talonrat · 7 years
Open Starter || Prisoners
There is a soft grunt of effort that can be heard along the corridor, along with a shifting sound, both constant and repetitive. It’s out-of-place. Here, it’s a sound so far unheard in the stillness of lock-down, but heard it is today - and what could have been imagination was made real by the sight that came with it.
Breathless, he passes into view of the reinforced glass, and grins.
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talonrat · 7 years
Open Starter || Agents
It’s incomprehensible. Unbelievable. It shouldn’t have been possible for this to occur. There would have been guards, patrols, cameras, something, anything. No alarm had been raised, no warning signal given, which meant either there was no threat at all... or one had been severely underestimated.
There were no two ways about it, really, given the emptiness of the cell.
The little bastard Rat had escaped.
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talonrat · 7 years
     “No, no, s’okay. I ain’t gettin’ back ta sleep now. Was probably gonna wake up soon anyway...” he mumbled, waving his half-arm to dismiss her apology. 
     Jamison shifted back to lean on the wall next to her, and found enough balance to bring his hand up to adjust the collar around his neck. It seemed to be deactivated for now - doubtless for whatever they were planning for the two of them - but force of habit made him check it anyway. 
     Satisfied he wouldn’t be shocked accidentally, he leant his head back on the wall, and let his eyes fall closed. He looked exhausted. All the energy and life had been wrenched from him, and if not for the rise and fall of his chest, his pale skin and visible ribs made him look almost dead.
     “...dreamt ‘bout Mako. Again.” he muttered. “An agent, this time. Their bullshit must be gettin’ ta me...” 
“Wake up! You were hyperventilating, are you okay?”
     Her shout worked. Jamison was up like a shot, breaths ragged and shallow, and he laced his remaining hand into his patchy, limp hair. His wide and fearful eyes were fixed, unblinkingly, to the floor.
     “Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just- fuck- gimme a minute-!”
     He was cut off by a fit of coughs that wracked his wiry body, ones that brought tears to his eyes from the pain of it. So this is how he felt. Giving a whine when it finally passed, he looked up at the woman, rubbing away the tears as if they burned him.
     “F-fuck. Th’one time they let me sleep…”
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talonrat · 7 years
“Wake up! You were hyperventilating, are you okay?”
     Her shout worked. Jamison was up like a shot, breaths ragged and shallow, and he laced his remaining hand into his patchy, limp hair. His wide and fearful eyes were fixed, unblinkingly, to the floor.
     “Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just- fuck- gimme a minute-!”
     He was cut off by a fit of coughs that wracked his wiry body, ones that brought tears to his eyes from the pain of it. So this is how he felt. Giving a whine when it finally passed, he looked up at the woman, rubbing away the tears as if they burned him.
     “F-fuck. Th’one time they let me sleep…”
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talonrat · 7 years
Angelia gave out a sigh while throwing her medical supplies bag to the floor.she grabbed a couple of anaesthetic wipes from her bag before turning towards that man of the floor and gave a disapproving glare at hit comment
Putting on a pair of disposable gloves “I’m only here to help you Jamison…"she knelt down in front of him,grabbing his chin so his face was in the light for her to inspect the damage properly
"So for once shut your god forsaken trap before I sew it shut ”
Jamison growls at the grip on his chin and promptly yelps at the threat. With that, he falls deathly silent, allowing her - begrudgingly - to look him over. He feels a little guilty for snapping, but, y’know, who can blame him, really? It’s hard not to be hostile when you’ve just resumed your usual gig as human punching bag.
Still, he gives a sigh, body relaxing, and he averts his gaze from Angela’s face. “...sorry.”
Not again
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talonrat · 7 years
Make Me Sing Munday
Send a symbol and I’ll record myself singing one of the following:
♈ - My current favorite song ♉ - A Disney song ♊ - A song in another language ♋ - My favorite song from childhood ♌ - A song my Muse would sing to Yours ♍ - A song that best describes our (the Muns!) relationship ♎ - A broadway musical song ♏ - A song from a movie (non-Disney) ♐ - A song that makes me cry ♑ - A rap song ♒ - A song I’m tired of hearing ♓ - A Song You Request!
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talonrat · 7 years
yes, this is me granting you PERMISSION to actually torment/hurt/control/beat up etc my muse. IF IT IS IN CHARACTER. but no, this is not me saying you can god-mod. there is a difference. So, feel free to inflict as much pain as you want and have fun rp-ing! (:
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talonrat · 7 years
Merely smirking at the male below him, Hanzo continued to pace letting the remark glaze over him. Upon waving his hand in a dismissive manner, both of the reptiles slunk backwards, back towards the heavily locked door. Both remained silent and simply stood staring at Jamie as Hanzo brought himself round to Jamies front.
