tamerjustine · 13 days
While im awake still i promised id post orrian metagross line, im figuring out the artwork.. for now ill lift up some of my promise; i made sprites and i have them on hand.
Ill edit this post later but they live in my head still, im just not as free atm and im FuCKing tired
SpriteMade by me, ill brb im
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tamerjustine · 13 days
Sorry, Sorry i know i dont post often and im trying to juggle art and education but human respect is optional for some people so yknow what
TW // politics, death, neg, mental shit (listen its 3am atm, i have college in the morning, and i am sick of assholes mentioning murder like its nothing but satire or a joke)
To those passing by on dash, hey ily /plat ill try to post shit soon. Sorry for negativity
Reblogging again (now with more info) since recent events show we cant just be normal human fucking beings and it’s giving “mental asylum-core”, as yet another notice that anyone and everyone seeing my blog who thinks death/violence upon anyone of any status is something you can just think, or even attempt, without a care in the world….
You will never be welcome to interact with me on any platform and thats final.
And you genuinely should not be welcome anywhere if you think killing/trying to kill someone is ok (Personally, I think those who lack respect for human life arent deserving of it, but thats nothing of my braincell). Whether they are richest human to live or struggling to so much as live for another minute, Death is death.
And again, If you think wishing someones death is “normal” or pleasurable, please block me and then call up your local authorities/therapists; I am sure someone out there would love to hear how you think murder is ok. But that someone will never be me so, disrespectfully, fuck off.
In the US: threatening government officials is a felony under federal law (18 U.S.C. § 871). Even memes.
be careful with your jokes if they spill over to active officials.
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tamerjustine · 2 months
how to grow the fuck up
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tamerjustine · 2 months
Now that directory is now posted, I guess I'll take this time to also announce that I have made all artwork related stuff public again now that I am confident with my friends stalker seeming to have blown over; I don't think anything will be traced now. Orrian Metagross-Line will be posted soon, it may even be postponed to tomorrow so I can make sure all information is decently organized.
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tamerjustine · 2 months
Hello there, stranger!!
Welcome to my blog directory post! Here is where users viewing me through the Tumblr app, or otherwise viewing without the HTML theme, can visit pages of this blog that would otherwise only be accessible through the Tumblr website.
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Learn about the blog, me and my interests, as well as the side-blogs and socials I handle.
Read the rules for my blogs; Check what warnings are present in what I write and draw. Please read through this before interacting.
View what falls under my Do Not Interact List. Please read through this list and see if any of the labels apply to your blog before interacting.
View my post archive. (I actually don't know if this was already accessible, but best to add it just in case it isn't)
*information on these pages are subject to edits, additions, and revisions. I will post updates should any major edits be made in future.
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tamerjustine · 2 months
To lighten up from my last post, its 1:30am rn and Im gonna see if I can post the Art I’ve been holding onto and maybe work on a video. I think I might just be cooking for once-
Also I think I’ll work on a post that links to important stuff for mobile users and pin it; I’ve finally made a DNI list, Rules page, and About Me section on Desktop but Mobile tmk doesnt have access to those unless its outside the tumblr app due to themes and stuff, so thats another thing I’ll try to accomplish.
Note: Alot of the art I have of the Meta-line is still just TradSketches… Star Stable has had me in a CHOKEHOLD all this time so i havent digitalized them even now. So yeah, for the most part all the concepts and stuff are Traditional Drawn and I will see if I can dig up any of the digital stuff in the morning though just so i can show everything.
Gn/Gm and stay tuned ig
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tamerjustine · 3 months
Not exactly relevant to the reblogged message; im reblogging to share the reminder, but to also just to clairify my stance to the situation here below the cut.
TW // Politics, Death/Death Threats, Venting
Please be aware that while Trump survived, and you can think on that what you will, 1 rally attendee was killed and 2 more attendees were critically injured. None are identified at the time of posting tmk…. But know that My page will NEVER
and let me make this VERY clear
Be a place to harbor hatred or wish for anybody’s death. Real people still died and… personally? my respect is to their families and I hope they recover swiftly; They should never have been harmed, and no matter where anyone stands, this whole situation crosses a SEVERE line and we all know it.
I will never encourage death threats.
I will never encourage assault.
And I will never encourage violence in any way, shape, or form to anyone of any race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, or political standing.
I will end this post with one last message before I drop this subject entirely from my blog:
It is ok to disagree with someone, It is ok to hate someone, hell, even despise them with all your being for whatever reason it means to you; it is only what makes us human. But it takes some damn disgusting, despicable, DISTURBING nerve to actively want to tempt someone’s life.
And such disturbed people will never be welcome near me or my blog, and shouldn’t be anywhere near anyone if we are being honest here. People can be better, and I have never once been so disgusted by somepeoples behavior.
These people can be better, yet they actively choose not to.
… and that alone is, genuinely, horrifying.
And finally, before I drop all of this, about the jokes? Making death threats is considered a joke? I would think tumblr would be one of the top platforms to be a place that would preach “its just a joke” as not being an excuse. Because it isn’t. But maybe I’m confusing platforms, its likely.
In the US: threatening government officials is a felony under federal law (18 U.S.C. § 871). Even memes.
be careful with your jokes if they spill over to active officials.
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tamerjustine · 3 months
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I just dropped a new video exposing my creepy troll stalker! All the info goes up to March 20th. Anything posted after that will be in a different video.
