Write and Feel Alright
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tamunina-blog · 8 years ago
Why I don't carry my husband's last name
I believe that you have to earn it to deserve it.
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tamunina-blog · 8 years ago
Is it my husband or I'm just tired?
Sept. 23, 2017
Last night I was super tired that I couldnt manage to take off my work clothes and fell asleep half sitting and half laying in bed while messaging my husband good morning. I didn't even hear he was calling me.
This morning I wanted to complain to somehow get a feeling that people care .That even though I'm tired I've got a husband who cares. When I told him it's unfair that my coworkers are working monday-friday on regular hours plus one Sat in two months while I work LONGER hours everyday plus EVERY Saturday,I didn't get the concern I expected from him. He said "Pano pa pag andito ka na?" I wanted to know how would others feel with that kind of response. I felt like I don't have the rights to be tired. Why did he say that? What was he thinking? I would have been more understanding of he shows concern in other ways. Lets say appreciating me on my birthday? Working on his passport renewal? Or granting ANY of my request?
I know life has been hard on him the past few years but I hope he doesnt just focus on his own struggles.
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tamunina-blog · 8 years ago
When will my husband spend money for me 😥
Sept 16, 2017
I am just a wife, in a long distance marriage, who wants her husband to do more than just chatting her on messenger apps.
And today, I got fed up.
Here's a fact: Many newly-wedded wives are scared to find out they married the wrong man. They have expectations that are often failed that is why they fight a lot on the first stage of marriage. But all they want is for their husband to take away that fear. An understanding wife would appreciate even the smallest effort. How do long distance couples deal with this? It may be more challenging but men make up for it. Husbands find ways to make their wives feel appreciated. Don't I have the rights to feel disappointed when my husband just waits for the sick immigration process to approve me before he can be a husband to me?
His promise: Once you get here, I will be what you need me to be. (How do women make this feel knowing that we have been married for 1 year and 7 months) It's harder to take when you know that getting there costs a lot of money and takes forever. And how am I to hold on to his promise when he keeps failing all his other promises?
He got a job but I don't ask much. I don't ask for montly remittances (doesn't make sense when I make my own money). I don't ask for expensive gift but I'm just human to expect him to be a real husband. I have missed out a lot of things I believe I deserve (proposal,proper wedding, husband without excess baggage, wedding ring (basic right?). I've been trying to accept all these things but he's not helping me. I know he is not capable of supporting me financially at the moment but can't he spend a little for me on certain occassion? How come he can go out with friends, provide for relatives, get a new car, buy her mom round trip ticket to Philippines? A single greeting card or a cake wouldnt cost that much. Does he wait for his mother to decide on how he can make his wife feel better?
Am I upset solely for the fact I did not get anything from him on my birthday? Well if he had helped me with medical fee or sent me some form of material help even for sometimes for the past 7 months, I wouldn't feel this way.
I know I need to work on my PATIENCE and UNDERSTANDING but don't you think I've been deprived too much?
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