“I’ll be breaking more than a few bones Mr.Fawkes if you don’t comply with what I need…”
Pulling out a small bit of creased paper, Hanzo unfolded it and neatened it out before continuing to speak to the australian.
“Now, all I need off you a simple answer.”
With one swift movement, the male twisted the A4 sized paper to show Jamie. It was a black and white photograph of Mako, with red scribbles of japanese placed down the sides and a few arrows with possible destination names messily written down.
“Where is your partner Mr.Fawkes?”
Jamison’s breath hitched in his throat. 
I-It’s him. He’s... His brow furrowed in confusion. We’ve never been ta that place. Where... where is he?
“I... I don’t know, mate. Thought you’d know that better than I do.”
The Australian reached out tentatively, long fingers brushing against the paper. His amber eyes were wide, as if seeing his lover in person, and he bit his lip almost hard enough to draw blood.
“Ya ain’t got ‘im.” With a gasp, the realisation struck him. His voice raised, for a moment, triumphant happiness filling his words and his eyes. “Ya ain’t got ‘im! Y-ya don’t know where he is, do ya?!”
He grinned, then, wide and toothy, showing off glimmers of sharpened gold. “I knew it. I bloody well knew it. He’ll be back fer me.”
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talonrat · 7 years
(◍ ´꒳` ◍)b-
Why did you choose this character to RP? 
[[Ooh, that’s an easy one! Jamie has always been my favourite character, and we share a lot of traits. We’re both very goofy and talkative and fidgety and forgetful and loyal. I find all his mannerisms and personality very easy to write - I just think of what I would do! - and he’s a character I honestly wish people would look at more. He’s a cutie really
0 notes
talonrat · 7 years
Make Me Sing Munday
Send a symbol and I’ll record myself singing one of the following:
♈ - My current favorite song ♉ - A Disney song ♊ - A song in another language ♋ - My favorite song from childhood ♌ - A song my Muse would sing to Yours ♍ - A song that best describes our (the Muns!) relationship ♎ - A broadway musical song ♏ - A song from a movie (non-Disney) ♐ - A song that makes me cry ♑ - A rap song ♒ - A song I’m tired of hearing ♓ - A Song You Request!
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talonrat · 7 years
Jamie’s eyes narrowed as the dragons approached, and at one’s menacing hiss, he shrank away from them with a scowl. 
“Oh, I dunno, mate.” he muttered, gaze still fixed on the creatures. He didn’t offer the agent so much as a glance. “Some o’ya want info, some want ta talk, and some o'you just come ‘ere ta fuck me up.” Jamison shrugs his shoulders at that, knowing it’s all becoming routine now. His words are cold and calm. “I never know what until someone breaks m’wrist, ya know?”
He looks up, finally, and his amber eyes blaze with defiance.
“So what’ll it be, princess?”
“What do you want…?”
Letting his lips escaping a gruff chuckle Hanzo paced around captive, both of his pets slinking in a closer circle around Jamie. Hissing and snapping their jaws whenever they got close enough.“I think the better answer would be… what do you think I want?”
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talonrat · 7 years
★MUNday Asks★
Send me an emoji!!
(❀」╹□╹)」*・- What name do you go by? 18禁( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - Are you 18+? (๏ᆺ๏υ)- What do you have in common with your muse? (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)- How are you the most different from your muse? ┌(┌ ^o^)┐- Your muse+???=OTP (◍ ´꒳` ◍)b- Why did you choose this character to RP? ╰⋃╯ლ(´ڡ`ლ)- how far in the sin pit are you  ✌(´◓q◔`)✌- Picture time! Take a selfie or draw yourself!! ( ๑ ᴖ ᴈ ᴖ)ᴖ ᴑ ᴖ๑)❣- Shoutout to close friends and followers!!
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talonrat · 7 years
The strike to his stomach sends his body spasming into coughs, unable to escape from the grip around his chin.
When he is released, his head lolls forward, before he shrinks away from her touch. It's too gentle, too familiar, more painful than the punch itself. Happy memories now imbued with pain.
Her pull on his bottom lip reveals the edge of a sharp gold tooth. When he speaks, it is barely murmured, his tone desperate as more tears spill from his eyes. "T-they don't. I've got Lú, an' Lena, an' Hana. A-and... an' Mako wouldn't give up on me. He... he loves me."
"I'm not afraid of you."
“You don’t sound so sure, крыса.” Zarya sneered, cracking her knuckles. “Not afraid of me? Every prisoner of TALON turns delusional eventually, but this is a record time.”
