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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
the way kat and ethan’s breakup scene was blatantly written to make us dislike kat lmaoooo sam ain’t slick
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
looks like ep 7 is finally about lexi bayBEEE show me this fuckin play
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
in the world of everyone knowing sam levinson is a pervy director, what coincidence that nate was working out/took a shower and we see nothing but when maddy gets home we see her watching her change and see back, side boob, thong
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
omg the scene w ali and the bennetts in the kitchen made my heart so happy. immaculate vibes
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
notice how this was a top tier ep and there was not a member of the Jacobs family to be seen
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
Euphoria Spoilers!!!
I’m 25 mins in to season 2 episode 5
i did NOT expect rue to out cassie. while what cassie said about drūgs was mad annoying, i feel for her. speaking of cassie, i hate how they have her playing the blonde bimbo who talks like a baby and takes her boobs out every ep.
poor gia just cries and screams lol
the acting in this episode is really good so far. the traffic scene was gripping. leslie is very good
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
i literally feel high after tonight’s ep of euphoria and i didn’t do any drugs. what
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
no because how is euphoria not a murder mystery about who killed nate jacobs
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
Euphoria 2x03 Thoughts
Ok let’s see how Cal’s backstory made him all repressed and fucked up
Oh so his dad is more than likely an abusive asshole
Oooh Derek is def jealous
Omg why is them dancing at the gay bar so cute?!
Goddamnit why did you have to make me sympathize with a character I can’t stand?! This is giving TLOU Pt. 2 feelings all over again.
Lmao Rue’s solo is AMAZING! That was so fun to watch!
Fuckin’ A Rue, lying to and gaslighting the people that actually love you ain’t it
Yo but why am I enjoying this Rue/Jules/Elliot dynamic so much? 😂
Elliot is hilarious and serving some excellent banter right now!
No but Rue getting so offended that Jules and Elliot negotiated a secret right in front of her 🤣
Ok so I guess Cal knows who Rue is, which I can’t remember if we knew before now
Oooh Rue & Jules out here getting spicy 🌶
God I hate that they are so cute together but such a recipe for disaster
YES! I am here for Lexi pursuing something she’s passionate about! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
The use of the HBO sounder had me cracking up
Cassie I’ve been trying to defend you but FUCK you are killing me here. He does not care about you. S T O P!
Yup the RJE dynamic is going to be gold until it is not, and then it’s going to get ugly.
Also Elliot wtf did you think was going to happen?! Scat play OMG 😂😂😂
Lmao damn you two, right in front of Elliot’s salad? 😜
Hi Fez! I love you! Thank you for not giving in to Rue’s crazy!
“Hey Rue-Rue” “Hi Cass” idk why but it was cute
Lmao yo has “Oklahoma” ever been said this many times in 30 seconds ever before?
Ok I love how concerned all of them got when Rue said yes to being on drugs.
“Bitch, you better be joking!” The delivery had me rolling!
Ah ok that was a fake out but she still obviously feels like that’s real
Nate: I love how sick you are. Me: 🤮
Oh man poor Kat, that may have been the most awkward thing I’ve seen in a long while
Rue what in the holy fuck are you doing?!
Is Drug Lady serious? Does she seriously think giving this kid 10k in drugs is good idea? There is no way that bitch doesn’t know Rue’s an addict.
This whole scene with Fez, Ash and Cal has me DYING
You’re right Fezco, Nate is a fuckin bitch
Ash is such a gangster holy shit! 😂
“Dial bitch!” I am H O W L I N G!!!
“You tellin me you had sex with Jewel?”
“You didn’t know that you were recording?”
“I fucked up” “Obviously man!”
“Your son? The one that’s in love with Jewel?” Fez is out here serving comedic gold AND tea!
“What kinda father-son shit is going on around here bro?” Omg this scene is killing me in the best way!
“You’re confused? I’m fucking confused bro!”
Fez you are officially my favorite character and that was the best scene of this episode. Hell, it may have been the best scene of this show. That was a Gen Z Who’s on First and it was fucking hysterical.
Wow, I knew Elliot was going to get between Rue and Jules relationship but not like this
Elliot is written so well though. He’s def growing on me.
Oh fuck
That scene with Ali legit made me sad
From what I’m seeing so far, Rue is going to end this season completely alone and either in jail, overdosing, badly hurt because of Drug Lady Laurie, or dead.
Ugh of course we’re back with Nate and Maddy. 😒
As an ending side note, in the behind the episode the costume designer basically said the opening with Cal in the 90’s was a period piece and I died a little inside.
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
okay thoughts on s2 ep 3
•this backstory on cal is fine. a little long. here come the men complaining about penises on all forms of social media
•i would die for ashtray. the way he held the gun and was like try me bitch
•in this house we stan faye. went from hating the bitch to being obsessed with her bc of the cal interrogation thing
•elliot is so hot and i’m sure what he’s doing to rue and jules is so wrong and i don’t want him to have a crush on rue but all i can focus on is how pretty he is
•speaking of pretty!?! kat (barbie) in the scene with ethan’s parents!?! good lord that woman is hot
•ethan… who? i’m sure his character arc is coming bc they had to put him in the play to make him relevant… just forgettable i’m sorry
•ngl cassie has annoyed the f out of me the past few eps but i really almost shed a tear when i was like “omg she got flowers” “omg no she didn’t”
• maddys babysitting thing is so cute i love them. not much more to say
•the acting in the bathroom country music star scene was so GOOD. it felt like a scene in a play. so funny and real and everyone showing off their chops i watched it like 7 times
•i had really hoped cassie admitted it! i was proud for a sec
•what on EARTH was the scene with lexi directing lmao i’ve imagined similar scenarios but it was so random and out of character 💀 maybe that’s why i liked the ep so much though it felt different in the best way
•we all know rue is going to use all of those drugs? right? what do we think will be the result of that
•more gia please lmao where is she other than crying in the corner
•the scene with ali HURT. and then the mom saying she was proud. fuck
•is ali gonna tell rues mom?
