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talitharabboni · 9 days ago
i DON’T have the answers actually. But have you met the carpenter from Nazareth?
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talitharabboni · 11 months ago
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. […] Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." - Jesus Christ, Matthew 10:29, 31
This verse came to mind just now. I fell down the stairs at work on Thursday, and I keep being reminded of ways that I could have been seriously hurt. I didn't hit my head, tear a ligament/tendon, or break anything (including the glass door). I have a contusion on my left pinky toe and two swollen ankles/feet. (I rolled both of them.) From the ankles up, I don't even have so much as a bruise. God was looking out for me, even as I tripped over a stair. The medical shoe I have to wear because I can't bend my left toes is super uncomfortable, it hurts to take even baby steps, and sitting with my feet up makes me go stir crazy, but all in all, I got off very easily, so I am counting my blessings.
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talitharabboni · 1 year ago
Just created another online dating profile. (I kind of swore off them, but a friend suggested I give them another try, and I am giving in.) To kick off, they suggested a guy I used to know. Sorry, dude, nothing against you at all (you're a great guy), but matching with you would feel really rather awkward, and that's not how I want this experience to go. (Jump cut to him seeing my profile and trying to match with me.)
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talitharabboni · 1 year ago
My sibs and I have a weekly movie night. We were watching Robin Hood: Men in Tights last week, and my sister and I had a realization. We can't be the first to notice this, but we think the hennins worn by Will Scarlet O'Hara and Achoo...
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... look an awful lot like the ones worn by Pat Carroll and Barbara Ruick in the 1965 Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella (just with different veils and about ~30 years of wear and tear).
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Could they be the same hennins? Could they be a recreation? Is this a total coincidence? The world may never know.
Edit: @recycledmoviecostumes agrees that at least the blue hennin is the same! My guess would then be that Dave Chappelle is wearing Barbara Ruick's peach hennin in Men in Tights.
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talitharabboni · 1 year ago
I pre-ordered Jill Bearup's Just Stab Me Now way back in November from Barnes & Noble. But it's not supposed to arrive until Monday, while I'm out of the state visiting my sister...
Am I the type of bookworm to buy a second copy from Amazon and have it sent to my sister's house? (Once I get home to my first copy, Copy 2 will become my lending copy.)
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(Am I also the type of girl to post about the above when I should be packing? See the above gif.)
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talitharabboni · 2 years ago
Note to self: when you're in the middle of a heat wave and living in a house with no A/C, don't eat cereal for lunch. Yes, it's cold, but your body is not, and you will have severe regrets later. (I have since resolved to go milk-free until I move in August-September.)
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talitharabboni · 2 years ago
We're in a heat wave and the A/C at my house is broken beyond repair. (We're surviving on window units and chaining fans to pull the cool air around the house.)
I'm stressing over a move I don't want to make.
Tonight I saw two roaches in the house - one in my room.
It's starting to feel like there's a conspiracy to keep me from ever getting a good night's sleep again.
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talitharabboni · 2 years ago
I've been going on a Castle rerun kick recently, and one episode focused on a car brand called Modesto Motors.
Castle and Beckett said the word "Modesto" very, very often, and it was very, very weird. They even pronounced it correctly. (The Spanish pronunciation is closer to [mo-DES-to], but we locals tend to say [muh-DES-to].)
All in all, I'd much rather have Modesto in the media this way (especially since it's most likely not an actual reference to my hometown) than a different ABC series I can think of...
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talitharabboni · 2 years ago
Ah, Mr. Jesus, you have a nasty habit of surviving.
“And if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless and you are still guilty of your sins. In that case, all who have died believing in Christ are lost! And if our hope in Christ is only for this life, we are more to be pitied than anyone in the world. ”But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead. He is the first of a great harvest of all who have died. So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man. Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life.“ 1 Corinthians 15:16-22 (New Living Translation; emphasis mine) Title is a line from MST3K, and kind of one of my favorite Easter quotes. It’s silly, but I like to imagine Satan saying it on Easter morning…
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talitharabboni · 2 years ago
The streak continues.
