Chapter 1
I watched Mom as she tied up the boats to the docks. I then looked up and gasped, my dad’s village was huge.
“Axel stop swooning and help me” mom snapped.
“Oh... Right” I went over to “help.” Mom, her version of help was me doing all the work and then her yelling at me for doing it all wrong. Once I’m done with it she’ll sit back and nod at it then look at me proudly saying that she did this. Mom continued to walk.
“Mom wait up!” I whined as i tied my last not and ran to her.
“Walk a little faster Axel,” she shot back to me. We walked into the village, everyone was very busy.
Mom patted my back “Oh right, we’re not very accepted here” she curtly said. Of course we wouldn’t be. Dad’s the chief and I’m the bastard child. We walked down, everyone stopped to catch a glance. Well only a few, and that too all of them were much older. Perhaps dad and mom figured out how to keep this a secret?
“What? They’ve never seen pirates before?” mom snarled at one of the guys, who quickly went back to work. I crossed my arms, embarrassed. Mom walked up to the biggest house there was, it was shaped like a grand hall but more rugged and beaten up. Mom pushed open the door “Now remember your dad is a nervous wreck... but he’s an admirable nervous wreck” she said.
“Oh?” I blinked not paying attention. I looked around and met eyes with a gorgeous boy with brown eyes and dark brown hair, he smiled at me. My face felt hot. When we’re at sea I never see guys my age, yet alone anyone my age, only obnoxious old people, mostly dirty and stinky men. I smiled at him, but before I could say anything mom grabbed my wrist and dragged me upstairs,
“Ow mom!”
“Axel remember being a heir to one of the greatest pirate crews means a measly boy cannot distract you!” she said it loudly so the boy would hear, but he seemed to not be paying attention. Talking to another hot guy with an axe. Are Teenage boys supposed to be this hot? Mom usually described them as horny slugs. Mom slammed open the door “Draven I have your bastard child with me!” she called. My face heated up, I covered it “Mom!” I let out a frustrated grunt. Mom pulled me in, how much did she drink? Did she even drink? No! she’s just a natural drunk. I looked up to see three men.
“Butch” my mom nodded to the stocky guy, “Gunner” she eyed the massive guy, “You’ve gotten fat” she mentioned then her head turned to the one guy who I assumed is my dad. Based on how done he was with my mom already. As if 16 years wasn’t enough, he forced a smile,
“Pax!” he said in fake enthusiasm “Long time no see, how’s life at the sea?” he asked then he looked at me, but quickly looked away.
“I thought we had a deal” he mumbled. Definitely my dad, mom never had an interest in men or women, she just needed a child to take her place as the “Pirate Queen” so she asked my dad to make her pregnant, he agreed. Only on one condition, if I never show my face around here. Of course when was my mom ever a follower of rules?
“Deals off, I found something that you should probably know about” mom walked over to the table. I crossed my arms, looking away. Mom turned to me “Axel get over here” she demanded.
“Right... Right” I dragged my feet over to the table, “Calm down a little will ya? Don’t want you this whole building to fall apart from your enthusiasm” mom rolled her eyes turning to the table again.
“Actually we don’t allow kids in here?” The stocky man named Butch said. Mom gave him a dirty look “Then what are you doing here?” she scoffed. Draven, my dad sighed and looked at mom “This better not be one of your fake stories” he said.
“Fake? They are all real! you noodle armed idiot!” I spoke up now, I hate it when someone treats my mom as if she was just a joke. Mom slung her arm around me “See? She’s definitely my child” mom’s chest swelled with pride “Not afraid to speak up”
“What is the problem Paxon” Draven sighed out. Mom put her notebook down finally, “Remember the treasure box we hid back when we were 16″ she said.
“Of course I remember that”
“You guys hid a treasure box?” Gunner looked at Draven judgmentally. Mom looked annoyed at everyone just interrupting her, of course she wasn’t used to this kind of disrespect, she was after all the so called “Pirate Queen”
“Anyways” she said loudly, “It’s missing, me and Axel went to check on it and it was gone”
Now Draven looked pale “Gone?” he gulped.
“Yup” mom stared right at him unfazed, while Draven looked like he was ready to have a panic attack. I looked between them, uneasy tension. I crossed my arms “Mom why are you”
“Do you have any idea where it could be?” Draven interrupted me.
“Well... The only two people I know who knew where it was located was you and me, ok well I told Axel it was going to be her birthday present to know this family secret” mom went on a ramble about that becoming a family tradition. Draven held his stomach “Oh no... not at a time like this” he groaned then sat down on the ground.
“So like why was it important?” I asked.
“I wanted to explain it to you when you saw the box” mom grumbled. Dad’s eyes lit up “but you still have the key correct” he asked. Mom stuck two fingers in her cleavage. and pulled the key up “You have yours right?” she asked.
“Of course I keep it in my room, where only me and Blaze go into” he said. Mom raised her eyebrow then crossed her arms “Your kids?”
“Ambrose and Dagger wouldn’t know about it” he rolled his eyes and got up, “Why does she know about it? That was supposed to be our secret” he said. Gunner cleared his throat
“Should we leave?” he asked.
“This was getting good though” Butch rubbed his chin looking over at mom “You don’t suppose you daughter already found a suitor” he said. Mom gave him a disgusted look.
“She’s 16, and we pirates do not simply get married!” she claimed, “We simply just find men worthy enough to give us children” she crossed her arms proudly. One thing which I always wondered is that what if she gave birth to a boy? Would she just simply ask Draven for another one saying that this one is broken? I never want to ask because mom starts to go off topic and way into detail about things I don’t want to hear from my mom.
