mine helpful, just know we don't share that belief. 」
↬a note on experience: I have been practicing witchcraft and reading tarot on and off for four years. I am thoroughly out of practice, which is why I created this blog. I want to get back into the swing of things
「 I do free readings, message me. more information beneath the cut 」
TERFs are not welcome here, zionists are not welcome here
do not follow me if you believe deserts are "ugly" "a wasteland" etc. this land is important to me and many other people. also you are wrong.
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[ID: an image divided into half. the top half shows a bright orange desert with a mesa and a butte in the background. the landscape is dotted with juniper trees. text over the image says "this isn't a wasteland" the lower half shows an empty parking lot with text saying "this is"]
🍂 Free Tarot Readings 🍂
I do free tarot readings over DMs or ask. some guidelines:
please follow tarot etiquette. please and thank you go a long way. if you demand a reading from me I will ignore you. you are making a request, I do not owe you anything
please provide a question or type of reading that you want. I'm happy to do general readings, just let me know that. "can you do a tarot reading for me?" is too vague, I can't infer what you want from that
I don't do: deity readings, readings about when/how you will die, readings looking for legal/health advice, readings asking for messages from dead people you knew, or other readings with high stakes consequences
I love doing: general readings, mediumship & spirit related readings (no spirits of relatives or friends)
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