No matter who writes the quiz, I always get Belle.
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talitharabboni · 2 years ago
My favorite color is magenta, and when I was in college, one of my RAs nicknamed it "Robyn pink." (I can't remember if I've ever put my actual name on this blog, but for the record, it's Robyn.)
My mom just told me that Australia has pink robins! (Aren't they adorable?)
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talitharabboni · 2 years ago
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My parents' church just posted this teaser image for their summer Vacation Bible School. I like to play detective (thanks to all the Carmen Sandiego I played as a kid and the Agatha Christie books my book club keeps deciding we're going to read), so I set out to suss out as much as I could. (You can see my notes above.)
My guess is that it's set on a tropical island and it will have some sort of a treasure hunting theme. As I am not the target audience (e.g., I'm not a kid and I don't go to their church), I don't want to ruin any game or teases they've got planned. So I'm posting it here for posterity. (Though my parents work at their church and my mom has volunteered with Kids Campus, so I might send it to them to see how warm my guesses are.) Kids Campus isn't until July, so it'll be a little while before they announce anything formally.
(Yes, I know a lot of churches buy a pre-made curriculum, so why don't I just check the Bible booksellers for the answer? Because this church writes their own curriculum and does all their own art.)
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talitharabboni · 2 years ago
I rewatched "Headless" yesterday and rather than make any sort of grand finale predictions, I decided to make a list of potential Chekov's Guns.
"Chekov's Gun" is a reference to a quote by playwright Anton Chekov (of which he wrote a few variations): "Remove everything that has no relevance to the story. If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there" [Sergius Shchukin, Memoirs, 1911, emphasis mine].
(In a bit of irony, in "Poe Party" one character says she received a gun from Anton Chekov. While this is a reference to Chekov's Gun, it is not a true Chekov's Gun because it came out of nowhere. A Chekov's Gun must have been established earlier in the plot and then have a resolution.)
I'm not saying that every single item in this list will have a callback in the finale. My only prediction is that a non-zero number of these will get payoff.
improv class
Trevor's age
Kat's former job at the bowling alley
Ichabod's pressure points class
Christa's slip of paper / chemical change (lemon on paper + heat)
Matilda's recording of the Trousers' Sleepy Hollow play (why else make sure to get a shot of the play on Matilda's phone?)
The true story of the photo of Kat, Matilda, and Kat's mom (Baltus and Matilda have the same photo, but Baltus' is in color while Matilda's is sepia. This has been a clue, but perhaps there is more to the story.)
Brom keeps suggesting that Headless should be a scuba diver
"the full moon beams through the glass as the calendar turns" aka the spell Anneke cast on Henrietta, ostensibly to turn her into Headless
Brom's dad stuff
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talitharabboni · 2 years ago
Okay, my turn for a Headless theory or two...
Of the three ships mentioned in the Trousers' play, only one keeps coming up: the Lichtgevend (the one captained by Henrietta Hudson). Lichtgevend is the Dutch word for "luminous" (synonyms: incandescent, lucid, lustrous, radiant, shining, etc).
Ichabod likes to know name meanings, and so do I. Of all the character names I was able to find, only one (sometimes) means "full of light" or "brings light" - Lucretia. (Another meaning is "profit" or "riches" because it shares a Latin root word with "lucrative.")
I definitely think there's more to Lucretia than she lets on, and I think her allusion to her hair length and color is just the start. I don't think that Headless' skull is under the Storms Inn, but a clue to something else is.
(This part might be too far, but we're all about guessing and theories. Anneke Storms was a teacher who founded an orphanage, but later disappeared. (I don't think Max Lee's line was a red herring; I think we're going to find out she was indeed a witch.) The Woman in White was caught in a deadly storm. I think Anneke Storms is the Woman in White, and Lucretia might be connected to her.) Other theories/guesses:
Someone's dead parent is getting brought back via Headless. I'm leaning toward it turning out to be a horrible idea.
