taracocco Ā· 7 years
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A tiny poem. #reallove #growth #relationships (at Louisville, Kentucky)
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taracocco Ā· 7 years
Random Musings: Nerd Edition
Anyone who knows me understands that I am a huge fangirl when it comes to severalĀ fantasy/scifi franchises. It seems like much is happening in the nerd world, so why not. Oh - SPOILERS BLAH BLAH BLAH.Ā 
Winter is Here, Mofos
I waited for the premier of the new season of GoT with the kind of ravenous intensity Tormund usually reserves for large turkey legs and staring at Brienne... (#TeamBrimund).Ā 
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So when the first episode came around, I was not disappointed. It set the scene and tone for the remainder of the season, and really stoked the hell yeah girl power!Ā sensibilities. I know itā€™s not revolutionary to say that the gals are running Westeros these days. The showrunners could be pandering a little too hard. But I care not. I care not.Ā 
One huge pearl-clutching moment that I could have done without was the internet masses jumping on the Ed Sheeran thing. Sure, he was there. Sure, it was a little strange to see him in Lannister getup. But letā€™s be real here: it was like 3 minutes, it was tastefully done, and if he werenā€™t Ed Sheeran, he would have looked absolutely in place. Because heā€™s not some steamy boyband hack. Heā€™s the underdog ginger with a surprising success story highlighting his actual talent. Good on ya, Ed Sheeran. I hope Maisy enjoyed your scene together. I hear sheā€™s a huge fan.Ā 
Other random notes on that premier:
Cercei, I totally support your interior design choices. That floor map is bitchin. Your outfit on the other hand...Ā 
Obviously,Ā ā€œShall we beginā€ brought literal chills. Incredible, intentional choices were made for that scene. And they paid off.Ā 
Iā€™ve heard that Euron is supposed toĀ ā€œput Geoffrey and Ramsay to shameā€ this season. All I can say is that I find his character weirdly charming and Iā€™m interested to see what they do with him.Ā 
Obviously any Brimund interaction gives me pause for celebration, butĀ ā€œYouā€™re a lucky manā€ tickled me pink. MORE BRIMUND PLEASE.Ā 
Which brings us to episode 2...
While nothing should ever surprise me about this show, having a major battle in episode 2 was unexpected and amazing... a huge contrast from the first that really kicked up the pace. Euronā€™sĀ ā€œcrazyā€ seems just a *tiny* bit forced to me, but Iā€™m still looking forward to seeing where they take him. And thank god the Sand Snakes are dead. The only relatively interesting bit they had was whatshername flashing her goodies at Bron. And if thatā€™s the standard by which we judge... #justsayin.Ā 
Poor Yara though. Letā€™s be honest that a Reek-ified Theon wouldnā€™t have been able to save her even if he hadnā€™t made that sick cannonball into the ocean, though. Maybe that gives him the opportunity later in the story to actually do something meaningful (instead of retreating into his shame). Letā€™s hope, anyway.Ā 
HOTPIE! I donā€™t really have much to say here except I love seeing these older characters come back. And watching Maisy eat and demand beer with the calculated detachment of a grizzled war hero is incredibly fun to watch. Itā€™s like sheā€™s evolved into a baby Hound. My hope is that she and the Hound meet again. The odd couple thing would be really interesting with the roles reversed as well (now that heā€™s gone all soft).Ā 
More Queen of Thorns. Always more Queen of Thorns.Ā 
The Grey Worm/Missandei scene was sweet in its own way. I was (as Iā€™m sure everyone watching was)Ā a bit distracted by theĀ ā€œHow is this going to work?ā€ Question. All that being said, Iā€™m thrilled they both found love and acceptance in one another. I hope this goodbye sex doesnā€™t mark the end of Grey Worm. Heā€™s become such a hilarious jokester, after all.Ā 
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Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more I could touch on, but itā€™s time to move on...
Lady Dr. Who Whaaaaaaaaa
Hugely exciting news over here. Though admittedly, I havenā€™t watched the last couple of seasons, Iā€™m thrilled that we get something different! So much opportunity abounds. So many questions.Ā 
A brand new era in The Doctor-River Song fanfic.Ā 
I really have little to say to the people causing a fuss. Itā€™s a TV show, people. S/heā€™s an alien timelord that travels in a blue police box. If having the first reincarnation of the doctor in 13 iterations be a woman is the most ridiculous thing you can fathom in this show, I think it is you, sirĀ (an educated guess) that has the problem.Ā 
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Pig creatures helping evil robots take over Manhattan (and then... the world!!) was a thing. Letā€™s just all calm down.Ā 
So many trailers!!!