•overall happy to not see cassie’s nipples,
•the flashback made me feel nostalgic and jealous so that’s a win,
•still hate the jacobs,
•rooting for everyone in fezcos house, excited to see where the play goes,
•kinda indifferent about cassie maddy etc,
elliott is hot, jules is very likeable, EXCITED FOR THE NEXT EP bye
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
The only reason Nate getting back with Maddie is so he can get the tape back
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
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#my three brain cells
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
how is the BEST episode yet in the entire series. i was so captivated the entire time… maybe the transitions? the storylines making more sense? the opening scene w c** felt a little long but other than that i literally may watch again bc… the acting and everything was so right
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
what a surprise… 5 mins in to s2e2 of euphoria and we have another graphic scene of close up cassie naked. just because she’s pretty with a nice body doesn’t mean she needs to be naked every ep. it’s like they’re “trying to be more inclusive w male nudity” but she’s the only lead we see naked more than once.
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
Euphoria S2 Ep 1 Thoughts (spoilers)
-hbo really said oh y’all want nudity??
-so many boobies but also some pen*ses??? and a v*g in the first couple mins?? is this allowed?
-okay this show really could be more diverse. i was happy to see kelvin harrison jr. got cast but then he had to leave due to scheduling. i think it could use just a lil more flavor. mckay (hot) is painted as such a villain and likely won’t get much screen time.
-does sydney sweeney /really/ need to get naked every episode? she’s so pretty and i’m sure she’s fine with it bc she has a rockin bod but like. she’s also such a talented actor and the character is so much deeper than showing her boobs close up every ep.
-big fan of elliott looking forward to more
-kat had 2 lines and one of them was about how she isn’t even relevant to the plot 💀
-director/writers said gia who??? they really give us a lot of her but like none at the same time
-i fucking hate nate. i know we are supposed to. if they explore his sexuality he’s going to be the only /gay/ one. what great representation
-speaking of nate. i see a lot of nate/cassie hate about them hooking up and it’s very one sided. they both were drunk and they both made their own choices. cassie is fake for sleeping with her besties ex. nate is the worst but we already know this.
-in this house we stan and protect fez and ashtray
-jules and rue… i’m already tired? idk
-bringing back this kodak film is so fucking beautiful and smart. the cinematography? oh they got MONEY. with zendaya, drake, and future on as exec producers? they got MONEY
-overall happy with the first ep even though it was chaotic. the first 20-30 mins were STRESSFUL but we made it through. i am only slightly ashamed to admit that i kinda really wanted to be cassie in the truck scene. and maddy is a look queen.
-not sure if fez is going to break lexi or if lexi is going to fix fez lol. if they kill fez off it won’t be until the last ep for shock value. nate and cal are gonna be up to something tho
-i hope to see each character be themselves and not a forced caricature. i hope maddy gets to show some more layers and cassie isn’t played as sad and hopeless. i hope rue and jules figure it out, blah blah blah. if there’s going to be more nudity, i hope it isn’t as forced (literally and figuratively) bc that’s when i get uncomfortable
*if you made it this far please sound off in the comments. i want to talk about this!!! xxoo
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talkingabouteuphoria · 3 years ago
Euphoria S2 Ep 1 Thoughts (spoilers)
-hbo really said oh y’all want nudity??
-so many boobies but also some pen*ses??? and a v*g in the first couple mins?? is this allowed?
-okay this show really could be more diverse. i was happy to see kelvin harrison jr. got cast but then he had to leave due to scheduling. i think it could use just a lil more flavor. mckay (hot) is painted as such a villain and likely won’t get much screen time.
-does sydney sweeney /really/ need to get naked every episode? she’s so pretty and i’m sure she’s fine with it bc she has a rockin bod but like. she’s also such a talented actor and the character is so much deeper than showing her boobs close up every ep.
-big fan of elliott looking forward to more
-kat had 2 lines and one of them was about how she isn’t even relevant to the plot 💀
-director/writers said gia who??? they really give us a lot of her but like none at the same time
-i fucking hate nate. i know we are supposed to. if they explore his sexuality he’s going to be the only /gay/ one. what great representation
-speaking of nate. i see a lot of nate/cassie hate about them hooking up and it’s very one sided. they both were drunk and they both made their own choices. cassie is fake for sleeping with her besties ex. nate is the worst but we already know this.
-in this house we stan and protect fez and ashtray
-jules and rue… i’m already tired? idk
-bringing back this kodak film is so fucking beautiful and smart. the cinematography? oh they got MONEY. with zendaya, drake, and future on as exec producers? they got MONEY
-overall happy with the first ep even though it was chaotic. the first 20-30 mins were STRESSFUL but we made it through. i am only slightly ashamed to admit that i kinda really wanted to be cassie in the truck scene. and maddy is a look queen.
-not sure if fez is going to break lexi or if lexi is going to fix fez lol. if they kill fez off it won’t be until the last ep for shock value. nate and cal are gonna be up to something tho
-i hope to see each character be themselves and not a forced caricature. i hope maddy gets to show some more layers and cassie isn’t played as sad and hopeless. i hope rue and jules figure it out, blah blah blah. if there’s going to be more nudity, i hope it isn’t as forced (literally and figuratively) bc that’s when i get uncomfortable
*if you made it this far please sound off in the comments. i want to talk about this!!! xxoo
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