tamlins-daughter · 4 years
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tamlins-daughter · 4 years
I just wanted to make a quick post about the fanfic I am writing on my Tumblr. 
I started this because I constantly have stories in my head that want to get out. When stories are unfinished or characters are without loves, I like to create stories that pair them off. 
Right now a lot of bad and a lot of stress is happening in my life, so I decided to start this on Tumblr, a place I found my two favorite stories Lore Olympus and Destroyer of Light.
Like I said in my description, my assumption with this story is that Tamlin finally found a loving wife, he has grown as a person, Cassian + Nesta together, and  Elain + Lucian together.  I don’t want to spoil, but I made these pairings on purpose for my story. 
I hope you like my story.  I am literally just winging each scene and carrying out the theme and previous events. I have a general idea on how I want things to go, but I am not completely sure about my end yet. Again, this is for fun on my part, so my grammar and spelling might be flawed.
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tamlins-daughter · 4 years
Scene 3 - A  Court of Death and Shadows
A flash of sunlight knocked me out of my daze. It all happened so quick. Was he dead? I have no idea. 
The gardens in front of my cottage spread before us. My father was already there running around inside. 
My mom was the first one to speak, following after him. “What do we do?” 
Solemnly he replies, “We stick to the plan we have always had, we send her away.”
This time I chime in, “What?!” Panicked I look around to see what he was doing. My dad was packing up my things, all of my most favorite items, including things I thought I had cleverly hidden away like my jewels and emergency money. 
He looks toward me, “Is there anything else I missed.”
I look at the suitcase; clothes, shoes, jewelry, money, my art supplies, my music sheets, and my favorite books. “Everything is here. Why are you doing this?”
Ignoring me he moves on, “You will have to wear more plain clothes at first. Don’t wear or show off anything that shows who you are. We will leave behind your least favorite items to keep back suspicion.” He finally fully faces me. “Take off your ring.” 
I obey, he gives it to my mom and leaves the room sobbing. Rhys who is leaning against the door frame with a dark look on his face refuses to make eye contact. “You know whats going on?” I ask. He remains silent, the air getting warmer. 
My dad zips up the suite cases and hands it to Rhys. “Remember the plan. No communication. Carry on like normal.” 
Rhys sternly nods with a dew in his eyes. Glancing at me, “I will give you two some time.” He exits to the garden. 
My mom finally returns enveloping me in a big hug. “I am so sorry Rosebud.” She starts to sob again, “Please forgive us. I love you so much”
She pulls back. This time my father hugs me tightly and continues to hold on. “Rose, you need to listen to me closely. After I let you go, you are going with Rhysand to the Night Court.” I try to push him away but he continues, “You will change your form to look like you are from the Summer Court. You will change your name. You will never speak or mention, us, your family, your friends, or this court. You will have to create a new life.”
I start to cry now realizing the full weight of the situation, “Dad, please. I am sorry I caused us trouble back there. Please you don’t have to do this.”
He rubs my back, “It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t. This was bound to happen sooner or later. We couldn’t hide the nature of your powers forever. Believe me when I tell you.” He takes a deep breathe. “I am so proud of you.” His voice comes out shakily. 
A knock sounds at the door and my dad lets me go. Feeling unsteady I walked in a daze out into the yard. Rhys was waiting a few meters away with my bags. Before I grabbed his hand, I turned back. My beautiful mom, with her long brown curly hair and hazel eyes clutched my dads arm. They were the best parents I could have asked for and now I have to say goodbye. 
I wanted to find the eloquent words that were drilled into my head during all those years of schooling, but I couldn’t. The only thing I could think to say was, “Dad, you didn’t fail me. Like you did Feyre.”
It was here he fully succumbed to his tears. As my dad grabbed something out of his pocket Rhys said, “Hold on.”
The world started turning just as I saw my dad throw the match at my cottage, lighting it on fire. 
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tamlins-daughter · 4 years
Trigger Warning - Scene 2, A Court of Death and Shadows: A Tale of Tamlin’s Daughter
Listening attentively to my surroundings, I pushed my magic out to attempt to reach the SOS. As my magic absorbed the situation, I felt the presence of one other around the emission. Running toward the sounds, not caring about attracting attention. I wretched the door open to a room on the far side of the ballroom.  The room was completely dark but I could sense the two Fae. A male was on top as the female under him cried. Without a second thought I ripped him off her.
 “Consensual or not?” I asked her in a surprisingly hard tone. I winced as my anger was seeping out. Rose, you need to be gentle. Still holding on to the back of the attackers neck I asked again but with more air and less hardness, “Consensual or not?” Eyes softening, ”Please do not lie for his sake.” 
 She looks at him then bows her head. Finally, I take a look at his face. I stifled a groan as a shocked face of a son of High Lord Baron looked back at me. He seemed more distressed that he was caught and less of what he did. Of course she won’t admit to being raped if the rapist is a High Lord's son. 
 One thing I knew for sure in this moment, he was not going to get away with it. Hand tightening around his neck as I dragged him out of the room. He made choking noises as his feet stumbled to keep up. 
 I sent a message to Feyre, knowing her son and mate could hear. “Feyre, there is a girl in the back room. She needs your help, I am taking her attacker to Khallis.” It was a lie and I knew it. I was tired of High Fae Males taking advantage of women. I wanted justice, just this once. He was in my grasp, I had the means to deliver it. 
 Hauling him from the room, my ears deafened to the cries of protest and dismay. We finally reached the balcony as I dangled him by the neck over the end. “Give me a reason I shouldn’t kill you.” I growled at him. “Give me one” 
 He starts to get desperate now. “Rosalina. You are the daughter of another court, you can’t do this.” He starts to look to the gathering crowd for help. 