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talonrat · 7 years
“Oh, you don’t want that?”
She’s really grinning now, and her dark eyes are gleaming despite the dim lighting of the cell. Grabbing his chin with her finger and thumb, Zarya stops the rat from shaking his head and forces him to look her in the eyes. “There’s just no satisfying you, is there?”
Zarya pushes her other arm down on his stomach harder, hard enough to hinder his breathing. “Are you afraid of me now?” she snarls. “Or do I not compare to your precious свинья?”
“Look at me, Rat."
He can’t fight the grip on his chin. He knows that.
“No gettin’ out this time.”
When his amber eyes snap open, his irises are already blown wide with fear, and tears are threatening to spill from them. 
“Mako, p-please!”
“Zarya, please...”
“Are ya afraid of me now?!”
“Are you afraid of me now?”
The blossom of pain in his stomach makes a breath hitch in his throat, and it escapes as a muffled sob. 
He’s crying openly now. Trembling. 
“Y-yes, God, please-” he chokes out, his eyes scrunching shut once more. His body shudders with sobs he can’t control. “P-please, I don’t want this again. Not again. D-Don’t do this.”
"I'm not afraid of you."
“You don’t sound so sure, крыса.” Zarya sneered, cracking her knuckles. “Not afraid of me? Every prisoner of TALON turns delusional eventually, but this is a record time.”
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talonrat · 7 years
“I don’t want to be here either. I’d rather be with you.” Mako couldn’t help but let his tears fall. The giant let out a shaky breathe and held out his hand, to touch Jamie’s cheek, to maybe feel his lover through two different planes of existence. But all he got back was air. Wet, cold air. His mind snapped back to the video that Sombra had shown him. Jamie crying and coughing up water as the tortured him. It only made the tears sting more. “I’m sorry…”
A soft “I miss you.” is the only thing that escapes Jamie’s lips in reply, and he seems to nuzzle gently into the touch. His cheeks are beginning to shine with his own tears. The three words hold more pain than can ever be expressed, more sorrow than should ever be felt. It almost hurts to hear him so defeated. 
“I really, really miss ya.”
When he hears the soft apology, Jamie shakes his head only barely, amber eyes fixed on the other’s tears. “N-no, it’s okay. Ya didn’t know. There... there was nothin’ ya could’a done.”
💔 [[Gimme imaginary Jamie pls
💔 - crying & taking their rage/sorrow/etc out on a wall with their fist
The cuffs on his wrists stung with the force of a vice. He’d been struggling to free himself for so long, they began to cut into his wrists and bleed. He tried a final time, but failed again, droplets of crimson staining the ground. Rage and sorrow filled him, his body began to shake. The chains on the cuffs were long enough for him to cross a little less that halfway across the room. Turning suddenly, he roared and punched the cinderblock wall, bits of rock flew past him and unimaginable pain shook him to the bone. It sent him over the edge. He began to cry, and in his sorrow he continued to punch the wall until his knuckles were bruised and bloody. He then stood, back against the wall, looking down, silent.
Mako looked up from the ground and froze, looking at the door. There he was. There was Jamie. Unhurt, with such a pained look on his face. Mako couldn’t look at him, not after what he had done. He wrenched his eyes closed and looked back to the ground, trying not to cry again.
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talonrat · 7 years
Another shiver wracked his body as the fingertip trailed along his arm, and the younger man cringed and shifted away as much as he could.
"N-no, please..."
Shaking his head desperately at her words, he let out a near-pathetic whimper as the pressure built on his stomach.
"P-please, don't...!"
"I'm not afraid of you."
“You don’t sound so sure, крыса.” Zarya sneered, cracking her knuckles. “Not afraid of me? Every prisoner of TALON turns delusional eventually, but this is a record time.”
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talonrat · 7 years
“Really? You’re not?” They didn’t sound like questions at all, not in the way she pronounced them. She grinned as she spoke, stalking closer, practically chasing the prisoner. “Maybe we should change that, hm?”
She didn’t stop until her face was mere inches from the other man’s, then she leaned sideways to hiss into his ear. “Here’s a proposition. I’ll beat it into you.”
Jamison scrunched his eyes shut as she settled before him, taking ragged, gasping breaths in an attempt to quell his fear. He seemed so much smaller, so fragile, a frightened kid in over his head.
Her proposition sent a shiver of terror racing along his spine.
“P-Please.” was all he could choke out.
"I'm not afraid of you."
“You don’t sound so sure, крыса.” Zarya sneered, cracking her knuckles. “Not afraid of me? Every prisoner of TALON turns delusional eventually, but this is a record time.”
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