Come on down, it's a helluva town
15 posts
Official Bonus Content blog for Tales By Candlelight! All special announcements, lore, comics (side and extra), and character profiles will be put here! Enjoy the show! WARNING: This is an R18 blog as it will tackle dark subject matter. If you are uncomfortable, I highly suggest you avoid this blog. However, if you still wish to read, know that everything will be properly tagged so that you can avoid them.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
tales-by-candlelight-blog · 2 years ago
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Okay so like I was practicing to make things more stylized for my comics, and I did that in the form of a reference sheet! Used my girl as a test drive and safe to say...I'm happy with the result!
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 3 years ago
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TBC Character Profile: Allison Pepper
FINALLY have a reference sheet for her! One of...a few anyways lmao. But hey here she is!
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 3 years ago
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𝐓𝐁𝐂 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞: 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐨𝐧
Tadaaah! Hartford’s official (and hopefully final) character profile! I’m gonna touch up the text a wee bit more but tbh I’m just glad to have this done lol
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 3 years ago
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A character reference sheet for my boi Hartford! Here for all your fanart needs~
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 4 years ago
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So I made a character chart thingy after seeing an artist I follow have it on their toyhouse! It was really fun to use.
Also big watermark to protect my stuff %D
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 4 years ago
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I did the tiddy meme lol
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 4 years ago
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The prologue cast for Tales by Candlelight! (Sort of lol)
I was mostly fiddling with color values.
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 4 years ago
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Ta dahhh I'm making new character profiles! For now it's gonna be simple, like basic info and color schemes, all that. Later I'll make ones that'll go more in depth than these.
But for now, have the first and most titular character of our cast, Brew!
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 4 years ago
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Tales by Candlelight Minisode #1
Younger siblings say the darndest things don't they?
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 5 years ago
My boi Hartford's profile! Along with a slight design update!
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 5 years ago
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The first of many official profiles for this series! Here we are starting with Allison. There will be more posted (and possibly updated a tad because uh...that text layout...hoo boi), so look out for those!
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 5 years ago
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The show begins...
Hello everyone! Welcome to the official blog of Candlelight City! After a long debate, I've finally decided to make a place where I can put all of the work I have for this project. Things are still in the process of being worked on, but I hope you all will stick around nonetheless!
I'm very excited to share this tale with you all, and I hope you will like all of what you see here too!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy!
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 5 years ago
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Meet the cast of Candlelight City!
Say hello to the main cast of this comic! I busted my arm off making this, though in the future I plan on redoing it so it looks more cleaner.
Either way, get used to these faces, because you'll be seeing them quite a lot!
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 5 years ago
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Species Sheet: Objectos
A small reference sheet for Objectos! It covers the more basic info regarding their physique, since they do a lot of the more physical labor along with Animalcium.
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tales-by-candlelight-blog · 5 years ago
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Candlelight City: Species
The region of Candlelight City is vast, expanding upon areas of land that are home to multiple species. Each one has a native area they hail from, but that will be explained in a later post. For now, we'll be going over what lives in each of them.
(Note: There will also be a post on its own that summarizes each species as well)
Consisting of people that have object heads. Dishware is the more dominant kind, but there are others like paintbrushes, billiard balls, gardening tools, the like. They are the most durable out of all the species (although there are some exceptions depending on the object), so they usually enter more laborious jobs like architecture, construction, soldiers, farmers, the like.
Objectos are the species that have abilities ranging from forms of kinesis to simply shooting steam out of their fingers. They can also have no abilities at all, but among them, as well as Naturia, it's rather rare. It's preferable to enter a job that allows them use of their abilities as freely as possible and to make it more efficient for them to get their job completed.
They can be compatible with any other species except Sapianis.
People that are plants. Ranging from something simple like a weed to ornate flowers and towering redwood. While they aren't as durable compared to Objectos, they still assist in hardworking jobs like farming, but aside from that, they prefer a more quiet life deep in nature away from larger civilizations.
Naturians also make their own clothes out of what they are already formed out of, but certain jobs require uniforms, so they wear those over them (this isn't a rule in Naturian homeland, however, as they feel no need to do so). They can style themselves how they want as well, by simply shifting it around, but some Naturians enter the clothing industry as they are the main provider of cloth and other materials that go out to the other provinces.
A subcategory of Naturians are creatures made of elements such as water, fire, and light. They aren't as common as the plants, but they help with the ecosystem in their province, also assisting in altering the weather when needed (only ever for emergencies though). Light and Darkness elementals are extremely rare, and Light elementals are regarded highly, coming from more luxurious families. But Darkness elementals are not seen as such. They are thought to be bad omens, considered unlucky, and as such are not as welcome in the province. They live in the more poorer areas.
They can be compatible with Objectos, other Naturia, Culinarium, and Animalcium.
People made of food. Mainly dominated by desserts, there is a good amount that hail from both Culinarium and Objectos parents. Where they live is a place that many cooks and patisseries come from, so they usually take jobs in resturaunts and smaller businesses like cafes. They are respected in the food industry, and their province gives out large shipments of well grown produce to the rest of the other provinces.
The more harder jobs they help with includes farming, doing inspections for the quality of the produce.
A lot of Culinariums are made of drinks, and as such it's expected for a Naturia to marry an Objectos to make a Culinarium child, although they aren't counted as Culinarium in the province and as such are considered as an Objectos to everyone else.
They can be compatible with other Culinariums, Objectos, Naturia, and Animalcium.
Every animal in existence. Birds, cats, dogs, even snakes and fish fall in here. Their species almost rivals that of Objectos, being the second leading in how many there are compared to the other species. They are more anthro in appearance, although some will walk or run on all fours if they so desired (albeit it's looked down upon in any other place besides their province).
Predators are more prominent than prey animals, so due to their nature, they are more likely to find work or be taken more seriously than prey.
Not many have abilities, unless their parent is a species that does, so they are the ones that are not dependent on them. All of what they due are from their own strength and prowess, being very popular in the hunting and game business.
They are compatible with every species.
Ghosts, zombies and the like are a part of this group. If they were created through unnatural means, or are the remnants of what was once living, they usually go here. Their province is more suited for them, certain areas having special places that's out of sunlight's reach. Some can appear to be human, going into places where others wouldn't suspect a thing otherwise.
They are second leading to Objectos in terms of abilities, though more limited compared to them.
Creatures of myths and legends also go here, like vampires and mermaids.
They are compatible with other Paranormis, Objectos, Animalcium, and Sapianis.
The least common, humans. They do exist, although they're more rare than any other species following behind Paranormis. Thankfully, despite being one of the more less durable species, they are able to work in many professions.
However, they tend to not have a good reputation to Naturians and Animalciums due to them not being as caring with nature and wildlife when setting up their province. There aren't many that live among the two because of that.
Sapianis can have abilities, but unlike the others than can be born with them, they have to learn and teach themselves. There are a good number of schools set up around Candlelight City if any wanted to learn.
They are compatible with other Sapianis, Paranormis, Animalcium, and Culinarium.
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