Iā€™m not going to bore my (one, maybe two) readers with a breakdown of every amazing trailer Iā€™ve watched. So letā€™s just hit the highlights.Ā 
A Wrinkle in Time looks uhmayzing. Aside from the fact that this book was one of my faves as a child, Mindy Kaling is a personal hero of mine. So... kudos to the casting department for really nailing my cohort.Ā 
Ready Player One was one of the best books I read last year. To be honest, I listened to it on audiobook, and Iā€™m sure Wil Wheatonā€™s narration helped a bit - but Iā€™m absolutely thrilled to see this. I mean, itā€™s Spielberg.Ā 
Stranger Things season one was incredible. It looks like that trend is pulling through. Also, using ThrillerĀ in the trailer was a great move.Ā 
Westworld season 2 also released a trailer, and while Iā€™m excited, Iā€™m also wondering where all of the Chinese warriors are...Ā 
Blade Runner 2049. Full disclosure, I didnā€™t watch the original until (relatively) recently. And full disclosure, I didnā€™t think it was that great. Whereas the cinematography, set, and costume were incredible by even todayā€™s standards, and envelope-pushing for its time, there was very little plot. The dialogue was a bit meh. Iā€™m hoping the reboot addresses those issues. The stylistic choices are clearly there. Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford are there. Itā€™s basically the missing guacamole at the party.Ā 
Thatā€™s all for now! Hope yā€™all were able to nerd out a little with me <3
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taracocco Ā· 7 years
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Writing episode 3 has me excited to get shooting again. These characters are my heart ā¤ļø And these actors are the best. Can't wait to share @strangecompanytv with you all this fall!
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taracocco Ā· 7 years
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You guys. I'm a semifinalist!!! šŸ˜† One round to go, and I'm feeling as nervous and elated as my main character in the last round of the Pog Championship. Yes, you read that right. #90s #whatarepogs #screenwriting #TheSlammer #comedy
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taracocco Ā· 7 years
Random Musings
Taming of the Shrew is rather appalling.Ā 
To be honest, I hadn't ever readĀ the play before, and had only gone as far to watch 10 Things I Hate About YouĀ prior to seeing it live this past weekend. Apparently the story runs parallel only to the point where Kat has to get married before Bianca. If it was more true to the story, then Heath Ledger would have forced Julia Stiles into submission by forcing her to go to prom with him against her will, literally starved and bribed her with a sweet dress, and at the end she would have read a poem about how women should really just do everything their man tells them and it'll all be peachy.Ā 
WTF, Shakespeare. We've always been so tight in the past and now I feel just... betrayed, you know? Shout out to Hollywood for actually creating some semblance of consent.Ā 
It is all Jim Butcher. All the time.
I'm gonna admit that I'm something of a fanĀ of his. I sped through the entire Dresden Files series in no time flat. At the library I decided to pick up the first copy of his steampunk Cinder Spire SeriesĀ ("The Aeronaut's Windlass") and ate it up like it was newly re-released Dill Pickle Popcorn at Trader Joe's. That is, a whole bag in roughly one sitting.Ā 
I find his work to be great storytelling but also holy hellĀ so entertaining. So when I went back to the library to find audiobooks for my multiple long distance drives, I decided to pick up the first book in his Codex Alera Series ("Furies of Calderon") because, well, it's a fantasy series and... duh. It's perfect for a long drive because it's almost exclusively action. And one particularly steamy will-they-wont-they situation. Surprisingly, though, I'm not finding it as good as the steampunk novel.Ā 
BothĀ of those series, however, feature really strong female leads - which is exciting and fun. Characters that are easy to like. Also, in the Cinder SpiresĀ there is a girl who talks to cats, and her cat's banter is on point. More novels with talking cats, please!Ā 
All that being said, I think Dresden is my fave. Let's be honest. A wizard PI with love triangles and warring vampire factions? It just hits me in my nerdy little heart. Maybe if he added in a talking cat. Oh wait! There sort of is. So yeah. In the Jim Butcher series deathmatch... Dresden reigns supreme.Ā 
Holy Dune.
