talking-trees-nd · 7 months
dogs at the beach be like: sand undertail
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
something is up with my computer mouse where it like randomly doesn't work and it's so annoying
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
I would like to thank my parents arguing with my siblings as one of the reasons why my ears are probably very damaged
I would also like to thank people talking upstairs as another reason, and also me just liking to blast music in headphones late at night because no one can stop me.
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
I like tumblr because people can have a pride flag in their pfp or have like something in their name like that and no one bats and eye and I know that's true on some sides of other places like in some discord servers or sides of twitter or whatever but from what I can tell it's everywhere here but I guess idk how sides would work here because of the algorithm being pretty much non-existent ant but still
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
apparently, according to my dad at least, some of the original games on computers like solitaire and minesweeper were like strategically picked out because they got people used to left and right clicking, and also dragging things with the mouse
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
sign language should be taught more
This is for multiple reasons, including people being able to communicate with people that use it for everyday life (like deaf or mute or whatever) easier and also just it's nice to know in some situations.
I think like at least the alphabet and some basic signs, even just things like water, eat, wait, things like that. I only know that much and I use it pretty often when like I'm chewing or something and want to tell someone to wait. It also is way easier and quicker than saying like "d as in dog, not b as in bed" because you can just show the letter.
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
I think that posting things for like holidays is kind of funny here because you can't see when things are from and so you can freak people out by thinking a holiday is today when it's not at all.
idk if it's exactly funny but I also don't know how to say it exactly so I'm doing it anyways
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
happy Juneteenth and Fathers Day!
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
Some of you never learned to play minesweeper growing up without internet to the point where you can't see 😎 without being reminded of your victories and it shows
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
I wish real life was like minesweeper in the way that if I have a problem then I can just ignore it and it'll usually fix itself or I'll die first. although no guessing mode would be better for obvious reasons
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
I'm not cis and I'm not straight, but idk what I am. All I know is that sometimes I have dysphoria, I pretty much never know what my pronouns are let alone my gender, and people are pretty/look cool/idk some sort of attraction I think. I like labels sometimes but they can be so much work at times so I fit under like all of the labels at least a little at least sometimes.
So like technically unlabeled but not like that as a label ig, idk I'm just a person and I'm here and I'm not planning on dating anyone any time soon. I'll be gendered as the same thing irl all of the time and online I'll just pick something and hope it doesn't make me feel bad and if it does I'll like just change it.
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
I fit under so many umbrella labels that there's no way that the homophobia/transphobia rain could get to me, however I am standing in a pool of it so...
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
sometimes I'll just be going about my day, you know wording (like talking or writing or reading whatever) and then it just like stops. like no more words! bye bye! and it's so annoying especially when I'm doing like a procrastinated essay or something like that, or even when I'm just talking to people
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
it's interesting to see the variations on the way people write ranboo in fics, specifically with how he is with water (the other stuff is cool too but it's what I'm thinking of now.)
For like in minecraft I've usually seen it that he can't touch it or it burns or whatever (with varying degrees) and sometimes he can drink it, sometimes not
For like real life aus or whatever (like c!ranboo but in an irl situation) theres like human and hybrid or whatever. For human I've seen it where he gets like hives or is allergic to water, for hybrid it usually hurts him I think but I've seen him clean himself using like lava with resistance potion or water resistance potion.
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
I just spent a week marching around in the heat for two hours a day in the morning when I usually get up at like no later than 11am usually closer to 2pm but like I've been getting up at 7:30 am and then going to do stuff and things.
Also we had a friend over for the day and overnight (they like just left) and so I did like social interaction and talking the whole day too so that was fun but I was actually pretty fine
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
it feels like my life consists of eight things currently:
eating, sleeping, drinking, band/marching camp, tumblr, youtube, minesweeper, and the fic series I'm in the middle of.
if I were to put them in order of how much or whatever it would probably be something like band camp, sleeping, eating, the fic series, tumblr, minesweeper, youtube, and then drinking. but that's not a solid order and that's how much not how I prioritize them or whatever
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