“I wasn’t asking for me, I’m married, I was asking for my sons” he said. Mom raised a brow “Sons you say?” she eyed him down “If they ever look like you, it will not happen” she scoffed.
“You two out of the room” Draven snapped his fingers at them, Butch and Gunner grumbled but left very reluctantly. Mom crossed her arms as she watched them leave. My parents faced each other, something told me I would have a hard time keeping up with both of them. But I stood there waisting for them to speak up anyways. Draven took a deep breath,
“Ambrose and Dagger don’t know anything about the box even if they did I know both them wouldn’t have stolen it” Draven defended.
“And what about your wife?” mom tilted her head, Draven shook his head “You would know how she is” he waved off. Mom groaned and sat back in her chair, now I know something was wrong. Whatever was in that box must’ve been important, because mom never gets worried about anything unless it’s important. Mom sighed out and held her head “Axel” her voice was calm.
“Yes?” I said crossing my arms.
“Go out and se your father’s village, you’ve never been around people your age, maybe this will help you” she looked at me faking a smile. I nodded and backed away from mom. Draven seemed like he didn’t like that idea but didn’t want to say anything because clearly my mom was upset.
“Well just don’t tell anyone about your parents” he said. I eyed him down “For my information you’re just one of the many lovers my mom has had in the past 16 years” I said defensively. Draven didn’t seem to mind that, instead he ignored me and slumped into another chair equally worried as mom. I left the room and put my hand in my pockets, although something tell me he wasn’t on the same page as mom.
Finally first chapter done!
Hope someone’s reading this, pretty tiring to type this all up :)
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I woke up groaning, the sun hitting my face, I rubbed my eyes. Three, two, one, the door slammed open “Good morning Axel!” Mera my mom’s first mate, sand loudly. I looked at her tiredly
“Close the door will ya? Mom’s crew will see me in my underwear again” I yawned. Mera closed the door, “Good morning Axel!” she repeated.
“Good morning Mera” I sighed.
“It’s your birthday! and your mom has something planned out for you” she looked out the window by my bed, “Mom does? For my birthday?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Of course! Now get ready, the captain is waiting” she winked and left my room. I got out of bed and changed into my clothes.
Mom sat at the top of the ship, once she saw me she jumped down, she grabbed me by the arm and smiled “What took you so long?” she seemed excited, she dragged me to the front of the ship, you see that island over there? she asked.
“Yeah?” I said looking at her, “That’s where I realized your father was good enough to give me you” she said. I never met my dad, but mom says I look just like him. I asked if she missed him, mom just shrugs “he was a close friend nothing else” is all she says. I try to look for pain in her eyes but she honestly doesn’t care. Whenever I ask about him she tells me everything she knows about him. From what I get from it is that dad’s a chief of one of the most innovative villages, he’s stupid like most men, but slightly better than most. I never agreed on the way mom views men, I don’t think men are dumb. But I also haven’t met many of them.
“Ew mom”
“It’s only natural, at one point you’ll have to do it too” she said, “uh-huh” I agreed so she wouldn’t lecture me on this anymore. Mom walked around the ship and I followed her, “Oh looks like the princess is up eh?”Hatchet called pointing his beer cup to me. Mom snapped her fingers “Get back to work, this is going to be a busy day” she snapped. Mom put her hands on her hips and took in the ocean breeze, “You’ll love this birthday surprised” she breathed in, the wind blew into her curly long blonde hair, her slim and lean figure stood straight, she had light blue eyes perfect for staring daggers at anyone. She was the so called “Pirate Queen” because she ruled the see, stood above every other pirate.
I was raised on this boat, land was a weird feeling to me, since we rarely were on land. The people on mom’s crew talk about how funny it was when I was a baby, she would try to scream at them, but I would be asleep so she would yell softly so I wouldn’t wake up.
“Mom the island is that way why did you move to the back of the boat?” I asked. Mom looked at me confused for a bit, “Oh that?” She gave me a funny look, “Yeah that’s part of your birthday present but this is the more important one” she walked towards the inside of the ship and she walked into her room. I crossed my arms, mom wasn’t a loving mom to me. She raised me in more of a “tough love” way, but she had her moments. Mom pulled something from out her bed and she gave it to me, “It’s a box?” I said.
“Don’t be stupid open it” she smiled excitedly. I opened it, then gasped, “It’s a whip!” I pulled it out, mom took a step back “Perfect to use!” she agreed with my happiness.
“Mom how did you know I wanted this!” I said.
“Oh because you’re too weak to use any other weapon! So I thought Why not a whip?” and mom just ruined the moment for me. I gave her a dirty look, the she pulled me in for a hug and kissed my head “Happy birthday!”
“Thanks mom” I sighed.
“We’re here!” Gavin slid past our room, Mom pulled away, “Oh but you’ll love this even more” she smiled.
We got on to the island, of course I felt dizzy at first, the ground was just way too still. Mom however walked two steps then fell over, I regained my balance and walked past mom. Mom slowly got up and walked towards me “Hold on there’s a specific place for this” she said then walked past me to follow her. The island was empty, no one lived her. It was just grass and wind. Mom stopped at the one place where there was a patch of dirt “Oh no” she got on the ground, there was a hole dug up, “Oh no no no no, It’s gone” mom breathed. What’s missing?” I asked.
“The present, our family secret!” mom got up now charging back to the boat “Axel get the smaller boat ready, we need to pay a visit to your father” she said. I blinked “I’ve never met my dad” I told her.
“Axel!” she screamed. I jumped up “Ok! I get it!”
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