Women will be a key feature of the "true" history of Sleepy Hollow - the explicit mention of Henrietta Hudson as a captain of one of Henry Hudson's ships and Kat's mom's book about historical heroines and her theory that Henry Hudson didn't even found the town. ("Henry" can be a nickname for Henrietta, after all.)
If the Woman in White isn't connected to Lucretia, I still think we've already seen her.
In episode 2, Matilda said she could "help wayward souls with their headless ghost problems." That line could be also be interpreted as Ichabod being the wayward soul with the problem of a headless ghost roommate.
Kat found out last year that Baltus lied about her mom's death. She was sick at last year's Autumn Gala, and then Anne Tarry overheard Baltus and Geoffrey a week later talking about something. Could she have overheard them talking about what Kat found out about her mom?
Mysteries the show needs to solve in the next 3 episodes:
Rip Van Winkle's disappearance
The Headless Horseman's true identity
Ichabod & Headless' talisman
The Woman in White
How/if Anneke Storms is connected to Frederick Storms (captain of the Middernacht; it's never been explicitly mentioned whether they were related/married)
What Baltus and Geoffrey are/have been up to
How Kat's mom died
How (and why) Anne Tarry really died
What Kat and Matilda have been whispering about (Kat once said they're running out of time)
Who threw Paulie Tahoe that apple
Just where the heck Verla actually came from
How Trevor Trinkets can be so tall for 14 (and why his stated age seems to be dwindling...)
I may have been thinking a lot about the show while the phones have been quiet at work...
Edit: added a new thing to the mysteries list
Edit 2: Electric Boogaloo - Episode 8 shows I was right about some things(!), and off-base on a few others. Still two episodes left to see what's what.
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talitharabboni · 2 years ago
I've really enjoyed the livestream of Queen Elizabeth's lying-in-state. Not only to see the different ways people are honoring her, but also just the ambient sound of it. It's not really ASMR, it's just peaceful room tone.
I always wanted to go back to Windsor Castle the next time I go to London, but this is also making me make sure I find the King George VI Memorial Chapel so that I may finally pay my respects. (I see curtseys as signs of respect, not signs of submission, so I will most definitely curtsey.)
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talitharabboni · 2 years ago
Yes, I sing the British National Anthem.
Today, I watched the King's Accession Council and proclamation, and this was the first time I heard the anthem since the Platinum Jubilee Pageant in June.
In June, I couldn’t sing for crying at the sight of so many people expressing their love for Queen Elizabeth.
Today, I couldn’t sing for crying, either.
Godspeed, Queen Elizabeth. God save the King.
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talitharabboni · 3 years ago
It took me way too long to come up with this. Name that tune!
The chivalry of love Its commands and edicts, we know them, yea A courtly pledge is what I swear to thee No swain but I could give my love this way
I would fain tell thee all my feelings I would make thee understand
I shall ne’er relinquish thee I shall ne’er dishearten thee I shall ne’er flee hence and forsake thee I shall never crack thy heart I shall ne’er from thee depart Shall ne’er forswear my vow and abuse thee
We hath been acquainted for so long Thy heart aches, but thou Art too coy to say it Inside, we both know what hath passed between The courtly game and we gladly play it
An if thou asketh me my feelings Tell me not thine eyes art blind to see
I shall ne’er relinquish thee I shall ne’er dishearten thee I shall ne’er flee hence and forsake thee I shall never crack thy heart I shall ne’er from thee depart Shall ne’er forswear my vow and abuse thee
I shall ne’er relinquish thee I shall ne’er dishearten thee I shall ne’er flee hence and forsake thee I shall never crack thy heart I shall ne’er from thee depart Shall ne’er forswear my vow and abuse thee
We hath been acquainted for so long Thy heart aches, but thou Art too coy to say it Inside, we both know what hath passed between The courtly game and we gladly play it
I would fain tell thee how I'm feeling I would make thee understand
I shall ne’er relinquish thee I shall ne’er dishearten thee I shall ne’er flee hence and forsake thee I shall never crack thy heart I shall ne’er from thee depart Shall ne’er forswear my vow and abuse thee
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