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tanteichi · 2 years ago
the worst thing about being a roleplayer is that every time you watch or read something new, like literally every single time without fail, you either want to play a character from that thing or make that thing into a roleplay. without fail.
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
continued from x! | @wolfpackmuses
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the first thing that caught rootspring's eyes had been the injured cat's twisted jaw, and had he not properly looked him over before, he would have assumed that the injury was just as fresh, though it was steadily bleeding along with the rest of him. he found him on the outskirts of skyclan territory after breaking off from his patrol to see if he could find anything on his own. what he had expected to find was a few squirrels, maybe even a bird. not a half dead cat bleeding out on the forest floor.
rootspring was quick to action, rushing off to try and find some cobwebs he could use, thank starclan for his brief training as a medicine cat apprentice, and he returned, sitting down right beside the stranger, peeling some of the cobwebs and pressing them against the more concerning wounds to try and slow the bloodflow.
it felt like eons before the other started to stir and react to his surroundings and rootspring was quick to outstretch a yellow paw on his shoulder to keep him from moving. "careful, you've got a lot of nasty marks on you. most of them are still bleeding through the cobwebs." he explained. though, what surprised him the most was that he was aware of what the clans were. so this wasn't just some random loner? he certainly hadn't seen him at any of the gatherings, rootspring would have recognized someone with that twisted of a jaw.
"you're in skyclan's territory. whichever clan you came from, you won't be able to go back, not in this condition." he hesitates and looks around. "look, i might be able to bring you back to camp. fidgetflake and frecklewish will be able to take a look at you and properly treat you there."
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
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Somee cats got caught under the mistletoe <3
Firestar/Sandstorm  -  Hawkfrost/Reedwhisker Cloudtail/Brightheart  -  Rootspring/Bristlefrost
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
anxiety ran through rootspring, making him feel tingly from the tips of his ears to his paws and tail, though it was soothed as soon as he felt something warm touch his forehead. bristlefrost. . .what would he do without her?
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he inhales and exhales to try and soothe his frayed nerves, leaning into her, before he gives her a tiny lick behind the ears, a layer of calm washing over him. with bristlefrost at his side, he could do anything. "i'll see you when i get back," he promises, pulling back slightly. "i'll make you proud!" his yellow striped tail swishing back and forth, the young warrior soon pads off, deeper into the forest. lionblaze, the official judge and decider of the trials had told him he needed to track down at least ten pieces of prey without being spotted.
delicate pawsteps traipse through the undergrowth, careful not to crush any fallen leaves on the ground, ears pricked and nose twitching as he tried to scent where anything was. he immediately froze after a few minutes, violet gaze zeroing in on an area near one of the trees. "there's a squirrel, it's chewing on some berries." he hissed as to not alert the small creature.
@tanteichi liked for a short starter from Bristlefrost ( for Rootspring ) !
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   Today was a huge day for her, and she wasn't even the one involved in the trial. Still, the energy amongst the two Clans were buzzing like hornets. The she-cat is quick to press her muzzle against Rootspring's forehead, her bushy tail raising high as a dull purr sounds in her throat. ❝Good luck out there,❞ Bristlefrost mews. ❝I know you've got this!❞
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   Rootspring was tasked with a trial to track prey -- an important skill for ThunderClan cats who were at a natural disadvantage compared to the other Clans. This was only the first of three, but if he is to succeed them all... the two of them can finally, freely become mates.
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
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.⋆。⋆˚✧  — rootspring / in character.
.⋆。⋆˚✧  — rootspring / visage.
.⋆。⋆˚✧  — rootspring / aesthetics.
.⋆。⋆˚✧  — rootspring / answered.
.⋆。⋆˚✧  — as long as we're together i don't care where i go. / bristleroot. | allnostalgic
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BOYYYYYYY !!! Really happy with how this came together :) individual pics under the cut!
Case closed count: episode 651
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Then and now :) I imagine he’s not happy thinking about all the growing up he has to do
I guess today is also gonna be my dcmk anniversary cause I started posting my art for the first time on this day last year! It’s been extremely fun seeing others’ wonderful work and sharing my own! I appreciate every single tag y’all leave and I look back on them when I need something to pick me up!
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
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i dunno how, but i was able to finish this jsjsj 
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
today is shinichi's birthday! so as soon as i get home I'm gonna be giving him a majority of my attention today, focus on threads for him, etc. in the meantime y'all should send him some birthday wishes in my inbox!