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tamerjustine · 3 months
So Im back again,
Same stuff not so different reasons; im always on at least every other day, AND I DO HAVE ART I WANNA SHARE, but unfortunately the same situation from my previous posts seem to persists on a different account
Aka: Jokerswife is still around and tracing my friends’ art and im scared to chance it. Because all it takes is one interaction and theres not a doubt in my mind my art is gonna be traced and itll only start problems i just dont need at my teenage elderly age.
Now I genuinely dont know how long this is all going to go on but I think if its still going on 2-3 weeks from now, ill just bite the bullet and post art anyway; if my art gets traced and i start getting stalked as well, ah well.
All that aside, I’d like to also use this post as a chance to say hi on your dash, and I hope your day is going well
♥️~//(^X^ )\\
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By the way after the aforementioned 2-3 weeks I think i might show my Orrian Metagross evolution line since at this point, I might as well post it, but I would like to avoid them getting stolen as much as I can.
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tamerjustine · 6 months
Me. Just. Me.
You come to my flat.
The walls are dark blue.
The floors are grey.
The skirting boards are red.
The couch is grey.
The TV has a blue edge and Pokemon is playing.
Everything is blue or grey, except for a few red decorations.
You ask me what the theme is meant to be.
I pull you close.
I motion to the TV.
You realise it's actually just a compilation of videos and screenshots of one particular Pokemon.
Oh god, there are pictures of it all over the walls, too.
You start to feel afraid.
I whisper in your ear,
'I just love metagross a lot.'
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tamerjustine · 6 months
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I hate that I can tell that this is stole from @blankspaceintime this is completely vile this is A FUCKING CHILD YOU CREEP
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tamerjustine · 6 months
Funny how you say this, yet tracepost w/o credit out of malicious intent. (Namely Kookinos, going so far as to even name the account @kookinosisalyingbitch)
Mini hot-take, Tracing ≈ AI art; both deal with plagiarism as well as the absence of creativity.
Maybe im just seething because my friend’s art is being insulted, Maybe im wasting my time talking to a wall, but my dude, if you are so much better than the artists you insult and (wrongly) accuse: Be better, Stop being childish, And show some basic artist respect. Perhaps even better yet, stop maliciously tracing and stealing peoples art.
Do better, art theif, you won’t.
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Imagine drawing porportions like this? Like what is this? ‘Professional’ my ass.
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tamerjustine · 6 months
While im still on, im currently updating my Orrian Metagross line, I felt like they look too similar to their Original/Hoennian counterparts, but for the sake of my art, im going to hold off until the tracer is gone. Yk just so that in case they’re stalking my blog for more goods, best that they dont trace me right off the press. (Heyyyy JokersWife, hru?)
But yea, other than Orrian Metagross getting an update, nothing much important to update on. I have commissions open in case i never mentioned. Dm if interested, i accept Paypal. Rn my defenses are kinda up since the tracer mentioned in the post before might still very well be stalking me now, how fun… so examples arent going to be posted for a bit.
I have comms up 24/7: starting at 5$ a head/pop i have a price sheet and examples listed on my toyhou.se.
With that, nothing bad irl, making a life-size beldum plush hopefully. i just posted since this is the first time my art has been traced and that jackassery just will not stand with me. Ill be lurking if anyone needs me somehow.
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tamerjustine · 6 months
Yo so im popping on real quick for anyone else who is like me and stalks the Metagross line tags on tumblr (because metagross is the best pokemon prove me wrong) or better yet an artist on tumblr.
Im going to quickly, drop the joking tone, because i dont know if anyone will be able to see this or better yet care, but my art has been traced and posted without my consent. Proof listed below the cut.
Here is the post/blog who traced my art:
And here is the post of the original artwork from my alt account:
This blog has also traced off of my friends and mutuals and has stalked them for quite a bit of time, you can learn more about all of that here. They delete comments from people who call them out, which I believe is how they managed to trace my art after I tried to defend my friends/mutuals.
Id suggest not interacting with them if possible, and to maybe reblog this I genuinely dont know. The more awareness the better but i also cant guarantee the same will happen to your art if you have any public.
Thank you for listening.
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tamerjustine · 1 year
For anyone playing ArtFight, here’s my link!
I am on Team Werewolves and I do Revenges as well as Friendly Fire
Have Fun!
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tamerjustine · 1 year
⚠️ this blog does not support works created by AI software ⚠️
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tamerjustine · 1 year
Even though my account is kinda dead, post and follower wise, i feel the need to kinda announce it as its an echo of my previous post.
I am more likely to be active here on tumblr. Primarily due to the chaos happening on twitter as of the day of me posting.
For those who havent heard, long story short: Twitter/Elon Musk has implemented a cap onto how many posts you view daily. As of right now caps are as follows:
BlueSubscribers, 10k posts / OldUnverified, 1k posts /NewUnverified, 500 posts
If you wish to know more on the situation, I will leave you to your own searching. But this is meant to be a post regarding me being active, Im not interested in talking about Elon/Twitter atm.
Im kinda hyping this up more than I should for what it is; The blunt and short of it is that im going to go ahead and dive head first into making my Metang OC RP account. This might be a mistake knowing my history with RP accounts, they never really take off, but i see this as a nice step in terms of moving from Twitter to here. Like compared to Twitter when i think about it… Tumblr, although it is less active, looks to be far more safer compared to what I’ve observed on Twitter.
So, TL;DR:
Twitter heated, Unsafe for me. Tumblr cozy, Im migrating here.
Before i hit the post button, While ArtFight is down last time i checked. 1. Im Team werewolf, will be posting my form soon for those interested in attacks/revenges ^^ and 2. Shouldve been 1 but i will be participating in ArtFight this year. Or atleast ill try my best lol
Thats about it, Have a good one!
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