I'm just reading it for the first time and it is incredible. Read it.Ā 
Reading Bonanza.Ā 
I spent hours yesterday reading and taking notes on screenplays for friends of mine. I'm so blown away by the talent surrounding me, and I'm absolutely thrilled to potentially be co-writing an action-adventure feature with one of said friends here shortly. More on that soon.Ā 
Strange Company Episode 2
We wrapped filming the second episode of my comedic webseries, Strange Company, just a couple of weeks ago. I missed being on set the very next day. Everything about this episode seemed to feel better than the pilot. Not that the pilot felt badĀ - it's just a relief to sort of feel like we know what we're doing. Way to trick ourselves! I learned so much after the pilot, and the process was just smoother. The content also felt much more meaningful. I'm just absolutely in love with how things are coming together, and the people I'm working with to make it happen.Ā Excited to get started on Episode 3!Ā 
Results announced today.
Lastly, I'm supposed to hear back from the Screencraft Comedy Competition today about my feature screenplay, The Slammer. It already went further than I expected - being a quarterfinalist. Today I'm supposed to hear if I move on to the semifinal round. So I'm a nervous wreck. But will still decidedly be proud of myself whatever happens.Ā 
That's it. Update concluded.
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taracocco Ā· 7 years
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Printing all of these travel photos has me yearning for other lands šŸ” Apu Chimboya pictured here, in the beautiful Andes. With a llama friend - because Peru. #wanderlust #gonecocco #besthoneymoon (at Peru)
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taracocco Ā· 7 years
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Another morning in our new home. It still doesn't quite feel familiar - but at least that means there's still some sense of adventure in these walls. #louisville #newtolou #catsofinstagram #catstagram #bw #iphone #unpacking (at Louisville, Kentucky)
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taracocco Ā· 7 years
Hell yes.
Got my Screencraft feedback from the Comedy Feature Contest! I scored much higher than I expected to, and am so freaking elated.Ā 
Never mind that I accidentally left a piece of dialogue that said, "FUNNY COMMENT" because I intended to go back and replace it and didn't even have time to proofread the thing :/Ā 
Never mind that I wrote about two-thirds of it in three days.Ā 
Never mind that it was the first screenplay I've ever written, and certainly the first feature.Ā 
Even if I don't move forward in the competition, I'll take my 8.2/10 and my page of great feedback and go home proudly. And then write some more. Because hell yeah. This is just the beginning.Ā 
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taracocco Ā· 7 years
There is art in your touch.
E. Grin (via written-in-pen)
Yes there is <3Ā 
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taracocco Ā· 7 years
I'm writing and directing a new webseries called "Strange Company." It's about love and relationships and letting strangers live in your home temporarily.Ā 
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taracocco Ā· 7 years
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Loving this challenge. Tomorrow, I begin...Ā 
via eadeverell.com
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taracocco Ā· 7 years
Secret Lives of Strangers: Kevin Chon
Waiting to check out at Aldi. The man in front of us is a smaller Asian man. His hair is what I imagine the kids refer to as "on fleek." His collar is popped. He is making a complicated cash exchange with the young woman ringing him out. Many bills change hands. I don't catch much of their conversation, but I do hear him say, just before he leaves with a handful of goods he doesn't bother bagging:Ā 
"I take care of my Aldi people."
When we leave, he is driving out of the parking lot in a convertible.Ā 
I like to believe he is a Korean mob boss, running an underground gambling ring. Jason has a lot of internal conflict about the nature of his business - his parents were proud immigrants. He feels guilty about deceiving them, but has gotten the taste of the party boy life, and has realized that he's addicted to the power that comes along with his station.Ā 
He offsets his guilt by giving charitably to the employees of his local grocery store. In return, they give him loyalty and first pick of the new avocados that come into the store.Ā 
Everything is business as usual, until a new employee begins working at his Aldi. Karen was transferred from store #5467. She's a bright, beautiful girl with a heart of gold and an amazingly well behaved 4-year-old son. Jason falls in love hard and fast, and tries to start walking the straight and narrow, but when Karen's son falls ill, he decides to take his skeevy uncle up on a plan to resell non-FDA approved liquor in his underground gambling venues to pull in extra cash for the operation.Ā 
Unfortunately, the liquor kills one of his patrons, setting off an investigation that puts Jason - and his relationship with Karen - in jeopardy. Officer Barker comes poking around, and the Aldi employees band together to protect him. They sell out his uncle, because he's creepy and never pays for bags.Ā 
Karen agrees to stay with him only if he quits the game. He decides to get a job DJing on the weekends, and they live off of his illegal savings indefinitely.Ā 
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