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
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# 𝐁𝐑𝐃𝐒𝐇𝐖𝐄𝐃: an independent, low-activity and private single-muse blog for BRADLEY "ROOSTER" BRADSHAW from the hit movie top gun: maverick. extremely crossover friendly and heavily headcanon based. produced by chi.
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
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redid the art for rootspring, ended up not wanting to change much about his design!
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
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"did you not read my texts? any of them?" fingers halt their typing on his laptop, his head turning to gaze at the pouting man, who looked less than thrilled by the news dropped upon him. "i told you, i've gotta go downtown and speak with some people on this case i've taken up and it'll probably take up most of my time today." brows pull upwards and he tilts his head. "i even told you before you went to bed last night. where were you when we had that talk, marius?"
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" whaaaaat!! what do you mean, you don't have time to hang out with me today? what could possibly be more interesting and more important than me! " / @tanteichi
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
"it's good, i promise." shinichi quickly retorts, setting his chopsticks to the side as blue eyes flicker from his tray of assorted food items up to his girlfriend, who looked concerned. a gentle shudder of breath escapes him. with his immune system completely wrecked due to the constant usage of the cure haibara had made him, it wasn't a surprise that he had fallen ill yet again. though this time, it completely drained his hunger for any sort of meal.
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"i'm just not that hungry, that's all. don't worry about me." he murmured underneath his breath, slight flush coating his cheeks. "i'll eat more in a little bit."
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" is the food not good, shinichi? you barely touched it. don't tell me you're getting sick. " / @tanteichi
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
continued from x! | @dragvnsovl​​
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gentle clicks and croons vibrates within the dragon’s throat, happy, it seems, to see both father and son. while not as familiar with goku as he was with gohan, icarus still felt a great deal of affection for the older saiyan, which is why he reared up on his hind legs and opened his maw, licking all over goku’s face like a dog would.
the exchange caused gohan to let out a few giggles of delight, hands rubbing up and down the dragon’s spine eagerly. “i still can’t believe how much he’s grown. i was about 5 or 6 the last time i saw him, i think. do you think we could take him home with us, dad? please?”
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
continued from x! | @dragvnsovl​
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“oh don’t you dare do this reverse psychology crap on me, trunks! look at that right there!” a wild gesture towards the tv screen where the words ‘PLAYER ONE WINS!’ flashed over and over. trunks’ character standing over goten’s, having just performed his special victory dance after completely annihilating the dark-haired man’s avatar. “you were trying to distract me so you could get that ultimate in, weren’t you? i want a best two outta three!”
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
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     Despite the fit of anxiety, Naruto’s eyes lit up upon seeing him. This was the first time he had seen Shinichi fresh out of bed. Hopefully he was too tired to notice just how flustered he had gotten. Clearing his throat softly, Naruto tried to play it cool. “Look at you in those pajamas—adorable,” he cooed, a sly smirk tugging at his lips.
     " I figured a nerd like you would’ve been more of a morning person. “ He definitely wasn’t off to a good start, but he tended to say stupid things when it was time to get serious. Or maybe the blonde was stalling—trying to figure out the best way to say what needed to be said.
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      “ Um…I, uh..wanted to take you. .” his voice was now almost a whisper, gaze shifting constantly. “ ..for some coffee —like, uh date. ”
  ‘Like uh date?’ Kill me now.
he scowls in response to the jab. though, if one looked closer, his scowl was more of a pout than anything. "not if i'm up looking over case files i'm not. does that make you a nerd then? you're more chipper than you should be." he huffs, well prepared to just close his blinds and finally head back to sleep, when those last few words rang in his ears. it would have been so easy to misinterpret his request, but. . ."a date?" shinichi repeats, face blank as he processes this.
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he was familiar with being flirted at, it happened more times than he could count, but it was rare for anyone to actually want to BE with him or take him out. not everyone could handle his distant attitude, secretive nature, or bad luck when it came to corpses. and yet. . .naruto did. somehow, the sun incarnate wanted to take him out and let him indulge in one of his favorite drinks. his eyes seem to light up, more than they had since their conversation began and he nods furiously. if his cheeks were red, so what? someone he had grown to admire and respect felt the same spark he did, sue him. "right. . .yeah.i'd — i'd like that a lot. let me get dressed and i'll meet you outside?"
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
i miss writing with a lot of my mutuals on here so like this post for something in your inbox! and of course specify which muse you want. same goes for multis for their own!
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tanteichi · 2 years ago
now I get why y'all were complaining on my tl about not getting notifs because I haven't gotten ANY for the last two replies people did for me. this is so annoying LMAO. ill hold off on doing replies till I get off work and start using a thread tracker.
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