 Long moments pass before I hear footsteps approach. A hand grasps my arm as I continue staring into the soul of a soon-to-be-dead man. “Rose.” It’s Rhysand. “Although I would love to see trash like him splatter on the ground below. This is not your court, she was not your citizen. Khallis and Vivian should decide his fate, should they not?” 
 I don’t answer, going back in forth to how he should die. 
 Rhysand becomes urgent now, no doubt listening in on my inner debate. “Please. Don’t start a war. I swear he will be punished for this.” This time he takes my face in his hands. In fear of hurting him I pull back, bringing the rapist back with me. 
 He fell on the ground gasping for breathe. I continued to glare, not caring about the crowd or my crying mother. My anger was too much to handle so I just stood up and started walking away. 
Baron finally spoke up for his son, "How dare you lay a finger on my son! I will have your head for this." He turns to my father, "Tamlin, you better punish your child for this, or you will have war on your hands."
Before my father could reply, I defend myself, "He raped a citizen of the Winter Court under all of your noses." I turn to Baron with ice spreading in my core, "You have no authority here. Your son broke the laws of generosity between courts."
Vivian speaks up now, "Your son will pay for what he did, do not think his position is more important than the safety of our people." Vivian nods to the guards to take him away. 
Baron turns to me, before anyone could stop him he grabs me with his bare hands by the throat. My turtle neck dress dipped lower as his fingers grazed my skin. 
The High Lord of the Autumn Court falls to the ground unconscious. The room erupted into chaos confused at what had just happened. 
Before I could explain my mom and Rhysand grabbed me and winnowed away. 
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tamlins-daughter · 4 years
How I imagine Lily likes to dress
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Spring Courts Gowns
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tamlins-daughter · 4 years
Scene 1, A Court of Death and Shadows: A Tale of Tamlin’s Daughter
The music was loud and the dancing was dangerously teetering on lewd as the night reached its climax. It’s understandable that half the party is drunk, the High Lords were paying a trip to the Winter Court. Vivian knew that stress was high so she liquored them up during dinner. Bundled up in a long-sleeved full length light blue lace dress, I tugged at my gloves. Uncomfortable being in such confining clothes for so long, I sighed through my nose. Most of the day has consisted of events and parties, I was tired of this dress and wanted to expose my arms. Regardless of my coverage, I still stepped away as people danced and moved around me. Many eyed me with curiosity, seeing my light blonde hair and piercing emerald eyes. Besides the ringlets that fall in my face, the softness in my face, and the paleness of my skin, it was clear who I was and who my father was. Feeling self conscious as the staring turned more feline, I quickly looked for sanctuary. 
Spotting Feyre across the room I swiftly made my way to her. “Hello High Lady Feyre”
She jokingly groaned as she replied, “Rose dear, I really wish you would just call me Feyre.”
I pat her arm jokingly while still keeping my distance, “Sure, sure. Waste an opportunity to flaunt something a 1,000 years worth of High Lords Wives have never had.” I smile and pause. “It sucks you aren’t here with your family. I heard many of them couldn’t make it. Something about destroying a building” I wink at her. Feyre just laughs knowing whom I was talking about, “Well we have had peace for so long with most of the courts, once I knew certain people were coming I thought it best to not have my whole family come.”  
I suddenly realized the problem. Understandably, the entire Night Court Inner Circle, had issues with the leaders of the Autumn court. For reasons, I still do not know, somehow the Autumn Court and Night Court maintain peace regardless of past grievances.
I almost gag, “I wish I had that luxury as well.” With a big sigh I continue, “Eris has been especially determined to have my hand these last few years. I didn’t want to come but Father deemed it rude, especially since Olwen invited me personally.” Olwen is Vivian’s and Kallis’s first born son, after their daughter. He, like Eris, has a particular liking to me that is rather difficult to ignore. Unlike Eris, Olwen is kind and open to a platonic friendship, which makes refusing invitations equally as difficult as coming to the party.
Teasingly, Feyre side eyes me and asks, “Are you using me as a shield against unwanted suitors?”
Darkly I smile, “Yes and no. Honestly some males were coming too close and I happened to see you alone. Did Mr. Dark and Handsome go talk shop?”
“No, we received word about unruly behavior happening in the Court of Nightmares.”
“Doesn’t that always happen?” I arch a brow.
She just laughs.
The Night Court, prior to the War, was infamous for being cruel and beastly. After Rhys revealed his true form (as not an asshole), he also revealed that most of his court is very similar to other courts. Some who partake in vile debauchery, and others who just want to live life, whether it is in a city like Valaris or some smaller towns that scattered the court. While now we know his court isn’t as scary as we thought, he still had a Inner Circle that consisted of the world's most powerful and dangerous Fae. Cassian, whom I had met many times, is probably the biggest factor on why most of the Inner Circle did not make an appearance. Although Rhys and Amren made an appearance, Cassian, Nesta, Morgan, and the infamous but equally mysterious Azriel did not. Vesper, one of my closest friends and the son of Feyre and Ryhsand, was also here, but he had suspiciously disappeared several minutes ago. No doubt to make out with a young Winter Court lad. 
As I was silently watching the crowd of dancers alongside Feyre, a chill flashes through me and my stomach falls. Panicked, I whisper to Feyre to look around for anything wrong. Confused, she stares at me, but slowly realizes what I sense. A small push of magic, a cry for help. Impossible to notice with the liquor and dancing, but neither of us have had spirits tonight. We both separated following different paths of the magic. In the corner of my eye I watched as the Wolf of the Night Court stalked her prey.
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